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Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2013
Charleston, SC
Overall SSB4 Satisfaction Thus Far - 90%
Thus far, the game sure is looking good. Fan favorite newcomers like Little Mac and Mega Man? Check. Cool surprises like Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja? Check. Lots of veterans confirmed to return, including some we were worried about like Ike and Lucario? Check. Toon Link's back? Well, not everyone's a fan, but a big check for me. Gameplay-wise, I'm not expecting Project M or anything, but bits like removing tripping, promising faster play than Brawl, and the For Glory mode give me hope it's going to be quite a bit better for competitive play than the last installment. Add in bits like the Gamecube controller adapter, 60 FPS on both consoles and the promise of competent online and it's looking like a great package. At this point my biggest worries are in terms of character selection, considering a lot of veterans are still in the dark and we're still at a somewhat disappointingly low six newcomers. Probably not a serious concern, and a bit greedy too considering we know 30 characters pre-release already and are bound to have some secrets, but Smash is all about the characters for me and there's just enough question marks left for me to wonder. Overall, it's looking great, just waiting for Nintendo to prove it's a home run.

E3 Hype - 50%
I gotta say, as hype as newcomer reveals are, I'm super apprehensive about this particular event. It's not that I'm expecting anything bad to happen; in fact, my current theory that we'll see Pac-Man and Ridley at the minimum would be pretty awesome if it came to pass. It's more that we have this Gematsu leak looming, and I gotta say, having it proven credible would be a massive blow to my excitement for the game. There isn't a single character in the six I actually want, and it looks quite possible that would be the extent of the newcomers in the game at 12, so I'd have nothing left to look forward to. Even if I don't expect it to happen, I'm finding it difficult to not worry about that potential scenario. Other nightmare possibilities could include a delay or locking playable characters behind NFC toys, but again, it's all about the characters for me, and I've got high hopes for this roster, so I'm just really hoping E3 doesn't dash them.

Y'know what? I think I'll just be happy when E3's over. Regardless of what happens, at least we're bound to know a fair bit more about the game, and I can worry less about what could be and focus more on enjoying whatever awesome stuff we actually get.


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
Pic of the day. Remember the video that introduced Greninja joining the battle? Every Pokémon that appeared in that video will make some kind of appearance in Super Smash Bros! By the way, here's one of the Pokémon that didn't make an appearance in that video--Meloetta. Its vocal attacks reflect off land forms, so they'll be especially effective in a closed environment.

Looks like the Pokemon in the Greninja trailer might not just be "Pokeball Pokemon"
Which can only mean one thing.
Inkay is gonna be playable!!!

(Although that may mean Zoroark isn't disconfirmed after all)

a Link to the Forums

Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Australia, Victoria

E3 Hype: 70%

I'm purposly trying to lower my expectations for E3 because I don't want to feel disappointed. After being so hyped for a Mario Galaxy 3 last year and getting Super Mario 3D World instead, it was blow to my hype indeed despite liking the game once I got it. However, I am still excited. No doubt we'll be seeing a couple newcomers like last year as for who they are we don't know. I think Pac-Man will definitely be there and possibly Ridley, two characters I'll be happy to see make the cut. There's also Zelda U I'm also really excited about. So call me hyped but not on the hype train.

