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"Revival of DGames" Mafia

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I didn't care and I still don't. If it's a big deal then why didn't he just say "I'm drunk and my posts were full of BS pay no attention to them" instead of coming up with wacky explanations that don't add up? Not that I would have been particularly convinced by that reasoning but it's still better than whatever point he was trying to gt across in that exchange with me.

Because no one would have bought that so i tryed to explain what was going through my mind at the time

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
He's interested in it. He's made far too many quick passes about WoTT and I for him not to be. It's just not overt because that would require him to interact toDay, and he won't do that.

but what alignment does that make him?
I don't deny that it got us out of RVP, but I would still like to know his reasoning.
hey this looks off
Hey this is explanation
Drunk me-seems legit


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
The ring has been put back in Bardeezy's chest of goodies!

(I would post better flavor but I'm really busy. I'll do it tomorrow.)

With 13 players in all, it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count 1.3

1. Wots All This Then? (3): Rake, Laundry, Gheb
2. Gheb_01 (0) :
3. Maven89 (0) :
4. Kantrip (1) : Ryker
5. Spak (1) : Rosalina
6. RosalinaSGS (0) :
7. FandangoX (0) :
8. Red Ryu (0) :
9. #HBC | Dancer (0) :
10. #HBC | Ryker (0) :
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni (1) : Modvote
12. Laundry (1) : J
13. #HBC | J (4) : Fandango, Dancer, Wots, Maven

Not Voting: Kantrip, Spak, Red Ryu
Last edited:

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So I am watching BB while I am responding to things but I am gonna do a little PSA.

My not doing things D1 =/= scummy. I mean, you are welcome to your opinion on how to play the game, but that does not mean you have the right "nip it in the bud" especially considering how long I have been playing this game, I know which playstyle works best for me. Ironically, this is the only site that seems to persist that there is a problem. If I am lynched for not being "gung-ho" D1, then I have no qualms. But I am not yet, so I am gonna continue to play haha.
sigh J.

Can you tell me where you stand on current people at least? Like maybe where we should be looking? I'll read your larger post after I post this.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Can you tell what about your gut makes me read as scummy to you? Also that #233 may be a bit filler, but at the same time I am posing a question as to why Maven would have a problem with alphas as he suggested. Continue reading down more so I may show why I asked that question.

I don't think either of your options accurately describe how I feel about WoTT's push on Spak, because both ways give him an out in terms. I feel his push on Spak looked like an "easy opportunity" jump and followed Laundry onto it. If I remember correctly, Laundry started the push on Spak and after looking back on the push and finding that I find Spak leaning more town, it leads me to dislike WoTT's attempt of pushing Spak, especially since nothing came of it.

Short-hand response: WoTT doesn't seem to have done either of what you suggested, in my eyes, and instead looks to have pushed him on opportunity rather than actual scum-hunting.

D1 I am always light-footed which has been said, but every time someone says this, they seem to say it begrudingly as well. I guess you can say I am dragging my feet because I am also on vacation/taking a lighter approach to this game. That's the honest truth haha. I came to play this game as more of a social game and help with sparking some life into DGames because it has been abysmal lately.

How does the way Ryker constructed his post have anything to do with helping me find out his alignment? I don't get the point of the question, but to answer: I feel Ryker has a similar style to Swiss (as I stated beforehand) where he comes in and tries to talk/get connected with tons of people. It may seems random/arbitrary, but we all know it has a meaning behind it and also a reason behind each those questions asked. He's getting responses. The only problem I have with Ryker is that he hasn't really done anything at all as of yet and has been sitting back which is new for me to see. However, fair is fair and since I do it, I haven't commented on it yet. Ryker is like me in a sense where if he is the game longer, it is easier to read him. Posturing is not the word I would use per say.

Posturing is not scummy though, at least in the sense we are talking about currently.

My turn though:

What do you make of Laundry's pretty much just +1'ing your content as of late? I'd also like to hear more about Fanny from you.

I'm sorry if this comes across as curt/rude, but are you new here? I mean to say this in a way that isn't offensive, but if you have played with Ryker before this would make sense, but I don't recall you ever playing a game with him so this is just coming across as odd to me. What is wrong with someone having take charge? Hypothetically, one could be an alpha and town and take charge which could win the game. Especially coming off personal experience, I see both sides of the coin. I just don't like your phrasing on it.

Tbh, I am surprised you aren't on me. Last I remember, you are one of the few people who are always on me regardless of what game it is. It is striking me as a bit off that you aren't trying to combat me like you usually do.

Next thing is just a minor annoyance point for later on in the game/connection trails:

[collapse=Stop this.]


Stop doing these lists on D1. It is muddying up reading and the lists can be much more succinct. We do not need to know every null read in the game. Keep your lists clean and more importantly, scum reads to the top. We need more reads lists like this to see thoughts.

I'm gonna go more into the direct attacks on me/give some reads I am feeling out currently.
I shall do lists as I do with Zen.

That said, this gives me a better idea of where your head is at but I am curious as to why this didn't lead to you voting Wott if you have this mindset.

