BTW, this is completely off topic, but they've announced a new Mario & Sonic Olympic Games title for Rio 2016 during the Japanese exclusive Nintendo Direct today.
Granted, I've lost interest in the series after the last two titles. Though the only redeeming factor is that they've added new playable characters to this since the original Winter Olympics title, such as Rouge, Jet, Nabbit, Diddy Kong, and .... Zazz?
(Still waiting for Rosalina to be announced as well)
Anyway, I wouldn't mind if they've made use of some features like amiibo support or DLC
(coughRaymancough). And I would love it if they made boxing a full event in the Wii U version. But let's face it, this is Sega we're talking about, the same ones who're too busy counting their profits while barely lifting a finger to make anything actually good other than pumping out half-baked Sonic titles on a yearly basis, including their most recent taboo. So things probably aren't gonna be much different with this one.
Sorry for going off topic, but since this news was from a JP Nintendo Direct, it wasn't like that they were going to announce any Smash Bros DLC characters, let alone anything Rayman related. Only three agonizing weeks left before Nintendo can actually show more of their good stuff (same goes for Ubisoft with Rayman, I hope).