Current game satisfaction: 90%

It really looks like it trumps Brawl in practically every area (except for cinematics but that doesn't matter). The character selection I'm really happy about so far. The only ones I'm slightly dissappointed in is Toon Link and Luigi. I would have liked to see them differentiate Toon Link more this time around fro Link and Luigi because the poltergust isn't used in his moveset and just in his final smash. Hey, Mario still has FLUDD which isn't as important to Mario as the Poltergust is to Luigi. The items all look great as well, my only complaint is that the fan has not yet returned which was my favourite item because I love how troll-ish it was. Assist Trophies and stages all look great as well. I would like them to have more a little more 'basic' stages for competitive play but so far, I'm incredibly happy. Palutena's Temple may be massive, but it does look to be the best 'big' stage yet. I have a lot of faith in the online. Not too sure about FD only on 'for glory' but it shouldn't effect things too much. Overall, I'm very happy, a few minor complaints but not much.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
@ LoneKonWolf LoneKonWolf : this day's results were never intended to go into the results tab, and I think they should stay out for sure now.
M'kay mate,
good ya said something, I was planning to add it, you saved me some miniscule unnecessary work
Smash Satisfaction - 100%
too be honest, i'll be satisfied for this game no matter what.
even if they added all ludicrous choices for characters this time around,
even if the roster gets halved down from what it was suppose to be,
even if all we got that was new were generic stages like battlefield and final destination,
this is still smash, the crazy multiplayer fighting game, one you can play around with friends, and beat them with Mario, link, pikachu. Kirby the ones that means too much Nintendo to get cut.
just having that with a HD version coming and a portable version too is all I need to be sastified and excited,
everything else so far is pretty much icing, a lot of icing
E3 Hype - 100%
smash, Zelda Wii W, X Project, Hryule Warriors, Shim Megami X Fire Emblem, and apparently rumors of Star Fox (though i'm trying to hold back on that one, never believe in rumors, especially if your an star fox fan)
things looking up for e3
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Overall Satisfaction: 70% - Gameplay-wise it looks pretty great, its graphics look beautiful, it looks to have fun stages and items, it makes some great changes to all across the board, it looks like it's going to be really good. The only thing that blows is the newcomer roster, which is currently very weak in comparison to the Brawl newcomer roster, with Mega Man and Little Mac being the only great choices imo, and I'm not even planning to main either. Thing is that new characters are what gets you hyped the most, I think almost everyone in the Smash speculation scene can agree on that, so without a potential new main my hype just can't reach very far. If we get Ridley it'll automatically jump up to 100%, and even someone like K. Rool would kick it up a lot, but until then it's hard to get extremely hyped for it when there aren't any newcomers I can say I'd love to main. Regardless, it looks to make some extremely awesome changes on the gameplay front, so that's still enough to warrant 70%.

E3 Hype: 75% - I'm fairly excited to see some gameplay of Smash and whoever they reveal as a newcomer (not expecting anyone I'm interested in though), but my E3 hype mostly lies with yet another chance at seeing a new Metroid game. The inevitable OR/AS info will be cool too.
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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Thing is that new characters are what gets you hyped the most, I think almost everyone in the Smash speculation scene can agree on that
Disagree, good mechanics and high level play, else-wise P:M wouldn't have been exciting prior to 3.0... and it was... extremely so!

Characters do come a very close second though.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Disagree, good mechanics and high level play, else-wise P:M wouldn't have been exciting prior to 3.0... and it was... extremely so!

Characters do come a very close second though.
That's why I made a note to say almost. It seems to be the general conseus that characters are the most hype thing in the speculation scene though, it's what makes people discuss Smash as much as they do. I wouldn't really say P:M has a speculation scene either, its audience is of course people who care first and foremost about the gameplay.
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Overall Current Satisfaction - 77% - While I'm not truly hyped for this game, I still am very interested in what we will get out of the game. They probably have a few deciding ace up my sleeve that show what will eventual be my final verdict.

E3 Hype - 60% - Keeping my eye on it, but I'm not truly hyped. What can I say? I'm kinda a mellow person. Plus, the Gemastu Leak is looming...


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
Overall satisfaction: Abstain
I can't give a score here because the game isn't in my hands yet:troll:

Last night I had a dream. I called my friend to make sue that he would take me to smash fest, to which he wholeheartedly agrees. I then reviewed my prediction roster and prepared to watch the Nintendo direct. Then the dream fastfowards a couple of hours and I'm at work, and I realize that I never watched the direct. I then desperately look it up on my phone while trying to avoid spoilers. In the dream direct it is announced that Takamaru is a stage, and that Chrom, Absol, and Drapion would be joining the battle. Only the Drapion was named Morty and was a representative of the Drill Dozer franchise for some reason. When I woke up, I realized that there was no was that this was true, but I still had to check my phone to make sure that I didn't call my friend. But the moral of this story is that I'm so hyped for smash, IT'S INADING MY DREAMS.

