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Rate Their Chances MultiVersus Edition: Day 148 - Concept: Doom Patrol content and Mr. Frog (Smiling Friends)

Do you want me to start locking in the top 14 instead of top 7?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018

Chance: 30%

If we can't even get a reboot or a sequel at a time everything else is getting one, I think Austin's chances aren't too good here. That said, he was such a cultural phenomenon, I can't entirely disqualify him.

Want: 100%

YEAH, BABY! If I had control over this game, not only would I add Austin Powers, but also Dr. Evil, and the large henchman whose name isn't appropriate for Smashboards. I could honestly justify an entire moveset for all of them. I just think they would be fun and bring some positive attention to the game.

Fred Flintstone x5


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Austin Powers
Others have said it, but I'll say it again - even with all kinds of other properties being revived we have yet to see any kind of revival of Austin Powers, and even if his movies are still well-remembered and quoted, that doesn't bode well for his chances. This game truly is an advertising tool first and foremost, and unless they want to advertise that you can watch these movies on whatever streaming service they're on or point out that he was in Space Jam 2 I just don't see why they'd go for him. That said, they could always try and do a nostalgia-grab, and Austin Powers still has meme potential and you know they're looking into that with characters like Shaggy. Low score, but not impossible.

Want: 100%
What can I say - there's a reason I was pushing for him! I just think he's a super funny character. I'm fond of the movies and think they've aged decently well, mostly because Austin himself is just a really goofy, over-the-top character. He's a schmooze and has all kinds of super silly gadgets that'd make for great moves. This game having voice acting definitely is part of why I'd love to see him in, because my god Michael Myers' voice is just too funny. Plus his taunts and famous voice lines would be ridiculous. Imagining being able to go up to an opponent and hitting them with one of these:

Okay, seriously, a big reason I want to see this game succeed is because of the comedy potential. Smash is a fun game, and can be pretty funny, but it's mostly focused on hype and on gaming history, and you love to see rich series' get celebrated. Multiversus, to me, is much more about the wacky spectacle of seeing characters who have no business being together get to interact, and Austin Powers having to go on a ridiculous spy mission to investigate the cause of why Shaggy is how he is, complete with crazy spy gadgets like grappling hooks or a secret agent watch that never seems to work right...plus his over-the-top ladies man persona and ridiculous facial expressions...it just sparks joy for me. Yeah, baby, yeah!

Nominations: Fred Flintstone x5


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Day over.

Rate Eric Andre from The Eric Andre Show.

Some clips to get into...whatever the heck this mood is:

Actually this show has a lot of swearing so I'll end it here so I don't get yelled at by the mods. But these videos should tell you everything you need to know.

Deleted member

He didn't get the job at fruit loops

Chance- 15%:
Eric has a similar issue to the previously rated John Oliver, that being that they're both real human beings, however, unlike John, who is mostly himself on his show, the Eric Andre seen on the Eric Andre Show is basically a cartoon, and I can see him blending into the world of superheroes and cartoon animals a bit better. The show has some pretty colourful language and is sometimes kind of gross out, which might turn them off putting him in, but it's too early to tell exactly the tone they're going for here. I still don't feel its super likely, as I feel any Adult Swim characters are more likely to be their various animated characters, but if we get a rep for the live action side of things, which is a pretty big if, I can't see it being anyone other than Eric.

I feel like i gave John Oliver too high a rating in retrospect

Want - 100%
I've made it pretty clear that I love goofy picks like this, and I'm also a big fan of the show. I can picture a full moveset in my head, and the alt costume potential is off the charts.

Noms to Wonka
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Black Jewish Atheist Ichiban

Chance: 45%

I maintain a very similar stance to Eric Andre as I do to towards John Oliver though with a bit more of an edge owed to his meme power and more obvious moveset ideas owed to just how much more wacky his show is than John Oliver's. Otherwise he has a lot of the same factors holding him back despite being more of a meme'd character. I do see him getting in before John in the event a character along their lines is added but that's still probably a ways down the pecking order.

