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Rate Their Chances: Pokkén Edition - On a hiatus, will restart soon!


Deleted member

I have been summoned.


They are taking their choices seriously... and I doubt they will go for a joke character like Magikarp. That and its moveset potential is... limited.
Want: 100%
Our god must be reborn in this game.

Who else are we rating? Xerneas and Tyrantum? I'll rate them.


A recent and kinda popular legendary. I am unsure about making a moveset, however.
Want: 100%
I knew I was getting X when I saw this majestic thing.


It will have to compete with other fossil Pokemon, namely Aerodactyl, but it could happen.
Want: 100%
I like the dino design. I was sad when I couldn't use it on my team, really. (he didn't seem to really fit well)

Dragonite 2x
(summon me when we rate our best buddy :p)
Sunkern 1x
Dunsparce 1x
Arceus 1x


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Here's a fun fact: Did you know Xerneas is depicted in the anime with a feminine voice? Yeah, despite the antlers, Xerneas might be canonically female. Who knew?


Chance: 5%
Enter the joke character. A lot of fighting games have one, and Pokkén might or might not have one...but is Magikarp really likely for that? The thing known for having a super-narrow movepool and being all but useless in battle unless you build a team around them in a very specific way?

We need proof they'd even let a joke character in, first of all, and beyond that, there're a lot of jokes that'd be funnier while still potentially being viable.
Want: 10%
I'm not much a fan of joke characters. You might get a laugh or two out of them at first, but after that, all you have is a character made deliberately bad when the time could've been spent on one that'd have been more viable.

Long term variety lost in favor of short term humor? Bad creative choice, if you ask me.


Chance: 35%
Strange as it seems, the god of nightmares is no stranger to battle. Famous for its use in competitive play and from that time a random trainer with a team of nothing but legendaries cubstomped Ash out of the Sinnoh League, Darkrai's focus on sleep and elemental darkness could prove an upper hand.

At the same time, though, it'll depend on some other factors. We might not get another Dark type at all if the roster is smaller, Zoroark also has dark powers, its own thematic niche, and greater prominence, and we'll have to see if they're willing to add more legendaries in as playable.

Want: 40%
Though I'm not as interested as I am in Absol or Zoroark, I could get behind the idea. As long as he doesn't become a game breaker through sleep-locking his opponent, anyway.


Chance: 30%
Hard to believe it took six generations for us to get A T. rex, but they delivered with this one. Tyrantrum became popular fast, and might have an argument for Pokkén. That said, there're several other Rock types and dragons that could be higher priority, and Tyrantrum's moveset may be limited if all it has are biting and tail attacks.

Want: 35%
I guess I wouldn't mind, but Rex the Terrible isn't very high on my list.


Chance: 20%
Darkrai isn't the only legendary with an argument for inclusion. As a quadruped, Xerneas would be only the second of her kind on the roster (that we know of), with a mix between physical and elemental moves and magically-altered light that'd help her stand out from Gardevoir. There aren't even a lot of other prominent fairies, other than Sylveon!

What'll likely get in Xerneas' way, though...is just how canonically powerful she is. I mean, Suicune is one thing, but it might be a little hard to believe if what amounts to the setting's god of life stepped into the ring.

Want: 72.5%
Not that it dulls my interest any less. A cool design that'd stand out big time, and with an array of multicolored magic attacks and who knows what else from her massive movepool? Sign me up.


Chance: 1.5%
How do you fight as that which cannot attack directly? Well...it'd be so impractical to build a moveset for Wobbuffet that didn't end up feeling like a game of chance each time you fought as or against one that I doubt they'd go along with it.

Want: 5%
Would be better of as an assist, probably...or maybe Pokkén's version of Sandbag?


Chance: 30%
There're a lot of compelling options for Grass types, aren't there? Though not as popular as Greninja, Chesnaught has a share of fans on top of relevance. The knight motif he'd bring would help him stand out, as would all of those spikes.

With so much competition within his types, though, would Chesnaught get a chance?

Want: 65%
Apparently I'm a fan of all the Grass type frontrunners. I could see a really interesting playstyle with this one, a defensive tank whose shield moves also allow him to be a potent anti-camper.

Samurott x2!
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chance: 1%
Want: 50%
It'd be nice to have a joke character, but I don't think they'll go with Magikarp in that choice. I feel something a bit less limited would be chosen as Magikarp's movepool is very shallow to work with.

Chance: 25%
It'd be one of the event Pokémon I could see get added in. It's very popular and has been one of the go-to 'villain' Pokémon that the franchise likes to use. Plus, it has a lot of potential due to its nightmare abilities, so it'd be an interesting moveset to have.

Want: 50%
In the middle.

Chance: 14%
Probably one of the big standouts of the fossil Pokémon, with only a couple like Aerodactyl rivaling it for the position. It's very popular, a lot of fans love this guy and it'd fit well with a biting oriented moveset along the lines of what is suggested for Krookodile and Feralgatr. The only thing is that there are other Pokémon that could be considered over it such as the aforementioned Aerodactyl, and the biting moveset could be taken by the crocodiles due to their higher popularity and notability.

Want: 100%
It would be cool to have this guy.

Chance: 14%
The cover legendaries are interesting, I can see the argument for why they'd be avoided since they're very powerful beings, but they are also very popular Pokémon and the ones that GF will market to a great extent. So despite being powerful, it'd make sense to have one of the duo Pokémon show up here in a slightly downgraded form. Plus, like I said with Terrakion about Suicune, there are legendaries that have breakout roles where they appear ahead of their counterparts, so it's entirely possible for one to appear without the other.

Xerneas is one that I wouldn't expect though. In terms of popularity, the best way I could describe it is a Pokémon that exists completely in the middle. It's not as popular as breakout characters like Lugia, but it's not unpopular (or rather, unpopular for a cover legendary) either, so it stands at a place that could either favor or hinder it. In terms of notability, it is on equal footing with Yveltal, which means that they are getting a lot of publicity, but it also means that neither stand out from the other. This also means that it's not a "breakout character" by any means, it's just another part of the duo.

However, while it's in the middle, it still would excite a lot of fans to see, and it does have an interesting moveset idea going for it. So of the cover legendaries, I think it has a chance, though there are others I would put ahead of it.

Want: 30%
I'm an Yveltal man.

Chance: 10%
It's a part of Team Rocket, so it's popular and notable, but it's very hindered by its moveset. It's completely based on its counter abilities, and that can be really hard to work into a fighting game like this when they have no fighting capabilities. So I think this guy may sit it out as a playable character, it doesn't seem to lend itself well to the game.

Want: 10%
A counter moveset doesn't sound interesting at all.

Chance: 25%
Chesnaught seems to be in the middle of the Kalos starters, it's not as unpopular as Delphox, but it's not as popular as Greninja. It's not as notable as either Delphox or Greninja as at least they made non-movie appearances, and the latter has Smash. So it's something that could get in, but it seems to be just behind the others, and with Greninja that's even more troublesome as that Pokémon has went on to be quite the popular one with a great chance to be put in. So Chesnaught does have its work cut out for it, but its natural potential for a moveset based on its knight-like and fighter abilities gives it quite an edge here as they could look at that and choose it based on them. I still would put more stock in Greninja, but I do feel it's definitely possible.

Want: 80%
I'd like to see it.

Yveltal x1
Zekrom x1
Salamence x1
Blastoise x1
Galvantula x1


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC


Chance: 1%

It seems like Pokken Tournament isn't going to include joke fighters. Even if a Pokemon attacking like a fish would be an interesting concept, I think this is kind of fighting style would be hard to create in this game. Gyarados, on the other hand, has a far better chance than Magikarp considering it isn't a joke Pokemon and it could attack like a serpent, something we are yet to see on the Pokken Roster.

Want: 0%

Yeah, I'm one of those people who doesn't want to see joke characters get in.


Chance: 40%

He is one of the most popular legendaries out there, and it's understandable why once you look at his design. He would have a very unique moveset where he could attack by putting opponents to sleep with Dark Void and use Dream Eater on them, while the opponent would take additional damage due to Darkrai's ability. Of course, Darkrai would use special-based Dark type attacks to make it a bit more distinct from Weavile, a Dark-type who uses physical moves. It could even be a trickster Pokemon by hiding in the shadows and ambushing opponents. Despite all of this, Darkrai has to compete with other popular Dark-type Pokemon who could also be as unique as Darkrai. As a special-based Dark type attacker, it might have to compete with Zoroark for the spot (going off the fact Zoroark has a better special attack stat), and if it were to have the more trickster/ambush style moveset, Gengar could have already taken its slot considering it uses similar tactics to emphasize its Ghost-type.

Want: 80%

Darkrai is awesome. Enough said. I think he'd be a great pick for Pokken for reasons I previously stated.


Chance: 55%

We are yet to see a Rock-type on the Pokken roster, so Tyrantrum already ha that going for him. He could also be quite interesting where he would attack with a lot of head charging and fang-based attacks, along with a few tail attacks here and there. Long story short, it would very much attack like a T-Rex. As interesting as this attacking style goes, Tyrantrum has to compete with other fossil type Pokemon that would also be strong competition for a Rock-type slot, such as Aerodactyl (a very likely pick for a fossil Pokemon rep) and Rampardos (who can also use the head charge fighting style quite well).

Want: 70%

Who wouldn't want to see a T-Rex Pokemon on the Pokken roster? I think Pokken could really use some fossil Pokemon, though I'd also be interested in seeing either Aerodactyl or Rampardos get in for that kind of slot as well.


Chance: 35%

It's the mascot Pokemon of Pokemon X and a fairly popular legendary, so at least it's got that. It could also use a lot of Fairy-style attacks along with Geomancy to boost its attack damage, and all of that would be interesting, especially since we are yet to see a real Fairy type rep on the Pokken roster (we have Gardevoir, but she attacks more like a Psychic-type instead of a Fairy-type). It could even use some physical horn-attacks as well, another fighting style we are yet to see in this game. As unique as it could be, I don't think the developers would be interested in adapting mascot legendaries into the roster. I mean, we already have Lugia confirmed as a background Pokemon, and it would feel awkward to add one mascot from a pair of games and exclude the other (though Suicune would say otherwise). To me, it looks like one of those Pokemon that would be better as a background Pokemon or a potential boss Pokemon.

Want: 20%

As cool as Xerneas looks, I'm more of a Yveltal fan, especially since I chose Pokemon Y between the two games.


