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Rate Their Chances: Pokkén Edition - On a hiatus, will restart soon!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2015
Chance: 0%
Want: 10% Um... maybe for the mystery dungeon... but I like Jigs...

Chance: 20%
Want: 70%
He is really cool, but Garchomp is the mascot of Ground Dragon types...

Chance: 60%
Want: 100%
it's more inteligent than a super computer and it will use that wisdom to punch you in the face with it's four arms

Chance: 30%
Want: 0%

Chance: 25%
Want: 0%
Meh 2: Electric Boogaloo

Chance: 20%
Want: 100%
One of my favorithes since it was Magneton, but it would make an absolutely amazing assist with lock on and Zap Cannon

Chance: 75%
Want: 60
Our God would be an interesting secret boss

Each type represented in Playable Roster


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
I'll make this quick, sorry for the lateness and the lack of images.
10% Chance
70% Want I like Wigglytuff but i'd vastly prefer Jigglypuff got in instead.
20% Chance Fan favorite, but neglected
70% Want
30% Chance
30% Want
Empoleon 20% Chance
70% Want
Sylveon 50% chance
50% want
20% Chance
60% want
Chance: 3%I doubt we're going to be able to play God, quite literally, in a fighting game.
Want: 90%

Noms: Clefable x 2 (Is this nomination style legal?
Clefairy x 2
Pichu x 1

New Nomination: Concept: 3DS Port. I've seen lots of talk about a eventual Wii U release but next to none when it comes to 3DS, and I think it would be worth considering.
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
@XenoBrawler610 since you helped nominating Arceus, why not come today to rate it?

Wigglytuff chances: 8%
The most notable thing it has going for it is the fact it's Jigglypuff evolved form, with a design arguably more suited for Pokkén. But unless they don't manage to make Jigglypuff fit in Pokkén and want to use its evolved form instead, it's not a Pokémon I see being playable.

Wigglytuff want: 49.8%
I'm completely indifferent.


Flygon chances: 32%
While competing with many other Dragon-type Pokémon in popularity and for a spot in Pokkén, Flygon definitely has some things going in its favor. Its movepool is very diverse, including sand-based attacks, and even sound-based ones, as well as your usual Dragon stuff like Dragon Claw and Dragon Pulse. Its design is unlike any currently confirmed Pokkén fighter, but doesn't look unviable (it's arguably one of the most viable designs for an air-centric Pokémon I'd say) and could give it unique attack and mobility options.

Flygon want: 94%
Flygon, that Pokémon who was two places after Trapinch in the Hoenn Pokédex, when I had no idea that they were from the same evolutionary line and there was a missing link between them known as Vibrava... good times. Besides, Flygon seems to be an awesome choice for Pokkén when I think about it. It's like Noivern potential playstyle wise, except that it really makes me hyped. The Flygon family is particularly known for its relation to the sand, and as such is a straightforward choice for an user of moves like Sand Tomb and Sandstorm, and could borrow sound-based moves from the "missing link" I mentioned earlier such as Bug Buzz and Boomburst. A very diverse fighter and a perfect choice to fill the niche of the character who never puts its feet on the ground.


Metagross chances: 42%
A pretty popular Pokémon with a unique design to boot, being a quadrupedal puncher. It has access to moves like Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash and Hammer Arm, and could also charge its enemies with a powerful Zen Headbutt. It also has access to other tools like Magnet Rise or Agility, for example; combined with its unique design, it may give Metagross a particularly unique playstyle.

Metagross want: 68%
Seems cool, its abilities and potential playstyle catch my interest.


King Dedede Empoleon chances: 14%
Not exactly an extremely popular Pokémon, and I'm not sure if its Steel typing and its few bird-related attacks like Drill Peck or Feather Dance are enough to make it stand out.

Empoleon want: 32%
Seems kind of bland to be honest. All other Water starters interest me much more.


Sylveon chances: 22%
Arguably the most viable Eeveelution if they want to choose only one for the playable roster due to being the only "solo" one, and pretty much the face of Fairy-type. When it comes to its potential as a fighter... it's mostly Fairy stuff, and Psychic as well to an extent.

Sylveon want: 32%
Honestly seems kind of bland to me, especially compared to other Fairy-type Pokémon like Xerneas or the already confirmed Gardevoir.


Magnezone chances: 13%
While Magnezone has a unique typing and is pretty much the master of magnetism in the Pokémon world, ans is also a decent contender for a special attacking Steel fighter with moves like Mirror Shot or Flash Cannon, it also suffers from its design which is... in all honesty, not really fighting game friendly.

Magnezone want: 50.2%
While I love the Magnemite line and there's a lot of potential at Magnezone's disposal to be really unique, I really have some doubts about it being Pokkén material from a design standpoint. Though I wouldn't object if they managed to make it work.


Arceus chances: 22%
I'd say it depends on whether they want to make the supposed "god" of Pokémon a playable character. Besides, it definitely has a lot to work with moveset-wise, and would mostly be characterized as a deity with a moveset including terrain control (Earth Power, Gavity - the later being the move it uses in Smash Bros.), powerful beams (including Hyper Beam and the obvious Judgment), and some other moves like Hyper Voice or Extreme Speed.

Arceus want: 68%
It'd be kind of hilarious to play as the supposed creator of the Pokémon universe.
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Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Chance: 5%
Jigglypuff is just far more popular than it's evolved form, so if any of the line are playable, it'd be Jigglypuff, not Wigglytuff.

Want: 0%
I really don't think Wigglytuff is very notable anymore, and it doesn't help that it's just not that good at walling things out like Clefable or sporting a massive HP stat like Blissey. Wigglytuff isn't even notable among the pink puff Pokémon.

Chance: 40%
Despite being one of the most well-loved Dragon types, Flygon has some really stiff competition for that position of Dragon-type fighter. It's even overshadowed by both of the other Hoenn pseudo-legendaries since both Salamence and Metagross got Mega Evolutions in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but Flygon didn't get anything. Still, Flygon is pretty popular and from that I can see it having a shot at getting into Pokkén.

Want: 50%
I'm ambivalent to Flygon, personally (always was a Salamence guy, myself), but I can at least acknowledge that Flygon is really popular, and I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it playable in Pokkén.


Chance: 90%
Come on, was it really even a choice? Metagross is insanely popular, and with good reason. It's got an awesome design, is great in battle and it even has it's own Mega Evolution, unlike Flygon. The only real non-legendary competition Metagross has for a Pokken slot is Salamence, and those two are neck and neck since both got ORAS Megas.

