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Realistic Brawl Choices


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

I get a strange suspicion of that, also. Along with Wario, Samus, and even Pit.

Jeah, Pit. You heard me.

I'm looking forward to seeing which 3rd party characters they throw in. I think it's safe to assume Sonic'll be in there, but who else?


Smash Cadet
Jun 29, 2006

My favorite idea is having Knuckles as a character. I have a feeling that if Sonic is going to be in Brawl (come on--you know he will be), he will have some sort of back-up from his series. Knuckles is a good choice for that, in my opinion.

I love the Captain Olimar idea--however, I can't picture what his special abilities would be. Would he pull pikmin out of the ground like Peach pulls her turnips? Really, all he'd be doing is throwing out pikmin which seems a little lame in my opinion. If there were a cooler way that the Pikmin idea could be represented, then I am in full support.

I also agree that Roy probably won't be in the game. Nintendo has already said that they will revolutionize how we will play this game in the air, so I have a hunch that the "clones" of melee will have their movesets changed so that they are more original (I mean, they already changed Fox's style--he carries a gun now at all times). It just seems like the replacement of Roy with Ike is a much more realistic idea.

Well, that's my two cents...


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Back in the early discussions of this games characters, some people thought Tingle would be a good character... His attacks could be flying with his balloon and sprinke fairy dust while saying "Tingle Tingle Kaloo Limpa!" (that might actually have worked out)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2007
My list-
1.Sonic(he is going to make it i don't care what anybody says)
2.Megaman(take samus' place for a cannon thingy)
3.Any new legendary Pokemon that is small and cute and fuzzy
4.Diddy(need a partner for DK)
5.Knuckles(need a partner for sonic)

I am basing these on popularity and the fact that some characters like they did in Melee had partners in the game except for a select few


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Getting back to the original purpose of this thread, i think some great potential candidates would be

1. Din (Zelda: oracle of seasons)
2. Ray Mk (Custom Robo)
3. Princess Daisy (Mario Series)
4. Slaking (Pokemon)
5. Paratroopa & Koopatroopa.. tag teamed like the ICs (Mario series)

unlikely candidates but would be cool..

1. Bomberman
3. Nidorina (pokemon)

Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
Getting back to the original purpose of this thread, i think some great potential candidates would be

1. Din (Zelda: oracle of seasons)
2. Ray Mk (Custom Robo)
3. Princess Daisy (Mario Series)
4. Slaking (Pokemon)
5. Paratroopa & Koopatroopa.. tag teamed like the ICs (Mario series)

unlikely candidates but would be cool..

1. Bomberman
3. Nidorina (pokemon)
I don't know.

Princess Daisy is a filler character if I'm not mistaken.

I don't really see a filler character in Brawl.

As for me:


^ Serious Pokemon Suggestions.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Pikachu....LOL AS IF GET A LIFE NUB!><!?>!?!

I actually like the idea of Din in Brawl. Any of the goddesses from Zelda, actually, would be great. They need to put some magic characters in there, and I can't think of anyone better then those, right?


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I'd love it if either Nayru or Din made it, I loved the Oracle games. Ralph would be a good addition too. however, they don't strike me as the likeliest characters, seeing as I think any new Zelda additions will be from TP or WW (or possibly Vaati).


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Off the subject a little, but (If I'm not mistaking)we only have a total of 9 characters and high possibility of Sonic and DK... So theres no doubt that nintendo has(at some point) looked at our character choices but there could be a lot of secret characters to unlock... So what I'm trying to say is don't worry about possibility of returning people or new one's, we still have a lot of characters to go...


Smash Cadet
Jun 29, 2006
Off the subject a little, but (If I'm not mistaking)we only have a total of 9 characters and high possibility of Sonic and DK... So theres no doubt that nintendo has(at some point) looked at our character choices but there could be a lot of secret characters to unlock... So what I'm trying to say is don't worry about possibility of returning people or new one's, we still have a lot of characters to go...
That is a very good point. I think everyone is being a little bit naive here in thinking that they're only speculating as to who will be in the next lineup. Nintendo most likely reads message boards dedicated to smash brothers for the purpose of seeing who the most popular picks are. I think that with threads like these, Nintendo gets a better idea of who people want to see in Brawl. Besides, hasn't Nintendo (or someone like Sakurai) stated that there would be a roster of somewhere around forty characters? I don't remember where I heard that, but I think I did. It is safe to say that all of the characters from SSB will return, methinks.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

I'm not so sure that they read these, honestly.

And even if they did, they can't legally take advice from us. 'Cause we could sue them, etc...but I'm not sure. They may read these boards.

Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
Pikachu....LOL AS IF GET A LIFE NUB!><!?>!?!

I actually like the idea of Din in Brawl. Any of the goddesses from Zelda, actually, would be great. They need to put some magic characters in there, and I can't think of anyone better then those, right?
And why not?

