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Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
There's a very good ROB main in my region and I can't seem to beat him. What seems to give me the most trouble is ROB's camping with lasers and gyros as well as his off stage game. Also when he gets my bananas he uses them very effectively with glide tossing. What should I be trying to do in this matchup?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I can't really say, just running shield to approach and always watch what he's doing. All robs have a pattern with their aerials and if you find it then you can sometimes punish it. Its just a matchup you need to keep playing tbh, but you can practice SDI'ing the dsmash, just hold up. You can utilt him afterwards if you SDI it at low percents.


Smash Cadet
May 14, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom
Wait...CAMPING?! I just wouldnt play that guy, until he decides to fight with honor. If you really have to play him, then maybe you just need practice. But personally, I think that's very cheap of him.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
the Rob match up isn't too bad. I'd say 50:50 or a little in our favor. What you're supposed to do is run up and be cautious, like everyone above me has said. Then once you've got inside, bring hell. The ROB match up, Diddy is seriously supposed to have a field day and wrack up as much damage as he can before Rob can runaway again.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Wait...CAMPING?! I just wouldnt play that guy, until he decides to fight with honor. If you really have to play him, then maybe you just need practice. But personally, I think that's very cheap of him.
Obviously you never played a good player with a campy character.

snake/falco/fox/pit etcetera


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM

His slow fall speed/weak horizontal movement BEGS to be juggled to oblivion.

Another tip is to not throw the gyro back at him, but instead smash throw it upwards, so his laser is the only projectile he has for a few seconds (and is thus forced to approach YOU) :)

Don't get dtilt locked, and remember his sideB can shield poke if you don't aim it properly (otherwise, it's punishable beyond all reason).

Hope this helps.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Wait...CAMPING?! I just wouldnt play that guy, until he decides to fight with honor. If you really have to play him, then maybe you just need practice. But personally, I think that's very cheap of him.
rly? wow.

Rob gets combo'd really easy, but if he can control bananas well, it makes the matchup easier. Rob can gimp diddy really well, but diddy can get the spike if he waits for the Uair/Nair out of Robs UpB.

Glide toss combos suck to get hit with, but if rob is smart he can catch your bananas, and combo them into grabs to get you off stage and set up for a fair gimp.

Dekar has some good advice, rob is very vulnerable from below. if you can, avoid stages with platforms that will let him land early. On stages like FD you can continually harass him and build damage with projectile traps as he tries to make it to the ground.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
lols. How is a matchup stupid? I think I might try approaching more by jumping and throwing bananas to give him a harder time with lasers and take me out of range of the gyro. Also, I like that idea of up-throw and juggling. I'll have to try those out.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
the reason is because rob aeriels are slow and Diddy can punish rob hard by interrupting with bananas. Rob gets ***** in the air while the match is even on the ground due to the fact of Gyro and laser. Approaching might be a problem but ground approaches are <3. Rob can gimp Diddy by Fair and spike if you mistime your Barrel. hmm...ill tell you more of this matchup later since im at skool typing this ^.^


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Ive been having ROB problems too but mostly because of inexperience with the matchup. I just dont know what to do. He hides behind his gyro and lasers. So I have to throw banana from above cause the gyro blocks them from the ground. Then I get punished. I hate ROB.
Hopefully the advice here will help.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
Ive been having ROB problems too but mostly because of inexperience with the matchup. I just dont know what to do. He hides behind his gyro and lasers. So I have to throw banana from above cause the gyro blocks them from the ground. I have ROB.
ugh same, i need more matchup experience

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Wait...CAMPING?! I just wouldnt play that guy, until he decides to fight with honor. If you really have to play him, then maybe you just need practice. But personally, I think that's very cheap of him.
....dude lol.

Honestly, I cut my loses with versing ROB awhile ago and started cp'ing metaknight against him. That is my advice lol. It is a uphill battle with diddy, and if you want to consistently win it get ready to put some work into that match-up.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2008
Use banana peels more, and keep controll of them.