Want: 100%

He's insanely funny and he has some really fun material to work with all around between various skits, bits and jokes he's done between Who Killed Hannibal, Let Me In!, the various destructions of the set and getting numerous fake versions of various actors, comedians, musicians and other celebrities on his show. Like get a Fake Dolph Lundgren to do a Boxing sequence against someone and a Fake Arnold to do a robotic gunman impression whilst putting up gates to keep people off the stage and get Hannibal to pop up behind the foe so they get shot or if he gets hit instead his chair falls to act as a super heavy and powerful Tatami Mat style projectile in the air or off-stage. His entrance can just be destroying his set and the fourth wall as a by-product of that whilst also having parts of that be his basic moveset. He could have a lot of fun using certain actors against characters they played or performed against an iteration of like George Clooney and Batman could result in some Batnipples or Bat credit card silliness or using Arnold against Batman could result in some Mr Freeze quoting hilarity. There's a lot of fun to be had

I also stan a chaotic horny man that doesn't care about gender because that's just maximum power.

Nominations: All on Quan-Chi


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Eric Andre, truly a bizarre but interesting pick. Let's take a look.

Chance: 15%.
As a fan of the man and his work, it pains me to put this so low, but... it makes sense. The problem is, I feel like MultiVersus is likely being directed toward kids to at least a certain extent. Sure, you get the odd pick here and there to appeal to older generations (Arya Stark sticks out to me as of now, and maybe Rick if the leaks are to be believed,) but you can at least make sense for them when you see them in their archetypes as "magic person" and "wacky scientist," as a child completely devoid of knowledge of the source material. The problem here is that that "archetype" is just some weird guy in a suit, and lil 8-year old Timmy Toole isn't going to want to play as "Guy."

I think we also have to consider that, in comparison to some things in WB's catalogue - even if you only count [adult swim] in this specific area - it's... kind of illogical for them to add Eric as opposed to anyone else. Rick was in the leak, but aside from that, he at least has high recent popularity. Space Ghost, for instance, is a superhero - but also one of the old guards of [as]'s lineup as a whole. Eric Andre would be incredibly, undeniably fun... but compared to other reps, I'd argue that even characters like Meatwad are purely objectively more well-known. The Eric Andre Show is a show people that watch the show know about, and that's kind of the point!... except, that really takes down his chances here.

We'd also have to ask how a moveset for Eric even works when you consider that the limitations are likely to be an E for Everyone, or an E10+ at a push. Given the show's tendency to lean toward the bizarre and raunchy, sure, maybe there's potential - but when you consider some of the moves often suggested, like "Who shot Hannibal?", you run into issues with the portrayal of realistic guns and such - leaving even simple moves devoid of overtly sexual or gross humour as often seen in The Eric Andre Show somewhat difficult to do.

Lastly, there's a problem given it's, well... an actual guy. As much as people are saying that LeBron James is probably going to join because of Space Jam, you quickly run into issues with the likeness of the character - something that I think we're only likely to see with Arya at a push, but with Eric... I mean it's literally him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind being in the game personally, he'd probably love the opportunity to beat the **** out of Superman or something, but you do have to raise questions when it comes to licensing the likeness of Eric himself.

Why 15%, though? Well, Eric's in an unusual state. I think he'd genuinely be a plausible pick, and he's nowhere near impossible - The Eric Andre Show is, after all, first-party, and there is genuinely moveset potential there. I just feel there's too many things in the way of his inclusion to put it above this score, as much as it pains me.

Want: 95%.
I feel like, if they did a reveal trailer for Eric Andre, I'd keel over and die. The Eric Andre Show is by far one of my favourite IPs they could include here - even if they were only to include like, a variation of the set, it'd still be incredibly cool to me. Eric has so much potential when you consider the bizarre and nonsensical nature of his show - and seeing something like coffee being fired out of a mug, or him donning his green screen suit and screaming "BIRD UP" every single time he jumps would be priceless... and yet, I feel like this game would inevitably have to make cuts. It does pain me to say it like this but when you consider that the stage, for example, could well feature Kraft Punk and yet would most likely not have Hannibal even there, it'd be kinda a glaring omission but given Hannibal's wanted to move on from the Show, it's not likely he'd want to feature in that role here. Not only that, but there's going to be issues if WB stick to what I predict will be an E10+ rating, given the nature of The Eric Andre Show's humour.