Chance: 1%

While it could be very unique with a counter-style moveset (and it is also quite recognizable thanks to the anime), I think this is a concept that would be very hard to create in Pokken. I mean, Wobbufet has a very limited move pool since it is essentially a punching bag Pokemon, and a punching bag is supposed to stand still and potentially retaliate by slamming into you if you hit it hard enough. To me, I could see Wobbufet working for a potential minigame Pokemon, but definitely not a fighter.

Want: 5%

I've never really been a fan of Wobbufet, though if there would be some sort of minigame you had to completet halfway through single player arcade mode in a style similar to Tekken or Street Fighter, then I would love to see Wobbufet incorporated for such a concept.


Chance: 45%

We are yet to see a Grass type fighter on the Pokken roster, and being a fighting type sure helps his chances a lot considering Fighting types work great for this game. We are also yet to see Generation 6 Pokemon on the roster, so Chesnaught also has that going for him. I could see an interesting moveset for him where he could attack with some tackling, body slams, and arm slams through attacks like Wood Hammer. Spiky Shield would probably be the highlight of his moveset, as it could be his guard move that would have that added bonus of damaging opponents that use physical attacks on it.

Despite all of his unique potential, I don't think he is one of the more likely inclusions on the Pokken roster. I mean, he already has to compete with Sceptile and Serperior for a Grass type slot (if we are to assume the roster is truly going to be as small as most are predicting it to be), two Pokemon that also have unique potential with their movesets and are a bit more popular than Chesnaught. If we are to go off the assumption that only one starter from each generation will get in (considering the deal with Charizard and possibly Blaziken), Greninja is already the strongest contender for the first generation VI final evolution starter to join the roster, so Chesnaught's chances in that light wouldn't be that favorable.

Want: 50%

I'm 50-50 with Chesnaught's inclusion. It's got a great design and has a unique fighting style, but I'd rather see Greninja get in as the first Generation 6 Pokemon. As for a Grass-type final evolution starter, I'd prefer seeing Serperior get in to fill that slot.


Salamence: x2
Gogoat: x1
Empoleon: x1
Electivire: x1
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014

Magikarp chances: 3.16%
Magikarp want: 46.25%

Darkrai chances: 34.71%
Darkrai want: 58.57%

Tyrantrum chances: 28.75%
Tyrantrum want: 83.13%

Xerneas chances: 23.88%
Xerneas want: 49.44%

Wobbuffet chances: 7.93%
Wobbuffet want: 18.57%

Chesnaught: 34.43%
Chesnaught: 65.83%

Sorry for the late update. Tyrantrum managed to get an amazingly high want score today, and Chesnaught also did well, pushing them in the top 10 wanted fighters for Pokkén, 3rd and 10th respectively, which means I'm going to update the top 10 of want soon. At least that's a much better performance than Wobbuffet... Today we will be rating Dragonite, Galvantula, Slowbro, Marowak, Salamence and Torterra. Please rate them in chances and want. Also don't forget to nominate more Pokémon you want to be rated, Pokkén Tournament is going to release on Japanese arcade machines very soon!

I'm going to rate and nominate later.
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Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 40% (He has to compete with Garchomp, who has a Mega, unlike Dragonite)
Want: 50% (I prefer Garchomp)

Chance: 25%
Want: 100%

Chance: 15%
Want: 5%

Chance: 35%
Want: 30%

Chance: 25% (Too much competition against other Dragon types)
Want: 50%

Chance: 15% (Too much competition against other Grass starters)
Want: 100% (He is the first starter Pokemon I ever had and he also is my favorite Pokemon)

Nominations: Arbok 2x, Aegislash, Pinsir, Magnezone
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC

Chance: 70%
Want: 35%

Probably one of the picks for the first Dragon type, as he was THE dragon type of the original 151, and the first Psuedo to boot...Garchomp serves as his biggest competition along with Haxorus beign the likely third choice...I myself was never really a Dragonite person...I liked Dragonair better, I liked the gracefullness it had then it evolved into this big derpy dino dragon...I would much rather have Haxorus and Garchomp than Dragonite...besides Charizard has teh 'Flying Dragon' archetype pretty much covered as well...


Chance: 25%
Want: 50%

Bug types Scizor and heracross have been mentioned before but not this creepy crawly...Galvantula not only has bug typing covered but also electric typing which is already implemented with Pikachu, however Galvantula would likely use it's electricity differently, setting up web traps and shocking opponents from a far with tether like abilities. I'm fairly neutral to Galvantula as I'd prefer both Scizor and Heracross over him, but the potential it has catches my interest....


Chance: 40%
Want: 35%

Edges out his Johto counterpart thanks to his Mega form...Slowbro would be one of the more defensive fighters no doubt, but obviously being very slow with it's attacks...I'm not really a fan of Slowbro or his evolutionary line though, just too derpy for my liking, though I see why that can be appealing to others though...


Chance: 55%
Want: 50%

Upon Pokken's reveal Marowak was one of the pokemon who's name I have seen circulate quite a bit...One of the more interesting choices for this game, got its signature move stolen from Lucario though. Marowak would still play a hell of a lot differently than most other pokemon given it's bone club! And Skull bashes for days! Also there is still yet to be a ground type revealed yet, but that may be covered by the likes of Garchomp possibly...


Chance: 25%
Want: 100%

Pokken has yet to feature the Dragon typing outside of Charizard's Mega form. While Garchomp and Dragonite appear to be waiting in the winds for their opportunity, Salamence has a lot to compete with in that regard. Salamence does have a super strong Mega form that gives him an edge over Dragonite, but Garchomp's overall popularity makes him a bigger contender for Pokken, though Salamence would play differently than Garchomp, he could probably have a playstyle like Charizard cept more focused on physical power...however I feel Salamence won't get more than an Assist or Stage cameo...
As for my want...well Salamence is my second favourite pokemon overall...so of course I'd want it...but I feel it's chances aren't the greatest, given it's competition and it's niche pretty much already taken by Charizard...


Chance: 10%
Want: 60%

Quadrupeds are a thing yes, but Torterra is hardly fighting game material considering it's a frikkin Tortoise, I don't see it working out too well in a fighting game environment since Torterra isn't known to move around very much...Perhaps as an Assist or a boss, but not playable...It is admittedly one of my favourite starters so I wouldn't mind, I just don't see it working too well...


Heracross x2
Hariyama x1
Quagsire x1
Pinsir x1


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Chance - 45%
Want - 50%
I have nothing against Dragonite, I just don't personally really like Dragon types. So I decided to go neutral against him. Otherwise, he's a rather well known Dragon, so his chances are pretty good.

Chance - 25%
Want - 70%
So...a character that would slow down opponents with webs, and scurries around on 8 legs. Actually, that sounds pretty cool. Also remembering the fact that Galvantula is one of the strongest bug types out there... so, I'm game about it. It's also fairly popular so it has a decent chance.

Chance - 15%
Want - 100%
Slowbro is decently popular as a Pokemon, and he's even got a Mega Evolution to boot. However, he has competition from Alakazam and Mewtwo to get in. As for want, Slowbro has quickly become one of my favorite Pokemon, his Mega Evolution is oddly adorable yet fearsome at the same time. I'd no doubt want him in the game.

Chance - 5%
Want - 60%
Why of all Pokemon would Marowak get picked, especially when people are turning away from Gen 1 Pokemon? Well, chances are, he probably wouldn't be. The Mother Marowak is known for Lavender Tower though, so it is decently known. Anyways, I think a fighter attacking with bones is... unique, but not unique enough.

Chance - 30%
Want - 45%
Similar note to Dragonite, although why take Salamance when I could have Dragonite. Well, then again, Salamance does have a Mega Evolution, but I'd still prefer Dragonite to Salamance.

Chance - 15%
Want - 30%
Out of all the other Grass type's we've rated, Torterra is probably the least fitting for the game. Nor can I really see it playable either. Torterra just doesn't appeal to me. No offense to those who like it, but I just can't see it in the game.

Wigglytuff X2
Arbok X1
Pinsir X1
Noivern X1


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2015
...I miss the last day... ups...
Chance: 50%
Want: 40%
The good old dragon... why didn't you have a mega evolution?

Chance: 15%
Want: 60%
The best spider in the game, with electric web could be an amazing assist...

Chance: 10%
Want: 12%
The horn pastry pokemon... maybe we could get a defensive assist?

Chance: 25%
Want: 60%
Lucario stole his bone move... I hate that

Chance: 55%
Want: 35%
The flying Croisant... Garchomp has the upper hand to be the Dragon...

Chance: 15%
Want: 55%
The best starter from sinnoh... but it wasn't that hard, the monkey and the penguin sucks...It would be a heavy and slow challenger, well rooted with tons of Defense and HP...

Floatsel x2


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO


Chance: 50%
Does this guy need any introduction? The first dragon, the first 600 beast, and a recurring favorite despite some...strange design quirks. With no dragons on the roster yet, you could bet on Dragonite being the likely first pick.

Yet with all the curveballs we've had so far (Seriously, who thought Suicune was happening?), not many mons are sure things, and there're a lot of other dragons with some intriguing potential. Perhaps Dragonite could get passed on for one or more of them.

Want: 32.5%
No hard feelings, buddy, but it's some of those "other dragons" that I'm more interested in.


Chance: 35%
How come we haven't seen this one brought up much? Galvantula's been a fan favorite practically since its debut in Black and White's prerelease images, with an awesome design, unique typing, and a spread of abilities that let it do things no other mon can! There's a lot of compelling options for a second Electric type, but I think I can say Galvantula would be among them.

...Provided the roster's big enough for a second Electric type to actually happen...and that Galvantula (or Joltik) doesn't end up an assist instead.

Want: 72.5%
One of my favorites from Gen 5. How about a zoner moveset built around using various types of webs to slow or stun opponents, then following up with powerful blasts of lightning? Compound Eyes could even be its Burst Mode, giving its attacks a homing factor!


Chance: 15%
Altogether...well, the design isn't forgettable, but Slowbro seems to be one of those mons that doesn't see much use outside of some competitive teams. Overshadowed by many Psychic and Water types, and with little notable abilities save for taking up to five seconds to feel pain and that mutated Shellder clamping down on its tail, I'd honestly be surprised if Slowbro was playable.

Want: 15%
Honestly kind of bland, if you ask me. There're so many more interesting options, and haven't we had enough from Gen 1 already?


