Chrom: 75% chance. With the tiki trophy, arena ferox, and popularity of awakening, I believe chrom has an excellent chance of getting in. Want: 90% Awakening is my first fe game and I think chrom is an awesome character and a great potential addition. Robin: 10% chance. Chrom just seems more likely and is a bigger rep. Want: 65% I'd prefer chrom, but a potential stance based character has my interest.
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Actually, in Fire Emblem canon, Marth and Chrom's falchions are the same blade, simply reforged. The original was made with a fang of Naga and it apparently needed repair at some point, leading to it becoming Fire Emblem Awakening's version. So, yes, it actually is the same sword.
Thanks. I enjoy hearing your point of view.
no problem mate,
feel free to ask away anytime
It's always so refreshing to hear the type of friendly back and forth. Gold stars to each of you.
Tiki was confirmed a trophy
...don't all playable characters have trophies?
Honestly, I think her chances are nonexistent, but I wouldn't have been shocked if Sakurai did show us a trophy in one of those challenges that belonged to a playable character. Obviously that wasn't the case, but I wouldn't put it beyond him in the future.
Now, this next part may scare away whatever mathematicians we have out there. I'm no statistician, and I'm not prepared to deal with any statistical principles that lie outside of the realm of common knowledge. I'm just doing this the best way I know how.
Groose's April Fire Emblem Chance Chart
Marth: 100%
Ike: 70%
Chrom: 50%
Roy: 20%
Robin: 15%
Chrom and Lucina: 10%
Lucina: 10%
Others: 1% or less
Total: 275% (or a 25% chance of two characters and a 75% chance of three)
Allow me to start with my overall explanation. I think that the Fire Emblem series will expand to have three characters playable, but I'm not certain it will. It's a series that is constantly plugging forward and creating new characters, but this combined with its relative obscurity means that it never has absolute staple characters like in other series. One major thing that stands in its favor, though, is that the series is at a new high point, and there is lots of demand for certain new characters in Smash. I do think Sakurai will decide to add another character.
Ike: 70%
I do think Ike will return, but there always is the possibility Sakurai decides that other characters from the series are simply higher-priority. I feel like there is the chance that time constraints may show no sympathy to Ike, but I really wouldn't count on it as much as I used to; the game seems to be progressing well, and it doesn't seem to be rushed as I thought it may be.
Chrom: 50%
Chrom is pretty much the poster boy for Awakening. There are many thousands of newer Fire Emblem fans who went through their first Fire Emblem game with him, and he is the most highly requested Fire Emblem newcomer (though Roy and Lucina do have notable popularity). Chrom also could be used to promote the newer direction Fire Emblem has taken, and I don't doubt that he'll return soon in a Fire Emblem game. Chrom does have competition in that there are two other notable Awakening characters and the beloved Roy, so I don't really see him as anything close to a shoo-in. Additionally, he doesn't really offer much of anything new to the table and is sort of a blend of Marth and Ike, two characters that are already in; there is a chance that he gets Leif'd.
Overall, I could see Chrom going either way. I do see an Awakening character as very likely, and I do see him as the most likely candidate, so he will be on my prediction roster that I post next week.
Roy: 20%
Roy is a very popular character among Melee enthusiasts and is also pretty darn popular in Japan (I find his popularity there to be a little bit overstated, but definitely still present). He also was a candidate for Brawl and his red hair and fire sword make him stand out from other FE characters. Even so, the series has moved on from him, and he isn't really all that recognizable to newer Smash fans or newer FE fans. His popularity and Sakurai's prior interest give him a shot, but I do think that both putting in a newer character and returning characters from Brawl will stand as a higher priority.
Robin: 15%
Robin was never as big as either Chrom or Lucina. (S)He wasn't really used in promotional material. (S)He wasn't really requested. (S)He wasn't really as talked-up among the general public.
That aside, Robin still has a serious chance. The Tactician played a major role in game and is instantly recognizable to those who have played the game. In addition, the Avatar is much more unique and offers up something that stands out from other Fire Emblem characters. I'd say My Unit is a possibility, but I just don't think that (s)he has enough going for him/her to be considered Chrom's equal.
Chrom/Lucina Tag-Team: 10%
This combination could still work in an Ice Climbers-style set. Even so, I'm not sure if there would be any form of technical issue with such a thing, and it would require a lot more work than just putting in an individual character. I'd say that it is possible, but I just really doubt that they would opt for it.
Lucina: 10%
Take pretty much everything I said was in Chrom's favor, but lessen it just a little bit. Then take the fact that she's really, really similar to Marth (her design!), a character that we already have, and I just don't see why they'd pick her over Chrom.
Others: 1% or less
I guess I could give a 1% to Anna, but I just don't really see any other FE character having a chance. They're all far too minor or unimportant to warrant a real look.
Want Scores: I'm not a big Fire Emblem fan, and I really don't see much merit in characters from the franchise from a non-character standpoint. They're not really all the same, but the Lords in particular are pretty darn similar to one another in terms of movepool. The franchise already has its foot firmly in the Smash door, so I don't really need to see a new character to hope for new music and stage content; also, Smash can do little more for the franchise than it already has.
I'm sure after seeing whatever character gets in in action, my satisfaction scores will be fairly high. However, for now, I have to give 0% in want to all Fire Emblem characters not named the Tactician... to whom I give a 40%. I don't really want the Tactician or any new Fire Emblem character in, but I do like his/her design quite a bit and would be pleasantly surprised that he/she is the character we get from the bunch.
We like Ike! Roy's our boy! Chrom is the bomb! I can't think of anything for Robin!