Want: 100%
Who doesn't want Metagross? :p


Chance: 50%
Empoleon is sort of the forgotten brother of the Sinnoh starters; he's not insanely popular like Infernape and he's not a badass continent turtle like Torterra. I could see him getting in, but there's better Gen IV choices.

Want: 30%
His line was always my least favourite, so fittingly I want him the least of the Sinnoh trio.


Chance: 70%
Of any Eeveeloution, I think Sylveon stands the best chance at being a fighter, but honestly I'm not sure if they'll put an Eeveeloution as a fighter in Pokkén.

Want: 0%
Really, I'm just sick of the Eeveeloutions in general; mostly because of the near-constant adoration for them when really they're just all the same basic Pokémon with different stats, abilities and appearances.


Chance: 20%
As cool as Magnezone would be, Pikachu kind of shuts it down in terms of popularity, so I can't see it happening.

Want: 10%
Yeah, it'd be cool to have a magnetic fighter...but honestly, I think it works better as a background object.

Our Lord and Saviour, Arceus

Chance: 1%
Who would honestly let the GOD of Pokémon into a fighting game? All he'd need to do is think about it and he'd win the match!

Want: 100%
But goddamn, would it be fun to use the PokéGod in a fighting game.

Blastoise x1
Mew x2
Aerodactyl x1


Deleted member

Summoned I am!

Depends if they want to have god be playable. He does have a lot to work with.
Want: 75%
Only because I find it hilarious to beat up god.

Nominations: Dunsparce 2x
Sunkern 2x
Talonflame 1x


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Noms: Clefable x 2 (Is this nomination style legal?
Clefairy x 2
Pichu x 1
Blastoise x1
Mew x2
Aerodactyl x1
Nominations: Dunsparce 2x
Sunkern 2x
Talonflame 1x
Friendly reminder that...
Besides, while today is the last day to rate any Pokémon, I'm asking to you to suggest some concepts to rate for a closing day after the livestream. Maybe the game will come back to life later if a home console version is confirmed to release and have more Pokémon than the arcade version - it'd be a waste of time if we rated more Pokémon after a home console version confirmed... only to find out that there's no additional Pokémon >_>
... nominations are useless now given that today is the last day to rate potential playable Pokémon. Instead, I'm asking for suggestions of concepts to rate related to a potential console release, once the last livestream before the arcade release ends.

(Besides, Blastoise already had been rated btw)


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Chance: 5%
Want: 25%

Chance: 35%
Want: 70%

Chance: 75%
Want: 100%

Chance: 10%
Want: 30%

Chance: 40%
Want: 0%

Chance: 3%
Want: 10%

Chance: 5%
Want: 50%


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
One day to go. By this time tomorrow, we'll (probably) have our answers.


Chance: 7.5%
Despite being stronger all around than Jiggs, Wigglytuff is overshadowed by its less developed form. Considering the roster isn't restricted to fully evolved mons, it seems much more likely that we'd get Jigglypuff instead.

Want: 15%

...Though I'm not very interested in either. There're more interesting Fairy types and mons that can pull off a sound-based moveset.


Chance: 25%
Flygon's chances hinge on a different mon: Garchomp. The land shark has more popularity and a Mega form to more easily work into Burst Mode, and it's highly unlikely they'd put two Ground/Dragon types in. If Garchomp were to get passed on, though, Flygon is an intriguing option, a mix of physical and elemental attacks from claws to noise to manipulating sand.

Want: 65%
I'm actually a bigger fan of Flygon than I am of Garchomp.

I wonder what things would look like if they'd been able to decide on a Mega Flygon design in time for ORAS. At least it'll probably happen in Gen 7...right?


Chance: 50%
Ah, yes, the 1,200 pound elephant in the room. Another 600 beast with an unusually physical style for a psychic, Metagross is one of the frontrunners for Steel types characters along with Aegislash. With so many mons to choose from, though, very little is certain.

Want: 40%
Would be okay. I'm not feeling this one as much as a lot of others. Have you noticed a trend yet? >_>

(Talk about your unflattering models. Doesn't work nearly as well as the sprites, in this particular case.)


Chance: 17.5%
Have we rated every Water starter now? Though less notable than most of the others, Empoleon's Steel secondary type could bring some interesting things to the table.

With Suicune already in as a defensive Water type with an elemental lean, though, it seems there isn't enough of a niche for Empoleon to claim.

Want: 40%
I used to be a pretty big fan of this one. Though that's died off in recent years, I'd be okay with it.


Chance: 30%
Also known as the Fairy type. Eevee has a role as an assist, but it doesn't necessarily stop its evolutions from being playable, especially if they're different thematically. Sylveon has been the most notable of them recently, as well as the poster 'mon of the series' newest element. A mix of long ranged magic and attacks meant to mess with opponents' heads as only a fae could, the potential is there.

It just depends if the roster is big enough for a second fairy and if there aren't other ones the developers favor more.

Want: 50%
Would be kind of neat, to be honest. We don't have a real trickster-y character yet, and the more magic-based characters we have, the better.


Chance: 25%
A bulkier Electric type, potentially able to contrast Pikachu. Magnezone could easily be another victim of a tough crowd, though; with Electivire, Galvantula, and Ampharos in play (and potentially Zekrom!), there may be too many other candidates that are more interesting.

Want: 35%
Decent, I suppose. There could be some interesting stuff done involving using magnetism to force opponents around.


Chance: 5%
Who better to finish off with than God? Arceus would definitely be one of those deliberately game breaking types of characters...or perhaps the final boss of a single player campaign? Considering we only have an arcade version so far, though, and considering how big a focus it seems to be putting on player-versus-player fights...I dunno, I feel like Arceus will get passed up on for now.

In a theoretical console port? Maybe.

Want: Abstain
On one hand...I really don't like what purposely overpowered characters do to a game's balance, and there's always that slim chance of them being unrestricted online and rendering it completely impractical to practice with. On the other...I can see the appeal in destroying computer players to blow off steam, and Arceus dittos would be fun to watch.

I don't know. I just...don't know.

Concept Nominations:
-Roster Size of 25+ Characters
-Roster Size of 15 or Fewer Characters
-New Content Released on Monthly Basis (a la Splatoon)
-Pokkén Amiibo line


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC


Chance: 20%

She has a fitting design for Pokken Tournament, and I can definitely see her being unique with a sound-based moveset. To fill that kind role on the Pokken roster, however, she has to compete with Exploud, Noivern, and Meloetta. Now, I know I mentioned a few weeks back that I thought Wigglytuff as a better chance than Jigglypuff to become a fighter. However, after reading what others have to say about Wigglytuff, I'm now convinced Jigglypuff has a better chance than her considering she is much more recognizable than her evolution. Wigglytuff's main claim to fame is her role in the Mystery Dungeon games, and like I said, she still has competition with the other sound-fighters. She even has to compete with more popular normal type Pokemon that can also be unique in what they do.