Even these aside though? I feel like it would be amazing to see how they'd even implement Eric Andre into a platform fighter. It seems like such a bizarre and off-kilter inclusion in MultiVersus that it loops right around to making sense - the whole "bizarre and off-kilter" is literally The Eric Andre Show's deal. It just seems like such a cool idea to see, to the point where it never even occurred to me he could even be possible until I saw a support thread here and audibly squealed. Like, I cannot put into words how much I want to see Eric Andre make it onto the roster, I'm just... hoping it won't be a monkey's paw situation.


wait damn it i forgot my noms, x10 to Dio Brando (just in general, not a specific iteration)
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
You know what they say: you can’t spell American Dream without Eric Andre

Chance: 40%
So Eric Andre is in a bit of a weird spot in terms of potential inclusions. Much like John Oliver, Eric has the potential issue of being a Real Human Person, which is a bit tricky to navigate from a legal perspective. We don’t know the full extent of what Multiversus’ stance is on including real people, but if the leaks are to be believed and Space Jam 2 Michael Jordan does come to fruition, we can assume that they’re willing to look past those issues and make it work. Granted, one is a cartoon caricature of a famous athlete and the other is (mostly) playing himself, but the point still stands. I do think Eric has a slight edge over John because of how much more he plays up his character on the show and generally being much Wackier. He’s basically playing a cartoon character on that show and would not feel out of place with the rest of the cast at all. It also helps that the Eric Andre Show is by far Adult Swim’s most recognizable live-action property due to its meme status. Anyone whose spent any amount of time on the internet is likely to have seen at least one of the many screencaps of the show used in memes. The Multiversus team is probably more likely to prioritize Adult Swim’s animated offerings over the live action stuff, but if we ever do get that side of AS’ catalog represented, I have no doubt they’d latch onto Eric Andre.

Want: 100%
Eric is by far my most wanted character for this game. I’m a huge fan of The Eric Andre Show’s weird and chaotic sense of humor, and it’s easily among my favorite things Adult Swim has ever done. The over the top nature of the show lends itself incredibly well to creative moveset potential, and with the team-based nature of this game, I think it would be really funny if Eric had moves that actively hindered his teammates. Give him a Who Killed Hannibal move that can hit his teammates. Give him a Bird Up recovery. Give him an attack where he destroys his show’s set. There’s so much insane **** that he does on that show that I can totally see the devs having a field day with. I want nothing more than to see my man Eric make the cut!

Noms: Audrey II x10


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019

I am aware of the memes surrounding this guy, but I have not seen his show. It's not something I'm interested in watching and from I understand it would not gel with me anyway. Eric is another talk show host that I not sure how he even work in MultiVerses. Say what you want to say about Wiz and Boomstick, but it's much easier to imagine how they would play and interact with the rest of the roster. So yeah, I'm going to abstain from giving a chance score and a want score.

My mons: Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) x5


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I'm afraid my knowledge of Eric Andre kind of begins and ends with reaction gifs and insisting that somebody ordered a pizza ball (that was him, right? quickly googles yes, that was him). So, yeah, I don't think I have the knowledge to rate him meaningfully and therefore abstain.

Noms: Harvey Birdman x5


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Little piggy, let me in!!!

Chance: 40%

Much like with John Oliver I struggle to pinpoint his chances, although looking back I think a 50 is a tad too high so I lowered it. I do think Eric Andre has some things going for him. He is an Adult Swim rep which has nothing in the game yet and while I do think he faces some competition in that regard like with the Venture Bros, his show has remained consistent with 5 seasons so he is marketable. Also, with how much of a goodball he is I imagine he would be chill with being in MultiVersus. And while it's true that The Eric Andre Show is very mature, I don't think that's too big of a deal. But again, it depends on what you believe Warner Bros is trying to achieve with MultiVersus. I can see why the people who view this as more of a family-friendly game may be concerned with something like The Eric Andre Show being advertised, which is something that can be vile and very foul-mouthed. But a reminder that we have Game of Thrones on the roster, plus they can just lean into the destructive and wacky side of Eric for his moveset and personality without raising the age rating of the game. I do have my concerns with whether or not talk shows are what they want to go for, but it's not like they are completely off the table.

Want: 60%

Like with John Oliver, I've never watched an episode of Andre's show and yet I like his style. When I saw that opening I was sold. A guy going on rants, breaking stuff, and using props as weapons sounds like a good time.