This also gives me a better idea as to why people dislike Wott but seem more so ok with me, which I do find odd. Still I might want to reread this interaction Wott had earlier.

@ Wots All This Then? Wots All This Then? I want to ask how much both heads have been talking to each other and where exactly you think we should be looking at on your end, and maybe as to why what Laundry and even what J says here isn't true?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
my reads atm,

1. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/Jdietz Hydra)
2. Gheb_01
3. Maven89
4. Kantrip
5. Spak
6. RosalinaSGS
7. FandangoX
8. Red Ryu
9. #HBC | Dancer
10. #HBC | Ryker
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni
12. Laundry
13. #HBC | J

green = town
light green = town lean
white = neutral
orange = mafia lean
red = mafia

I need to figure out a direction, and look back on what Wot exactly did in context.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
By the way, @ BarDulL BarDulL I think there are actually 4 votes on J. Maven changed his vote from Ryker (#323) to J (#352) and it says on the vote list that Maven is still a Ryker vote.

Anyways, I read this:
What is up with all the J votes?
So I went through and found all of the J vote posts. Here they are:
vote: J

cause if he was town that right there would be pro-scum
I don't like this. Maven was obviously joking J.

Just quoting this so to acknowledge that I've read this.

The thing is though is that I don't actually think there's any evidence supporting this. Unless I missed it, I don't

Interesting. You thinking what I'm thinking? I actually do have a slight town read on Spak right now, but reading through some of Spak's posts have set off some flags (wrt "fakeness"). Care to elaborate? We can both bounce ideas off of each other and be super buddy buddy with each other. It'll be nice. :b:

What do you think of J's attack on Maven? You say J usually coasts through Day 1 (I honestly don't remember much meta). Do you think the attack seemed kind of forced, and if so, was that a result of me "pressuring" forced content out of a town J or is there actual scum intent there?

@Bold: Funny thing is is that I think both of you've noticed the same thing, but are just interpreting it differently.

Current reads:

town leans:


The tiniest most cautious of town reads:


Scum lean:



Everyone else.
unvote vote: J
I can't speak for Orbo, but as of right now I'm thinking Laundry is likely town even if he's got a hard on for us. Dancer now that I've read him also seems town.

I keep flip flopping on Maven because I disliked his opening but liked that he was willing to go to Ryu and Fanny before anyone else, and I'm not yet sure whether Rake is on us for legit reasons or just riding us because it's easy and he wants us gone.

Right now, I want to know why Rosalina is still on you, as well as why J looks like he's looming in for the easy swoop on us but just mudslinging instead. I'd also super appreciate Fandangox getting mroe invovlved, I feel like so far there's been an abundance of opinions but a lack of content.

I don't have much to say on this that wouldn't be an echo of Dancer, but it feels like the correct direction. That "why aren't you pushing me" post seems like the most opportunistic of posturing. That's damning us if we do or if we don't while keeping your hands clean either way, gross.

Vote: J

Vote: Destroy the Ring
Laundry you are a hack, everyone knows Flips are the superior cereal.

Vote: J tho, if you are going to star a mafia thread with a Phoenix Wright sprite, you gotta do it right:



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
So basically, don't bandwagon too much halfway into D1. If 3 more people vote J, he's dead.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Oh ****. I forgot completely I was in this game.

I'm going to be catching up tomorrow. I've got work and a Yomi game. @Jdietz43 @#HBC | Laundry casually mention that you are reading a mafia game to me at some point late tomorrow if I'm not posting.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
369 and 370 feel filler. However, the post WoTT quoted (Spak's extremely convoluted explanation) does perhaps give me a seed of doubt. He's still a scum read right now, but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with him right now.
I can't speak for Orbo, but as of right now I'm thinking Laundry is likely town even if he's got a hard on for us. Dancer now that I've read him also seems town.

I keep flip flopping on Maven because I disliked his opening but liked that he was willing to go to Ryu and Fanny before anyone else, and I'm not yet sure whether Rake is on us for legit reasons or just riding us because it's easy and he wants us gone.

Right now, I want to know why Rosalina is still on you, as well as why J looks like he's looming in for the easy swoop on us but just mudslinging instead. I'd also super appreciate Fandangox getting mroe invovlved, I feel like so far there's been an abundance of opinions but a lack of content.

I don't have much to say on this that wouldn't be an echo of Dancer, but it feels like the correct direction. That "why aren't you pushing me" post seems like the most opportunistic of posturing. That's damning us if we do or if we don't while keeping your hands clean either way, gross.

Vote: J

Vote: Destroy the Ring
I'm still on him because no one's convinced me he's town. The main reason you all changed your read of him was because of his confessions, which I, personally, don't find persuasive. They're definitely plausible, I'm not denying that, but i don't think it's likely.

I agree that Laundry seems town. See Gheb's reasoning.

I'm willing to lynch Watt atm. He doesn't seem especially sus other than his original weak push, but he hasn't adequately explained it. Just a slight lean right now though.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
369 and 370 feel filler.
369 was an answer to Ryu's question (I quoted everyone's votes who voted for J because he was asking about what all of the J votes are about), and 370 could be easily mistaken for a filler because it's just something that I forgot to add to 369.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I shall do lists as I do with Zen.