Want: 25%

Though I now believe Jigglypuff has a better chance than its evolution, I'd still prefer to see Wigglytuff on the roster when comparing the two.


Chance: 35%

A fan-favorite Dragon-type for many Pokemon fans, Flygon is one of the more recognized Pokemon from generation III. As a Ground and Dragon type, it could be interesting considering it would use Quake-style moveset combined with dragon breaths, scratching, tail-whipping, and blowing sand (perhaps even creating sandstorms) with its wings. Despite being fairly popular and having unique potential, Flygon faces very serious competition against other Dragon-types like Dragonite, Salamence, and Garchomp. Out of the four, Garchomp serves as its biggest competition as it has the exact same-typing as Flygon and has received a Mega-Evolution. In fact, out of all the Dragon-type evolution lines introduced in Hoenn, Flygon was the only one that didn't get a Mega Evolution. Poor fellow.

Want: 65%

I've always been a Flygon fan at heart, and while Garchomp will be the more likely Ground/Dragon type candidate of the two, I could definitely see Flygon creating sandstorms for its moveset to make it stand out. Yes, Garchomp can also learn Sandstorm, but I feel like Garchomp would be more like a fearsome rush attacker instead of a character that could attack with sand.


Chance: 70%

Easily one of generation III's most popular and recognized Pokemon, and you can tell why just by looking at it. It has an amazing design as some sort of a super robot spider, though it's Mega Evolutions is more like a spider because of it's eights legs/arms. Oh yeah, I should also discuss that too; Metagross did get a Mega Evolution in the recent Ruby/Sapphire remakes, so it already has a very workable Burst Attack. It would definitely stand out as a slow but power-based fighter that would use physical attacks like Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, and Giga Impact, while it's Steel-typing could give it some sort of boost in defense. In terms of movement, it can levitate as demonstrated in Pokemon Battle Revolution, though when it moves that way, I can definitely see it being slowed down a little to prevent it from becoming too strong. As it currently stands, Metagross will have to compete with other popular Steel and Psychic types who could also have interesting potential, though it is definitely one of those Pokemon that has a higher edge in its competition for reasons previousy stated.

Want: 85%

Metagross truly is an awesome Pokemon, and I can really see it joining the Pokken roster.


Chance: 30%

Empoleon does have a few things going for it. It is the only Water and Steel type out there (giving it a total of 10 resistances, 12 before generation VI adjusted the type chart), and its evolution line are the only penguin Pokemon around. I can see Empoleon attacking a lot like a penguin by using powerful peck attacks like Drill Peck, strong wing attacks like Steel Wing, claw based attacks like Metal Claw, and some swim-based attacks like Aqua Jet. Of course, it would also use special-based Water attacks like Surf to reflect its high Special Attack stat.

Unfortunately, as a special-based Water attacker, Suicune largely took it's spot already, and the next likely special attacking Water-type final evolution would probably be Blastoise since it is more popular than it (even having a Mega Evolution while Empoleon doesn't). Even then, Empoleon also has to compete with final evolution Water starters who have much higher chances than it and can also be interesting, such as Feraligatr, Swampert (also has a Mega), and Greninja (who has a very high chance of getting into the roster at this point), not to mention it has to compete with plenty of other, more popular Water Pokemon that could also be unique in what they do.

Want: 90%

Piplup was the starter I chose in all of the generation IV games (yeah, you all can tell at this point I'm a huge fan of the Water-starters), and I remember liking Empoleon quite a bit (though I still prefer Swampert over it) because of its design being based around Napoleon Bonaparte (fun fact: Empoleon is roughly Napoleon's height as well. Just comes to show how developers wanted Empoleon to be as similar to Napoleon as possible, even going as far as making Empoleon as proud as the French ruler) and it's many strengths. I am especially interested in seeing Empoleon in Pokken because I believe it could attack very much like a penguin, but a lot more fierce. Maybe, it could even use Ice-type attacks like Ice Beam to reflect its habitat considering penguins come from cold climates. Well, I can only dream.


Chance: 30%

If we were to get an Eeveelution on the Pokken roster, Sylveon is the best bet. The reason I think that is because it doesn't have the split evolution argument going against it. Adding Umbreon/Espeon, Leafeon/Glaceon, and Flareon/Jolteon/Vaporeon but not adding the other of the duo/trio would feel very awkward. Sylveon, on the other hand, was the first Eeveelution to be introduced by itself.

We don't have any real Fairy-type representation on the Pokken roster yet (yes there's Gardevoir, but she attacks more like a Psychic-type, not a Fairy-type), and if such a slot were to be considered, I think Sylveon is one of the better bets. It was the first Fairy-type to be introduced, and it even moved on to become a pretty popular and iconic Pokemon from generation VI. It would use Fairy attacks like Moonblast and Drain Kiss to reflect its nature, as well as using its ribbons for some additional interesting attacks.

Outside of that, there a good number of Fairy-types who also have as much unique potential as Sylveon does, so Sylveon does have competition with Pokemon like Clefable or Togekiss. In addition, I also have a hard time imaging an Eeveelution on the Pokken roster since they don't seem to capture the real fighting spirit compared to Pokemon like Lucario, Gardevoir, Haxorus, Elective, etc.

Want: 40%

A Fairy attacker would certainly be interesting and Sylveon is one of the best bets to fill that role, but like I previously said, I feel like the Eeveelutions may not be the most fitting for Pokken Tournament, but there's still a possibility this could happen.


Chance: 45%

A Pokemon that attacks with the use of magnetism is quite the interesting concept, and the combination of Lock On and Zap Cannon could also make it unique. In fact, I think it is another solid choice for a second Electric-type Pokemon on the roster because of the uniqueness it can offer. Unfortunately, it has to compete with Electivire and Ampharous for the second Electric-type slot, considering both Pokemon are more popular than it (and Ampharous even has a Mega Evolution while Magnezone doesn't). Even then, the role of a special attacking Electric type is largely filled by Pikachu, so the developers might want to look for more physical attacking Electric types this time around.

Want: 70%

I've also had a keen interest in Magnezone for quite some time. Its got a cool design, and a Pokemon attacking through magnetism is quite appealing to me.