Ed, Edd n Eddy x5
Doomsday x5
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Eric Andre
I give him that 40% because of meme potential. Eric Andre is all over the internet, whether you realize it or not. "LET ME IN", "Bird Up", "Kraft Punk", "I don't trust like that", "Cheers bro, I'll drink to that", "We'll be right back" and more, all kinds of great, funny screenshots and reaction images from the characters on this show and Eric himself abound. That said, it definitely is a bit odd to consider - yes I'd say he's one of Adult Swim's most iconic characters/shows, but I don't think they'd choose him over actual animated choices. It really just comes down to how successful this game is. Give it some time and his chances may rise, especially when we know what pools of properties WB is pulling from and what they want their demographic to be.

Want: 100%
I don't mean to keep rating people so highly, but you keep serving up characters I want to see! I love the Eric Andre Show. It's absolutely hilarious, surreal, and has some killer jokes and memes that have endured for years - "WHAT IF IT WAS PURPLE?" is a personal favorite. You could have the joke where Eric Andre tries to shop at a car dealership dressed as two people in a trenchcoat. The costume potential is off the charts with all the weird things he wears in each skit. Eric Andre is not a talk show host, he's a skit comedy cartoon character in a show that is pretending to be a talk show. It's just a new version of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, arguably funnier depending on who you ask, and I can't get enough of it. A character that is just a pure troll on every level is exactly the bite of delight I need for this game.

Nominations: Jackie Chan x10


Smash Cadet
Apr 4, 2015
Eric Andre: Expect: 10%

I know there's a certain rumor about
Lebron James
being in the game as DLC, but that can at least promote
Space Jam 2.
I'm not familiar with Andre, but putting in a real person just doesn't seem likely.

Want: 10%. I don't have much attachment to him, sorry.

Nomination: Powerpuff Girls X5
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Eric Andre: Expect: 10%

I know there's a certain rumor about
Lebron James
being in the game as DLC, but that can at least promote
Space Jam 2.
I'm not familiar with Andre, but putting in a real person just doesn't seem likely.

Want: 10%. I don't have much attachment to him, sorry.

Nomination: Powerpuff Girls X5
Just to let you know, you need two sentences per score for them to be counted. Your sentences for chance are ok, but you only have one sentence for want.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I probably should have thought about posting this earlier with that last post. Oh well, I should be good as long as the mods Dr. Evil doesn't find out about this.

Austin Powers
Chance: 26.43%
Want: 81.43%

Another case of mostly the character's fans participating because holy wowzer Austin is the second character to break the 80% mark for want and thus became the second most wanted character. But on the flip side he's also one of the least likely characters.

Noms List



Harvey Birdman x70
Daffy Duck x55
Agent K x55
**** Dastardly Richard x51
The Grinch x51

Mucha Lucha rep x46
Eustace Bagge x45
Quan-Chi x44
Willy Wonka x40
Concept: Characters with no strong Warner Bros connection x39
Zatanna x35
Michael J. Caboose x35
Ed, Edd n Eddy x35
K.O x30
John Constantine x25
Numbuh 1 x25
Fred Flintstone x25

The Impractical Jokers x20
Doomsday x20
Citizen Kane x11
Pim and Charlie x10
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Rick Sanchez x10
Harry Potter x10
The Gilmore Girls (as a duo) x9
Snow Miser x7
Audrey II x7
**** Grayson x6
Neo x5
Static x5
Osmosis Jones x5
Lion-O x5
Dio Brando x5
Powerpuff Girls x5
Dexter x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Kuroyukihime x2
Jarro x1
Maxwell x1
Jackie Chan x1
Godzooky x1

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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I probably should have thought about posting this earlier with that last post. Oh well, I should be good as long as the mods Dr. Evil doesn't find out about this.

Austin Powers
Chance: 26.43%
Want: 81.43%

Another case of mostly the character's fans participating because holy wowzer Austin is the second character to break the 80% mark for want and thus became the second most wanted character. But on the flip side he's also one of the least likely characters.

