chance: 61%
She is relevant again, She was suppose to be a character in SSBB, She probably has a moveset already made and Wind Waker is under represented. (I consider the games with toon link in them separate from normal Zelda's.) Impa is cool and all but TP is over represented.
Want: 100%
Preferably with Toon Zelda if the 3ds can handle it.
Nominations: Elma (Xenoblade) x5
Impa wasn't in Twilight Princess btw...she was referenced but not physically in the game...
HOY!!!...Ya Scallywag! Shiver me timbers!!!
Chance: 20%
Probably one of the more likely Zelda newcomers. Which actually isn't saying much. Zelda characters in general aren't receiving incredible support besides Impa. Main reason is how Zelda characters gets cycled around quite a bit, so the support for everyone's favourite does tend to get split quite a bit, and with some of the more popular characters being Assists as well. Unlike most 'one-off' characters she has appeared in two games with Wind Waker being the major title where she gets her popularity. She was also referenced in Spirit Tracks.
Anyways when it comes to Zelda characters and their projected support, Tetra seems to be one of the secondaries behind Impa when it comes to possible Zelda candidates, along with the likes of Pig Ganon and perhaps even Vaati...(discounting NPCs since no one has faith)
Overall Toon Link is already in the roster representing the Toon Zeldaverse, even though the team doesn't think in terms of reps. If she were the same character, but not Zelda would she still be as well received, well probably yes, but that would make her less important overall in the grand scheme of things...
As far as moveset potential goes well it's hard to really say since she doesn't do to much in game to showcase this, but Smash is missing some 'Pirate' inspired characters so Sakurai may have some fun creating something off of that with some references in game, she's got a small sword as well (another sword user blasphemy!!!) as well as the use of bombs...perhaps even use the grappling hook to catch and/or hilariously tangle opponents, maybe even the use of barrels hide inside them, kick them over roll them into enemies maybe even run on top of them while they roll...There is potential for a very whimsical piratey moveset that can be implemented, perhaps a Final Smash where her ship will rain down several bombs/catapulted rocks as such...Sakurai pretty much invented Sheik's moveset with a few small references from OoT so he could very easily do the same for a piratey Tetra...
I don't feel her chances are too great, but definitely not something to overlook either...
Want: 65%
I like Tetra. And Love Wind Waker (Sakurai Y U exclude Pirate Ship?), definitely one of my favourite Zelda games! She's a third zelda, technically but that doesn't really matter all that much considering she is pretty much her own character and is more popular as herself than Toon Zelda. She is an alter ego for Zelda with the intent to keep her identity safe, however unlike Sheik, who can transform at will (well not anymore at least), Tetra cannot. So no transformations between the two if that's what people are thinking because that's not how their characters work (I actually think this is the same in OoT as Zelda/Sheik are only seen transforming once in game and never back again, but it is pretty much accepted that they can)
Her pirate based moveset would be pretty a neat addition to the roster as well, making her very unique amoung the cast.
Overall when it comes to Zelda newcomers, Impa and Midna are at the top of my list so I would be slightly disappointed if she got in over them, but I wouldn't mind too much given her character's potential...That and she'd be a much needed new rep for the franchise...
I think I'd have fun with her tangling foes in her grappling hook and rolling barrels into them! Also Skeik (ninja) vs. Tetra (Pirate)...Ninjas vs. Pirates one of the most famous fantasy conflicts can be made real in Smash finally...
Prediction: 4.9%
Look, two icons!! Though he is a melee veteran, I don't think his chances are too great considering several circumstances...Plus he was intended as a simple gimmicky character, one that was not too well received due to the fact that he damages himself...
Dark Samus x5
aka. NOT too big