: 25%

And what better Pokemon to be the last one to rate before Pokken Tournament's release then the God of all Pokemon itself. It would certainly be a unique attacker with its ability to change formes thanks to its plates. The plates would mainly be used to change its type to strengthen certain attacks (and I think it could definitely pull it off considering it has a very diverse move pool). As for a general play style, I can see it attack much like a pony with some hoof stomps along with the ability to use destructive attacks like Hyper Beam and Earth Power. Outside of that, Arceus may be a little too strong for the Pokken Tournament roster. How so? Well, being the God of all Pokemon, it sounds a lot more fitting for the Pokemon to be something like a final boss at the end of single player arcade mode than a playable Pokemon. It's also one of those legendaries that would work quite well as a background character. I mean, if there was to be a stage that took place in some sort of space observatory on top of a high mountain, I can definitely see Arceus being a background Pokemon there alongside the members of the creation trio.

Want: 35%

As interesting as Arceus could be with its playstyle, I really think it's better off as a final boss character instead of a playable fighter because of how powerful it is in the Pokemon universe. If it were to be playable, I can definitely see it as being the final unlock deal. I will also say this: Judgement would make quite an epic Burst Attack, especially if it looks like the anime version.


Considering we are nominating concepts, I thought I'd share a few.

A minigame that appears halfway through single player arcade mode: x1
Downloadable Content (whether it'd be fighters or stages) released on a monthly basis: x1
Starter Pokemon of each type available: x1
Pokken amiibo line: x1
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014

Wigglytuff chances: 8.94%
Wigglytuff want: 29.98%

Flygon chances: 26.89%
Flygon want: 66.00%

Metagross chances: 53.56%
Metagross want: 77.56%

Empoleon chances: 24.06%
Empoleon want: 37.44%

Sylveon chances: 36.89%
Sylveon want: 26.89%

Magnezone: 19.56%
Magnezone: 51.69%

Arceus chances: 20.60%
Arceus want: 62.56%

Metagross did pretty well today and managed to be highly rated enough to be featured in both tops 10. Sylveon on the other hand is our third Pokémon to have a higher chances than want score, except that it is overall flat-out disliked as a potential roster choice.

Tomorrow we will not rate any Pokémon, instead we will wait for the livestream to end then we will rate whoever is revealed in satisfaction, as well as a few concepts in chances and want related to a potential console release. Then the game will end, but will potentially come back to life whenever a console release with a bigger roster is revealed.

Here's the link to the livestream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv225864582
Edit: apparently you can only watch it in live if you have a Niconico account... well that sucks.
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Okay no new Pokémon revealed in the livestream besides the already known Blaziken... so no satisfaction scores today. Maybe we will do one later if more Pokémon are revealed after the game releases in Japanese arcades.

Please rate these concepts in chances and want :
- Console release (Wii U, (New) 3DS, "NX", or whatever)
- Bigger roster in a console release
- Pokkén amiibo line
- All 18 types represented
- Post-release downloadable contents (paid or free)

Also please predict the size of the final roster by giving a number. This is based on how many playable Pokémon you think there will be in the first console release (or the arcade one if it never becomes a thing), including unlockable fighter but not post-release DLC.

I'm going to rate these later.
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Hmm, I missed the day. I'd like to give my thoughts on the Pokemon I missed anyways, just for good practice. Is...that OK? I just want to post this to put out my thoughts is all. :)

Chance - 10%
Want - 70%
Jigglypuff definitely has a better chance, and when it comes down to it, I prefer Jigglypuff as well. However, I'll admit Wigglytuff does look better designed for the game, and I wouldn't mind seeing it if I can't get the puff.

Chance - 15%
Want - 50%
Ah, the poor man's Garchomp. I feel a bit bad for Flygon, getting the axe for Garchomp, so I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing him. However, I'm not clamoring for him, so eh.

Chance - 50%
Want - 70%
Metagross is pretty cool I guess. I can't see much wrong with it, I mean, except for the fact that I see it used online all the time (I use it too, guilty as charged). For a fighting game, his design does kinda clash a bit, being on all fours, but Suicune has broken the mold for that, so it's OK I suppose.

Chance - 30%
Want - 30%
Eh, I don't care for Empoleon, it's all right I suppose, but it's still bland to me. It was heavily promoted during Generation 4, but what starter isn't heavily promoted in it's generation? So... yeah.

Chance - 40%
Want - 55%
I like the eeveeloutions, but to only put one in the game and not all of them... it feels wrong. Then again, it is the most recent, and of the newest typing. It could happen, but I wouldn't put a bet on it.

Chance - 20%
Want - 10%
No, I don't want one of the most overpowered Pokemon in this game. Well, maybe so that I could wail on it with lower tier Pokemon, but I don't really want to see it in the game. I've never really cared for Arceus, and it ruined the whole "Mew is the ancestor of all Pokemon" a bit (stories are a bit different, but they don't feel the same after Arceus came on the scene). So, I'm completely fine without Arceus.
Apr 19, 2015
Console relase
Chance: 90% (Console release is a huge moneymaking opportunity)
Want: 100% (I think were going to get our first 100% want rating)

Bigger roster in the console release
Chance: 80%
Want: 100% (and second 100% want rating)

Pokken amiibo line
Chance: 60%
Want: 0% (I don't care of amiibos)

All 18 types
Chance: 80% (Fairly likely, as we already have 12 of 18 types represented; only ones missing are Grass, Bug, Rock, Ground, Normal and Dragon)
Want: 100% (All types deserve at least one character)

Post-release downloadable content
Chance: 60%
Want: 90%

Roster size prediction: 25 (This depends on the size of the arcade roster, I doubt there are going to be tons of console-exclusive Pokemon, and as we currently have only 9 characters confirmed, I'm starting to get pessimistic)


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Would be cool for us to post our satisfaction ratings for all confirmed fighters anyway....%$@# it I'll post mine anyway!
Weavile-100000000000000000000000(not enough zeros)%


Console Release
Chance: 95%
In the words of a wise royal banana stealing crocodile, 'WHYY NOOOOT?' Pokemon fans have wanted a fighting game for years. It would be extraordinarily stupid for them not to release the game to a console!
Want: 100%
Heck who even goes to the arcade anymore!?


Bigger Roster in a Console Release
Chance: 65%
I'm not as optimistic with this one, though Pokemon has hundreds of potential candidates and it would make sense for them to try to make as many fans happy by adding as many of their favourites as possible, as of know we don't know who else will be available for the arcade version if any...
Want: 99%
In the words of a wise egg-shaped hedgehog abusing mad scientist 'you know what they say the more the merrier!' Docked 1% simply because I'd be happy that Weavile is at least playable...of course there are others I'd want to see hence why it's only 1%...