Noms List



Harvey Birdman x70
Daffy Duck x55
Agent K x55
**** Dastardly Richard x51
The Grinch x51

Mucha Lucha rep x46
Eustace Bagge x45
Quan-Chi x44
Willy Wonka x40
Concept: Characters with no strong Warner Bros connection x39
Zatanna x35
Michael J. Caboose x35
Ed, Edd n Eddy x35
K.O x30
John Constantine x25
Numbuh 1 x25
Fred Flintstone x25

The Impractical Jokers x20
Doomsday x20
Citizen Kane x11
Pim and Charlie x10
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Rick Sanchez x10
Harry Potter x10
The Gilmore Girls (as a duo) x9
Snow Miser x7
Audrey II x7
**** Grayson x6
Neo x5
Static x5
Osmosis Jones x5
Lion-O x5
Dio Brando x5
Powerpuff Girls x5
Dexter x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Kuroyukihime x2
Jarro x1
Maxwell x1
Jackie Chan x1
Godzooky x1

Should you put the "abstains" in consideration for the want scores?
I feel they should matter.
Maybe you could implement a ratio system showing how many comments gave a rating and how many abstained?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Should you put the "abstains" in consideration for the want scores?
I feel they should matter.
Maybe you could implement a ratio system showing how many comments gave a rating and how many abstained?
I appreciate the recommendation, but I fail to see why the abstains should matter for the calcs.
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Bird Up!
Chance: Abstain
Want: 100%
The Eric Andre Show is one of the greatest [adult swim] shows of all time. The show is extremely wacky and chaotic and would be perfect to represent in a game like this.

Noms: K.O. x5


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Day over.

Rate Paul Atreides from Dune.

Some songs to get into the mood to battle sandworms:


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Paul Atreides (Dune)

Chance: 75%

Warner Bros does not necessarily own Dune as a whole, just the movie that came out last year. Again, DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 mentioned Paul on his top 10 most likely newcomers for MultiVersus. I would say he has a fair shot. He's not widely speculated on but he'd be a good pick for a recent movie. Also, Dune is a super iconic franchise and has been the inspiration for Star Wars. The only reason why I put Paul's chances at 75% is due to possibly other WB franchises being more prioritized for representation on the roster. I feel DLC may be be Paul's greatest shot for sure.

Want: 50%

I never really watched any of the Dune movies or consumed any Dune media. However, I understand its importance to pop culture. I am all up for a zany crossover and I think it would be wacky to see Paul fight Bugs Bunny, Batman and Arya Stark. But overall, the Dune franchise deserves something in MultiVersus. With the recently released movie, I am sure Paul will join the fight at some point.

Dastardly x5
The Grinch x5


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
Hey it's the sci-fi Frodo, Paul Atreides!

Chance- 80%

Dune is the science fiction equivalent of the Lord of the Rings. With such a legacy, it's hard to imagine Dune not get some representation in MultiVerses. When you consider the surprising success of the 2021 film (as well as the confirmation of there being a Part 2 in the future), I think Paul has a good shot at being playable. Maybe not in the base roster, but he certainly has a shot for DLC. I would be surprised if Dune gets no representation.

Want- 100%

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have read the original book. I have even seen the David Lynch film (though I don't recommend watching it.) I may not have a strong childhood connection to the brand as I never saw the mini-series or read the other books in the series. However I LOVED the 2021 adaptation! The visual effects, the cinematography, the pacing, and the soundtrack were all incredible. If I have to wait to see Part 2, I will do that. If I have to wait to see Paul Atreides to be playable in MultiVerses, I would certainly do that.

My Noms: Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) x10
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Hype is the mindkiller

Chance: 80%
Consider the following: even while being released day-and-date on HBO Max, with a 4K version leaking online days before release, during a pandemic, against blockbusters like No Time to Die and Venom 2, Dune made over $400M (comparable to most MCU movies this year). It became Warner's second highest grossing movie of the year and is an awards juggernaut, that has a Best Picture nomination guaranteed along with many surefire and potential wins. Keep in mind this is for an IP that is new to most people, one that was for years considered a surefire failure because the source material had gotten lost in imitation, and a movie that, clocking at nearly 3 hours and being a slow burning, philosophical game of intergalactic chess, isn't exactly a crowdpleaser in the blockbuster sense. Therefore it's no surprise that WB immediately greenlit a part 2, with a potential adaptation of Messiah to round out a trilogy and an already confirmed series in the works. Dune is a franchise and its home is WB. The (well-earned) comparisons to Lord of the Rings, not just literary but also cinematically, have surely reached them as well, as they clearly want Dune to follow in its footsteps (especially now that Middle-Earth has found a home in Amazon instead).

All that to say that Warner Bros. is in the Dune business big time and for the long run. They get prestige, they get money, they get a universe ripe with spin-off potential so that every vertical - movies, TV, videogames - can play in it. And so they might feel that to cement Dune as a pop culture giant, they might want to have spice boy here waging war against a Stark of Winterfell and a Maiar of Valinor. It's who you know, as they say.

