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Ridley for SSBB

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Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
Ridley's stage is NORFAIR. How can you ask what Ridley's stage would be? IT'S NORFAIR! It's always been Norfair.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Maryland; DC suburbs
I think it would be neat if they remade the stage from the Ridley fight in the original Metroid, just without the walls and doors. If that's no good, then I'd go for the MP fight area. And if he doesn't make it in, I'll bring tissues, then write a very angry letter to send for all to sign.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2006
Like Stryks said, the shrine would fire lasers, but an instant KO? That's pretty cheap. Maybe It would be like Master Hand's laser attack OR it would just seek out a character and would stun him so he wouldn't be able to move for like 2 seconds or so.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
May I make a suggestion? How about if they don't give us Ridley for Brawl, then we form an angry mob with pitchforks, torches, guns, and our wiis and we attack Nintendo or we can hold them hostage until they make us a version with Ridley.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah I exagerated with the lasers, when the lasers shot ridley in MP, it almost killecit... tough I think the fall over the cliff did that, well yeah i think it could be like master hands lasers, tough more powerful...


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Colbus will let you cry on his shoulder......
why my shoulder? why not yours?

anyway, i just named 2 places where I have fought ridley. i have never played the originals. but norfair sounds alright, but i still will go for the stage in MP, or the falling level in MP3.

Zombie Cola

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
why my shoulder? why not yours?

anyway, i just named 2 places where I have fought ridley. i have never played the originals. but norfair sounds alright, but i still will go for the stage in MP, or the falling level in MP3.
Lol, I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
NOTE: If you are too lazy to read this, copy and paste it into a Text Document on your P.C., dead blame it.

Here are some reasons why Ridley will not be in SSBB:

|1.| His official size is X-Large. Even though he was small in the NES Metroid and the SSBM opening. The NES Metroid is remade for the GBA as Metroid: Zero Mission, and he is now large in that title. The NES Metroid was like a prototype, even Kraid was small. Ridley being small in the SSBM opening was an error, just like Kirby was white on the front cover of the American version of Kirby's Dream Land 1. There are more Metroid titles that show him large. I know the size doesn't matter, but like Doshin the Giant and the giants from Shadow of the Colossus, Ridley's official size is X-Large. Sakurai added Kirby, not only because Kirby is an all*star, but also because Sakurai wants to see his pink creation in the SSB titles. How did Kirby super-size himself? He either used his inhaling ability to puff himself up to a perfect size OR he is using his new ability: SMASH KIRBY. I know Bowser appeared in different sizes, but in some Mario titles, Bowser was using things like the Star Rod, Shine Sprites, and the Stars from SM64 to super-size himself to try and defeat Mario. He was small in some Mario titles, but that doesn't mean that his official size is unknown, his official size is the same one from SSBM. I know Pichu and Pikachu were small in Pokemon/Pocket Monsters titles, but many Pokemon appear in different sizes the same way fish are in the sport of fishing.


|2.| Kraid was used as part of a Metroid stage in SSBM, and I'm sure it would happen to Ridley, because Sakurai might need him for a brand, spankin' new Metroid stage in SSBB. Metroid stages without Ridley can be quite boring.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
NOTE: If you are too lazy to read this, copy and paste it into a Text Document on your P.C., dead blame it.

Here are some reasons why Ridley will not be in SSBB:

|1.| His official size is X-Large. Even though he was small in the NES Metroid and the SSBM opening. The NES Metroid is remade for the GBA as Metroid: Zero Mission, and he is now large in that title. The NES Metroid was like a prototype, even Kraid was small. Ridley being small in the SSBM opening was an error, just like Kirby was white on the front cover of the American version of Kirby's Dream Land 1. There are more Metroid titles that show him large. I know the size doesn't matter, but like Doshin the Giant and the giants from Shadow of the Colossus, Ridley's official size is X-Large. Sakurai added Kirby, not only because Kirby is an all*star, but also because Sakurai wants to see his pink creation in the SSB titles. How did Kirby super-size himself? He either used his inhaling ability to puff himself up to a perfect size OR he is using his new ability: SMASH KIRBY. I know Bowser appeared in different sizes, but in some Mario titles, Bowser was using things like the Star Rod, Shine Sprites, and the Stars from SM64 to super-size himself to try and defeat Mario. He was small in some Mario titles, but that doesn't mean that his official size is unknown, his official size is the same one from SSBM. I know Pichu and Pikachu were small in Pokemon/Pocket Monsters titles, but many Pokemon appear in different sizes the same way fish are in the sport of fishing.
Sakurai said making Ridley small in the Melee opening was an error? I never heard of that! [/sarcasm] The pokemon NEVER have different sizes, except in SSB. Pikachu should not be waist height to Samus and Captain Falcon. He should be knee height at most. And smash Kirby? Dude, was that the best you could do? And the smash Kirby excuse doesn't work for Meta Knight (or King Dedede if he gets in) so drop it.

Ridley's excuse for always changing sizes is because they keep rebuilding him in a different way.


|2.| Kraid was used as part of a Metroid stage in SSBM, and I'm sure it would happen to Ridley, because Sakurai might need him for a brand, spankin' new Metroid stage in SSBB. Metroid stages without Ridley can be quite boring.
You barely see Ridley in the Metroid stages of SSB64 and SSBM! All he did was fly around barely visable! If they didn't include him nobody would have cared. Besides, Sakurai's a smart guy. He was able to make two Metroid stages without using Ridley as an important factor in them, and he can do it again.

Now, do you know why Ridley WOULD be included?
FlipTroopa said:
Ridley-- Sakurai openly stated he wanted more Metroid characters. Whether that's legit, or just his polluted idea of "giving Western fans their own share," I'm not sure. But he's already redesigned Samus to match her Prime outfit (as well as her emblem), and is going all out by tossing in Zero Suit Samus. So is Ridley far behind? He has made a comment, not pertaining specifically to Ridley, that Metroid has leapt to a major forerunner franchise for the company again, and he feels that it's his duty to do it justice. Ridley is also tied for second most requested character, even on the Japanese polls.
He would also fit nicely with the improved aerial battle since he could have similar flying power like Kirby. We also need more villains and who better than a space dragon?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ridley is the most wanted Metroid character, and Sakurai said he wanted more of them, so that pretty much riases his chances, so what of the size doesnt matter! Im pretty sure Custom robo characters will be in brawl and there 6 inches tall, they can remake them taller, and they can remake rdley shorter, another thin in SSB64 the characters were toys, in ssbm they were throphies, meaning they were all small, so there WAS a ridley trophie, so just because ridley is huge doesnt mean hes out, sorry parrto but im SURE rdiely WILL be in brawl...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wow me and Super ciool agree in something, and if something like that can happen, so can ridley be in brawl!
Sorry for double post...


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
NOTE: If you are too lazy to read this, copy and paste it into a Text Document on your P.C., dead blame it.

Here are some reasons why Ridley will not be in SSBB:

|1.| His official size is X-Large. Even though he was small in the NES Metroid and the SSBM opening. The NES Metroid is remade for the GBA as Metroid: Zero Mission, and he is now large in that title. The NES Metroid was like a prototype, even Kraid was small. Ridley being small in the SSBM opening was an error, just like Kirby was white on the front cover of the American version of Kirby's Dream Land 1. There are more Metroid titles that show him large. I know the size doesn't matter, but like Doshin the Giant and the giants from Shadow of the Colossus, Ridley's official size is X-Large. Sakurai added Kirby, not only because Kirby is an all*star, but also because Sakurai wants to see his pink creation in the SSB titles. How did Kirby super-size himself? He either used his inhaling ability to puff himself up to a perfect size OR he is using his new ability: SMASH KIRBY. I know Bowser appeared in different sizes, but in some Mario titles, Bowser was using things like the Star Rod, Shine Sprites, and the Stars from SM64 to super-size himself to try and defeat Mario. He was small in some Mario titles, but that doesn't mean that his official size is unknown, his official size is the same one from SSBM. I know Pichu and Pikachu were small in Pokemon/Pocket Monsters titles, but many Pokemon appear in different sizes the same way fish are in the sport of fishing.