When diddy isn't aggressive, he makes ROB's time a lot easier.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
hyow are we supposed to get around his ftilt ? Used the right way we can't even punish it and it outranges both our fair and ftilt :dizzy:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
MFK > Ftilt iirc. Or you can SH over and Bair/Fair/Nair/Uair. ROB is a deformed ball, you can juggle it but it's hard to. It's kind of an easy match-up if you can stay grounded.

Shield the lazer and gyros. Shield grab the Dsmash. DA>Usmash for shield poking, but beware getting shield grabbed yourself. Uair, Dtilt, and Utilt are awesome in this fight. Also wise to use only one naner, so you don't have to struggle through 2 nanerz and a gyro under rob's control, since his glide toss is good too.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Here's my write-up of the ROB match-up, copy and pasted from the Diddy Kong Back Room after a couple of people had similar questions regarding difficulty with the character (with a few edits for cleanliness and presentation).

I originally wrote the synopsis drunk.

I love ROB. My crew-mate hasn't won a single match against me in the year 2009, and I beat Sudai pretty handily in a few friendlies at WHOBO. Here are a couple of very recent matches my crew-mate and I recorded:

  1. Bwamp (ROB) vs. Le THieN (Diddy) #1
  2. Bwamp (ROB) vs. Le THieN (Diddy) #2
Quick blurbs about the match-up:

  • ROB's laser is a very telegraphed move. They will laser to put space between you, after bouncing a partially-charged Gyro on the ground for UNBEARABLE DOUBLE SHIELD PRESSURE, or deploy it as an edge-guarding tactic. It's not a very difficult move to anticipate, especially once you learn to power-shield on instinct as you see his start-up frames.

  • Gyro is mostly used in this match-up as either an edge-guarding resource, a means to distract Diddys whenever he's recovering back on stage, or something to limit Diddy's banana offense. Obviously, this can be a great nuisance. Your solution? - Perform a running power shield next to it and make it vanish. Shielding briefly extends your collision boxes and will remove the Gyro from the field of battle. It is often times very difficult to pick up a stationary Gyro off the ground while the hit-box is still active; if you are keen on turning Gyro against ROB or throwing it up in the air so that he can't produce another Gyro (up-throwing Gyro keeps it in the air between a solid 3-4 seconds), run into it, take the 2-3% damage that it deals, make the hit-box disappear and pick it up.

  • If ROB gets spot-dodge-happy whenever you're in point-blank range, there are a number of things you can do:
    • shield
    • N-air
    • learn when the invincibility frames of his spot-dodge ends so you can grab him
    • time your F-smash so that it hits him when he reappears
    • glide-toss a banana peel and throw it down inside of his spot-dodge if you are armed
    • eat the D-smash, SDI it and punish it accordingly

  • Speaking of which, become acclimated with all the scenarios in which ROB will D-smash. He will usually D-smash when you are in close-quarters proximity or out of a spot-dodge the majority of the time. In many cases you don't even have to SDI; you simply just have to hold up on the directional stick. This tactic can single-handedly break the entire match-up for not just Diddy, but a good portion of the cast as well.

  • ROB's D-smash is not safe against your shield. Punish it severely with virtually any move. I usually favor OOS aerials in this situation, but even a properly-timed F-smash will connect.

  • ROB is garbage at ledge-camping Diddy, especially if you power-shield everything. Z-drop a banana peel on his ho-*ss.

  • ROB is pure tech-chasing fodder due to his abnormally large hit-boxes. You can hit him with banana peels from almost any sort of angle. His shield also doesn't seem to be very great, as pressuring his shield with banana peels always results in a surprisingly high degree of shield-stabbing.

  • ROB's recovery is very linear. Prep your off-stage spike setups accordingly.

  • This mother****er is awful once you get him stuck on a platform. Don't ask questions - just close your eyes, take him to BF or LC or any place with platforms, and destroy him.
    • Conversely, try not to get stuck above him. That seems to be where Diddy is also at his weakest in this match-up, and ROB has all sorts of moves and tactics to fall back on to juggle you and keep you in the air.
I wrote all this wasted. I'm going to have a terrible hangover tomorrow.
EDIT: I just want to quickly acknowledge a couple of other statements made so far in this thread:

Once you shut out the utility of his projectiles, proper zoning with banana peels will eliminate the threat of the rest of his great moves (namely D-smash, F-tilt and D-tilt). Contrary to what has already been claimed, I find it easiest to zone ROB on smaller stages with platforms (i.e. Battlefield) and will try to avoid stages with long, open spaces (*ahem*).

