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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
Simon Petrikov:

Chance: 8%

Relatively popular and could fit in nicely, but I somehow don't see a Konami rep getting in after all the stuff it's going through (plus Snake).

Want: 63%

Never played any of his games, but he would sound interesting.

Daisy Predict:

Chance: 22%

Want: 37%


2x Moonstruck Blossom

3x Homecoming Hijinx


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
Simon Belmont
Chance: 0%
Konami is to blame for this.

Want: 0%
Never played his games.

Predictions: Daisy 30%

Nominations BB bandit trio X5.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Simon Belmont chances: 3.2%
The Castlevania series I think has enough fame and history with Nintendo to make one of its characters in Smash not feeling completely out of place in a "Nintendo All-Star" game; it has many classic games which contributed to the NES' success after all. Plus anyone who's familiar with video games as a whole knows about the "Metroidvania" genre. That said, he's still third-party and I'm almost always going to give a very low chances score to anyone who isn't a Nintendo character due to how hard it is for third-party characters to come into Smash Bros. His fan demand isn't anything special it seems, and he has huge competition from the veteran character Solid Snake who on the other hand gets a lot of support to come back; if Nintendo wants to contact Konami to get one of their characters in Smash Bros. I think it's most likely going to be him (not saying we can't get both, but it seems super unlikely). Also the Castlevania protagonists admittedly don't have huge star power as individual characters; at least they're not as iconic as the series itself. Though it could be potentially solved by making several of them one unique characters just like Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings I guess.

Simon Belmont want: 48%
I don't have much connection to the Castlevania series; the only one I played was Lords of Shadow on Xbox 360 and for what I believe it is nothing like the NES Castlevania games. I'd be okay with a Castlevania character, it's not a terrible choice for a third-party character at least.

Daisy prediction: 13.75%
I see supporters giving her rather high scores due to the fact she's highly recognizable to almost any Nintendo fan... and everyone else giving her low scores due to the fact she never really had any memorable role outside of spin-offs.

Returning fighter: Ivysaur x1
Playable newcomer: Spyro x2
Playable newcomer: Elma x2

Yes I know these are not my usual nominations, but I won't be there to rate anything during the next weekend and I have a feeling the "DLC characters get custom moves" day will happen during the days when I'll not be able to rate if I keep on nominating it, and I absolutely want to be there for this day.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2015
Currently surviving the Working World
DAY 34 : Simon Belmont

Chance : 10%
Ohh how to explain it ? I've only known Simon by name and his game which is quite old (but again, the "Old characters can't make it rule" doesn't count). And he haven't shown his whip in a long time that only a few who got the game or heard it in a game review video knows him. And I haven't seen much Simon's fan nowadays :I

Want : 0%
I don't know a lot about him and he could be cool to whip foes but beyond that...That's it.
Prediction :
Daisy : 35% (Ohhh tomorow will be very salty, to my friends despair :') Cue all the "HI I'M DAISY/ANNOYING" jokes ~)

Nominations : Geno (Super Mario RPG) x5
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Simon Belmont
Chance: 10%
He isn't very supported, while Snake is (almost) the most wanted TP character. And with the whole Konami thing, it would be hard to just get Snake back. Plus he isn't that iconic in the series...
Want: 75%
I've never played a Castelvania game, but the whip moveset sounds very cool and interesting!


Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
Simon Belmont

With the way Kinami neglected the Wii U, and Kojima, I don't think Nintendo is ready to make negotiations. Also Snake was cut.

WANT: 50%

Whip it good.

Daisy: 48%
I shall be hiding away from this board tomorrow.......

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Deleted member

The Directory has been updated.

Simon Belmont

Konami is in a major state of trouble. It seems as though they are drifting away from video game consoles to other things. Even then, they aren't financially stable. I think this dramatically hurts a lot of characters...
As for Mr. Belmont, he is by far one of the most iconic characters from the NES era and maybe even one of the most iconic characters of all-time. In terms of requests, however, it isn't as strong compared to the demand for Snake's return. Recently, Castlevania has drifted away from Nintendo and has moved on to other platforms, starting with the reboot.
Lastly, it might be safe to assume that if Ryu is in, then the chances of other characters are dwarfed as well...
What a horrible time to be a part of a dying company.

Want: 40%
Mainly for his uniqueness with his whip and the fact that he's an icon. However, I never played any Castlevania games to really have a connection with him and I personally prefer Bomberman.
But hey! At least we can all enjoy that Kickstart-
“Um…King, I’d hate to break it to you, but that game won’t be available on a Nintendo platform.”
That doesn't make sense.