Only way I see this not playing out is if there's any trouble with Legendary (the production company behind Dune), or if Villeneuve (the director-writer-producer of the movie, an auteur with a lot of cachet and ownership over the project) would rather not indulge in this silliness for fear that it might diminish the epic he spent so long building. The man would probably like to win a couple of Oscars, if not for Part 1 then for Part 2.

Want: 100%
Play the bagpipes because I'm loyal to ATREIDES! I knew the gist of Dune - spice, sandworms, Arrakis - but I never read the source material. But when your favorite director follows up Blade Runner 2049 (the perfect sequel, natch) with a sci-fi epic of such scope and scale that is considered unthinkable, well, I ran to the only IMAX in the state. Anything I might say about Dune would fall short, just watch it in the biggest screen you can. It's a truly biblical experience.

Plus, Paul has a lot to bring. He's deadly with a knife, has one of those cool force shields that block fast strikes but are vulnerable to slow ones (there's an interesting mechanic), can use the Voice to mind control peeps, and, you know, sandworms. If the game doesn't have a Final Smash equivalent there's no way to include them but you gotta mention em. Plus a cool stage on Arrakeen, or maybe just soaring over Arrakis on an ornithopter. Or heck they can even do Caladan, that'd be cool and maybe a more appropriate homestage (maybe. Maybe not. That's part of the point)

So yeah bottom line I'd love to see my boy Paulie sand walking into the fray

Noms: Agent K (gee I wonder if this guy likes thinky sci-fi?)


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Paul Atreides

Chance: 90%. Yeah, this strikes me as one of those "Barring the game literally crashing and burning at launch, this is inevitable" characters. Dune is a big IP. Warner wants it in people's minds and wants people to care about it. It's important to the history of science fiction. It has a big fandom. There's not really a reason to not put it in, unless GoodGrief is right and the IP stakeholders would want to avoid assoicating the brand with crossovers that could make it feel like just one IP among thou-

Oh. Right. That happened. Yeah, I see no obstacles.

Want: 100%. I like Dune a lot! Or... at least, I think do? Idk if anyone else has ever had this happen to them, but Dune (the book) is a book I binged in, like, a week several years ago and I have retained almost 0 memory of it. I am very bad at remembering books if I don't take my time and read them over a long period... But, yeah, I do recall loving the novel!!!

Noms: Rebecca Bunch x 5


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Paul Atreides (Dune)

Chance: 95%
I think Paul benefits a lot from being the protagonist of a hot new sci-fi movie franchise that's adapted from an equally big and popular book series. We know he's here to stay, he has both recency and history, he could hold his own in a fight and real-person likeness is not an issue. I can see some logistic issues holding him back but I think he's one of the most likely candidates.

Want: 40%
I think Dune had cool cinematography and score but it being only the first part of a complete movie kinda axed my interest in the plot and I didn't care much about Paul himself. Also, none of the stuff he does screams an interesting fighter to me. Still, I can see the merit in his inclusion and an Arrakis stage would make his inclusion more than worthy.

Nominations: John Constantine x5


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Of Spices And Sandworms

Chance: 80%

Dune originated as a novel released all the way back in 1965. It's one of the best selling science fiction novels, if not, the best selling sci-fi novel. Its use of intergalactic travel, politics, and conflicts paved the way for future IPs like Star Wars. Dune was so successful it got over a dozen additional novels, some miniseries, and several movies. The recent blockbuster was a big hit, with an impressive $400 million+ at the box office and already has a sequel confirmed.

While Warner Bros doesn't directly own Dune, they own the distribution rights to the recent film so they have a stake in the series. And with Dune having such a strong legacy and a promising future, it's easy to imagine them picking it. Paul Atreides is the main protagonist and has experience with both daggers and mental abilities so there's a moveset right there. Overall, this seems like a slam dunk for the spice boi and thanks to Amageish for pointing out the Fortnite crossover, which alleviates any potential concern.

Want: 75%

I've been meaning to watch the new movie. I got the blu-ray a week ago but I've just been too busy to watch a 2+ hour film between work and college. With that said, how can I not respect Dune? As a big sci-fi fan I owe it thanks for influencing and shaping the genre. It inspired god dam Star Wars for christ sake.