So I think a 10000000000000000000000% hype rating is in order.

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Overall Satisfaction: 95% - I still don't particularly like Wii Fit Trainer as a choice. That's the only thing that keeps this from being 100%.

E3 Hype Rating: 100% - Yep, very excited for E3.


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
That Pic of the Day spreads the Roster Choices by ALOT... We could have Zoroark playable. :D

Deleted member

Overall Satisfaction: 99.9%. Lack of Ness or Lucas thus far keeps it from 100%. I'm not worried about either of them, but it's just the lack of seeing them that causes me alarm. Newcomers so far aren't really my first choices (except for Villager) but I have warmed up to all of them, and the all seem like incredibly unique characters that bring a lot to the table.

E3 Hype Rating: 75%. While I am excited, I get the feeling they may reveal less than we expect, and that some of our speculations *cough*mewtwobeingrevealedbeforereleasebecauseheisnodoubtahiddencharacterandthisyearisnttheyearofmewtwo*cough* quite frankly seem a bit unrealistic. That being said; no matter who is revealed it won't serve as a hype killer, unless we get an outright de-confirmation of Lucas. Also if Pyrosphere is at Invitational or Best Buy, we can finally figure out the truth behind this thing. Finally. I think we're all sick to death of discussing Pyrosphere.


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Overall Satisfaction: 100% My god, Am I ever glad of how this is going. Sakurai's been both spreading hype (ala Todays PotD) and making sure to not get overly-hyped (Ike is a good example) for E3 as it slowly approaches.
HYPE: TOO RIDLEY FOR NUMBERS (yes I made that joke) My god, am I ever hyped for E3. Anything could happen as we head into Summer, Smash Bros 3DS' release date. I just know one thing, at least ONE person's heart will be broken. Because with joy, also comes sadness. BUT WHO CARES!? MORE NEWCOMERS, STAGES, assisttrophys...(WaddleDee4Playable) AND PROBABLY WHAT THE WIIU EQUIVILANT OF SMASH RUN WILL BE! HYPED!


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I appear to be stuck in bold. Not sure how this has occurred.


The newcomer roster currently lacks any huge hype bringers for me(although Little Mac looks like a blast, and Megaman is so close to his game incarnation I can appreicate the effort gone into him) and as a result on that front I've been pretty damn disappointed, especially after Brawl gave us Wario, Diddy Kong, Pokemon Trainer(great concept, terrible execution) and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Hell, a lot of my biggest wants have been deconfirmed; Samurai Goroh, Meowth and Dillon. Toad's not technically 100% deconfirmed, but his chances are dead in the water too. This gives me Pac-Man as the only character I'm now fairly confident in that I want, with me beginning to doubt even Dixie.

But veteran wise I feel fairly happy. No major cuts outside Trainer thus far...the return of Ike was greatly appreciated as it allowed my entire friends group to have their mains back now. The late Yoshi reveal still annoys me since it smacked of nonsense(he's not changed THAT much comparatively to the likes of Bowser for example) and I'm getting mildly impatient for the obvious Wario and Metaknight returns, but these are small potatoes compared to the joy of the veterans revealed at this point.

Item wise I've been blown away; Jetpacks, Fire Bars, Bullet Bills, Those Zelda beetles, the Ore Club thing as well as the excellent choices for ATs(even if I'd have preferred many of them as playables over our current roster) and Pokeballs.

The stages have looked like a lot of fun as well, and I like the gameplay tweaks such as the new ledge grab mechanics and the projectiles cancelling each other out depending on the strength of the characters shooting them. That's a nice dynamic touch.

Unfortunately, the newcomers ARE the most exciting thing I look forward to, and as such this is the least hyped I've been for a Smash Bros. Game to date. At least at current. 70% is still pretty high I guess.

That said I have higher hopes for E3. With so few newcomers revealed thus far, things can hopefully only get more interesting. With the exception of Megaman none of the newcomers have been really requested the world over.