Pokkén Amiibo Line
Chance: 70%
'But we got Pikachu, Lucario and Charizard amiibos already for Smash!' they wouldn't be the first characters to have duplicate amiibos as is the case for some Mario characters...Some fans do want more Pokemon available for amiibos and Pokken could at least provide some extra amiibos without making all 700+...which would be damn near impossible for most fans to collect them all...
Want: 100%
Want a Weavile amiibo BADLY...and Scizor should he get confirmed...Gengar and Gardevoir would be cool too...


All 18 Types Represented
Chance: 85%
There's only six types missing so far and each has viable contenders as well as popular candidates...Grass(Sceptile) Bug(Scizor) Rock (Tyranitar?) Ground and Dragon (Garchomp) Normal (Lopunny?)
Want: 100%
Sure...I got a favourite for each type...as long as Bug and Dragon makes it in I'll be happy...


Post-release Downloadable Contents
Chance: 75%
If a console release happens it's likely...fans will pay for more playable fighters
Want: 75%
Depends on the content and what we get on an eventual console release but it'd be cool to have more content...


35 Playable Fighters

-Perhaps I'm being optimistic, but the amount of potential candidates from a game that harbours so many different characters, merits a larger roster for a fighting game. We are at 9 fighters so far and a console release with only a few more (or none) would be a little disappointing.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't heard anything new yet. What's going on?

Concept: Console Release

Chance: 90%
From what I've heard, this kind of thing usually happens with fighting games in Japan. They get released in arcades first, the developers observe how things play out for the first few months, then they release a console port with some rebalancing done and potentially some new content. Nintendo may go against the grain a lot of the time, but I'd be really surprised if we don't have a Wii U version by the end of next year...or even an NX port in 2017-18, if nothing else.

Want: 100%
With a known leveling system in place to encourage training your mains, Pokkén is one of those games that'd work better on a console than in an arcade!

...Granted, this is coming from someone who hasn't gone to a big arcade in years. >_>

Concept: Console Version Has Larger Roster

Chance: 40%
Lower than you expected? It's not for the reasons you'd think. I can definitely see a theoretical console port adding a few characters...but who's to say the arcade version couldn't also get them at some point? Something tells me there's also a pretty good chance the arcade version would get the new characters eventually, making it so both versions would eventually have the same roster!

Want: Abstain
Considering it doesn't take into account the chance of the arcade roster expanding to match the console one, I'm gonna stay out of this one. As far as the console version getting new characters, I'm all for that.

Concept: Pokkén Amiibo Line

Chance: 40%

This one ties right into whether we get a console release. You figure there'll be some kind of Pokémon amiibo series eventually, and Pokkén would be one of their means to do so...if they go forward with it. On the off chance it stays in arcades, an amiibo line won't happen, but the chance is pretty realistic if or when we get a Wii U port announced.

Want: 100%
Were you expecting any less? And since Nintendo has a grasp of how highly demanded amiibo are now, there wouldn't be nearly the same shortages the Smash series has had!

Concept: All 18 Types Represented

Chance: 55%

We've seen a pretty good spread among the 9 characters we have so far, overlapping only in Fire and Fighting. The larger the roster ends up being, the more likely this is to happen...but considering we only have, well, nine mons we know of and it's literally the release date, it makes me wonder if the roster flat out won't be big enough.

...But if DLC happens...

Want: 75%
It's complicated. On one hand, I definitely want a lot of elements and abilities represented. On the other...I don't want it to be at the cost of interesting characters. Favor diversity, but don't shoehorn it in with a disappointing character just to fill a quota.

Concept: Post-Release DLC

Chance: 80%
Nintendo's been going full speed ahead with DLC for their biggest games. Smash, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, and Hyrule Warriors have all seen sizable DLC releases, and that's not even including their 3DS games! I can't guarantee it, with how unpredictable Nintendo can be, but it definitely feels likely.

Want: 100%

Why not? More characters, potentially more stages or assists, the sky's the limit!

Initial Roster Size Prediction: 24

The demo CSS had room for 15 icons, a 5x3 box. I can see it expanding to 5x5, and including the Random icon, there you go!

I hope for more, but considering we still only know of nine characters, I don't feel very confident. Even this might be high...


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Console Release
Chance: 95%
If Nintendo likes money, they'll do this
Want: 100%
Who wouldn't want to play a Pokemon fighting game in the comfort of their home

Console Release has a bigger roster
Chance: 90%
Don't other fighting games do this?
Want: 100%
More characters? Yes

Pokken amiibo line
Chance: 50%
Could be a way to have a not so big Pokemon line of amiibo
Want: 100%
More stuff.

All 18 types represented
Chance: 90%
Want: 100%

Post release DLC
Chance: 90%
It worked with Splatoon, though it wasn't technically "DLC", so it would work here
Want: 100%
More content.

Initial roster size prediction: 30


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Console release

Chance: 90%

This is something that will very likely happen. It gives gamers would love to play the game in the comfort of their homes instead of having to go to an arcade, thus meaning more profit can be made from the game.

Want: 100%

I don't go to the arcades as often as I used to, and I think a console release for Pokken Tournament would awesome.

Bigger roster in a console release

Chance: 95%

I'm sure this is something that will happen. Expanding the roster for the console release will entice gamers to buy the game. Most fighting games have an expanded roster by the time the console versions are released, even if it is just one to three characters added.

Want: 100%

Of course I'd be interested in seeing a bigger roster.

Pokken amiibo line

Chance: 60%

This is something that could happen depending on whether a console release happens or not. I'm sure fans have been requesting for Pokemon amiibos for quite some time, and although we might already have Pikachu, Charizard, and Lucario amiibos, they can easily make second versions of those like with Mario amiibos. A Pokken amiibo line would also allow the lesser-represented Pokemon to have a chance in the popular amiibo line, and of course, it would also be good for a profiting standpoint as well.

Want: 100%

Having some of my favorite Pokemon made into figures that could expand my gameplay options? Yes please!

All 18 types represented

Chance: 70%

Considering Pokken Tournament is trying to aim for uniqueness with all of its Pokken fighters, I think this is something that could very likely happen. If the roster will be very small though, then all the types may not be necessarily represented by then but rather through DLC.

Want: 95%

I'm definitely for it considering it would make the roster more unique-looking.

