How is it confirmed that it is not a choice? Anyone?
(sigh), I already posted the reasons of why it isn't a choice, but since it seems you didn't read it I will post it again:
Homosexuality isn't a choice. Psychologically speaking, from the moment you are born to the moment you start your sexual life, there are an amount of variables which you don't control and which will determine your sexuality.
The only choice there is in homosexuality is wether or not you accept you are homosexual. If you are homosexual, but you deny it, you will become sexually frustrated and not able to fulfill one of life's needs.
As you can see here, in Maslow's Pyramid of Physiological Needs, the sexual need has an important role as it occupies two levels of it. I will take the sexual intimacy as an example here:
If the person is homosexual, but denies it, he/she will have big difficulties in developing the upper level of Steem. As you can see, things such as self-steem, confidence, achievement, respect for others and respect by others can't be achieved by family and friendship only. If you are not able to realize your own sexuality, then it will surely result in sexual frustation, loneliness, social anxiety and depression.
Note: thanks to for the image.