Daisy Prediction: 13.58%
I sense there will be a lot of troll scores tomorrow, if Pichu is any indication.

Nominations: DLC Music 5x


Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2015
What Is A Man? A Miserable Pile of Chance Scores: Simon Belmont Chances
(I'm probably referencing the wrong Castlevania game. Sue me.)

Chance: 1.2%
Oh dear. Instead of listing what's right about this guy, I'm going to list what's wrong.
-Konami property of a franchise that doesn't even really exist anymore. If we ever see a Belmont again, they'll be adorning the side of some mobile trash game like Castlevania Slot Machine.
-The creators of Castlevania have already moved on and are making a new game as a spiritual successor (but who isn't, these past few months? Mighty No 9, Yooka-Laylee, now this. Coming up next, the spiritual successor to Paperboy on the NES! ...I'd buy that.) Worse still, these creators aren't even really interested in bringing their game to a Nintendo console.
-Not as heavily supported as Snake who is also being shanked and left to die in a dark alleyway by Konami.
-Nintendo most likely won't add a third party that has no benefit for them. This was my main reasoning against Banjo-Kazooie, and it applies here too. Konami can't even have agreements between employers and employees right now, so I doubt we're going to see these sort of intracompany relationships on the horizon anytime soon.
-An extension of the prior point: would he sell to people outside of the Castlevania fanbase? He's relatively unknown outside of these groups, so it's unlikely.

So for the positives: so the guy has Nintendo history. That seems like it's about it. It doesn't mean everything. In fact, so does Mickey Mouse. Who has Wii and 3DS exclusive games and has had a long history of Disney games published on Nintendo characters. Disney have a relatively good relationship with Nintendo when one considers Bowser, Peach and Daisy being included in Wreck-It Ralph-- as Nintendo are generally not the kind of company to allow their assets anywhere outside their own franchises. If they didn't specify a character had to originate from a video game, then Mickey Mouse would probably be more likely at this point.

I just think that with everything Konami has pulled recently, a low-requested character from an essentially dead franchise whose creators have already moved on, that already has a potential rep from the same franchise with overwhelming support in comparison, that provides next to no benefit for Nintendo, and is rather unknown, is far from likely.

Please understand.

Want: Abstain
I'd prefer not to add my want chances this time around. I cannot provide myself with a logical reason to want or to not want the character.

Daisy Prediction: 14.5444%
Oh lord, I might give tomorrow a miss. Having an argument about whether she would be a clone or not is not a way I want to spend my Sunday.

5x Professor Layton nominations please! Close but still no puzzle.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
WANT: 25%

Konami is in a serious mess right now, with the company restructuring itself to focus on mobile gaming, and kicking out the lead developers of its best franchises including MGS and Castlevania. Why else does the kickstarter exist? I don't think any Konami character is in a good position now.

As for want, I'm unfamiliar with the series, so I can't give a high want.





Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2014
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)

Konami represntation is currently a total disaster. Not only has the prior rep(Snake) been cut from this generation, Konami itself is in utter chaos, with Kojima Production shut down and staff from the mobile section taking over the entire company. They have said they're not abandoning the traditional gaming market, mind you, but who actually believes what Konami says these days?

Anyway, while Konami is a big country and a big part of Nintendo history, the above makes me put the chances of a Konami rep to a 15%. And out of that small percentage, 5% goes to Snake, 3% goes to Bomberman, 2% goes to the other characters, and the last 5% go to Simon. He's the best pick next to Snake(veteran status) but that doesn't mean he's likely in the first place.

I'm playing through some of the earliest Castlevania games recently, and honestly, I'm really liking it. They're some of the most solid platformers I've ever seen, and it's a pity that the franchise seems to constantly be on the brink of death. I can't give him more than another 50% though, because I want Snake just as much as I want Simon. And I'm not part of the group that wants more than one rep per company, so it has to be a choice between them. So a half.

Daisy predictions: 7%
This day has the potential to be more violent than the Roy day. Maybe.

Slime (Dragon Quest) x5


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2015
Day 34: Simon Belmont (from Castlevania, by Konami)

Chance: near 0% (I can't give a good number)
Snake already represented Konami (in Brawl), so if a Konami representative gets in, it has a huge chance to be Snake.