Post-release DLC

Chance: 90%

More and more video games have been using DLC as of late. Nintendo games have been pushing for this with games like Fire Emblem Awakening, New Super Mario Bros 2, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 4, and Splatoon; for Nintendo, it's working pretty well. Likewise, Tekken 7 also has downloadable characters over a solid periods of time. Simply put, DLC is a great way to keep the game fresh and encourage gamers to come back and try something new from the game. Pokken Tournament could definitely pull this concept off quite well, and if it won't be done around the arcade release, then I'm sure it will happen when it comes out on the consoles.

Want: 100%

New fighters being added after a certain period of time? Sure I want that!

Roster Size Prediction:


A considerable balance between 25 and 25 seems about right for a roster size. We currently have only 9 characters confirmed so far, so it might be a bit too optimistic. But hey, it could still happen, especially since there are so many Pokemon that have a lot of unique potential.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Skipping explanations today, I don't feel like explaining my choices for now.

Console release chances: 92%
Console release want: 100% (of course >_>)

Bigger roster in a console release chances: 75%
Bigger roster in a console release want: 100%

Pokkén amiibo line chances: 70%
Pokkén amiibo line want: 30%
I said I wasn't going to explain my ratings but whatever... I don't have interest for amiibos outside of the Smash ones; but if one of my absolute favourite Pokémon manages to be playable and get a Pokkén amiibo, I might be interested in grabbing one.

All 18 types represented chances: 91%
All 18 types represented want: 100%

Post-release DLC chances: 65%
Post-release DLC want: 75% (I'm not as hyped for this game as I'm with Smash, but I'd still welcome more fighters)

Roster size prediction for a console version at launch: 20

GAME OVER!! I had great fun discussing Pokkén Tournament here, it was a great departure from Smash speculation, and the concept of a fighting game with only Pokémon as fighters sounds so cool. This game will be reborn when a console release with a bigger roster will be confirmed (if it ever happens, of course). I have my fingers crossed for more informations in a future Nintendo Direct!... without Iwata and his "Please take a look" :(
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Hey @ ShinyRegice ShinyRegice , Wii U port has now been confirmed (as well as Pikachu Libre's addition to the roster), will this game be reopened?
Yes it will, but not until Monday. Until then I'll ont have my phone to use internet, so I don't feel like reopening it right now.

(Plus announced for my birthday... So amazing!)
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Wii U version confirmed, alongside more fighters to be revealed!
The game is officially reopening!

First, let's take a look at the results for those we've rated during the last day before this game's closure:

Console release chances: 92.00%
Console release want: 100%

Bigger roster on a console release chances: 74.17%
Bigger roster on a console release want: 99.80%

Pokkén amiibo line chances: 58.33%
Pokkén amiibo line want: 71.67%

All 18 types represented chances: 78.50%
All 18 types represented want: 95.00%

Post-release DLC chances: 76.67%
Post-release DLC want: 90.00%

Average expected size of the initial roster for a console release: 27.33

Now that the game is revived the nomination system will work exactly like in the Smash Rate Their Chances thread: you may give up to five nominations you can spread as you wish. Also, the same prediction system will be applied as for Smash RTC: each day you may try to predict what score the thing we will rate tomorrow will get, and you will get five extra nominations if your prediction is the closest to the actual score (and you will get ten extra nominations if you predict the exact score).

Also since we don't have to worry about rating as many Pokémon as possible (plus the character revealed with the Wii U version wasn't even rated... -_-) we will only be rating one thing per day as of now, and yes I said "thing" instead of Pokémon, because concepts are now eligible to be rated. With the reveal of Pikachu Libre you're also allowed to nominate an alternate form of an already confirmed Pokémon, but not a specific form for a Pokémon who has yet to be confirmed - instead nominate the Pokémon itself. You may also nominate things which already have been rated if you thing a rerate is needed. All the nominations that were given prior to this game's initial closure are also saved, so don't worry about seeing them vanish.

I wish we could do a Pikachu Libre satisfaction rating today, but apparently there's not enough gameplay footage. Maybe we will do the Pikachu Libre satisfaction day a little later when we got some footage. Anyway today please rate Zekrom and Ursaring in chances and want (I just said we would do only one rating per day but considering Ursaring is already confirmed as background element I didn't want to waste a day just for it), and predict what chances score Tyranitar will do tomorrow.

Also I just checked the Pokkén Tournament page in Bulbapedia to see if other Pokémon were confirmed as background elements and... I'll be perfectly honest, those potential deconfirmation hurt a lot: Jigglypuff (guess we won't have the entire Smash Bros. crew?), Slowbro, Wobbuffet, Plusle, Minun, Flygon (the one that hurts me the most), and Electivire (our most likely candidate who was put in the limbo).

I'm going to rate and nominate later. I'll first update other things like the results table and the directory.
Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 1% (BG character)
Want: 10%

Chance: 20% (unlikely)
Want: 100%

Tyranitar prediction: 36%

Rerate: Hawlucha 5x
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Rerate: Hawlucha 2x
The nomination system now works like Smash's Rate Their Chances, so you're not forced to follow the system we were using before Pokkén's arcade release, and you may also try to predict what score the Pokémon we will be rating tomorrow will get in chances. Just saying.
Apr 19, 2015
The nomination system now works like Smash's Rate Their Chances, so you're not forced to follow the system we were using before Pokkén's arcade release, and you may also try to predict what score the Pokémon we will be rating tomorrow will get in chances. Just saying.
Yes, I just noticed the prediction thing and added it to my post. I'll edit my nominations too.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Chance: 30%
I don't think being a background character means much in this game, but I don't think he'd be that likely either way
Want: 80%
I want all the We Bare PokèBears to be playable.

Zekrom (or should I say ZeCHROM)
Chance: 55%
Want: 90%

Tyranitar Prediction: 47.36%

Swalot x5


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th

Chance: 25%
While all cover legendaries are among the most promoted Pokemon in the generation, Zekrom is one of two that managed to be one of the big stars even ahead of its compatriot (the other being Lugia). Between the release of BW and B2W2, it had major appearances in Conquest, ReBurst, first billing in the anime and was showcased far ahead of Reshiram for their movie. Popularity-wise, it's also easily the most popular Pokemon of Gen 5 in the west (in Japan it's still popular, though not as much), even managing to do well against other older Pokemon despite its newer status. So it has a good amount of notability for a cover legendary that could allow it to be one of their choices to be the "breakout" from its group like Suicune with the Legendary Beasts.

What prevents me from rating it too highly is that we don't know how Pokken is treating the cover legendaries. Currently, the only examples we have that is any indication is Lugia, which is only one example and a statue at that. There is also Suicune, but it's a lesser legendary that got promoted, so it wasn't created for the role like Zekrom was and may not be the best indication in that sense. So it's up in the air on how they feel about putting in the big cover legendaries (well, "big" in Zekrom's case as it's the shortest ignoring Suicune) into the game, and depending on how they feel about it I feel will determine how strong or weak its actual chances might be.