Pikachu is the main mascot for Pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Wyoming, USA
I can respect your choice but the fact is the Bowser Jr. has no popularity except in America.

And Sakurai is only looking at about 5% of America's Interests.

Japan: 15%
America: 5%
Sakuras trying to appease both Japanese and American audiences, I don't think he will include hardly anyone that doesn't apeal to both... so probably no Bowser jr, no Staffy ect...

Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
Sakuras trying to appease both Japanese and American audiences, I don't think he will include hardly anyone that doesn't apeal to both... so probably no Bowser jr, no Staffy ect...
Staffy being a popular character due to his "Retroness".

I don't see why he can't be in.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Not to much people want Bowser Jr. so don't get your hopes up... but, its nintendo's (and Sakurai's)choice so anything could happen...


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Getting back to the original purpose of this thread, i think some great potential candidates would be

1. Din (Zelda: oracle of seasons)
2. Ray Mk (Custom Robo)
3. Princess Daisy (Mario Series)
4. Slaking (Pokemon)
5. Paratroopa & Koopatroopa.. tag teamed like the ICs (Mario series)

unlikely candidates but would be cool..

1. Bomberman
3. Nidorina (pokemon)
Din- No.
Ray Mk- Not popular enough.
Princess Daisy- Eh. No.
Slaking- You're kidding, right?
Para /Koopa Troopa- NO.

Bomberman- More likely than anyone else you listed
Pikmin- Wouldn't be cool.
Nidorina- Lame.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If not, then you are obviously trying to be funny and witty, but you aren't, and this isn't funny. If you are, then you're dumb, and this is funny.

Hey guys! Read the title.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Ouch Zook. You just tore the man apart...

And to whoever asked about my saying no to Pikachu....get a new sarcasm detector, yours is running on empty.

Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
I think I'm detecting sarcasm. Right?

Anyways, some likely characters are.... Um....

Bomberman, due to age.

Lucario, representing Orre.

Ridley, a usable character from Metroid.
Lucario = Lost Popularity.

I still say the list is:


Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
Pikachu- Yup.
Meowth- Why? What would he do? Scratch?? Eh, maybe.
Mewtwo- I guess.
Gardevoir- Has potential, but not too popular. Erlade, maybe?
Lopunny- ...Who? I'm guessing that's the bunny... Why?
Meowth - De Facto Rival of Pikachu.

He knows Pay Day and Fury Swipes.

Gardevoir - Most Popular in Japan.
Lopunny - Second most popular in Japan.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Jiggs(meaning Jigglypuff) is 10 times better (and popular) than Meowth anyday! Proof, "Jiggs" has already starred twice in Smash Bros!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Wyoming, USA
I think if they add a pokemon Lucario would be the best choice, I have no idea what the other pokemon you are talking about are...

Anyways, all the charactures that I would like to see and have a high chance of making it are...(from most wanted to least wanted)

1) Wolf, he's just a kickass char and Starfox needs a rep from the darkside.

2) Samuri Gorah, a fat guy with a samuri, sounds good, might make interesting sword fights with Gannondorf if he has a sword, or Black Knight if he's in.

3) Sonic, Dude it's Sonic, he's been explained to death, so I'll skip him...

4) Ridley, I just think a big giant flying reptile would be cool, they will just have to watch it so they don't make him unbalanced.

5) Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong is underrepped, plus him with his jetpack, peanut popper and mix of acrobatic monkey-fo would be interesting, for some reason I think it would be awsome if he could throw out a banana that chars could trip on (not likely I know)

6) Bomberman, While not likely I put him this high cause I absolutely love the idea of a pyromanical characture, I guess if he doesn't make it I still have Snake.

7) Paper Mario, He's had 3 games now, plus he would be way different then Mario cause he has a Hammer, and a bunch of paper moves that would ROCK.

8) King DeeDeeDee, A Fat oversized penguin, I think it would work, I would like More hammer chars as well.

9) Ike, with his buff self he would be a slower, more powerfull marth with a rapier and a handaxe he could own, or maby if they just did something different and gave him a greataxe, I really just want a char with an axe.

10) Krystal, Need a Magical staff char, I think she makes the most logical choice.

11) Black Knight, Another heavy sword whielder with a good defense and powerfull swipes, as well as teleportation, I like the idea anyhow.

12) Lucario, he would be acrobatic have decent melee moves and a nice amount of energy shot moves as well.

13) Black Shadow, he would just take Gannondorfs current moveset, he just looks cooler then Gannondorf and why not?

14) Megaman, I think he was okay in Marvel vs Capcom, and he is the most popular 3rd party char besides Snake and Sonic

-----------------Anyways thats the end of my relistic wants, if even half of them make it to the game I'll be happy, if my whole list made it I would barley be able to contain myself.