One advantage of having my newcomer wishes stomped on so early is I now won't be getting overhyped about the possibility of my newcomer of choice showing up, and hopefully can just appreciate whoever we get tomorrow instead.

At the very least we'll get a 3DS release date...right? Right?

It's not just Smash I'm looking forward to though. I'm desperate to find out exactly what the hell those NFC figurines are for, and to see them elaborated on further. I somewhat collect Nintendo figurines anyway, so having some that can actually DO something outside looking nice is a little intriguing for me.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2014
Looks like the Pokemon in the Greninja trailer might not just be "Pokeball Pokemon"
Which can only mean one thing.
Inkay is gonna be playable!!!

(Although that may mean Zoroark isn't disconfirmed after all)
I had a similar idea, although the first pokemon I thought of was Gardevoir. She might be playable after all.

*edit: @ Cheezey Bites Cheezey Bites , yeah probably. It's still ambiguous wording, though. He coud be referring to pokemon as trophies, stickers, stage bosses, etc.

E3 Hype: 100% overall, 70% strictly Smash related. A small part of me deeply fears a Chorus Men reveal.

Overall Satisfaction: 93%, mostly happy, but there have been a few hiccups here and there but nothing serious
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Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Being in the trailer is still deconfirmation in my books. Yes they appear in the game in some way, but if it was playable they'd get a trailer, not just appear in Charinja's

Deleted member

Overall Satisfaction: 75%
+Characters are getting changes to make them different.
+The game is faster than Brawl, but slower than Melee. Brawl needed faster speed in my eyes.
+Smash Run
+Better online mode in general.
+Stages look absolutely incredible! These might be the best that we've seen in the series thus far (especially when the Halberd returns!)
+Little Mac, Mega Man, and Villager: I'm pretty excited for these characters in general.
+The trailers look absolutely incredible.
+No story mode! I was so happy when Sakurai said that he would cut that!
+Random tripping removed!
-Pic of the Day is absolutely inferior to DOJO posts.
-More obvious characters, like Wario and Meta Knight, need to be revealed.
-Rosalina in general and Toon Link's return.
-Roster looks nice, but nothing spectacular so far. More characters need to be shown.
-Two months just to see a newcomer? Really?
-3DS before Wii U

I'm pretty excited with what we have thus far. Though, I can't say that I'm entirely hyped. I was more hyped for Brawl than I am now.

E3 Hype Rating: Abstain
I can't put a rating on this.
On one hand, I'm hyped to see X, Pokemon, and the new Zelda. On the other hand... well, Smash is what is making me nervous. I'm more nervous than I am hyped.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Satisfaction: 90%

- Most of the newcomers (except perhaps Greninja) make sense in hindsight.
- Veterans are getting changes and becoming more faithful to source material.
- Better online
- Most of the expected cuts are back.
- Amazing trailers; seriously, I could watch them over and over again for weeks.
- More emphasis given to the competitive community
- Item ideas are top-notch (Skull Kid AT, Cucco, Fire Bar, etc).
- Ridley, and some others on my wanted list have disconfirmed
- Squirtle and Ivysaur seem gone too.​

Hype Rating: 50%
I'm feeling quite normal right now, actually. The hype meter cranks up to eleven only after I see the trailers and all.​
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Satisfaction: 90%

At this point, the game is looking mighty fine. The gameplay seems updated, the characters are awesome (MEGA MAN!!!!!), the online has been improved... the list goes on and on.

E3 Hype: 70%

I rarely get very excited for much, but this year's E3 looks promising. Zelda U, Smash 4 are high on my list.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Satisfaction : 95% This game looks awesome so far, Sakurai and his team are really doing great so apart from some personal nitpcks this game looks amazing.

E3 Hype: 95% What can i say? New Zelda, X, smash bros. info (not just characters), the only reason it's not 100% is for the fact that there's always a shadow of dissapointment looming.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Satisfaction: 95%
I love how Nintendo has embraced the community with the tournament thing. Everything about this game seems to be about fun and I'm really excited for the direction of the series, especially in terms of gameplay.