Want: 100%
It's a personal favorite of mine and one I'd love to see playable in the game. Additionally, I also like the idea of playing into its large, bulky shape and making it a hard hitting character along the lines of True Orge.

Chance: 10%
Like I said with Heracross, we're not sure how being a background Pokemon plays into these Pokemon's chances of becoming playable. So far the data has been consistent in that none of them have been in the arcade game, but with the Wii U release on the horizon, it is possible for that to change and have one or two be able to become playable regardless of the status.

Having said that though, Ursaring is one Pokemon I'm not sure would make that jump. It's decently popular and has a decent moveset idea behind it, but it doesn't stand out as much compared to some of the other Pokemon in and outside of its status. So based on that, I could see the Pokemon be overlooked for other options, especially since it seems the roster is limited in number.

Want: 35%
It'd be a cool Pokemon, but there are other Pokemon that I'd prefer over it.

Yveltal x2
Hawlucha x3
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Chance: 1%
Want: 30%

Haven't been up to date with the news, but I heard that he;s already a background character. That's more than enough to reconfirmed him, even though I wouldn't mind at leafs one homage to Kuma in the game. Still would like him in the game much more than Beartic.

Chance: 20%
Want: 100%

Zekrom is a highly popular legendary from the 5th Generation, but I can easily see him being skipped out in the end. Mostly because we already have two electric fighters (Pikachu and Pikachu Libre) and he wouldn't have that much of a niche to fill. That being said, I would still want him in Pokken regardless because being able to play as that black thunder dragon would be sweet.

Tyranitar prediction: 36%

Rerate: Hawlucha 5x


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
We're baaaaack! From what it looks like, as it stands right now, we will be getting at least 4 more characters added...of course that doesn't say that the CSS won't expand if we get more, but with the chances of us getting a very limited sized roster, my ratings may be a bit more stingy from here on out...

Chance: 5%
Want: 20%

He's a fairly popular 5th Gen legendary, has a unique typing as well as that currently unrepresented Dragon typing as well...Even still Zekrom isn't the most popular legendary out there and isn't the most popular dragon type either...
I'm not really a fan of Zekrom tbh...


Brash the friggin' Ursaring!
Chance: 1%
Want: 10%

He's a bear...that's pretty much it...Being a background element doesn't bode well and the prospect of a seemingly limited sized roster doesn't bode well either...
With all that said, I don't really have any interest in him anyway...




!Rerate: Hawlucha x2 (curse you Librechu!!!)
Concept: Amiibo x Pokemon TCG x3 (This one may not necessarily coincide directly with Pokken, though compatibility with Pokken is possible, imagine certain EX cards acting as power-ups for Pokken fighters, or even unlocking certain fighters (unlikely but imagin the added value for these cards), anyway Amiibo cards are a thing for Animal Crossing's Amiibo Festival and the Pokemon TCG has experimented with something similar with the E-Reader before so this may be a decent way to make all or most Pokemon available as Amiibo collectibles in some way, with the more popular ones getting their own figures obviously)


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The game is back! I might've retired from the Smash Bros RTC Thread, but I'll definitely come back to the Pokken version of this game since it doesn't take too long to think about a Pokemon character for Pokken compared to a video game character for Smash Bros (at least from my experience playing the Rate Their Chances game). I don't know how active I'll be around here, but I'll have some fun now that my anticipation for Pokken has skyrocketed with the console release announcement.


Chance: 10%

What better Pokemon to mark the Pokken RTC Thread's return than with the Lightning Dragon of the Unova Region, Zekrom. It's one of the mascot legendaries of the Generation V games and with no generation 5 representation yet, it's an advantage for Zekrom (not to mention we are yet to see a proper representation of the Dragon-typing outside of Charizard's Burst Attack). It's also the most popular out of the entire Unova Dragon trio, and it's even one of the most popular legendaries out there. It could also bring a more special-based electric style of attacks compared to Pikachu and Librechu. Outside of these traits, I don't see a roster inclusion being that likely of Zekrom.

The main issue it faces is a problem that Pokemon like Xerneas, Groudon, and Arceus face; these Pokemon are usually depicted as the "giant, ferocious, mascot legendary Pokemon" (though Arceus isn't an actual mascot legendary, it still looks like one to me nonetheless), and such Pokemon look more fitting to be something like a final boss in an arcade mode than an actual playable fighter. If they were to be playable, they would be more fitting as final unlocks. I know I originally gave Xerneas and Arceus slightly higher scores, but now when I think about this more, I'm becoming more skeptical. In Zekrom's case, it really does look like a fitting final boss with that kind of design. It even has to compete with other popular Electric types that would either attack in a similar fashion or fit into the Pokken roster more (Ampharos comes to mind).

Want: 20%

It has a pretty cool design, but I like Reshiram more to be honest (Black and White2 were the two generation 5 games I played because of that). However, if we are focusing on what Pokemon should be the final boss of arcade mode, I would definitely like to see Zekrom fill that role since it has that sort of villainous yet heroically challenging look to it.


Chance: 3%

One of the two big bears in the Pokemon world (the other being Beartic), Ursaring would bring an interesting attacking style to Pokken Tournament considering that it would attack a lot like bear; vicious attacks ranging from scratching, biting, and maybe even stomping. We still are yet to see a Normal-type on the roster, so Ursaring also has that going for him.

The problems? The first and obvious point is the fact it is already a background character, significantly reducing its chances at the moment. It's also been losing a lot of relevance in the past several years. Yes, it was a fairly iconic Pokemon from generation II thanks to its unique design at the time, but there are many Pokemon from that same generation that are much more popular and memorable than it to this day. Ursaring doesn't even have a Mega Evolution either, which is unfortunate considering that this is the spotlight booster it desperately needs at the moment. It even has to compete with a plethora of other Normal-types that are either more popular than it or more unique in what they do.

Want: 20%

I fondly remember Ursaring as one of my strongest Pokemon in my Pokemon XD story team along with my Espeon, and it also gets additional points for being a bear. Outside of that, it's not a Pokemon I'm that interested in seeing.


Tyranitar: 58.43%


Serperior: x5
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Zekrom chances: 18%
Quite possibly the most popular generation V legendary Pokémon, Zekrom's design is also a good fit for a fighting game like Pokkén, and it may be the frontrunner for a physical electric-type heavyweight if Electivire is indeed out of running. That said, I'm not sure on how "oversized" legendary Pokémon will fit in Pokkén.