That said, this gives me a better idea of where your head is at but I am curious as to why this didn't lead to you voting Wott if you have this mindset.

This also gives me a better idea as to why people dislike Wott but seem more so ok with me, which I do find odd. Still I might want to reread this interaction Wott had earlier.

@ Wots All This Then? Wots All This Then? I want to ask how much both heads have been talking to each other and where exactly you think we should be looking at on your end, and maybe as to why what Laundry and even what J says here isn't true?
Somewhat the afternoon game started, not at all sunday, little bit yesterday morning. I'm pretty okay with where dietz is looking, imma have to look back to see whatchu mean by laundry and J
369 and 370 feel filler. However, the post WoTT quoted (Spak's extremely convoluted explanation) does perhaps give me a seed of doubt. He's still a scum read right now, but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with him right now.

I'm still on him because no one's convinced me he's town. The main reason you all changed your read of him was because of his confessions, which I, personally, don't find persuasive. They're definitely plausible, I'm not denying that, but i don't think it's likely.

I agree that Laundry seems town. See Gheb's reasoning.

I'm willing to lynch Watt atm. He doesn't seem especially sus other than his original weak push, but he hasn't adequately explained it. Just a slight lean right now though.
Does ot read honest though, aka does it feel like he's coming up with an explanation that fits or actually how he feels?
Says who?

"Hey gaiz im drunk pay no attention to anything i do and don't count it against me"
Yeah that would fly so well


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Somewhat the afternoon game started, not at all sunday, little bit yesterday morning. I'm pretty okay with where dietz is looking, imma have to look back to see whatchu mean by laundry and J

Does ot read honest though, aka does it feel like he's coming up with an explanation that fits or actually how he feels?

"Hey gaiz im drunk pay no attention to anything i do and don't count it against me"
Yeah that would fly so well
To me, it feels like an explanation that fits. I've tried things similar to him before, and worked along similar trains of thoughts, and I've never ever actually said what he said, as it was obviously anti-town and perhaps a bit scummy. But now, as I write this, I'm thinking perhaps I've been wrong this entire time. Maybe in all those games I should have just done what Spak just did... ****, I need time to think this through.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Can we lynch or put more pressure on J yet?
I don't think lynching someone this early in the day would be very advantageous to the town; time is the Town's friend and the Mafia's enemy.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
"Hey gaiz im drunk pay no attention to anything i do and don't count it against me"
Yeah that would fly so well
I don't know what to tell you if you don't understand why it would have been much better to just plain admit that you were drunk than to pretend that you actually had a reason to push Spak. At this point you're just pushing the old scum-or-dumb dilemma on pupose imo.



Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
So I am watching BB while I am responding to things but I am gonna do a little PSA.

My not doing things D1 =/= scummy. I mean, you are welcome to your opinion on how to play the game, but that does not mean you have the right "nip it in the bud" especially considering how long I have been playing this game, I know which playstyle works best for me. Ironically, this is the only site that seems to persist that there is a problem. If I am lynched for not being "gung-ho" D1, then I have no qualms. But I am not yet, so I am gonna continue to play haha.
Is scummy, and not only that, while other players are inactive (like Ryker) you have been posting, but your posts lack scumhunting intent, and you haven't even bothered to get back to people who answered your questions, seems to me like you are just trying to generate content.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
369 and 370 feel filler. However, the post WoTT quoted (Spak's extremely convoluted explanation) does perhaps give me a seed of doubt. He's still a scum read right now, but I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with him right now.

I'm still on him because no one's convinced me he's town. The main reason you all changed your read of him was because of his confessions, which I, personally, don't find persuasive. They're definitely plausible, I'm not denying that, but i don't think it's likely.

I agree that Laundry seems town. See Gheb's reasoning.

I'm willing to lynch Watt atm. He doesn't seem especially sus other than his original weak push, but he hasn't adequately explained it. Just a slight lean right now though.
Any other scum reads aside from Spak and Watt?

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Wait that makes even less sense, what does that have to do with Orbo pressuring Spak after it was clear it was a joke.
A you make the assumption id read all that was posted before posting ( i don't and i don't remember being any kind kf clarified before me asking aboutnit)
And B its referring to my accepting the explanation given to me aka just dropping it

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Is scummy, and not only that, while other players are inactive (like Ryker) you have been posting, but your posts lack scumhunting intent, and you haven't even bothered to get back to people who answered your questions, seems to me like you are just trying to generate content.
I realize some of this is true, but this wasn't J we were talking about I would be more open to this idea of him
being scum.

At the same time, is this an active problem with his currency posting.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I mean ****

I am not even doing that? I just wanted to know why would you pressure him after you it was clear it was a joke post, and your answer made me go on that little rant.
because at the time of my reply, to me, it wasnr a joke post. I just explained why above
You and laundry both say this, is J's scumplay any different?
Hard to differentiate early on in games.
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