My goal is to always keep ROB within a glide toss' distance, but always remain outside of his range. Mid-range combat is where ROB suffers the greatest - he's neither close enough to deploy his excellent jab or tilt game or far enough for to safely camp with his projectiles - and Diddy Kong happens to have some of the best resources to abuse that fact.

This is one of the few match-ups in the game where I would confidently give Diddy Kong the nod in advantage.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
i saw where u fsmashed his spotdodge thats very useful and the only rob i fight down here is seibrik lol (hes picking up rob for ****sngigs. the gyro was his best utility to shield poke/pressyure. and what i love abusing in this matchup is side b :3 its just so beast against fatties. and thanks thien that actually helped me alot against the matchup watching u play. hopefully it works today at tourney.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Man i didn't beat Hanson's awesome wall of text :(

Just one thing i didn't see in there...If they throw the gyro throw a naner, the gyro will get hit back but the naner will stay there...

Rob is a combo dummy...


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Thien, you have always just seemed like you would be the kind of guy that would get stoned for no apparent reason. I have never actually seen you but you just give off that kind of vibe.

Anyway, this matchup differs greatly from person to person. Some people just find it really annoying and others don't know what the big deal is. I am somewhere in the middle just chillin. ROB is no different from other heavyweight characters (I call them bricks). They slip and you can combo them to oblivion. Just remember that ROB has nothing very noteworthy besides his projectiles. His tilts are ok but they are just attacks. Use your bananas to get through them. ROB gets pretty dangerous with your nanners with his long glide toss but if he gets a hold of them, you arn't doing a good job as a Diddy.

Rob can get gimped pretty easily imo but I have never really faced a great ROB player before. Everything I am saying is based off of small tourneys and such. Just spike his ^B and shoot your peanuts until he is forced to use it.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Anyway, this matchup differs greatly from person to person.
LOL, then what's the point of match-up ratios if there is going to be such a drastic disparity in skill and approaches to individual match-ups? I'm vehemently against the use of concrete numbers to measure the difficulty level of match-ups, but I think the point to sharing each others' knowledge and tactics when it comes to underplayed match-ups such as this is to put everyone else on the same plane of understanding so that we can eliminate the gap in match-up comprehension between person to person.

Just remember that ROB has nothing very noteworthy besides his projectiles. His tilts are ok but they are just attacks.
I disagree greatly. Of all the heavyweights, I would rank ROB's close-quarters tilt game tied for second best with Ike behind Donkey Kong's (who wins out because of the sheer speed and range on all three of his tilts, and the inverted knock-back property on his first jab can occasionally result in some tricky jab-canceling mind games). If you are unfortunate enough to be caught deep inside his range of a competent ROB without a banana peel, you will probably get *****. A lot of pressure and confusion that can be applied by a series of mix-ups between his one-two jab, jab cancels, angled F-tilts and D-tilts. A ROB who is weaving in-between all these options can force a lot of mistakes (such as bad DI) from wrong predictions.

Diddy Kong is lucky because he at least has a few options that shut down the utility of ROB's close-quarters combat game. Why do you think he does so well against non-projectile characters like Marth, anyway? - If ROB can properly anticipate a F-air, a properly spaced F-tilt will stuff the advance every single time. To my knowledge, NinjaLink hasn't dropped a set to NEO's Marth in the year 2009.

Rob can get gimped pretty easily imo but I have never really faced a great ROB player before. Everything I am saying is based off of small tourneys and such. Just spike his ^B and shoot your peanuts until he is forced to use it.
ROB actually can alter the route of his recovery by canceling his Robo Burner and then even using B-air to change directions. It is linear and largely punishable for the most part, but be wary of the ROBs who don't always recover in a vertical line from underneath the stage, especially if you are going for flashy spike kills; the tables can be easily turned against you if you are careless enough.