Ed, Edd n Eddy x5
Doomsday x5

Eric Andre
Chance: 28.29%
Want: 93.57%

Oh wow, um Eric Andre is now the most wanted character. I didn't expect that at all but everyone who rated him loved him. I guess his wacky personality combined with the memes gave him the edge.

Noms List


Harvey Birdman x75

Daffy Duck x60
Agent K x60
Quan-Chi x54
**** Dastardly Richard x54
The Grinch x53
Mucha Lucha rep x51

Eustace Bagge x45
Willy Wonka x45
Michael J. Caboose x40
Ed, Edd n Eddy x40
Concept: Characters with no strong Warner Bros connection x39
Zatanna x35
K.O x35
Numbuh 1 x30
John Constantine x25
Fred Flintstone x25
Doomsday x25

The Impractical Jokers x20
Audrey II x17
Dio Brando x15
Citizen Kane x11
Jackie Chan x11
Pim and Charlie x10
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Rick Sanchez x10
Harry Potter x10
The Gilmore Girls (as a duo) x9
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Neo x5
Static x5
Osmosis Jones x5
Lion-O x5
Powerpuff Girls x5
Dexter x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Kuroyukihime x2
Jarro x1
Maxwell x1
Godzooky x1

Deleted member

Gotta love those big worms

Chance- 80%
This feels very likely to me. While it's true that Warner don't directly own the franchise. They just released an extremely popular and well received big budget film with a sequel already in development (and considering the way the director and cast have been talking, I wouldn't be shocked if we get at least a trilogy, if not more) and there is a Sisterhood television spin off in development for HBO Max. Dune is clearly a franchise WB have long term plans for. The fact that Paul and Chani appeared in Fortnite shows that they're interested in promoting it. I don't think he'll be a base roster pick, but Paul feels like an extremely likely DLC pick. They might even try and get Timothée Chalamet back since he did do promo stuff for Fortnite.

Want - 70%
I'd be happy with this. I'm a pretty casual Dune fan, I enjoyed the new film, I have a soft spot for the David Lynch version, even if it's not particularly very good, and I have tried and failed many times to read the novel. I wouldn't call myself an expert or a mega fan but I like it. You could do a really fun moveset for him based on the various weird sci-fi tech seen in dune.

Noms to Wonka.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
abstain. never seen dune likely never will. though i have spotted that since the new one some people have started comparing everything to stuff from it. as you do. noms to daffy


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Abstain due to never heard of Dune until now

Mucha Lucha rep x5
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Day over.

Rate Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball.

Some clips to get into the mood to discuss this brilliant show:

A reminder that today is the last day of this schedule. After today the next top 7 will be locked in. so make sure you put your noms to good use. I'll try to update the noms list later today.
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Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018

Chance- 55%
Gumball is definitely one of the staples of current Cartoon Network for sure. Although I have to give his chance lower than 60% due there might be a possibility Multiversus isn't focused on all modern WB/Cartoon Network series regarding roster picks.

Want- 50%
Gumball isn't really a top tier want for me but out current CN staples he is probably my most wanted if I had to choose. Would be interesting to see if he would do an Ice Climbers style play with Darwin.

Mucha Lucha rep- x5
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
What's with this organized chaos Gumball?

Chances- 60%

Gumball is one of Cartoon Network's big success stories. This series managed to take down a ripoff show when copyright law couldn't do the job. I would normally say its acclaim would guarantee a shot. What prevents me from saying that is that Cartoon Network already has Steven, Garnet, and Jake in MultiVerses. If I had to choose between a rep for Regular Show or a rep for Gumball, I would choose a Regular Show rep.

Want- 50%

I'll be honest; I haven't watched much of Gumball. At most I only saw a few episodes of the show while I was in a hotel room. Because of that, I don't have strong feelings for Gumball. That said, I definitely see his potential as a playable fighter in MultiVerses. A moveset that utilizes the different animation styles used in the show would be kinda cool.

My nomination: Michael J. Caboose (Red vs Blue) x10
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Deleted member

Chance - 80%
This feels pretty likely to me. The roster has already shown a bit of love for the 2010's era of Cartoon Network with the multiple Adventure Time and Steven Universe reps. Gumball has a huge amount of moveset potential. It's also clearly a franchise that still has legs, as a new series and a movie are both in production as of last year, and this game seems to be all about promotion. Gumball does feel like he, and maybe Darwin, are bound to happen at some point. I feel he might not make the base roster but DLC feels very likely. It does have some competition with the likes of Regular Show, but if the game gets big enough I see no reason they can't add both.