Chance: 20%
You could say this one's thunder got stolen. Lucario has Bone Rush in his repertoire, even taking the form of a bone-shaped staff. Marowak would be partially redundant next to that, and though it doesn't rule it out completely, I feel like the developers would favor a completely fresh character over one where part of its moveset resembles part of a different character's.
Want: 25%
Meh. Even if wielding your ancestors' bones as weapons and armor is unique, there're so many other weapon-wielders who surpass Marowak in potential.


Chance: 35%
Another big name among dragons, hailing from a little further along than Dragonite. Mence's potential lies in a fiercer, more brutal fighting style than Dragonite's calmer, more defensive nature...but Dragonite could in fact be what counts Mence out. As both mons share a typing, and since Dragonite's movepool is actually larger (depending on if they want to pull from extended stuff at all, anyway), it'd probably be a matter of one or the other.

And since Dragonite seems to have an arm up in terms of interest...well...
Want: 35%
I'd be a little more interested than with Dragonite, but still not very high on my list.


Chance: 22.5%
Often overlooked in terms of Grass starters, Torterra might gain redemption in Pokkén if the stars align. Bearing an affinity for two types we haven't seen yet, the uniqueness is certainly there. But with so many other Grass and Ground types out there with more recognition and just as much potential, we'll probably see this one passed up on again.

Want: 35%
To be honest? Even though I like the concept, I'm not a fan of the design. Some of the artistic choices and the way the colors mesh leaves it looking more...plastic-y, if that makes any sense, than like a living creature.

Flygon x2!
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC


: 60%

Dragonite is the original Dragon-type Pokemon introduced, so it has quite the celebrity status going for him when it comes to finding the first real Dragon-type for the Pokken roster. He could be interesting considering he would attack with some punches, stomping, and several strong beam attacks like Hyper Beam to reflect how powerful it is. Unfortunately, it has to compete with Pokemon like Garchomp if the roster will truly be small to the point only one Dragon-type will be considered. Despite being the Fire-type fighter, the developers could potentially view Charizard as the Dragon attacker of the roster because of its design and style of attacking as if it were some sort of dragon, so that too could hurt his chances.

Want: 40%

I have other Dragon-types I would prefer seeing get in the Pokken roster over him. I mean, I wasn't a big fan of Dragonite in the first place because it doesn't capture the ferocity of a dragon when looking at it compared to Dragons like Salamence, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Haxorus, or Hydreigon, though I somehow see some sort of unique potential with Dragonite if something can be done.


Chance: 45%

Galvantula definitely has some unique potential going for it. We don't have any sort of Bug-type fighters yet on the roster, and for an Electric type it has a different style attacking. Here, I can see it attacking with its Electro Webs to trap opponents and follow up with some very Bug-style attacks. For a second Electric type rep on the roster, it has to compete with other popular Electric types that could also have some unique potential in their attacks, and the same holds true for its Bug-typing. Despite that, I think it has a pretty decent chance considering the uniqueness it can bring.

Want: 65%

A bug that attacks with electricity? Now that would be interesting to see!


Chance: 25%

Slowbro is a fairly recognizable from the first generation, and it just got a Mega Evolution recently, so that helps its chances quite a bit. I could see it being a defensive type attacker where it would attack with slow but powerful ranged-water type moves and Psychic blast of energies, and perhaps use it's tail for up-close attacks. Sadly, it could be booted in the end like other Water-types because Suicune could be seen as the Water-type attacker in the Pokken roster, and for a Psychic-type attacker, Gardevoir already seems to cover that role pretty well. Even then, it has to compete with many other popular Water and Psychic-types that could have far more unique movesets than it.

Want: 20%

I'm not really a big fan of Slowbro, and I really do think there are a lot of Water and Psychic types that would be much more fitting for Pokken compared to it.


Chance: 35%

And here we have the Bone attacker of the Pokemon. It could certainly be a very interesting attacker where it could use its bone as if it were Boomerang or extend it with Bone Rush and use it as if were some sort of a beating stick. It could also attack with some head charging with attacks like Skull Bash. Sadly, Lucario took one of its signature moves, Bone Rush, for its Pokken moveset already, and it also has to compete with plenty of more popular and recognized Ground-types who could also have a very unique play style of attacking.

Want: 45%

I am somewhat interested in seeing Marowak use its Bone to attack opponents, though I'd prefer seeing Pokemon like Krookodile or Garchomp fill the role of the Ground-type attacker on the Pokken roster.


Chance: 40%

Another very popular Dragon-type Pokemon, and arguably one of the most popular Pokemon from generation III as well. It even got a dangerously powerful Mega Evolution in the recent Ruby/Sapphire remakes, so it already has a workable Burst Attack. I could see it's moveset demonstrating how ferocious of an attacker it really is through headbuts, scratching, and biting, along with some aerial attacks thrown into the mix in order to reflect its Flying-type. Sadly, it faces the same issues as Dragonite has, but Salamance's chances are lower considering between it and Dragonite, Dragonite has the higher chance considering it is the original Dragon/Flying type.

Want: 80%

Salamence is easily one of my favorite Dragon-types out there, and I would be quite happy to see it join the Pokken roster.


Chance: 25%

Being a Grass and Ground type helps considering we are yet to see either of those types on the Pokken roster (and it is also fairly recognizable since Ash owned one in the anime). It could be an interesting attacker considering it could use some defensive style attacks where it can grow trees to shield itself and use attacks like Leaf Storm and Earthquake for distance attacking options. Sadly, it has to compete with plenty of more popular Grass and Ground types that also have unique potential for a possible slot on the Pokken roster, with Serperior and Sceptile being the most likely of the Grass-type final evolution starters to join the roster and Ground-types like Krookodile and Garchomp being more likely possibilities.

Want: 35%

I'd be somewhat interested in seeing what it could bring to Pokken Tournament, especially since it's got a pretty neat design, but even then, I have a hard time imagining this Pokemon on the Pokken roster. I mean, it's supposed to be based off a tortoise, and those animals are supposed to be harmless and docile creatures.


Gogoat: x2
Empoleon: x1
Electivire: x1
Toxicroak: x1


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
@XenoBrawler610 we're rating Dragonite now :p hope it's not too late (I wish I could have rated earlier, but between Iwata's death that shaken me and my father who summoned me to help him for renovation of the house, I finally came to rate later than expected).

Dragonite chances: 62%
The oiginal Dragon-type, Dragonite is an iconic Pokémon many players remembers fondly, and definitely a viable design for Pokkén. It may suffer from body type overlap with Charizard, but is an actual Dragon-type and has a wide movepool at its disposal including Outrage, Dragon Claw and Extreme Speed, and is known to have strong ties to the sea which give it access to moves live Aqua Tail, Water Pulse and Hurricane.

Dragonite want: 70%
While Dragonite's moveset potential doesn't exactly make me super hyped, it has definitely enough tools at its disposal to make me interested. I wouldn't mind it.


Galvantula chances: 22%
While not exactly an iconic Pokémon, Galvantula has some things going for it such as as unique typing and some rare web attacks that would fit it perfectly, and its pre-evolved form is notably known in the fandom as one of the cutest things ever. Its design, while not completely non-viable for Pokkén, seems rather unorthodox for a fighter in a such game. I honestly expect it more as an assist Pokémon.

Galvantula want: 87%
And that would kinda suck if Ganvantula ended up to be an assist rather than a playable fighter because its potential is admittedly very hype. A perfect user of moves like Discharge, Bug Buzz, Electro Ball, and obviously all Web attacks, especially Electro Web, and an awesome and adorable design on top of that.


Slowbro chances: 24%
The Slowpoke family is a rather memorable group of early gen Pokémon known for being particularly... well, slow, and kind of derpy but that's what makes its charm. Asides from that, Slowbro can have your typical water powers like Water Pulse, but is mostly known for its psychic attacks like Psychock of Confusion. A high defensive stat is also part of its identity as a Pokémon.

Slowbro want: 50%
Could be unique I guess, but I'm not particularly excited about it.


Marowak chances: 18%
A Pokémon particularly remembered for its role in the original Pokémon games in Lavender Town's tower, and has a design perfectly suited for Pokkén, but Lucario already took its niche as a bone fighter. And besides that, many other Pokémon could use the Ground type in a more unique way.

Marowak want: 37%
With Lucario using bones attacks and many more exciting options for a Ground-type fighter, I'm not really interested in Marowak.


Salamence chances: 37%
A particularly popular Pokémon due to being among those 600 BST non-legendaries (and with a Dragon type on top of that), but I have a feeling its design would fit... kinda awkwardly in Pokkén. Maybe I could be wrong, but with other popular options for Dragon-type powerhouses with a design better suited for Pokkén, I'm expecting Salamence to be passed over. I wouldn't be surprised if it managed to be playable, though.

Salamence want: 40%
I'd rather have someone like Dragonite or Garchomp.


Torterra chances: 14%
A Grass starter, but not exactly among the most popular ones, and a design that would fit particularly awkwardly in Pokkén; Sceptile, Chesnaught and even Serperior seem to be more viable choices. Its unique typing combination, on the other hand, is its main asset, with both powerful physical Grass attacks and devastating Earthquakes.

Torterra want: 45%
Its design doesn't seem to be really Pokkén-friendly, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

Nominating: Blastoise; Deoxys x2; Gogoat; Aegislash
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I won't be able to rate everyone due to how the day's been, so I'll just focus on a few of these this time around.

Chance: 45%
The first dragon type and the first Pseudo-legendary, this guy has started a legacy for its typing and its group status that many adore. Even ignoring that, it's a rather popular and beloved Pokemon that has a lot of notability in the franchise and can bring a lot to the table as a fighter. It would make sense to have him, though he is in competition with other dragon types like Garchomp.

Want: 10%
I never really liked it, even outside of it breaking the thematic that I loved from Dratini and Dragonair, its design never appealed to me. Additionally, I find its moveset potential more lacking compared to what the other dragons could bring, so I'd prefer to see them become playable before it.

Chance: 15%
It's somewhat popular and has a great moveset potential, but it's not really that notable in the franchise and there are other of its typing that could get in over it.

Want: 100%
It would be a cool Pokemon to have due to its unique abilities and design. Plus, it's so adorable, I'd love to have this little guy in the game.

Chance: 20%
Another Dragon type and pseudo-legendary, while it lacks a bit of Dragonite's popularity and history, it does still have a lot of both. It's been used by a number of important characters across the franchise, typically places well in the popularity polls, and has a Mega Evolution to boot. It also would bring a slightly different style of play then its fellow dragon types Dragonite due to being more of a mixed attacker then the others, allowing it to abuse a number of short and long range attacks that would be great for the game.

