Simon Belmont:
Chance 6%
I totally Blame Konami, they right now are a sad mess, in a perfect world we could have Snake, Simon and even Bomberman, but right now... ugh...
Simon still have chances over snakes, sadly for all the wrong reasons though.. there is always the chance that Konami wants a rep out of deseperation in order to get some good face during it's crisis, and at the same time they want to boycott metal gear because... reasons? but sadly i'm kinda sure we won't see neither. plus, i'm starting to realize how friggin dead the franchise is
BTW, the kickstarter ISN'T the creators of CASTLEVANIA!!!!! Igarashi (the guy in the kickstarter) is the co creator of PSX's Castlevania Symphony of the night, not the FIRST Castlevania, and who put the "vania" in the "metroidvania" formula. Sadly I would love a version of bloodstained with ps3 graphics and wiiu release, but they seem to be aiming at more content? still, bleh, I have STEAM anyways. i'm not completely sure if we know who is the "creator" of Castlevania, we barely know the composer :0
Want: 123%
Sigh, how the mighty have fallen

for so many people to claim never even touched a Castlevania.
Castlevania is probably the franchise that most defined me as a gamer, from the original NES one, and it's sequels, through the Kobe ones (Legacy of darkness for n64 is a personal favorite), then through the Igavania ones (the good ones like symphony of the night, but also Aria of sorrow and order of ecclessia, and even the not so great ones, like Lamment of innocence and Harmony of dissonance). and even lords of shadows (the first one at least), Castlevania its just such a part of me

. for nintendo fans to barely know about the series

*profound sadness*