Smash Ace
Just to be clear, the most important criteria that I judge potential Smash bros. characters by is whether of not they could be considered a "Nintendo All-Star".
That is not to say that characters are chosen only by this criteria, but any character that does not have a notable history with Nintendo does not belong in Smah brothers, in my opinion. (hence why I'm not supporting most of the 3rd party characters)
That negativity aside here is my thoughts on Banjo Kazooie:
Apologies to old Bird Brain but I will be referring to the duo simply as Banjo from here on out.
Chances: 15%
In a better world Rare would have never left Nintendo and Banjo Threeie would have come out early on in the Gamecube's run. Banjo and Rare would have had a profitable career with Nintendo and he would have been an obvious choice for Brawl, most likely he would have been featured in the first Brawl trailer as nobody would've been surprised that he would be in the game. In this magical fantasy world we would be currently arguing over why Gruntilda keeps getting the shaft and whether or not Conker is a viable DLC character despite being an assist trophy in Sm4sh. Sadly we don't live in that world, here in reality Rare has not been a subsidiary of Nintendo for nearly a decade. and Banjo and his Rare pals haven't joined there would be Nintendo allies despite having been more then deserving of the opportunity.
I don't really have anything to contribute to the argument regarding why Banjo is not going to be a playable character. The sad truth is that a complicated deal between two large companies like Nintendo and Microsoft is very unlikely, especially in a world where Nintendo is falling a little bit behind its main competitors. I firmly believe that Nintendo and Microsoft could reach an amicable decision in which they both benefit from Banjo in Sm4sh, but honestly its just not going to happen.
I gave a 15% instead of a 5%(or lower) for a very simple reason. Banjo is absolutely a "Nintendo All-Star" he stared in two incredible games that helped define the N64 as the excellent console that we all remember it being. If we remove all the "Adult Circumstances" and look at history of just the Nintendo games themselves, one can't help but wonder why that beloved bear and bird were lost along the way.
Want: 100%
Banjo is an excellent character form a beloved franchise that has a stronger connection with Nintendo then ANY of the 3rd party characters that we have ever had in a Smash Brothers game. Please don't take this as a radical opinion, I simply mean to convey that the Banjo Kazooie games were actually published by Nintendo, whereas the other 3rd party characters merely had games on the Nintendo consoles that were made independent of Nintendo as a company, with very few exceptions therein.
(I still love

, and I think they deserve a spot in Sm4sh)
In other words if the Rare buyout had never happened then Banjo would not be considered a "3rd party" character at all, he would be a Nintendo character in the same way that
is, and for that matter any other Nintendo characters that began form an independent studio, like my beloved
I love the original Banjo games, they were some of the best I had ever played on my N64 back int he early 2000s. In my opinion, Banjo is an important part of Nintendo history, and the opportunity of getting Banjo back in the Nintendo family for at least one last adventure is worth fighting for. I hope that Nintendo agrees with me and finds someway to clear up the "Adult Circumstances" that surround this issue.
Issac: 35/60
Inkling 2
Pichu 2
Captain Toad 1
That is not to say that characters are chosen only by this criteria, but any character that does not have a notable history with Nintendo does not belong in Smah brothers, in my opinion. (hence why I'm not supporting most of the 3rd party characters)
That negativity aside here is my thoughts on Banjo Kazooie:
Apologies to old Bird Brain but I will be referring to the duo simply as Banjo from here on out.
Chances: 15%
In a better world Rare would have never left Nintendo and Banjo Threeie would have come out early on in the Gamecube's run. Banjo and Rare would have had a profitable career with Nintendo and he would have been an obvious choice for Brawl, most likely he would have been featured in the first Brawl trailer as nobody would've been surprised that he would be in the game. In this magical fantasy world we would be currently arguing over why Gruntilda keeps getting the shaft and whether or not Conker is a viable DLC character despite being an assist trophy in Sm4sh. Sadly we don't live in that world, here in reality Rare has not been a subsidiary of Nintendo for nearly a decade. and Banjo and his Rare pals haven't joined there would be Nintendo allies despite having been more then deserving of the opportunity.
I don't really have anything to contribute to the argument regarding why Banjo is not going to be a playable character. The sad truth is that a complicated deal between two large companies like Nintendo and Microsoft is very unlikely, especially in a world where Nintendo is falling a little bit behind its main competitors. I firmly believe that Nintendo and Microsoft could reach an amicable decision in which they both benefit from Banjo in Sm4sh, but honestly its just not going to happen.
I gave a 15% instead of a 5%(or lower) for a very simple reason. Banjo is absolutely a "Nintendo All-Star" he stared in two incredible games that helped define the N64 as the excellent console that we all remember it being. If we remove all the "Adult Circumstances" and look at history of just the Nintendo games themselves, one can't help but wonder why that beloved bear and bird were lost along the way.
Want: 100%
Banjo is an excellent character form a beloved franchise that has a stronger connection with Nintendo then ANY of the 3rd party characters that we have ever had in a Smash Brothers game. Please don't take this as a radical opinion, I simply mean to convey that the Banjo Kazooie games were actually published by Nintendo, whereas the other 3rd party characters merely had games on the Nintendo consoles that were made independent of Nintendo as a company, with very few exceptions therein.
(I still love
In other words if the Rare buyout had never happened then Banjo would not be considered a "3rd party" character at all, he would be a Nintendo character in the same way that
I love the original Banjo games, they were some of the best I had ever played on my N64 back int he early 2000s. In my opinion, Banjo is an important part of Nintendo history, and the opportunity of getting Banjo back in the Nintendo family for at least one last adventure is worth fighting for. I hope that Nintendo agrees with me and finds someway to clear up the "Adult Circumstances" that surround this issue.
Issac: 35/60
Inkling 2
Pichu 2
Captain Toad 1