Want: 90%
It was one of my star Pokemon in my Gen 3 playthroughs, so I've grown to love it over the years and make it a part of my teams in every game that it's been available. I'd love to have it as a playable Pokemon in the Pokken roster.

Blastoise X2
Zekrom x2
Yveltal x1
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Sorry XenoBrawler, but it looks like I didn't summon you soon enough :( edit: counted your rating


Dragonite chances: 52.44%
Dragonite want: 47.50%

Galvantula chances: 25.88%
Galvantula want: 75.56%

Slowbro chances: 20.57%
Slowbro want: 33.86%

Marowak chances: 27.57%
Marowak want: 43.86%

Salamence chances: 33.38%
Salamence want: 59.38%

Torterra chances: 16.64%
Torterra want: 51.43%

Sorry for the late update (once again). We got our second Pokémon with a higher chances than want score - except that you're not particularly interested in Dragonite compared to Zoroark overall. On another hand Galvantula did an excellent performance in want despite not being really expected. Today we will be rating Heracross, Gogoat, Arbok, Pinsir, Samurott and Aegislash. Please rate them in chances and want, and don't forget to nominate more Pokémon to be rated; tomorrow, or maybe the day after, will be our last day to rate potential fighters in Pokkén! Speaking about that, since we're reaching the end of this game and I wish to rate as many Pokémon as possible, I'm asking to you to vote whether you'd be okay in rating one or two Pokémon for the very last days. I suppose six Pokémon to rate per day may be time-consuming, so I'm asking directly to you if you're okay to rate a little more. (Though we won't go over 8, that would be really pushing it)

Keep in mind that Heracross already had been confirmed to be a background character!! We don't know if Pokémon can be both fighters and background elements, but keep this in mind when rating Heracross in chances!

I'm going to rate and nominate later.
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Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 1% (BG character)
Want: 5% (I prefer Scizor and Pinsir)

Chance: 10% (Too much competition)
Want: 1% (I prefer other Grass types)

Chance: 20% (Same score as Seviper, competition with more popular Serperior and Milotic, although Arbok doesn't have "partner" Pokemon, so he could be easily included alone without it being weird, unlike Seviper)
Want: 100% (My childhood favorite, alongside Gengar)

Chance: 40% (He has to compete with Scizor, but he has no other major competitors)
Want: 90% (another childhood favorite)

Chance: 20% (Competition with other Water starters, all of which are arguably more popular than him)
Want: 0% (One of the three starters I don't care at all, others being Meganium and Delphox)

Chance: 40% (While we already have a Ghost type, Aegislash would fight very differently, also he is fairly popular)
Want: 100% (Another Pokemon that was on my team in Y, now only members of my Y team that are not either confirmed or rated are Malamar and Dragalge)

Nominations: Malamar 2x, Dragalge, Metagross, Magnezone

@ ShinyRegice ShinyRegice I'm okay with rating a little more Pokemon.
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Deleted member

Sorry XenoBrawler, but it looks like I didn't summon you soon enough :(
I missed it by a couple of minutes...
I'll rate anyways.


So far no dragon types and Dragonite is arguably one of the more popular ones. I am unsure if they will add him or they will opt in for other Dragon types, so I'll keep it at 50%.

Want: 100%
He's a bruiser and a best buddy all in one.

I'll rate Heracross, however.


We already have two fighting types (3?) and I am unsure if they want to oversaturate the game with them, but Heracross is one of the more popular bug types. Still, being a background character hurts.

Want: 80%
I have a friend who loves Heracross. I would want to see how happy he is if Heracross gets in.

Nominations: Dunsparce 2x
Sunkern 1x
Arceus 1x
Talonflame 1x
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
I missed it by a couple of minutes...
View attachment 61593
I'll rate anyways.


So far no dragon types and Dragonite is arguably one of the more popular ones. I am unsure if they will add him or they will opt in for other Dragon types, so I'll keep it at 50%.

Want: 100%
He's a bruiser and a best buddy all in one.
Okay, I'll be nice and add your Dragonite rating. It's not like if you waited an entire day before rating it.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
@ ShinyRegice ShinyRegice Forgive me for asking, but were my nominations counted? The only reason I'm asking is because I was looking at the first post again and noticed all three of the ones I voted for didn't move up on the list.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
@ ShinyRegice ShinyRegice Forgive me for asking, but were my nominations counted? The only reason I'm asking is because I was looking at the first post again and noticed all three of the ones I voted for didn't move up on the list.
I don't believe your nominations were added in your post yet when I counted them, so no. Besides, you can't give two nominations to more than one Pokémon.

Or maybe they were in your post and I obliviously missed them... in this case sorry for the inconvenience. Unless you choose quickly between Blastoise and Zekrom to give two nominations, I'll count both as only one.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC

We already have a fighting type (2?) and I am unsure if they want to oversaturate the game with them, but Heracross is one of the more popular bug types. Still, being a background character hurts.
Including Blaziken, Pokken has 3 fighting types btw...


If these weren't pre-written I probably wouldn't even bother today, even with Heracross, also I'm fine to rate a couple extra for the last couple days...


Chance: 5%
Want: 100%

My favourite fighting type and second favourite bug behind Scizor! I'm a little upset that he's a background element, though that doesn't necessarily deconfirm him as a fighter, but Pokken seems to have a very limited roster and Heracross may have been left out in favour of Scizor possibly...I'm thinking that any background pokes are pretty much not going to be a part of the playable roster as it can't have every pokemon and adding them into the background is at least a minimal way to implement them into the game...of course there isn't only one Heracross or they could Alfonzo him out if they really wanted but it is very unlikely...As for what else is in his way there's also his Gen 1 counterpart Pinsir to take into consideration as well. Anyways Heracross would definitely without a doubt be an amazing fighter in Pokken as he could hoist his opponents with his horn and toss them across the ring and use his Megahorn as a devastating final blow with his Mega form...


Chance: 15%
Want: 65%

Quadrupeds are possible, and the grass type is currently missing though, for both Gogoat has quite a bit to contend with...Terrakion could probably play the ramming quadruped a lot better than Gogaot as well as bring a currently unrepresented typing to the mix...while a lot of the grass starters as well as Breloom could probably out prioritise Gogoat in the grass typing department...I don't see this one happening though a ramming character with perhaps some grass knot traps and bulldozing abilities could be interesting on the field...


Cobra Backwards with a K
Chance: 10%
Want: 20%

It's still up in the air if we'll even get any serpentine fighters, if so Serperier probably has the 'surperior' popularity and potential overall...Though Arbok does have popularity due to being a notable pokemon from Team Rocket in the anime...Either way Arbok may make an appearance in this game, but I personally doubt it will be as a playable fighter...perhaps an Assist would be cool, maybe Weezing and Arbok assist as a nod to Team Rocket, since their pokes may be a little awkward to implement as fighters...


Chance: 45%
Want: 60%

A top contender for Pokken's bug fighter...It has Scizor to content with especially with Heracross seemingly out of the way (unfortunately)...However that doesn't mean they both won't get in as they would play somewhat differently, Pinsir could play in a similar fashion to how Heracross would've except with the use of these giant Stag Bettle Pincers on it's head and perhaps could play more of a powerful offensive style as opposed to Scizor who would be more defensive methinks...Overall I would prefer Scizor over Pinsir anyways (Scizor is my favourite bug type afterall) but that powerful Mega form is not something I'd reject no doubt...


Chance: 15%
Want: 10%

A true sword fighter, but Samurott is a Unova starter and these starters in general are probably the least popular amoung fans, Serperior being teh only one that has a decent popularity and Emboar pretty much is hated more than loved because it continued a trend amoung Fire starters. Anyways Samurott has sea shell weaponry as well as his own sword that he can bring out and fight with...Gallade and Bisharp could be viewed as swordfighters as well and of course Aegislsh which is literally a sword, this may pose a problem for Samurott...
I'm generally not a big fan of Samurott, so there's a much larger list of pokes I'd like to see over him...


Chance: 35%
Want: 65%

We've got a ghost type and a steel type but that pretty much means nothing when you put them together and add the stance change ability on top of it...One minute he's a slow moving but very defensive fighter to a speedy and heavy hitting slash happy possessed berserker sword! Fills the blade user niche in a way Gallade and Bisharp would even dream of using it's entire body as it's weapon and swtiching between hyper offensive to hyper defensive playstyles...


Electivire x2
Hariyama x1
Quagsire x1
Tyranitar x1


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Personally, I'd rather we didn't stretch ourselves any further. Six mons per day is already a lot to write about, and with only two more days to go, it wouldn't make much of a difference.


Chance: 5%
An intriguing candidate, with a unique typing--one of which we haven't seen on any playable mons so far--and what could be a very different type of fighter, specializing in up close grappling. Heracross has always been a fan favorite, and ordinarily, would be a frontrunner...

...If it weren't for the fact that there's a Heracross in the background of a stage already. While I wouldn't say it kills any chance Heracross has entirely...it makes things very difficult.

Want: 40%
Would be kind of cool, actually. I've always had a soft spot for the giant beetle, which probably has a little to do with some very nice stats and an even better movepool. There's a lot to work with there, though it seems Heracross will have to wait for its chance...another day...


Chance: 15%
What to think of this one? Sort of notable in X and Y for being one of the few mons you can ride in places and for being generally reliable in battle even if it isn't stellar. Gogoat's powers are a mixed bag outside of the motorcycle motif, and that itself is likely its downfall. Since its identity is based on something outside of its powerset, and said powerset isn't as distinct as all the Grass frontrunners, Gogoat will likely be left in the dust.

Want: 30%
I'd be okay with it, but Gogoat kind of pales in comparison to so many other Grass types we've brought up.


Chance: 12%
Memorable in the TV show, and anything but in every other part of the franchise. We still don't know if they're even willing to try out a serpent character, and when its powers are one-upped by Seviper and when Serperior has a compelling argument of its own, Arbok isn't looking too good.

Want: 10%
A pretty bland design with a powerset other mons can do better. Not interested in the slightest.


Chance: 20%
And here we have the other beetle Pokémon. Pinsir has kind of fall off compared to Heracross in popularity, which probably has to do with the more monstrous and less appealing design and being less useful overall. But with Heracross relegated to the background, could this be Pinsir's chance to jump back into the spotlight?

...Probably not, if Scizor, Galvantula, and/or any others have anything to say about it. Even with Heracross likely out of the picture, Pinsir is still pretty outclassed.