As for other chars that I think would be cool but I don't expect at all are...

1)Double Dragon Twins (Billy and Jimmy), Thier kung fo fighting would be quite different, they could make for good fighters.

2) Simon Belmont, Whip O yea

3) Ninja from Ninja gaiden or the Prince from Prince of Persia, both would be awsome sword wielders.

4) Vectorman, I just think a characture that can morph is pretty awsome.

5) RAWK HAWK!!!, I don't have to explain why he's awsome look it up if you want to know!

6) Andross, I've never seen him with a body, lets just say I think he would be interesting.

Well like I said before, I would be like WTF if any of my oddball chars made it into brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Wyoming, USA
Jiggs(meaning Jigglypuff) is 10 times better (and popular) than Meowth anyday! Proof, "Jiggs" has already starred twice in Smash Bros!
Yep, he will be back... plus who doesn't like a puff ball that puts u to sleep with his singing then sleeps with u to kill u, haha Jiggs is a serial rapeist.

I do however think that Meowth would make a great joke characuture as he could have that coin toss do cat swipes and other cat like things, I dunno what his moveset would be, would probably be better then Pichu though.

Angry Sun

Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2007
Desert Land
Why do people keep mentioning Meowth, it's obviously not gonna happen...
Yes it is.

He's deserved it since 64.

Meowth is the de facto Rival of Pikachu.

He's been around longer than Mewtwo.
He's been in more movies than Mewtwo.
Sakurai obviously likes him enough to put a trophy in Melee for him.

Jiggs(meaning Jigglypuff) is 10 times better (and popular) than Meowth anyday! Proof, "Jiggs" has already starred twice in Smash Bros!
That proof there ain't worth a crap.

It's not about starring in the previous games.

It's about still being popular and still being interesting enough to be in the game.
Meowth = more popular than Jiggs in Japan.

I think if they add a pokemon Lucario would be the best choice, I have no idea what the other pokemon you are talking about are...Get Diamond and Pearl when it comes out.

Anyways, all the charactures that I would like to see and have a high chance of making it are...(from most wanted to least wanted)

1) Wolf, he's just a kickass char and Starfox needs a rep from the darkside.

2) Samuri Gorah, a fat guy with a samuri, sounds good, might make interesting sword fights with Gannondorf if he has a sword, or Black Knight if he's in.

3) Sonic, Dude it's Sonic, he's been explained to death, so I'll skip him...M&S is the first game they will be in.

4) Ridley, I just think a big giant flying reptile would be cool, they will just have to watch it so they don't make him unbalanced.That and he's the villian.

5) Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong is underrepped, plus him with his jetpack, peanut popper and mix of acrobatic monkey-fo would be interesting, for some reason I think it would be awsome if he could throw out a banana that chars could trip on (not likely I know)

6) Bomberman, While not likely I put him this high cause I absolutely love the idea of a pyromanical characture, I guess if he doesn't make it I still have Snake.

7) Paper Mario, He's had 3 games now, plus he would be way different then Mario cause he has a Hammer, and a bunch of paper moves that would ROCK.Explain to me why we need a clone?

8) King DeDeDe, A Fat oversized penguin, I think it would work, I would like More hammer chars as well.

9) Ike, with his buff self he would be a slower, more powerfull marth with a rapier and a handaxe he could own, or maby if they just did something different and gave him a greataxe, I really just want a char with an axe.

10) Krystal, Need a Magical staff char, I think she makes the most logical choice.

11) Black Knight, Another heavy sword whielder with a good defense and powerfull swipes, as well as teleportation, I like the idea anyhow.

12) Lucario, he would be acrobatic have decent melee moves and a nice amount of energy shot moves as well.And popularity for him has gone down since his revealing in Japan.

13) Black Shadow, he would just take Gannondorfs current moveset, he just looks cooler then Gannondorf and why not?

14) Megaman, I think he was okay in Marvel vs Capcom, and he is the most popular 3rd party char besides Snake and Sonic

-----------------Anyways thats the end of my relistic wants, if even half of them make it to the game I'll be happy, if my whole list made it I would barley be able to contain myself.

As for other chars that I think would be cool but I don't expect at all are...

1)Double Dragon Twins (Billy and Jimmy), Thier kung fo fighting would be quite different, they could make for good fighters.

2) Simon Belmont, Whip O yea

3) Ninja from Ninja gaiden or the Prince from Prince of Persia, both would be awsome sword wielders.

4) Vectorman, I just think a characture that can morph is pretty awsome.

5) RAWK HAWK!!!, I don't have to explain why he's awsome look it up if you want to know!

6) Andross, I've never seen him with a body, lets just say I think he would be interesting.

Well like I said before, I would be like WTF if any of my oddball chars made it into brawl.
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