Dark Phazon
Smash Hero
I was reading...
So the Wii U Pro pad doesnt have a headphone/mic jack.
The gamepad/tablet only has a headphone jack no mic jac
So you gotta plug your 3rd party (-_-) Headset into the gamepad then lie the gamepad beside you (#_#)
but you gotta stick the gamepad on charge because it will die in 4 hours (-_-)
Then continue to play with your Pro Pad (+_0)
Nintendo..Nintendo..Sigh... i give up..

So the Wii U Pro pad doesnt have a headphone/mic jack.
The gamepad/tablet only has a headphone jack no mic jac
So you gotta plug your 3rd party (-_-) Headset into the gamepad then lie the gamepad beside you (#_#)
but you gotta stick the gamepad on charge because it will die in 4 hours (-_-)
Then continue to play with your Pro Pad (+_0)
Nintendo..Nintendo..Sigh... i give up..