Want: 15%
Another bland design with a movepool that isn't as interesting as several other bugs. Pass.


Chance: 25%
With one Water type already in, any potential additional ones would ideally use water in different ways and have completely different fighting styles to contrast. Since Suicune is more Special-based and uses long ranged attacks complemented by a few up close ones, something more physical would work well...and therein lies Samurott's chances. As a straight up swordfighter (Those arm guards have shell swords in them!), Samurott could also be unique in that regard.

Even then, though, there're still a handful of other Water types out there to give Samurott a run for its money...including another sort-of swordfighter from the same generation.

Want: 70%
I must be the only one who actually really likes the concept, even if the design leaves a little to be desired. Hell yeah, I'd take a waterbending swordsman.


Chance: 40%
And we go from swordfighter to...well, sword. The Honedge line caught on fast with the fans for entirely understandable reasons, and as our only ghost so far is very much Special-based, Aegislash could have a niche wide open (even though it's actually mixed in the games, but still). If we are getting a second ghost, I'd put Aegislash right up there with Golurk for the frontrunners.

Certainly doesn't hurt that we haven't seen anything from Generations 5 or 6 yet, which makes one wonder if they're really getting shafted this much or if the mons from those gens are just waiting in the folds...

Want: 65%
Not quite as much as Golurk, but come on, a possessed sword and shield that wields itself in battle? There could even be a stance system in place much like its actual ability in the regular games!

Flygon x2!


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Chance - 1%
Want - 40%
Being a background character isn't good for Heracross. It hurt's his chances badly. Otherwise, I'm not sure I exactly want him. He's interesting, but another Fighting type, eh, I'll pass (still prefer Breloom).

Chance - 10%
Want - 30%
So... a goat fighter? Not to mention one that you usually ride in the games? Eh, it seems like a stretch to make. It's not exactly incredibly popular, so it's chances are pretty meh. Otherwise, he doesn't really fascinate me as much as Breloom does.

Chance - 25%
Want - 100%
This is my preferred choice for a serpent fighter. Sure, Serperior is cool, but it's not my preferred choice for grass or serpent. Arbok is also a cool poison type. Definitely one I'd like to see. As for chances, he was a Pokemon used by Team Rocket in the show, and doesn't have a rival that Seviper has.

Chance - 20%
Want - 80%
Probably the bug type I'd want in the game most. Those large "pincers" it has would be great for grabbing and throwing it's foes. Scizor is kinda cool I suppose, but I've seen it used so often I've gotten kinda bored of it. Chances of it appearing, are pretty decent, but it's not the most popular bug.

Chance - 15%
Want - 50%
It can use razor shell, unlike any other fighter on the roster so far, but people seem to prefer Serperior as their 5th gen starter (only problem I have with serperior is that annoying contrary leaf storm). As for want, I'm indifferent towards him, but I might grow more fond of it if I were to see it in a fighter environment.

Chance - 25%
Want - 50%
I'm only indifferent about Aegislash because I'm unsure of how it would work. I imagine it would be a fighter that switches between super defensive and super offensive just as it does in the main games. The only problem I have with this is how easy this would be to exploit. If they can somehow do this whilst making it balanced (put some kind of repercussion on changing stance), then I'd be all for it. So, because of this, I'm going 50% on him.

Wigglytuff X2
Noivern X1


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC


Chance: 5%

Being a Bug-type Pokemon helps a lot, especially since we are yet to see this type represented on the roster. It may be a fighting type, but it would also be unique for such a type. Instead of attacking with generic punches and kicks, he would have a very interesting moveset where he would attack with his horn along with some scratching combined with some heavy throws. It also has a Mega Evolution, which helps a lot since it can be used for his Burst Attack. Only problem? He's already a Background Pokemon. That alone already hurts his chances. Sure there could be the possibility that some background Pokemon will appear on the roster, I don't think that's too likely.

Want: 40%

I've always been a fan of Heracross, and I think it would have a pretty interesting moveset too.


Chance: 30%

We are yet to see a Grass-type on the Pokken roster, and Gogoat being that type already helps a lot. He's also a fairly iconic Pokemon from generation VI, being one of the first Kalos Pokemon to be revealed and known for being the Pokemon to ride its on back. He could also have a very interesting moveset too. I can see it attacking very much like a goat, where it attack by ramming its horns into opponents and stomping like a goat, along with some Grass-type moves added to the mix. Unfortunately, Gogoat has to compete with more popular Grass-types on the Pokken roster who could also have unique potential, with Sceptile and Serperior coming to mind. As a head-rammer, it also has major competition with more popular Pokemon like Terrakion or Tauros.

Want: 95%

Gogoat is one of my more memorable Pokemon from generation 6, and I would love to see it on the Pokken roster because it could really show how fearsome of a goat it really is.


Chance: 30%

The original Poison snake in the Pokemon franchise, Arbok was especially known for being one of Team Rocket's Pokemon in the anime. As a snake, it could have a very interesting moveset where it could use fang-based attacks.tail whipping, and coil-based attacks, along with some Poison attacks added to the mix. Compared to the other Poison snake, Seviper, Arbok has a higher chance since it is much more recognizable than it. Amongst the wider competition, however, it does face the same issue as Seviper faces. For a coiler-attacker, it has to compete with more popular Pokemon such as Serperior, Gyarados, Milotic, and Onix. As a Poison-type attacker, it has some major competition with other popular Poison-types who could also have unique potential for their movesets.

Want: 35%

Much like Seviper, Arbok really captures the essence of a poisonous snake, and it could demonstrate that perfectly in Pokken. Sadly, there are other Poison-types I'm more interested in seeing.


Chance: 30%

Compared to its counterpart, Heracross, Pinsir has a much higher chance because it isn't a Background Pokemon. For a Bug-type Pokemon, it's got some interesting potential where it could attack with its pincers along with some scratching, biting, and throwing. It also gained a Mega Evolution recently, so we already have a workable Burst Attack for it. Sadly, Pinsir has to compete with many other Bug-type Pokemon who also have unique potential. In fact, for a pinch-style attacker, it has some major competition with Scizor, a much more popular Bug-type Pokemon who also has a Mega-Evolution to work with.

Want: 25%

As cool as Pinsir looks, I'd prefer Scizor for a pincher-style attacker on the Pokken roster.


Chance: 30%

As its name suggests, Samurott is the Samurai Pokemon. It is another sword-fighting Pokemon thanks to using an actual sword, or rather seamitar, instead of growing sword extensions from its body. With its Water-typing, it could use a wide variety of water attacks considering its Attack and Special Attack stats are almost equal, with its Special Attack just eight points higher. It could also use some horn-based attacks added to the mix thanks to that helmet of his. Unfortunately, Samurott already faces some large competition from multiple spectrums. Suicune already fills the role of a Water fighter to an extent, and if another Water-type fighter were to be considered, all of the other Water starters have a much higher chance considering they are all much more popular than it. As a sword-based fighter, it has some real competition with Gallade and Bisharp, two Pokemon that are more popular than it.

Want: 45%

Samurott was the starter I went with in Generation V, and though I'd prefer most of the Water-type starters over it (and for a sword-fighter, Gallade is still at the top of my wishlist), I am interested in seeing how it would play out in Pokken Tournament. I can imagine Samurott attacking like a real Samurai where it could very fiercely just like one. Maybe it could use Surf and stand on top of the wave with its sword held heroically to look like a powerful Japanese ruler for one of its moves. Quite interesting the more I think about it.


Chance: 40%

We might already have a Ghost type on the roster thanks to Gengar, but to me, I think Aegislash wouldn't attack like one. Rather, it would attack very much like a sword. It would use attacks like Shadow Claw, Sacred Sword, Iron Head, and Head Smash but in a sword-like fashion. Of course, it would probably take advantage of its ability the most. It could turn into its Shield Forme when guarding (maybe even using King's Shield to lower damage from next opponent's attack), and then change into its Blade Forme when going for the offensive. As interesting it could be, it has to compete with other popular Steel-types who also have as much unique potential as Aegislash, such as Scizor, Metagross, and Aggron. If it were to be looked as a Pokemon using sword-style attacks, some will argue Gallade and Bisharp are huge competitors for that kind of role as well.

Want: 60%

Aegislash is tied with Greninja for being my favorite Pokemon from generation VI. I especially like it because of how amazing it is in the competitive scene, and I remember how it helped me through thick and thin when it was on my Pokemon Y team during the story. That being said, I would feel relatively satisfied to see it in Pokken Tournament, but when it comes a Pokemon using sword attacks, I'd prefer to see Gallade instead.

Electivire: x2
Empoleon: x1
Toxicroak: x1
Metagross: x1


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I missed out on a couple of days, but I think that's all justifiable since what happened. I'll just comment on Aegislash.
Aegislash Chance: 76%
Certainly one of the most 'unique' designs of any Pokémon, being based on the shield and sword. It captures both offence and defence and could end up being a very unique fighter in Pokkén with a stance based moveset.
Want: 87% I think Aegislash would be a nice addition to Pokkén. Let's hope it makes the literal cut and gets in the game.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
FYI, considering the Pokkén livestream will start July 16th at 11:00 AM CEST (4:00 AM DST), he last day (day 12) will not be long enough if we start it at 8:00 PM CEST (1:00 PM DST). In order to make it long enough I'm going to end day 11 July 15th at 4:00 PM CEST (9:00 AM DST). At least I'm happy that we will be able to rate more Pokémon during one more day. Besides, I'll probably not go above 6 Pokémon per day for the very last days. It will allow us to rate... maybe two or four more Pokémon overall at most?

Also, when this day will end, I'll add a notice in the results table, specifying that Heracross was rated after being confirmed as a background character. Speaking of Hreacross...


Heracross chances: 11.5%
Heracross, due to being confirmed as a background character, has iffy chances at most. We don't know if it is fully deconfirmed, or if Pokémon can be both background elements and playable, like how some characters do in Smash Bros. (such as Duck Hunt dog or King Dedede). And due to being a very popular Pokémon and having a perfect design for a such game, maybe Namco will have changed their mind?

When it comes to its characteristics, Heracross' main tool is its impressive horn, but I'm not sure if it would be very unique besides that. Maybe that's the reason it was passed over and the development team chosen a potentially more diverse horn user maybe?

Heracross want: 42%
Yeah, besides the horn, Heracross does not seem to be a particularly hype-inducing potential fighter to be honest.