Want: 10%
I knew a bit about Castlevania, but that's it. I don't think he would be good either (although his whip moveset could be interesting)

Daisy Prediction: 50%
People may say she's irrelevant, or that she may be a Peach alt/clone/semi-clone, but I have one word for those kind of people: you suck. (Seriously, with all her appearances in spin-offs, imagining a moveset for her can be quite some fun for the DLC developpers... then again, Sakurai's bias kicks in, so I won't give a 100% either)

Nominations: (Daisy and Roy are already nominated or leaked respectively so...) (Pichu is already nominated)
Viridi (Kid Icarus: Uprising) (Playable newcomer) (My favorite Kid Icarus character)
Prince Fluff (Kirby Epic Yarn) (Playable newcomer) (My favorite Kirby character)
Emolga (Pokemon Black/White) (Playable newcomer) (One of my favorite pokemons... Plus, I needed someone to counter Greninja's appearance)
Snake (Metal Gear Solid) (Returning veteran) (My Brawl main)
Squirtle (Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow) (Returning veteran) (add all the water starters as alts, and it's perfect... Also one of my Brawl mains)
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2015
Simon Belmont
Chances: 2%... ****ing Konami...
Want: 75% This man was made to be here, he has an arsenal of weapons, a cool design (not, not that one from judgment) and a lot of history with the big N... It's so sad that he wasn't taken before, like in Melee, in those years he could take the place of the Ice Climbers for a "Retro" and 3rd Party Newcomer...

Predictions: 10%

Bub/Bob x5... ****ing dead Taito...


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Simon Belmont

Chance - 0.02% - I blame Konami being in such a poor state, plus Snake being a veteran with possibly being in a higher priority, he's doomed.

Want - 60% - I'm typically hesitant for repeats of third parties, but he's good enough in my opinion.

Daisy Prediction - 7.75% - Well, this should be a divisive day...

New Palutetena's Guidance Conversations X3
Anna (FE) X2


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Simon Belmont:

Chance: 3%

Not with Snake waiting in the wings.

Want: 45%

I'd prefer Snake.

Predictions for Daisy: 35%
Oh boy...

Nominate: "Homecoming Hijinx" Donkey Kong song x 5


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Simon Belmont:
Chance 6%
I totally Blame Konami, they right now are a sad mess, in a perfect world we could have Snake, Simon and even Bomberman, but right now... ugh...

Simon still have chances over snakes, sadly for all the wrong reasons though.. there is always the chance that Konami wants a rep out of deseperation in order to get some good face during it's crisis, and at the same time they want to boycott metal gear because... reasons? but sadly i'm kinda sure we won't see neither. plus, i'm starting to realize how friggin dead the franchise is :c

BTW, the kickstarter ISN'T the creators of CASTLEVANIA!!!!! Igarashi (the guy in the kickstarter) is the co creator of PSX's Castlevania Symphony of the night, not the FIRST Castlevania, and who put the "vania" in the "metroidvania" formula. Sadly I would love a version of bloodstained with ps3 graphics and wiiu release, but they seem to be aiming at more content? still, bleh, I have STEAM anyways. i'm not completely sure if we know who is the "creator" of Castlevania, we barely know the composer :0

Want: 123%
Sigh, how the mighty have fallen :c for so many people to claim never even touched a Castlevania.
Castlevania is probably the franchise that most defined me as a gamer, from the original NES one, and it's sequels, through the Kobe ones (Legacy of darkness for n64 is a personal favorite), then through the Igavania ones (the good ones like symphony of the night, but also Aria of sorrow and order of ecclessia, and even the not so great ones, like Lamment of innocence and Harmony of dissonance). and even lords of shadows (the first one at least), Castlevania its just such a part of me :c. for nintendo fans to barely know about the series :c.

*profound sadness*


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Simon Belmont
Chance: 0.3%
If Snake couldn't manage to get in this time around, I don't see how Simon Belmont has any chance whatsoever. Especially with how things are with Konami at the moment. I'll give the whip wielder a score of 0.3%.
What a horrible rating to be rated...

Want: 2%
I've seen people say that he would fit in well with the cast. I am of the complete opposite opinion. I don't think he would fit in well at all to be honest.

Prediction: Daisy: 16.3%

x5 Toon Zelda


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
Poor Belmont clan.

Please sell Castlevania to Nintendo, Konami. Even though I know it's a pipe dream.

