jesus people in this thread really suck at giving advice
lmao you people
There is benefits from taking a break, but those are generally attainable from just thinking differently/smarter when you play (or when you dont play). There is nothing that specifically asks for big breaks from the game.
EVEN if there were HUGE benefits from taking a break, then still stfu about it. Ruby clearly says that he isn't going to take a break >_>
From what I gather, your problem is not REALLY, as you make it out to be, your tech skill/execution.
Simply keep practicing on getting consistent, always ask yourself why did I SD there etc and don't make any excuses but - focus on just being smarter overall. If you were the best player at fundamentals then you'd win despite having a "Bad" day with your tech skill or the fact that you can't really "focus" .
Learn matchups, identify the different mixups, practice playing those. Identify what makes you lose, and try to solve that problem. These are things that you can do to "brute force" improvement. Knowing more about the game and what people do will ALWAYS help you - and because everyone isn't doing this it'll give you an advantage and it'll hopefully make you less locked in on autopilot - making it easier for you to make some progress on your focus/execution problems
Oh btw, Armada hasn't taken a break from smash that lasted more than 3 days (iirc) for 3+ years now