Gogoat chances: 18%
Known mostly as a mount rather than a fighter (even Smash Bros. depicts it as a mount), I'm not sure if Gogoat is the kind of Pokémon who would be chosen to be playable. However, the fact it's a kind of mascot of generation VI and its okay movepool including charges (Double Edge or even Leech Horn), ground attacks like Bulldoze or Earthquake, and physical Grass powers like Razor Leaf are enough to make it a non-negligible contender.

Gogoat want: 38%
Terrakion > Gogoat. Nuff said. (I say this because I think they're similar potential-wise as fighters.)


Arbok chances: 20%
A pretty well-known and popular Pokémon thanks to its role as part of the Team Rocket in the anime, Arbok is a strong contender for a fighter with a serpentine body, alongside the likes of Milotic and Serperior. As a poisonous snake, Arbok's moveset could easily include bites, venom attacks, and wrap-based attacks. However, I kinda doubt about its body type being well-suited for Pokkén.

Arbok want: 50%
Doesn't look too bad, but its potential as a fighter does not make me too excited either.


Pinsir chances: 17%
After what happened to Heracross, I have some doubts about Pinsir being a likely contender for Pokkén. Heracross is viewed as its rival after all; this was even portrayed in an episode of the anime. Gameplay-wise, its head pincers could open the room to unique playstyles I suppose, especially with moves like X-Scissor or Storm Throw.

Pinsir want: 46%
Not fully convinced, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.


Samurott chances: 18%
While not exactly among the most popular starters, Samurott has a design that allows it to use nice things, most notably being among the few viable quadrupedal swordfighters (those legendary fighting-types don't count, it's a horn summoned from their forehead). It could use its signature Razor Shell as its main way to attack, and has also access to moves that would fit it perfectly such as Aqua Jet and Megahorn. But with Greninja being portrayed in Smash Bros. with swords made of compressed water, Samurott is even more in trouble.

Samurott want: 52%
Without the likely Greninja having those water swords for Smash Bros., it would probably be my first choice for a primarily physical-based Water fighter. (Which is ironic because its special attack is higher than its physical one, but a physical moveset would fit its design much better.) Otherwise Feraligatr seems to be my preferred choice for a physical Water fighter.


Aegislash chances: 46%
With its unique typing combination which was particularly hyped and its unique design (not to mention how OP it is in competitive Pokémon), Aegislash was overall a well-received Pokémon and seems to be a good contender for Pokkén. Its moveset could include the like of Swords Dance (obviously...), Sacred Sword, Night Slash, and a potential stance-changing mechanic; for example, using King's Shield would considerably increase Aegislash defense, but at the same time decrease its overall speed, and if it manages to use it at the perfect moment - like how you do a perfect shield in Smash Bros. - it could stun its opponent.

Aegislash want: 60%
Its potential playstyle seems interesting to say the least.


Nominating: Metagross; Deoxys x2; Magnezone; Arceus


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Chance: 10%
It's really hard to say what being a background Pokémon means since this is the first time we're having this game and the game isn't out yet to show that it kills their chances. So there is a possibility that this guy could be playable still. However, on the flip end, if it was put in the role in the first place, that likely means they didn't want to use it for a playable role since it was demoted to something rather minor, so it may very well be out of the running.

I'm personally in the middle with this, so it comes down to popularity and notability, which it has some of both due to the anime and otherwise. Plus, it has a Mega Evolution, which is always a plus for this game. So I'll give it a benefit of a doubt, I'm not sure on it, but it could be playable.

Chance: 8%
It was one of the more promoted Pokémon during XY's hype period, mostly due to the fact that they really tried to push the riding mechanic with it, so it has some notability. Plus, it did have a somewhat major character own it in the anime. However, it's only decently popular and there's a lot of other Pokémon in and out of the Grass typing that would garner more attention then it.

Want: 10%
There are other quadruped fighters that I'd prefer.

Chance: 10%
The cobra best known for being a TR Pokémon, many know and love it. Really, it's one of the most notable Pokémon because of its history in the anime, starring when it was in its prime and many kids, now grown up, will remember it. However, while it has a legacy, it hasn't gotten much, if anything at all in the past few years, so it's not in the spotlight as much as it used to be. So while it does have those memories, there are other Pokemon that can beat it out despite that.

Want: 60%
I do like it, but it's not my preferred choice.

Chance: 15%
Basically, it's similar to Heracross in popularity as well as having a Mega, but give it no background appearance (as far as we know) in trade for a little less notability due to the anime. There are other Pokemon that can beat it out as a candidate for the game, but it does have some merits to it that can allow it to work its way into the game.

Want: 50%

Chance: 10%
Well, its pre-evolution was very popular in the anime, many watching BW would be exposed to it. Unfortunately, unlike Haxorus with Axew, Samurott itself isn't that popular. A lot of fans felt that it was a downgrade from the thematic of Oshawott and Dewott, deviating a bit too much from them to be appealing, so it lost a lot of potential popularity and causing it to rank pretty low in comparison to other starters. So if we do get another starter, it would probably be one of the more notable and popular ones.

Want: 60%
Its potential as a samurai does peak my interest, it's something I'd love to see translated into Pokken and with its natural water abilities, it could be a really fun Pokémon.

Chance: 20%
The biggest thing I can say on this thing is that it's unique, everything about it stands out in some way. It has a decent amount of popularity, it has a unique typing and design, and it has a unique set of abilities that cannot be repeated by any other Pokemon. The only thing that it lacks is notability as it hasn't had that much of a presence in the franchise outside of a minor appearance in the movie. So while it does have a good amount of competition, it does have its share of traits that could win it favor in the long run.

Want: 65%
I'm pretty interested to see what they would pull off with it.
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014

Heracross chances: 5.44%
Heracross want: 49.63%

Gogoat chances: 15.14%
Gogoat want: 51.29%

Arbok chances: 18.14%
Arbok want: 53.57%

Pinsir chances: 26.71%
Pinsir want: 52.29%

Samurott chances: 19.00%
Samurott want: 41.00%

Aegislash: 40.25%
Aegislash: 69.00%

I suppose Aegislash's unique design, typing and abilities make you particularly interested in seeing it in action in Pokkén. Heracross on the other hand suffered from already being confirmed as a background character, though is still seen as more likely than Koffing and Magikarp. Tomorrow we will be rating Hariyama, Deoxys, Noivern, Blastoise, Quagsire and Electivire. Please rate them in chances and want. It's also to be noticed that tomorrow will be the last day to rate potential fighters in Pokkén! As such, please nominate more Pokémon to rate for the last day.

A few more things to notice as well:
- as I already said, Day 11 will end sooner than usual, around four hours sooner. This will allow Day 12 to long last enough before the final livestream before the arcade release;
- in addition to 1V 1W 1X 1Y 1Z and 2W 1X 1Y 1Z, two more nomination patterns are allowed especially for this day: 2X 2Y 1Z, and 3X 1Y 1Z. In other words, you have the choice to sacrifice two Pokémon to either give two more nominations to a single Pokémon, or give one more nomination to two Pokémon. As a lot of Pokémon had been nominated at this point, and we only have to determine six more Pokémon to rate before the game ends, nomination diversity is not as much of an issue as before.

I'm going to rate and nominate later and, since Aegislash is now in the top 10 of want, I'll update it as well.
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Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 30% (Another fighting type... we already have 2 or 3, although we don't have a sumo yet)
Want: 5%

Chance: 25% (He has one big obstacle: Mewtwo, another Psychic legendary)
Want: 0% (and I prefer Mewtwo)

Chance: 15% (Too much competition with other Dragon types)
Want: 30% (I prefer Garchomp)

Chance: 35% (Probably the most popular Water type starter, whose only real competitor is Greninja, who, however, might get chosen over Blastoise due to not being a Gen 1 starter)
Want: 35% (Blastoise is cool, but I want Greninja more)

Chance: 5% (He has to compete with Water starters and other more popular Water types)
Want: 0% (Great Marsh made me hate both Wooper and Quagsire)

Chance: 40% (He and Ampharos are major contenders for second Electric type, plus he is fairly popular)
Want: 60% (While I like Zekrom, Galvantula and Magnezone more, Electivire would be the more fitting for Pokken)

Nominations: Zekrom 2x, Magnezone, Metagross, Malamar
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC

Hariyama (Fat Spock)
Chance: 50%
Want: 80%

Now we've got something to talk about here...having a heavy Sumo character with massive hand slaps and body slams could be fun as hell to play as in game...There are lot's of pokemon to chosse from in game and lot's aof fighting types as well, but none of them fit the Sumo archetype (cept for maybe Snorlax who's a stage element) third gen actually has quite a few fighting types to choose from between and with Blaziken pretty much confirmed, it may hurt his chances as I theorize that we may get just one fighting type per gen, which so far 1st, 4th and maybe 3rd gen have their's already with 2nd (Hitmontop?), 5th (Terrakion?) and 6th (Hawlucha?) yet to be announced...But then again I may be wrong...


Chance: 20%
Want: 50%

Mewtwo seems highly likely to get in and Deoxys doesn't do to much that Mewtwo can't save for his different forms...perhaps as his super ability he could change into one of his different forms and thus change his playstyle...Deoxys could be anywhere from hyper offensive to hyper defensive...to having quick strong combos to well balanced play...Like I said though Mewtwo would fill the Psychic type legendary and Deoxys would have a fairly similar moveset compared to the more popular Gen 1 poke. He may be boss type fighter or he may be nothing mroe than a background element.


Chance: 30%
Want: 85%

A popular pokemon from Generation 6, fills the bat pokemon archetype with a sprinkle of Dragon badassery. Could be a flying type fighter that focuses on spacing with it's Sound based powers to keep foes at bay, since Noivern is basically the definition of a glass canon...He would be very interesting as a fighter, but with the uncertainty that an almost exclusive bird/bat fighter and with the likes of Staraptor probably taking his spot, though staraptor would be more of an in your face fighter while Noivern would not. Not to mention other dragon types such as Dragonite possibly sneaking on their and with a probably limited sized roster Noivern may be overlooked...


Chance: 35%
Want: 40%

Blastoise, the original water type starter, it has other water type starters to go up against to get into teh game such as Feraligatr and Swampert, but with Suicune already covering water type attacks narrows down possibilities of Blastoise making it in...Of course having multiple Fire and Fighting types int eh game already shows that having more than one of a specific type is in no way out of the question but Suicune already implements Water based projectiles, but isn't quite as defensive as Blastoise would be...Blastoise I feel would function similarily as a water type Chesnaught, being pretty much a tank on teh field that can dish out some hefty physical damamge up close...