Sure, not every character I want has been revealed, but I love discovering new characters as much as I love playing established favorites. I don't think the characters make or break a game like this. It's all about how much fun you have. I don't care what kind of fan you are or what you think of Nintendo. It feels like Smash is going to be the most fun you can have at E3. For all those going, have fun.

E3 Hype: 77%
It's about the right level for me. I'm not too hyped but I am excited. I worry about Nintendo's E3 event rather than Smash Bros hype. Nintendo needs to come across as a company that has a plan and is actually vying for the top spot in gaming. Sure, there is virtually no chance with the Xbox One and PS4, but at the very least the Wii U should give us a great generation of games like the GC did.


Bring me my booty!
Jun 9, 2014
Satisfaction: 100%
I feel like until now, all things done were just...right. Or at least I'm indifferent to the changes (or Characters).
I can't say something negative here.

Hype: I dont know?!%
While I'm absolutly crazy excited to see new games, I'm afraid something happens i don't want to happen in Smash.
Something that scratches my 100% satisfaction... like including Characters I dislike or making Characters I'd like to see playable a simple trophy... I'm really nervous.
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Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2014
(Although that may mean Zoroark isn't disconfirmed after all)
Sorry you are wrong, why spoil a future character reveal? showing us the FULL Character in all its glory, it's like the guys that don't give up on trophies of characters because Sakurai didn't specify they are not playable, Zoroark is disconfirmed.

Now for the thing we are here for
Satisfaction: 100% honestly I have always loved Smash, Brawl is more floaty than Melee and you can trip? I didn't care, I simply love this series, and I will love the next one.

Hype: 100%
I never follow as close the E3 and always find the news about it when they are over, but this time around, I am following the event very closely, appart for the games I want my character revealed, the rest is a bonus.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Overall Smash Satisfaction: 60%

Eh. I'd still buy it at this point, but literally no newcomer has interested me thus far except for Villager, who I wasn't even all that hyped for. And the newcomers make the game for me.

However, if/when Pac-Man is revealed tomorrow, I will be 100% satisfied.

E3 Hype: 90%
Smash, Zelda U, Hyrule Warriors, Miyamoto's new IP, Yarn Yoshi, and maybe even a new Metroid? Yes, I'm hyped.

The 10% that isn't there is just my pessimism. I'm worried that I won't be seeing Pac-Man and that my world will collapse in on itself. But I'm hoping. Thankfully, the wait's almost over.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Game satisfaction:

  • Mega Man!
  • Other newcomers look interesting to play as
  • HD graphics + Smash on-the-go
  • Online looks better. Online ranking and match-making was sorely needed. I expect the connection to just be better too, of course, but we can't really know about that until release...
  • Competitive mode for online is a good start
  • Smash Run looks fun
  • A better balance between competitive and casual play. Since I'm a fairly competitive person, and better than almost every friend I've played in real life, but not good enough for the Smash tournament scene, the current balance is exactly where I wanted it to be - closer to Melee, but still somewhere in between.
    • Better roster balance specifically is good too. Not sure if changes to Olimar are more for balance or for technical reasons, but if the former I'm glad to see it...
  • Veterans are getting revamped
  • Independent Sheik and Zelda (ZSS is fine, but severing her from Samus doesn't affect the move set as much). To a lesser extent Charizard
  • I'm not excited for Villager, and to a lesser extent not that excited about Little Mac. Not going to take off points for this, since not every newcomer is for me and it's unrealistic to expect all of them to cater to me. I don't hate any of them though.
  • None of my most wanted have been deconfirmed... yet. Ridley's on life support though.
  • Stages seem skewed towards quite stage-hazard-ous, walk-off edges, or huge layouts... We need some nice, medium-sized stages with just interesting platform layouts. They can move around or have interactive elements like on Melee Brinstar to make them less boring, of course. We still have a lot of stages to see, so I'm just hoping he was just not revealing them because he thought they wouldn't be as hype-worthy. We only really need 3 more or so...
  • For Glory only features Final Destination. It's like he thinks competitive players really were No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination. At the very least Battlefield should've been included as well. Seriously. At least if they had done FD and Battlefield versions of stages, I would be satisfied with this mode.
    • And really, relatively straight-forward stages like AC Town & City, Prism Tower, Pyrosphere (assuming Ridley's not a stage hazard), should be included as well. Fortunately this would be extremely easy to patch.
    • On the plus side, the FD versions of stages DO look cool
  • Kept some elements of some veterans I wish they had changed:
    • FLUDD for Mario... needed something different
    • Toon Link could've been decloned more... There's still an opportunity for him to get the Grappling Hook instead of Hookshot I suppose... At least one Wind Waker-specific item would be nice, you know?
  • As someone else said, we have yet to see the true innovation. Smash Run is a start... But given how much longer they're going to take on the Wii U version... And E3... I'm expecting/hoping this is going to be addressed tomorrow.
    • But even so, just a better balanced, more beautiful game, with better online and some new characters (Mega Man!) would be good enough... A more polished and balanced Brawl. But I'm hoping we're going to get much more than "good enough"