|2.| Kraid was used as part of a Metroid stage in SSBM, and I'm sure it would happen to Ridley, because Sakurai might need him for a brand, spankin' new Metroid stage in SSBB. Metroid stages without Ridley can be quite boring.

-_-.....thats the third worst reasoning for any character to not be in brawl and I'll tell you why.

theres NEVER a canon reasoning for scaling a character. they just scale them for the sake of gameplay. and when was the small ridley in SSBM an error? he was just pulling a bowser there. thats like saying the 10475949583 time that bowser was small to be an "error."
oh, wait, so that means all technical things in games HAVE to have some sort of canon explaination. and if your gonna do that whole "kirby just used teh smash power to get bigger" thing, then why not just say "ridley injected himself with with a chemical to make him smaller, so he can enter the smash tournament." plus ridley is the most requested metroid character to be in brawl, and the metroid series definetly needs more characters.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
As far as I know, Ridley has no official size, as he's contsatnly getting rebuilt or revived, and in the case of MP3, seems to have reacted to phazon to mutate. And why is the melee intro an error, Sakurai wouldn't have let him be that size if he thought it would be an error. As for Doshin the giant and a Collosus, their size is hinted in their title, so they can't be anything but huge. Ridley's name doesn't suggest he's collosal, nor does he have a title then suggests it. Also, the Bowser in SSBM is generally smaller than most of Bowsers incarnations, so scaling Ridley really isn't a problem. I suppose you're against Olimar as well as he's only the size of a quarter. And as Super_cool pointed out, all pokemon all fall under a general size, you don't get huge variations like in fish, especially not to the extent that SSB Pika is to a normal one.

The fact that Ridley is a popular suggestion even in Japan (which don't like the Metroid games as much) means he has a good chance, and he'd definately offer a unique style (those who say he'd be a Bowser clone clearly have'nt played a Metroid game). If Sakurai needs to scale him down, he'll do so, and he won't need a cannonical reason why. If there is any reason why Kirby and the pokemon have had a sudden mega growth spurt, or why Bowser is much smaller than he used to, they just are.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
serving a higher authority
May I make a suggestion? How about if they don't give us Ridley for Brawl, then we form an angry mob with pitchforks, torches, guns, and our wiis and we attack Nintendo or we can hold them hostage until they make us a version with Ridley.
anyway ridely whould be a waste of space to me........mebbeh we can have him as a boss like thing?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
anyway ridely whould be a waste of space to me........mebbeh we can have him as a boss like thing?
So a cool space dragon that has a big role on the Metroid games and would have a unique moveset is a waste of space to you? That's weird.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
It has occured to me, that Ridley could have a bigger role than simply Samus's villian. There's a dragon boss in FE, right?
Many FE final bosses are dragons. But what's your point? Do you want Ridley to be the final boss (the main enemy behind the plot) instead being a simple obstacle or a boss? I think Ridley's importance in the Metroid franchise should be exploited more, he is merely a pawn.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Actually, I'm refering to the recurring idea that each character could have their own classic mode boss... And that Ridley could be both Metroid and FE's villian.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
And still be a playable character at the same time like bowser could be mario's boss, it's ffunn how in that guy's (the one against ridley) post he contradicts himself by during a big arguement saying size doesn't matter. ridley would perfectly fit in, to make him a boss but not a character would be a waste of space.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
Exactly what i'm saying, he's a perfect fit for a character and to generate him a moveset for him but then not make him playable would be a waste.
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