Until Konami gets their act together and stops focusing on mobile/being particularly anti-console/neglecting their franchises this doesn't seem like a possibility. Snake only does because of fan demand. Contrarily, you could argue that "selling out" Simon to Nintendo for the DLC would be right up their alley, but unless Belmont gets a ton of requests more than Snake, I can't see either party approaching each other about him.

Chances - 0.5%

Want - 90% One of the most deserving third party characters in terms of history with Nintendo/gaming in general. Castlevania as a whole definitely has way more of the former than Metal Gear ever did, has, or will. His horror-slaying moveset would be a blast (and can definitely be "tamed" to be more family friendly without being awkward, just as Snake was).

predict - 8.5%

nominate Black Mage x2, Terra Branford x2, Crono x1 (rpg hype train)

Also, I'm so proud of Square Enix for doing the smart thing and changing their E3 conference scheduled time to not conflict with the Nintendo Digital Direct. Good call.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Want: 2%
I've seen people say that he would fit in well with the cast. I am of the complete opposite opinion. I don't think he would fit in well at all to be honest.
If you look at just the more horror-tropey Zelda and Kid Icarus enemies, there's a bit of overlap (skeletons, floating eyes and skulls, Medusa, zombies, hands poking out of the ground, etc.). Obviously Castlevania tends to more of that and less of the cutesier enemies. And, yeah, you won't find anything like this guy in the Nintendo series:

But most Castlevania enemies are a lot tamer than that.

But if you don't like him, fair enough, but I'm of the opinion that he'd fit in far better than Snake at the very least.
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Apr 19, 2015
You would rather have a random boring enemy than a legitimate character that is a clone so didnt take much time?

Alrighty then.
I would rather not have a third KI character at all... but I'd rather take almost any KI character than Dark Pit.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
...I don't get it. I don't speak Kirby, you'll need to translate.

Is there a rotting corpse hanging from meat hooks in a Nintendo 1st-party game that I didn't know about?
It was a joke because that Wapod (ghost Waddle Dee) is cute instead of scary.
I don't know about rotting corpses enemies, but some Metroid enemies are pretty scary, like Nightmare.

EDIT: Also, I remember this thing gave me nightmares as a kid XD
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
...I don't get it. I don't speak Kirby, you'll need to translate.

Is there a rotting corpse hanging from meat hooks in a Nintendo 1st-party game that I didn't know about?
I think he means that Nintnedo has their fair share of undead enemies like the ReDeads that don't really suit the family friendly environment of Nintendo.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
ask anyone who's played Ocarina of Time who's scary...

Remember folks rated E for everyone! Fun for the whole family!!:troll:
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
If you look at just the more horror-tropey Zelda and Kid Icarus enemies, there's a bit of overlap (skeletons, floating eyes and skulls, Medusa, zombies, hands poking out of the ground, etc.). Obviously Castlevania tends to more of that and less of the more cutesy enemies. And, yeah, you won't find anything like this guy in the Nintendo series:

But most Castlevania enemies are a lot tamer than that.

But if you don't like him, fair enough, but I'm of the opinion that he'd fit in far better than Snake at the very least.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. There aren't any token Zelda or Kid Icarus enemies on the roster, and I wasn't rating a random enemy from Castlevania. The rating was for Simon Belmont, and it's not that I don't like him. If I don't care to see a character in smash, I base my want rating by comparing said character to ones I do want or would rather see become playable before the one being rated. I don't feel like he would fit in well, and I mainly want to see first party characters become playable that would fit in before the third party that is Simon. I don't have anything against the character, but I want the focus to be on Nintendo's IP since we likely are only going to get a few more playable characters for DLC. If you went through the trouble of looking back at my older ratings, you'd find that I've given pretty mediocre want ratings to all proposed third parties only because I'd rather see Nintendo first party characters become playable due to there being only so many DLC characters left. There's only one third party that I would love to see, but I don't think he has a chance anyway.

For the record, I never felt that Snake fit in all that well either. I wouldn't mind seeing him back because my friend would be happy, but I'd still take a Nintendo newcomer or veteran before him. Hopefully that cleared up my reasoning for rating Simon so low in the want category. I don't have anything against him, but in most cases third parties aren't what I want to see. Especially if I don't think they would fit in very well with the rest of the roster. Of course that's just my opinion.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. There aren't any token Zelda or Kid Icarus enemies on the roster, and I wasn't rating a random enemy from Castlevania.
I was just assuming that the reason you didn't think Simon fit in was because of the more gruesome horror aspects of the series, since that's usually the reason people would say that Simon wouldn't fit in in Smash. If that's not it, then I don't know why you think he doesn't fit.