Short version:
I feel like the competitive-casual balance is better, I have high hopes for the roster balancing and revamping, MEGA MAN, better online, and I'm just excited for HD and portable Smash.

But I am concerned about how many neutral stages we'll have (we've seen only about 4 per version so far), and I'm irked that For Glory is literally just Final Destination (there is literally no reason Battlefield shouldn't be included), and we've yet to see any major changes to the formula.

But I assume we have some big news on the Wii U gameplay modes for E3. 3DS has Smash Run, you just know there's gotta be some interesting Wii U-exclusive mode.

Overall satisfaction: 80%
More newcomers and stages revealed will help, of course.

Nintendo E3 Hype: 95%
New IP? Cautiously optimistic. Miscellaneous Mario and other goodness? Could be good! Hyrule Warriors? Sure. Possibility for a new Metroid? Oooh yeah. Smash tournament? Yes! New characters? Yes! Smash trailers? YES! Native HD Zelda? Oh my god, YES!

Smash E3 Hype: 83%
I'm worried that the Gematsu leak is true. I don't want Chorus Men, or Mii, or Chrom. I'm indifferent on Pac-Man. I only want Palutena and Shulk, and the former is practically guaranteed already anyway... So that hurts the hype. I'll be very glad if the leak is finally disproven, since that's really what's propping up Mii and especially Chorus Men's chances...

And I'm worried that we'll find that neither Ridley nor K Rool will be playable.

That's really mainly what's hurting my hype. But otherwise I'm good to go!
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Smash Ace
May 18, 2013
Smash Satisfaction: 85%
I am looking forward to Little Mac and Mega Man. Villager was a good inclusion. Greninja is cool, as is Rosalina. Wii Fit Trainer is still an odd choice. The stages and items look fun. Smash Run looks good. I like how the game is looking from a technical standpoint. No tripping, faster than Brawl, and the For Glory/For Fun modes. Only problem is that I am concerned that K. Rool, Ridley and Mewtwo will not get in.

E3 Hype: 95%
I can't wait to see the style of Zelda U. I want to know more about the NFC Figures and Miyamoto's new IP. I want to know more details on X and Yarn Yoshi. I was hoping we would see a new Banjo-Kazooie from Microsoft, but just as I thought that won't happen. I want to see what Sony has to offer. As far as Smash goes, I am not necessarily worried about who gets announced, but who doesn't get announced. The characters in the Gematsu leak I approve of...except Chorus Men. Hopefully Sal releases a new leak tomorrow about K. Rool, Ridley and Mewtwo. This is the final moment for all third parties and Ridley.

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Satisfaction: 100%
The game looks incredible. I've been hyping it up for years now and for good reason: it's going to be the best in the series.

E3 Hype: 85%
I'm not as hyped as I should be, I feel. I'm very excited for characters like Mewtwo who have a high chance of showing up, and games like OR/AS and a possible new Metroid/Star Fox, but I can't help but feel... Completely normal.
I guess I'm worried about another "surprise" by Sakurai.
There comes a point where you have to draw the line. It can go from awesome to groan worthy just like that.
Greninja? Awesome! Not sure what will come next, but it better be good.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Satisfaction: 100%
-Megaman. All is said that needs statement.

