Definitely not ture gonzalo... there are many things u prolly had not done in ur life at one time and once u experience it u liked it.. perfect example is trying new foods out and judging is stating ur own opinion
It really comes down to how well you know yourself, when it comes to some things you know you won't like them. How about this, I don't like going out, I don't like partying, and I know I DON'T want to like marijuana, so therefore I won't try it. Better?
"If you can control it Pax then that's your deal. I have no problem with you doing what you want to do in your own time. Everyone has the right to seek their own self-destruction and at the pace they want to seek it at. Some people want to seek it fast and do cocaine and hard drugs, other people faster and commit suicide."
u said u wouldnt judge yet ur doing it here, dont contradict
ur also just cutting things and they are not making sense... when i said curious i meant be smart about it.. and u as a person draw ur own line, i said dont go to the extreme and u bring up the point of going gay
I wasn't judging, I was being objective if anything. Judging is the exact opposite of saying "everyone has the right to"
Now I know going gay is extreme, which is why I made the point. Sometimes you just know you don't like something, or sometimes you know its better if you don't.
It might be easier to explain this way. It is more important for me to take care of my health than to smoke marijuana.
"Why not go to the extreme? You went to the extreme several times in your argument, you even pointed out that I used to steal and how an absolutely sedentary life can destroy your health. You are saying that when you feel like doing something you should just do it,"
i pointed out FACTS and they are not extreme.. they are true... and i never said to do something if u feel like doing it.. i said be smart about what u want to try... being smart means thinking things over before u act... gathering information... know how its gonna affect u not just do it cuz u want to.. thats plain stupid and thats how people die or go to jail
not everyone is drunk.... there are people that dont drink at all yet they are 21... there is a higher percent of the population who are not considered alcoholics
drugs are a problem yes... but if taken off theres still money.. isnt money considered the root of all evil in a quote.. well it leads to problems too... there are a lot of things not just drugs.....
about saying yes to the drunk thing I was just being sarcastic lol. I know what you mean about being smart about what you try, but lets forget about drugs, I think we all know how we feel about that, I'm trying to point this out...
Everyone is happy in a different way, and what makes YOU happy doesn't make everyone else happy, so what is wrong with someone wanting to stay in their apartment and play video games? In the end if they are happy they don't need anything else, don't you agree?