Chance: 20%
Want: 80%

The original Water ground type which seems to pop up in almost every generation after Gen 2, of course it has to compete with teh other water/ground types with Swampert and it's Mega form being it biggest obstacle, but even Swampert's not a shoe-in as both water and ground attacks can be covered elsewhere.


Chance: 55%
Want: 75%

Pikachu is Pokken's only electric type atm. However he's got the special side covered with fast projectiles and lots of quick movements, but Electivire can play the powerhouse with his signature Thunderpunch in addition to powerful thunderbolts that can be used to immobilise his foes and deal hefty physical damage! Probalem is whether the roster will be big enough to warrant a second electric type, if it is Electivire will most likely be it as it would be a nice contrast to the smaller Pikachu...


Ampharos x2
Tyranitar x2
Toxicroak x1


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO


Chance: 30%
A sumo wrestler entering the ring? Not out of the question, with the unique fighting style it'd bring. There's a lot of competition within the Fighting type, though, not to mention every other type, so I can't put a ton of confidence in this one.

Want: 25%
Indifferent...and even though Hariyama could be interesting, there're several other Fighting types I'm more interested in.


Chance: 25%
Okay, who invited the psychopathic alien? Deoxys has some interesting abilities, mostly revolving around being able to alter its body structure in a way that'd work like a Stance System.

Deoxys' biggest problem? Mewtwo, Gallade, and aaaaall the other Psychic types that bring equal potential.

Want: 35%
Mildly interested, but as with so many mons so far, there're just a few too many others that interest me more.


Chance: 20%
They combined a bat, a wyvern, and a loudspeaker, and found themselves a hit. As one of Gen 6's more well received mons, especially since we've yet to see anything from Gen 6, we can't count Noivern out.

But with so many other dragons, including Dragonite and Salamence sharing a typing even with different powersets, it'll probably be a tough room.

Want: 70%
One of my favorite mons from Gen 6 and one of my favorite dragons overall. An evasive glass cannon built around sound attacks? Tell me that wouldn't be cool.


Chance: 25%
How the mighty have...been overshadowed. Though still popular, Blastoise has fallen behind Greninja and Swampert nowadays in notability. Though he can still stand out a little from Suicune, it wouldn't be as much as quite a few other prominent Water types.

Want: 25%
I don't dislike Blastoise. But compared to Greninja, Swampert, Samurott, Keldeo, and all of these others? Not as interesting.


Chance: 15%
Quagsire is one of those mons that's just kind of there. Not particularly notable aside from a niche in competitive play, Quagsire's mix of water and earth powers with a focus on mud is likely its undoing.

Not because it wouldn't be unique...but because Swampert has similar powers with a wider movepool, a physical-leaning build that'd better contrast with Suicune, more notability, and a Mega form to use as a limit break!

Want: 25%
I can do without this one. Just like with Blastoise, it's overshadowed.


Chance: 40%
I'm surprised it took this long to get to this one. Electivire is probably the frontrunner for a second Electric type, although Galvantula, Ampharos, and Magnezone could give it a run for its money. Nothing's for certain yet, but a bulky fighter that focuses on punches would stand out compared to Pikachu's hit-and-run tactics.

Want: 35%
Would be okay, but pales in comparison to others once again. What does that say about how crazy the Pokémon universe is when a giant sasquatch with lightning powers feels uninteresting in comparison?

Flygon x3!
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC


Chance: 35%

A sumo-wrestler Pokemon would be a very interesting concept for Pokken Tournament, and it could further stand out with a lot of arm thrusting attacks. While it would definitely be very unique for a Fighting-type, it has to compete with other Fighting-types that can also be unique in what they do, and compared to its competition, Hariyama isn't one of the most noteworthy or popular Fighting-types.

Want: 40%

I've used it a few times in my Ruby play through and once in my Emerald play through, and I really like the concept of a sumo-wrestler in Pokken Tournament, though I do have several other Fighting-types I'd be more interested in seeing.


Chance: 30%

One of the most popular and iconic Pokemon from generation III, Deoxys was the first extraterrestrial Pokemon introduced. It was the star in its own Pokemon movie, and it even starred in a Pokemon anime special. Deoxys could be an interesting attacker considering it could change into its different formes during battle. It could turn into its Attack Forme to do extra damage at the cost of receiving more damage. It could change into its Defense Forme to receive less damage at the cost of inflicting less damage. It could change into its Speed Forme to deliver very fast attacks with higher priority at the cost of both less damage inflicted and more damage received. Outside of that, it would probably be a very generic Psychic attacker. That in mind, it has huge competition with Mewtwo for the Psychic-type legendary slot, not to mention Mewtwo has the higher celebrity status compared to him. It even has to compete with plenty of other Psychic types who could also have just as much unique potential.

Want: 55%

I always thought Deoxys was a pretty cool Pokemon, and I think it would be quite interesting to see how it changes formes in battle. I can definitely see its Burst Attack being its signature move, Psychic Shift, and I'm sure it would look pretty epic.


Chance: 30%

Being one of the first generation VI Pokemon to be revealed as well being popular in the anime for some brief time, Noivern is perhaps the most recognizable Dragon-type from Kalos. We don't have a lot of special-attacking Dragon-types out there, and Noivern happens to be one of the few. It's got a unique moveset going for it where it can use a lot of sound-based attacks along with some special type moves. Unfortunately, Noivern has to compete with Exploud and Wigglytuff for the sound-based attacker rep on the Pokken roster, and it also has to compete with more popular and iconic Dragon-types who also have as much interesting potential as Noivern can.

Want: 75%

Noivern is another very memorable Pokemon for me from generation VI. Its got an awesome design and is one of the few dragons that is truly capable of being a special attacker, as most dragons are more suited as physical attackers. Pokemon that attack with sound is quite an appealing concept, though I'd also be interested in seeing Pokemon like Exploud and Meloetta fill a similar role as well.


Chance: 35%

Meet the original final evolution Water starter. Blastoise has been popular for quite some time, and now that it has a Mega Evolution, it's becoming relatively iconic again. It's appealing gimmick would definitely be shooting water out of the guns coming out its shell. This attack style would be like using a real-life high pressured water-gun. Unfortunately, like other Water types, it faces similar issues where Suicune could be seen as the Water attacker on the Pokken roster, especially since both use ranged-base Water attacks. Blastoise also has to compete with the other final evolution Water starters like Swampert and Greninja. One is a bit more unique in what it can do (not to mention it's becoming more popular than once again, especially now that it has a Mega Evolution), while the other is a very likely addition to the roster at this point.

Want: 35%

As cool as it is to have a Pokemon shooting dangerously high pressure water out of the guns coming out of its shell (not to mention it could hide into its shell for defense), I'd prefer to see Swampert and Greninja join the roster at this point as the final evolution Water starters.


Chance: 20%

Quagsire is the original Water/Ground type, and it could be interesting considering it could attack with different mud attacks like Mud Bomb and Mud Shot in addition to some Ground-based attacking, especially since we are yet to see a real Ground type fighter on the roster. Sadly, Quagsire faces competition with Gastrodon, Seismitoad, and Swampert for the role of a mud attacker. Out of the three, Swampert is it's biggest competition considering it is much more popular than it and has a Mega Evolution that could work really well for it's Burst Attack. Quagmire even has to compete against other Water and Ground types that are much more popular than it and could have much more unique potential than it.

Want: 15%

Yeah, when it comes to mud attackers, Swampert is easily the one I want to see the most. Quagmire does look adorable and funny though.


Chance: 60%

Pikachu might already be the Electric attacker on the Pokken roster, but if a second Electric type were to be considered, Electivire is one of the best bets. It was one of the first Pokemon introduced from generation IV, had a fairly recognizable role in the anime for being one of Gary's Pokemon (as well as Paul's and Volkner's), and went on to become quite popular too. Compared to Pikachu, Elective really captures the essence of being a physical Electric attacker using a lot of punch-based attacks, especially Thunder Punch. It also has the interesting concept of attacking with its two tails. That is, it would use them like electric wires, or to quote the Pokedex, "It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power." Yikes! That is quite fearsome! Of course, it can also use some special-based Electric attacks for its moveset as well. It's biggest competition for the second Electric type rep is Ampharous, as it is another popular and recognized Electric type that also has Mega Evolution; Electivire, on the other hand, doesn't have that. Despite that, I still Elective is a likely possibility for a Pokken inclusion.

Want: 80%

Electivire really fits Pokken Tournament just by looking at it. It looks like a true Electric-type fighter, and I'm sure it's punches and tail attacks would be quite entertaining to watch. I'll admit I'm still interested in Elective to this day, even though my interest in it has died down a bit over the years. I particularly like Elective for its diverse move pool (with moves like Cross Chop, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, etc.), and though I don't think such a move pool will be entirely represented in Pokken Tournament, I would still like to see such moves in Electivire's moveset nonetheless.


Serperior: x2
Empoleon: x1
Toxicroak: x1
Metagross: x1
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Hariyama chances: 22%
Not that iconic of a Fighting-type or a gen III Pokémon, but its sumo type body and giant hands make it a straightforward choice for a sumo-like moveset.

Hariyama want: 42%
Meh. I'd rather see other Pokémon have a sumo-like playstyle.


Deoxys chances: 27%
Even though Mewtwo is without a doubt the most likely Psychic-type legendary for a fighter in Pokkén, Deoxys also has its word to tell. I'm sure both would use their psychic powers very differently to begin with. Besides, Deoxys' selling point is its multiple forms, which would be used to have differenr properties (Defense = less damage; Speed = better mobility and dodges; Attack = more powerful) and maybe each form could have its unique move (like Spikes, Extreme Speed and Hyper Beam respectively).

Deoxys want: 62%
The form-changing mechanic could be interesting to see in action, and it would be our most likely true stance-based fighter as I imagine Aegislash being much more limited for a stance-based playstyle.


Noivern chances: 23%
A well received Dragon-type Pokémon from gen VI, Noivern is a good candidate for a Dragon-type Pokémon with a mostly wind-based moveset, including specially the likes of Hurricane or Air Slash. It could also include the likes of Dragon Pulse and even the incredible Boomburst. Though I'm not sure if its design is going to fit Pokkén perfectly.

Noivern want: 58%
Enough potential to catch my interest, but not enough to make me particularly hyped about the idea.


Blastoise chances: 41%
Charizard's rival since the early Pokémon days, Blastoise is mostly known to be the main user of the powerful Hydro Pump. It is also known to be one of the main users of Skull Bash, and its shell gives it access to a potentially unique playstyle including the likes of Withdraw and Rapid Spin, or even Gyro Ball.