Zekrom want: 48%
Could be interesting, but I suppose I'd prefer some other heavyweights and electric attackers.


Ursaring chances: 0.8%
Being a background character hurts, but even then Ursaring's popularity is nothing special.

Ursaring want: 15%
Seems rather meh. I suppose it could fill a special heavy sumo-type niche, but I think other Pokémon would be better for that.


Tyranitar prediction: 42.33%

Concept: Pokémon as both background character and playable fighter x3
Darmanitan x2


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014

Zekrom chances: 21.86%
Zekrom want: 68.29%

Ursaring chances: 6.69%
Ursaring want: 28.57%

Zekrom did pretty well today and takes Sceptile's spot at the bottom of the top 10 of want. Tomorrow will be about Tyranitar; please rate the Armor Pokémon in chances and want. Also try to predict what score Hawlucha (our first rerate which is manifestly due to Pikachu Libre being confirmed) and Serperior (who is confirmed as a background character, but will it be playable as well?) will do tomorrow.

Besides something I've forgotten to say, but: already rated Pokémon who are confirmed as background characters cannot be nominated for a rerate; it would be like rerating a character in the Smash RTC after being shown as an Assist Trophy. The only difference here is that we don't know whether being a background element prevents a Pokémon to be playable, but even then it's not worth seeing an inevitable drop in chances when it's already shown in the results table that those Pokémon are confirmed as background character. This rule will change if we see precedence of a Pokémon being both playable and background element, of course.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Been studying the background pokes list so I know what's what for nominations...noticed Shuppet wasn't there, I saw them chilling in the background on Gengar's trailer...

Chance: 30%
Want: 80%

We got a possible frontrunner for our first Rock type. Tyranitar has been a popular pokemon since it's introduction during Gold and Silver, even though it was damn near impossible to get in the game, it is also getting some attention recently thanks to the Ancient Origins TCG...Also has the claim to being one of two non-dragon type Psuedo (coincidentally both Tyranitar and Metagross have typings introduced in gen 2) Anyways, Tyranitar can play the physical brute possibly playing with sandstorms as well as stone edges and earthquakes, giving it a lot of Earth based attacks which so far is unique to the cast. As stated Tyranitar is a pretty popular pokemon, just being a Pseudo-legend is enough to give it it's share of fans because it is so powerful...
Biggest downside is, Roster size...If the roster isn't going to grow significantly I don't see T-tar's chances being that great as it may miss out due to other popular pokes...as far as competition within it's typing go Rhydon/Rhyperior seem like solid choices as well as Aggron, possibly Golem, or even one of the fossils, but I think Tyranitar has enough going for it to out prioritize it's competition when it comes to Rock types...


!Rerate: Hawlucha-36.32%



Concept: AmiiboxPokemon TCG x2
Toxicroak x1
Lopunny x1
Kangaskhan x1
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Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Chance: 45%
Want: 50%

Hawlucha Prediction: 23.63%
Serperior Prediction: 11.78%

Swalot x5


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chance: 40%
The kaiju Pokémon is finally up to be rated. Of the pseudo-legendaries, it's probably the second most popular of the bunch and has a decent history behind it with a number of notable appearances in the anime and spinoff games (ex. Mystery Dungeon). Additionally, in terms of moveset, it has a lot to work with due to its very good movepool and body type allowing for a lot of differentiation among the current cast. So it has a good amount of merits behind it that could have it become a strong possibility out of the many possible choices.

Want: 40%
Mostly ambivalent, it could be a fun Pokémon to play as, but it's not one that interest me too much.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Sorry people, I feel too tired to do the update tonight. Don't worry, I'll do it tomorrow at the planned hour, and I'll make sure to be consistent on the future. This will also let the time for a few more voters to give their opinion on Tyranitar in Pokkén.

Edit: adding my Tyranitar rating before updating for the new day:

Tyranitar chances: 36%
Popular Pokémon, unique typing, and a perfect user of sandstorm attacks if Flygon is indeed deconfirmed;

Tyranitar want: 67%
I suppose it could be interesting, though for a primary Rock-type attacker I'm mostly rooting for Terrakion.

Hawlucha prediction: 32.39%
Serperior prediction: 5.23%

Concept: Pokémon as both playable and background character x3
Darmanitan x2
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'll try to make this quick.


Chance: 60%

Tyrannizer is the pseudo-legendary of Johto, and one of the most popular generation II Pokemon overall. It's Rock/Dark-typing help it quite a bit considering we are yet to see either of those types in Pokken as of yet. However, I don't see Tyranitar using a lot of Dark-type attacks. Rather, I envision Tyranitar attacking very much like the famous movie creature it is designed after: Godzilla. It would obviously attack with biting, scratching, and stomping in a monster like-fashion. More interestingly, it could also utilize a Rock-type moveset quite well. It could utilize its Sand Stream abilities from the games by summoning sandstorms for distance-based fighting, along with using close range Rock-type attacks like Stone Edge (perhaps he could even use some quake-style attacks like Earthquake to further highlight his mineral-like typing).

What are his issues? He does have some competition with other Rock-types who could use a rock-style moveset (not to mention similar style of attacking). Perhaps his most notable competition is Tyrantrum. Tyrantrum would attack a lot like Tyranitar thanks to moves relating to biting (though Tyrantrum seems to emphasize that aspect more than Tyranitar), scratching, stomping, and Rock-type moves. Tyrantrum also comes from a generation that is yet to represented on the Pokken Roster, so if the developers are looking for more generation diversity, Tyrantrum might steal the cake. However, unlike Tyrantrum, Tyranitar has a Mega-Evolution and has been a fan-favorite for a long time, so I feel as though it could go both ways.

Want: 65%

He would be pretty cool with the ability to summon sandstorms and attack a lot like a kaijuu combined with some earth powers. That would make him look a true terror in the battlefield, but outside of that, he isn't that much of a personal favorite for me.


Hawlucha: 30.45%
Serperior: 12.04%


Toxicroak: x3
Landorus: x2


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014

Tyranitar chances: 42.29%
Tyranitar want: 63.14%

Tyranitar managed to get a respectable though not exactly exceptional score today. Now we will do our first rerate, Hawlucha, due to Pikachu Libre's confirmation, and we will also rate Serperior. Please rate both in chances and want, though don't forget that the later is also confirmed to be a background character. Also try to predict what chances score Swalot will do the day after.

By the way, my Tyranitar prediction was the closest to the score it actually got, so I get five extra nominations today I'm going to use later when I'll rate and nominate.
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