(There are Zelda and Kid Icarus enemies in Smash Run and the Subspace Emissary, so I think they do have some relevance to the overall "Smash aesthetic." I obviously know they're not playable characters.)
I don't feel like he would fit in well, and I mainly want to see first party characters become playable that would fit in before the third party that is Simon. I don't have anything against the character, but I want the focus to be on Nintendo's IP since we likely are only going to get a few more playable characters for DLC. If you went through the trouble of looking back at my older ratings, you'd find that I've given pretty mediocre want ratings to all proposed third parties only because I'd rather see Nintendo first party characters become playable due to there being only so many DLC characters left.
Well then it sounds more like you just are not that in favor of 3rd-parties, which is fine, I'm not trying to argue about that. I'm cool with them as long as I feel they deserve to be considered an All-Star and specifically have a strong history with Nintendo, but that's just my subjective view on it. (So I'm not a fan of Snake in Smash either.)

Sorry, not trying to argue about want ratings, I just wanted to point out that if you thought Castlevania was too scary/gruesome that there are some similar elements in some of the Nintendo series as well. But if that's not why you don't think he'd fit in, then *shrug*
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Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Phoenix Wright and Lip ratings as promised:

Phoenix Wright's chances: 1%

Capcom already has a character and likely a second on the way. I don't think it's likely at all that we get another one, and if we did, I don't know if it'd even be Wright. While his ties lie mostly with Nintendo, Capcom still has more popular franchises than his that might be picked instead.

Want: 25%

Ace Attorney is my favorite Capcom franchise by a large margin, and I really like Wright as a character. That said, I know Street Fighter and Mega Man are much more iconic, and I don't particularly want another Capcom character.

Lip's chances: 5%

Another character I don't have much to say about. It's possible, but she's pretty obscure, and it probably doesn't help that her main weapon is still an item.

Want: 70%

I think she could be an interesting character.

And now for Simon.

Simon Belmont's chances: 1%

Konami's current state makes it pretty unlikely that we'll get a character from them. I do wish I could give him a better score than this, because while Snake is a veteran, Castlevania is a pretty well known franchise.

Want: 60%

Despite not having much experience with Castlevania, I think it would be a decent choice for Smash representation. I'd think I'd prefer Simon to Snake, to be honest. Still not my top choice for a Konami character, though.

Daisy prediction: 12.67%

Nominations: Squirtle x5

I'll start listing my past scores again tomorrow.


Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
Wait, I just skimmed through the OP, and it says that tomorrow's scores are other people's predictions?

Then Daisy 25%.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
This is meant to give perspective on my ratings. They tend to be a lot lower than most here.

Ryu: 85%
Roy (Fire Emblem): 76.5%
*Wolf: 66.66%
King K. Rool: 33.34%
Captain Toad: 30%
Isaac: 27.5%
*Ice Climber (Singular with separate Popo and Nana costumes): 22.5%
Dixie Kong: 17.5%
*Inkling: 15%
Impa: 10.75%
*Bandanna Dee: 10.5%
*Ridley: 9.66%
*Wonder Red: 7.75%
Krystal: 7.5%
*Henry Fleming: 6.66%
Tetra: 5%
Chorus Kids: 5.25%
*Ray (Custom Robo): 4.33%
*Sceptile: 3.34%
**Paper Mario: 3.33%
*Rayman: 2.33%
Banjo-Kazooie: 2%
*Ice Climbers (Tag Team): 2%
Shantae: 1.15%
*Shovel Knight: 1.05%
*Quote: 0.36%
*Snake: .1%
Phoenix Wright: .02%

Magolor (Kirby)
Midna & Wolf Link (The Legend of Zelda)

*Was not here on rating day.
**Have changed my mind on my rating since I last rated.

Total of 449.5%.

Alternate Costumes: 70%
*An NPC Becomes Playable: 22.5%

*Was not here on rating day.

Simon Belmont:

Chance: .001% (Round to 0%)
Konami is dying, and I'm afraid that I even have Snake at .1% right now. I can't see Konami rising from the ashes right now.

Want: Abstain
I do not know the franchise, and I have no interest in playing it, but I understand that it's loved by many and don't want to skew the scores because of that.

Daisy Prediction: 12.34%

Nominations: Ms. Pac-Man Alternate Costume x5
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