I have never played in a tourney, nor played against someone who can WD, so answer me this.
Can someone who can't WD beat someone who can? And i'm not talking about someone who just randomly slides everywhere, i mean someone who knows how to use it properly. Could someone who doesn't use it at all beat someone who uses it and uses it effectively?
Yes. I use ganon sometimes, and his wavedash really makes a very small part of his game because it is short and has a lot more startup lag than other wavedashes. Yet I beat people around my level (IE people who have incorporated wavedash into their game properly).
Look at gimpyfish, bowser has probably the worst wavedash in the game, yet he can beat other people who use, say, luigi, and still win because he is an overall better player.
WD =/= win
If you want to hear my reason on it, it's becuase I really don't care. I don't find it fun to learn atechnique just to compete. While some may say "But what about sheild grabbing and sidestep dodging". Well, unlike the techs, I didn't have to do anything special to learn them. I just relized one day "Hey, I can grab with my sheild. That's a great counter".
Where do you think WD cam about? Somebody found out about it, and realied "hey, I can use this to move around". Seems to work within your argument. Should only people who have discovered the technique by themselves be allowed to use it, because they had more "skill" in discovering it?
This argument also differentiates WD and shield grabbing in the tech skill required, which of course is subjective.
That isn't really what you are arguing, but I'm just demonstrating how it can't be applied to everyone.
To awnser your question, yes, depending on the sercumstance. Anyone can wavedash, but if someone didn't learn how to actually fight then it's useless. But, like I said, in a 1v1, with poeple of equal skill the people who can WD will win. And don't say "But WD is a skill. The person who can WD is better". Not true. While it takes skill to do, it is not a skill that can normally be learn thought playing the game, and needs out side training. It sounds confusing, but you can just play some smash and relize, if I airdodge into the ground, I can slide and if I do it fast enough I can link it into my attacks and can attack faster". It's a skill, but not oner within the realm of the game.
First, try defining skill. Quantitatively. Pretty tough, right?
Here is my method of determining who has more skill:
The person who wins more is more skilled.
That is a quantitative definition that cannot be argued (IE: you can't have an argument about who is more skilled than somebody else) and is not subjective. It is with this definition that we can say that the winner of a tourney was more skilled than the other players, or at least had more skill when playing them.
Obviously, this makes your argument wrong, and to argue back, you will have to use a different definition of skill. However, I don't see how you can because ultimately, the person with more skill will win more often, or else the definition must be wrong.
And what exactly does it mean to "not be in the realm of the game"? It is in the game. Also, it takes about 5 minutes a day of outside training for a week or two before you should be able to get it consistently. That is the easy part. It takes real battle experience to use it effectively though.
I don't really see how things that take some outside training are not "skilled". If you ask me, I think it takes a lot more skill to do ganon's up-air ledgehop onto the stage (something that I still have trouble with) than to shieldgrab.
See above for why you can play well even without wavedashing (though perhaps not at the major tourney level.)
Which reminds me. Quick questoin. If we add all courses(those that aren't tournamnt legal) items, Final Smashes and it being an FFA, how much will WD and L-cancelling help you?
They will help a lot, though the win percentage will go down for the better player simply because these setting entail far more luck.
Also FFA basically makes the best strategy to camp.
Even without camping, I regularly play FFA with items on (healing items off, because although "items are a part of the game" some are too cheap, according to these guys) and I pretty much always win. Granted, I have moved past the point where I am learning to apply these techs and am learning more of the subtle aspects such as spacing and whatnot, but either way, the techs give and advantage.
I play Ice Climbers, Ganon, and Fox. Wavedashes from all sides of the spectrum. I can safely say that I know how to use it, some proof comes from vids in my sig. My luigi, even though I use him sometimes, is not nearly as good as my ganon. Neither is anybody else in the cast besides the names I mentioned above. Yet, almost everybody else has a better wavedash. Further proof of wavedashing's non-brokenness?