Blastoise want: 70%
Seeing the Charizard VS Blastoise fight become a reality in an action Pokémon game would be particularly hype, and Blastoise's potential coming from its shell catches my interest. Besides, I'd like to see non-Charizard Kanto starters get some love.


Quasgire chances: 7%
Not really that much iconic or much influent in the Pokémon universe, I don't really see it chosen over Swampert, another mud lover who's basically a Quagsire on steroids.

Quagsire want: 28%
I prefer Swampert.


Dr. Eggman Electivire chances: 39%
A rather iconic Pokémon from gen IV and arguably the frontrunner for a physical fighter with electric powers, though it may compete with Zekrom and Luxray for this niche. Electivire has a perfect body type for Pokkén and access to its signature Thunder Punch as well as Wild Charge as its main ways to attack, and could maybe use special Electric attacks like Thunderbolt in a moderate way. Electivire is also known for moves such as Cross Chop, Low Kick, Giga Impact, and even Fire and Ice Punch to an extent, giving it enough potential to be an interesting and diverse fighter.

Electivire want: 56%
The potential for a cool moveset is here, so why not, though there are other Pokémon I'm comparatively more excited about.


Nominating: Metagross; Empoleon; Arceus x3
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Chance - 10%
Want - 20%
As fighting types go, we do not have a sumo wrestler yet, but I'm till rather meh on him. It would be interesting to see a sumo move set, but otherwise, he's just another fighting type, so I'll pass.

Chance - 20%
Want - 35%
Deoxys' ability to switch forms would be an interesting addition to the game I suppose, but Aegislash can do that better anyways. Also, we have Mewtwo who people want more, so that greatly hurts him. Otherwise, he's OK I suppose.

Chance - 20%
Want - 60%
Noivern is an interesting Dragon type in the fact that he doesn't really look like a Dragon. That makes me really like Noivern actually. However, due to being rather frail, I'm not exactly sure how well he'd work in a fighting game like Pokken. I wouldn't be mad seeing him, but he wouldn't fit as well as others.

Chance - 55%
Want - 55%
Ah, people love their Kanto starters, so do I. Truth is, Venusaur is my favorite of the final evolved starters, but I still like Blastoise and Charizard. With the love these guys see, I wouldn't find it odd for all three to make it too the game. Blastoise however would seem similar to Suicune, but they could find a way to make it work.

Chance - 15%
Want - 75%
I actually like Quagsire, he's pretty cool. He's got good defenses as well as physical options. So I wouldn't mind seeing him as an addition. However, people would probably prefer Swampert, definitely hindering his chances. Also, he isn't that well known, so I wouldn't expect to see him.

Chance - 25%
Want - 50%
A much better choice for an electric type over Pikachu, poor electivire seems to have been done in. I wouldn't mind seeing him, but he's never been of my Pokemon, so I'll go neutral over him.

Wigglytuff X3
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
As I mentioned earlier, this day ends earlier than usual, in order to let us enough time for a final day before the last livestream before the arcade release. Keep in mind that this new day will also last shorter than usual by five hours, and will end right before the livestream begins!


Hariyama chances: 29.50%
Hariyama want: 35.33%

Deoxys chances: 24.50%
Deoxys want: 39.50%

Noivern chances: 23.00%
Noivern want: 63.00%

Blastoise chances: 37.67%
Blastoise want: 43.33%

Quagsire chances: 13.67%
Quagsire want: 37.17%

Electivire chances: 43.17%
Electivire want: 59.33%

Looks like this day had not been exceptional results-wise - four Pokémon under 50% want score, and no change in top 10 of chances or want. Today is the last day to rate any Pokémon before the livestream starts, and we will be rating Wigglytuff, Flygon, Metagross, Empoleon, Sylveon, Magnezone and Arceus - yeah that's right, seven Pokémon, but there was a tie between Magnezone and Arceus and I didn't want to leave one of them unrated. Please rate these Pokémon in chances and want.

Besides, while today is the last day to rate any Pokémon, I'm asking to you to suggest some concepts to rate for a closing day after the livestream. Maybe the game will come back to life later if a home console version is confirmed to release and have more Pokémon than the arcade version - it'd be a waste of time if we rated more Pokémon after a home console version confirmed... only to find out that there's no additional Pokémon >_>

The only concepts which are locked for tomorrow are Console release and More Pokémon in console version. Everything else you may suggest.

While I'm going to rate these Pokémon later, I'll suggest to rate the concept of a Pokkén amiibo line. The Pokémon series is very popular and its cast very diversified, and really seems perfect to have an amiibo line; besides, it had been proven through data mining of the Smash amiibos of Pokémon characters that there was potentially placeholder data for every single Pokémon (the index numbers found in these amiibos were equal to their national Pokédex number). This is most likely a "just-in-case" thing (because I doubt they're going to release an amiibo for every single Pokémon), but this really suggest we're getting more Pokémon amiibos, and a figure line based on fighters from Pokkén seems very plausible.
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Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 20% (They chose Pikachu over Raichu, they will probably do the same with Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff)
Want: 60% (Mystery Dungeon's guildmaster Wigglytuff was hilarious, so I wouldn't mind seeing Wigglytuff in Pokken)

Chance: 20% (While being a popular Dragon type, other Dragon types are also popular, especially Dragonite, Salamence and Garchomp, the latter even shares the typing with Flygon, and pseudo-legendary is probably more likely to get chosen)
Want: 30% (I wouldn't mind Flygon, but I prefer Garchomp as Dragon/Ground type)

Chance: 45% (He is very popular Pokemon, although we already have both Psychic and Steel type Pokemon in Pokken, but Metagross would likely play very differently)
Want: 100% (He was on my team in OR)

Chance: 30% (Has to compete with other Water starters, with at least Blastoise and Greninja being more likely picks than Empoleon)
Want: 0% (one of the three fully evolved starters I don't care at all, others being Meganium and Delphox)

Chance: 40% (We don't have an Eeveelution yet, Sylveon is the most recent one, and we lack a Gen 6 Poke as well)
Want: 10% (I prefer Umbreon)

Chance: 20% (He is popular, but I'm not sure would he actually work in Pokken, and there are more likely picks for Steel type, like Metagross and Aggron)
Want: 100% (Magneton is one of my childhood favorites, so I wouldn't mind Magnezone)

Chance: 45% (He could a boss, but I don't know will we get any, and Mewtwo is more likely pick)
Want: 50% (I'm indifferent, as I've never owned Arceus in any Pokemon game)

I might add a concept suggestion later.

EDIT: Added a concept suggestion:
- Starter Pokemon of each type playable.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
No Tyranitar? :(

Chance: 5%
Want: 15%

One of the few pokemon that is less popular than it's pre-evolved form. Jigglypuff has smash notability in it's favour while Wigglytuff is actually fairly viable in the competitive scene in Pokemon (well at least moreso than it's teenage self)...If we get a singing fairy balloon it'll most likely be Jiggz, but even that isn't a guarantee...


Chance: 15%
Want: 80%

Poor flygon...First it gets it's Thunder stolen a generation later by Garchomp taking it's once unique typing, then upon ORAS it became the only Dragon type introduced in Hoenn to NOT get a Mega evolution and it stands as one of the most highly requested pokemon to get a Mega form (it would be cool not gonna lie)...Flygon is the desert dragon and with the current lack of Ground types and Dragon types (outside of Megazard X) Flygon could implement a very unique moveset with teh likes of sandstorms, sand tombs, earthquakes, digging, and all sorts of ground based moves, perhpas even implementing it's baby form Trapinch's Arena Trap in some way for some immobilization of it's foes...Flygon has a lot to work with...But it's got some pretty stiff competition with other dragon types including it's 'stronger counterpart' Garchomp and even competion with other ground types as well...I think flygon needs mroe love and adding it to Pokken would at least give a bit more notoriety than being the dragon type that keeps getting shafted...(Did you know that Flygon is the only Dragon type that can't learn Dragon Dance?)


Chance: 20%
Want: 75%

The third Gen beast that is Metagross, and has actually shared it's Psuedo-legend status in Gen 3 with the formerly rated Salamence. Metagross is a fairly popular pokemon given it's power and being Steven's signature pokemon, and that is without mentioning it's Mega form. Metagross would probably serve as a slow but strong powerhouse who'd Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, and Zen Headbutt it's competition for some hefty damage. Although (fun fact Metagross is the heaviest non-legendary) it's weight and pure steel body seems a bit odd in a fighting game since to stay true to the character it would take hits a bit too well IMO, He'd work well as a boss or a powerful assist, but as a playable fighter making it beilievably balanced may be a challenge...


Chance: 15%
Want: 45%

Did we really rate both Torterra and Empoleon before Infernape? Anyways...Empoleon being the big emporer penguin with a very unique typing that could provide for an interesting playstyle...Something focused on physical water-based power...However Empoleon may be overlooked by other water types (most abundant typing in the game remember) so there's lots of competition to fill the Physical water fighter if we even get any...


Chance: 25%
Want: 60%

We haven't talked about Eeveelutions yet? Eevee's already an assist but that shouldn't stifle Sylveon's chances at all...if anything it could help her chances as well as some of the other eeveelutions...Sylveon is the recent addition to x and Y with a brand new typing. Gardevoir is already in the game with teh same typing, but primarily uses it's psychic powers unlike Sylveon which would likely use moves such as Moonblast and Draining Kiss that saps health, perhaps it's can use it's ribbon for melee attacks as well.


Chance: 10%
Want: 30%

This one's a little hard to predict, while it may serve as a unique fighter that would probably funstion as a long range statusing playstyle, it has a very strange body(?) shape for a 'fighter' It could work very well as an Assist but I'm not sure about it being a playable fighter, especially with Pikachu already being a long range electric type


Chance: 20%
Want: 35%

Pokemon's God! Perhaps it may lend itself as an interesting fighter using the various plates to can change it's typing, so it could have some moves be altered based on its typing as well. And perhaps some of it's movements and stats, example Steel typing would make it move slower but more resistant to damage while, Fighting typing can make it deal more physical damage, while Electric typing could make it move faster and deal more special damage...As well as it having it's powerful Judgement! I'm not fully confident it'll find it's way onto the playable roster, but I think it'll make a cameo at least...


Pokken Concept Suggestions:
1 Fighting type per Generation
Each type represented in Playable Roster
Cosplay Pikachu (Alternate Costumes)
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