E3 Hype: 100%- Pretty much the games I want are confirmed. No reason to not be more excited.
OR/AS. SMT X FE. Smash. Zelda Wii U. Nuff said.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Smash Satisfaction: 85%
I like the updates that they've been doing with the gameplay, actively trying to cater to both crowds without alienating the other, the online looks to be very improved, and almost all of the characters that I've wanted back have returned. The only negative that I can think of is that the newcomer roster isn't as interesting to me at this point aside from a couple characters, but that can be fixed with other reveals.

E3 Hype: 70%
I'm looking forward to it as there are games that have been revealed that I want to see more of, and well as what games they have in store to reveal to us. Other then that though, I'm not as hyped as I could be.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
It is time. The stars have aligned. I have taken all of the necessary preparations. E3 is here. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

E3 Hype Rating: 100%
I'm 18 years old now. I'm a man. Despite that, I still have the enthusiasm of a child, and I suspect that I always will. I don't need a whole lot to get me excited for something, and this year I'm getting to see new information about three of my five favorite series ever made. I'm talking about the first look at Zelda U, the first look at the retooled Hoenn region, and the certainty of a Smash newcomer. I've been waiting months for some of these things, years for others--how could I not be hyped just off of that alone? I've been trembling the entire time I've been writing this post, and I suspect it will only get worse tomorrow.

Overall Satisfaction: 90%
Now, I do see an inherent difference between getting hyped and being satisfied by the results. I'm incredibly hyped and can't wait to try Smash out, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm satisfied with the way the game is shaping up. There are a few things I am apprehensive about or don't like. First of all, like Erimir brought up, a lot of the stages (particularly in the 3DS Version) seem to be pretty gimmicky. I'm hoping that that trend is broken pretty soon! Additionally, while seeing a single wanted character of mine deconfirmed wouldn't really hurt how I view the game as a whole, the way that Ridley is being handled does irk me a good bit. If he's out, just show him already, dang it! Finally, things aren't getting shook up quite as much as I'd hoped; by that, I mean only a few veterans are seeing things outside of a few minor changes. We've only seen three or four true overhauls from a group of twenty-five or so veterans. More characters could use some work (I'm looking at you, Toon Link!).

Overall, however, these are very, very minor complaints. Overall, I love what we have so far and where the game seems to be heading. We're seeing Punch-Out and Animal Crossing, two of my favorite series, becoming more engrossed into the core of Nintendo in interesting ways! Kid Icarus is also getting a lot of love, and it almost assuredly will extend to a character, too! I don't usually play items, but I like to fall back on them from time to time, and the items we're getting are top-notch this iteration. We're seeing Mega Man, and he looks amazing! Oh, yeah, and the 3DS is launching first, and sooner than anticipated--I may be in the minority, but I was thrilled by that announcement. Finally, we're seeing what looks like a nice blend of casual and competitive, of Brawl and Melee, and that sounds great to me!


This is the last night before E3...



Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Overall Satisfaction

E3 Hype

At a score in the lower 80% range, it's clear that, although we have a handful of concerns, we're pretty satisfied with how the game is coming along and what it looks like it'll become. With a score in the upper 80% range, it's clear that we're all hyped for E3, but we do have some minor worries to work through.

Well, this is it. This is the last update before E3. Today is pretty darn informal. Do you have any predictions for what we'll see at E3 (primarily concerning Smash, but Nintendo-related is fine)? Do you have anything you'd like to confess while you still have the chance? Today is all about your predictions and your confessions. Go ahead!

For a depressing, but fitting song:

For an uplifting, but less fitting song:

I don't think I'll be back until after the Digital Event. I suppose I'll see you all then!
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
This isn't so much of a prediction as it is a guarantee, but there will be Ridley outburst. I think we will actually get the least amount of talk about him if he's confirmed. If we don't see him, Smashboards explodes. If we get another tease, Smashboards double explodes. And if he gets deconfirmed, then Smashboards implodes and destroys the entire internet.