Want - 70%
I like Gumball! He's funny and the show is pretty good and manages to make me laugh a lot. Not a character I'm begging out for but i'd like to see him get in!

Noms to Wonka
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Chance: 80%
Gumball has lots of things going in his favor, there's a movie coming up, it's one of the few ended shows that's still rerunning on Cartoon Network, there's moveset potential, and even though there's not one big meme from the series you point to it still shows up from time to time (most notably "I think we all know where this is going" and Gumball as a Discord mod). The show was and is still fairly popular, it (to my knowledge) wasn't as popular as Regular Show or Adventure Time but it still has lots of fans for it's unique world, characters, and humor.

What's holding him back is there is some demand for Nicole as well so there could be a small chance she out-prioritizes him. Speaking of Demand, while Gumball isn't unwanted but I don't think he's talked about as much as others (don't know how to explain it, but imagine if there was a tier list of how much a character is wanted for MultiVersus, I feel he would be an A-Tier which isn't bad but there's a lot of people in S-Tier). Lastly, Regular Show seems to be more popular so I think Mordecai and/or Rigby are more likely than an TAWOG rep.

However all those problems could be minor inconveniences if this game lasts long enough. If somehow Nicole did get in before Gumball, Gumball would just wait a bit longer and then get in; If all the "S-Tiers most wanted list" were emptied and the game still had a lot of content Gumball could get in easily; no reason why TAWOG couldn't get added if Regular Show did first. And I do believe this game will have a healthy lifespan.

Want: 100% (that's for the amount allowed on the ratings, but know I'm somehow at like 115% want for this character)
TAWOG was one of the first shows I remember watching and is easily still in my top 5 favorite shows. Aside from the one time they referenced the "You vs. The Guy She Tells You Not To Worry About" meme I can't think of anything I disliked about the show, it was consistently funny, had great characters and settings, and it even got me a little bit interested in Animation (not enough for me to chase that as a career, I knew even then I wanted to work on gaming, but enough that I wanted to learn more).

As for Gumball himself I love him, overall really good character that I don't have a stand-out reason why I like him but in an overall package he's one of my favorite Cartoon characters of all time. Also, his moveset potential is insane, due to being a Kid with the ability to Imaginate and also being a Cartoon character (which is brought up often in jokes), and that's not even bringing the possibilities of Darwin (personally I wouldn't have Darwin in Gumball's moveset, I think Gumball is great enough on his own and I wouldn't like to see it become Ice Climbers, and I get that Darwin is near Gumball a lot but they have been seen separate on numerous occasions, I'd hope for Darwin to be his own character eventually).

Tl;dr for all of this: Gumball has a lot of things going for him but I don't think he shines and stands out like other characters with a lot going for them (mainly in fan support, which he has, but not to the likes of people like Ben 10 or a Regular Show character). TAWOG was one of the first shows I remember watching and I love it to this day, and Gumball has lots of potential as a fighter that I would love to see.

Noms: The Impractical Jokers x10
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Paul Atreides
Chance: 82.86%
Want: 76.43%

Once again very good scores thanks to a strong legacy, as well as Dune having a shiny new movie.

Noms List

The top pact is really close, this is anyone's game right here.


Harvey Birdman x75

Agent K x70
Daffy Duck x65
**** Dastardly Richard x59
The Grinch x58
Mucha Lucha rep x56
Willy Wonka x55
Quan-Chi x54
Michael J. Caboose x50

Eustace Bagge x45
Ed, Edd n Eddy x45
K.O x40
Concept: Characters with no strong Warner Bros connection x39
Zatanna x35
Numbuh 1 x30
John Constantine x30
Doomsday x30
Fred Flintstone x25

The Impractical Jokers x20
Audrey II x17
Dio Brando x15
Citizen Kane x11
Jackie Chan x11
Pim and Charlie x10
John Stewart x10
Rosie The Robot x10
Rick Sanchez x10
Harry Potter x10
The Gilmore Girls (as a duo) x9
Snow Miser x7
**** Grayson x6
Neo x5
Static x5
Osmosis Jones x5
Lion-O x5
Powerpuff Girls x5
Dexter x5
Rebecca Bunch x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Kuroyukihime x2
Jarro x1
Maxwell x1
Godzooky x1

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