Finally, I only get high, like, once a month. =)


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
I hate the tier list and people who think they know matchups perfectly. I agree that you can't put a number on two characters. Some people play different than others and there is no way to really say which play style is better for the given situation. However, it is still okay to say that Falco and Pit give Diddy trouble.

I disagree greatly. Of all the heavyweights, I would rank ROB's close-quarters tilt game tied for second best with Ike behind Donkey Kong's (who wins out because of the sheer speed and range on all three of his tilts, and the inverted knock-back property on his first jab can occasionally result in some tricky jab-canceling mind games). If you are unfortunate enough to be caught deep inside his range of a competent ROB without a banana peel, you will probably get *****. A lot of pressure and confusion that can be applied by a series of mix-ups between his one-two jab, jab cancels, angled F-tilts and D-tilts. A ROB who is weaving in-between all these options can force a lot of mistakes (such as bad DI) from wrong predictions.

Diddy Kong is lucky because he at least has a few options that shut down the utility of ROB's close-quarters combat game. Why do you think he does so well against non-projectile characters like Marth, anyway? - If ROB can properly anticipate a F-air, a properly spaced F-tilt will stuff the advance every single time. To my knowledge, NinjaLink hasn't dropped a set to NEO's Marth in the year 2009.
I don't remember a time when Diddy couldn't use a banana to get out of any situation. Any Diddy should have a banana, end of discussion. Diddy shouldn't have a problem with any close combat character "******" him. Thats just the way I see it and you might disagree but whatever. I never meant to say ROB had inferior tilts to anyone, I was just saying that Diddy CAN get around them; the only thing that I could see getting in the way is his projectile game because Diddy has trouble getting in close.

And you will always smoke too much in my eyes Thien.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I don't remember a time when Diddy couldn't use a banana to get out of any situation. Any Diddy should have a banana, end of discussion. Diddy shouldn't have a problem with any close combat character "******" him. Thats just the way I see it and you might disagree but whatever. I never said ROB had inferior tilts to anyone, I was just saying that Diddy CAN get around them; the only thing that I could see getting in the way is his projectile game because Diddy has trouble getting in close.
LOL, I just said that with different words, brother. =) "If you are unfortunate enough to get caught in his range without bananas," etc. Okay, we agree with each other. Shut up and pass dat blunt.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
LOL, I just said that with different words, brother. =) "If you are unfortunate enough to get caught in his range without bananas," etc. Okay, we agree with each other. Shut up and pass dat blunt.
No I paid good money for this.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Rob can get gimped pretty easily imo but I have never really faced a great ROB player before. Everything I am saying is based off of small tourneys and such. Just spike his ^B and shoot your peanuts until he is forced to use it.
smart robs won't get gimped.

rob can Uair before diddy can spike.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
wait... Norcal? Which rob are you talking about?
lols. I go to school up in Oregon. I've been playing a lot of friendlies against t0mmy lately. He's easily the best ROB in the Pacific Northwest and perhaps the best player overall. I seem to do much better in this matchup as Snake. I have a tough time getting through all ROB's projectiles and his off stage game is just mean. I'm not joking. Trying to gimp this guy is pretty much suicide and even if you do hit him he still lives with that ridiculous recovery. I think this matchup is good for diddy if the ROB player isn't too great but against a great ROB it's pretty dam tough.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
ROB is my secondary.

You should have NO trouble whatsoever against him with diddy. Rob is so slow and has alot of lag to his move. Easily predictable etc. Just practice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
I agree that I should practice. That's the only true way to get better at this game. But I think you're oversimplifying it. Quite a few of his moves are pretty slow and predictable but when spaced correctly are very difficult punish. It's not like I just throw bananas, combo, and then win.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
and then you got hit, and I'm back on the stage now
Who says that uair connects. That's the problem with situational advise like yours. You assume what you say will actually happen. Diddy has bananas and peanuts (not as much as nanners) to stop any aerial in time to spike.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
I secondary ROB, and here are some pointers

- Pressure him a ton. He can outcamp you lol

- Go for him when he is above you, know about the blind spots

- I don't know what else to say :(. ROB has a pretty tough time landing KO moves so try to make him work for it.
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