P.S. I think Groose chose those songs because of the possible upcoming HD remake of Majora's mask :)

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Newcomers (Not expecting to get all of these at E3. But I believe the ones we get will be in this group):
- Palutena, K. Rool, Ridley, Mii, Pac-Man, Chrom/Tactician, Bandana Dee, Ghirahim.

Veterans (Again, not expecting all):
- Mewtwo, Captain Falcon, Ness, Jigglypuff, Wario, Ganondorf, Ice Climbers, R.O.B., Mr. game & Watch, and "Thought to be cut vets," like Wolf, Snake, and Lucas.

Game features, modes, etc.
- Stage Builder, WiiU Adventure, WiiU equivalent to Smash Run (assuming Smash run is the the 3DS Adventure Mode), NFC Figures, New Stages, and Veteran Final Smashes (Masked Dedede, Star Mario, Poltergust, Koopa Clown Car).

I am your father.
(I don't know what to put here, so I'll wait till other people say theirs, then I'll edit mine).


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013
Random Last-Minute Thoughts

It's due or die for the Gemastu Leak, I'd think. If we get something that supports the leak (basically any of the listed characters besides Palutena), it's confirmed. If not (which I honestly think might be more likely), then I think it should mostly be disregarded.

I expect the roster to have shown off all third party characters at minimum after E3.

Ridley's fate, whatever it may be, will be revealed.

Mewtwo may be held off, as it might be judged as "too soon" after Gredninja.

Lastly, I don't think we're getting more than 3 newcomers at E3, but more veterans like the last direct.

In other news...

Hyrule Wariors will have shown off at least one new playable character.

Anyone remember Yarn Yoshi? Maybe we will know what will happen then.

Lastly, some random out of the blue announcement, that nobody expected.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2014
I seriously don't know what to expect, I mean I have some guesses just like everybody but Sakurai is always throwing us curveballs and I like that better. I want to be surprised.
The good news is that we finally will know the fate of many characters, for better or worse.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Expect: the unexpected

Confession: I really don't like Pacman. Like if he was real I'd pick him last for kickball

Deleted member

Predictions and Confessions have been added to the Directory.

In terms of game modes and features... I dunno. I can't predict that. I have character predictions though.
I predict that 3 or more of these veterans will be confirmed:
  • Captain Falcon
  • Ness
  • Mr. Game & Watch
  • Ganondorf
  • Meta Knight
  • Wario
  • Snake
The first six because they are obvious shoo-ins. Sooner or later they have to be revealed.
As for Snake... well, this is his last stand in my eyes. If he isn't shown here, he's done.
I predict that 2 or more of these characters will be confirmed:
  • Pac-Man: Shoo-in for E3. He's a 3rd party for crying out loud!
  • Palutena: Honestly, I can see Sakurai be biased and reveal her here. She's a shoo-in and I guess E3 might be the best time.
  • Shulk: I believe that there have been several hints about him. Tomorrow is also Xenoblade's 4th birthday and more X footage will be shown.
  • Chrom: The stage has been set. We have a new stage and Marth and Ike have been confirmed.
  • Chorus Men: The obligatory shock character similar in vain to Wii Fit Trainer.
As for confessions, I don't really have any.

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Character Predictions: Mewtwo, Pac-Man, Shulk, Meta Knight, Wario. Maybe a few more vets on top, like Ice Climbers, Captain Falcon, Ness, or Snake if he's in. The first five mentioned are the ones I'm most confident in.

Misc Predictions: Ridley will be confirmed as either a playable character or a hazard. We'll probably get a character reveal after the Invitational is won. One character will be hinted like crazy.

Confessions: I don't really believe that Ridley is in the game, but I do think it's possible and I'm clinging on to all the hope I can find (personally I don't think we'll get all 5 big characters: maybe 3-4). I never really got why people found Isaac so likely. I just want the full roster to be revealed already. Chorus Men are more interesting than most characters thrown around. People got really stupid after Wii Fit Trainer and especially after the Direct.
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