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Rate Their Chances: GAME OVER! Join the RTC Social Group Today!

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Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base

Chance: 85%
He's defiantly the most requested character (perhaps barring Megaman) so why wouldn't he be included?
Also, saying Mewtwo is like Lucario is like saying Meta Knight is like Kirby. It's, like, not acceptable.

Want: 90%
This would be 100%, yet I really don't want him to have a mega final smash.

K. Rool:
Chance: 50%
I've seen this guy as a coin toss ever since I began smash speculation. Being replaced in DKC returns and being unknown to many casuals are bigger obstacles in my mind then they are to many.

Want: 75%
I'm quite neutral on him myself, but his fans deserve it.

Snake: 35%
Isaac: 44.75%
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014

Chance: 85%
He's defiantly the most requested character (perhaps barring Megaman) so why wouldn't he be included?
Also, saying Mewtwo is like Lucario is like saying Meta Knight is like Kirby. It's, like, no acceptable.
A better comparison would be Kirby and King Dedede. Both are able to inhale enemies and spit them out, as well as charge up hammer swings that damage them if charged too much.

Total clones. No way they can coexist.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
Tucson, AZ
Mewtwo: abstain.
I've really got no clue with Mewtwo. Tough call with him.
Want: 90%
I'm happy with the Pokemon we've got, but I'd love to see him return.

K. Rool: 65%
There are two important rumors: Chunky Kong assist trophy, and a Kremling boss in smash run.
If these rumors are true: 85%
False: 50%
I'm feeling fairly optimistic about his chances.
Want: 90%
He coo


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement
Mewtwo: Chance 95%

I made a huge rant about Mewtwo last time we rated him and I still stand by it:
I've said it before, and I will say it again: No character even comes CLOSE to having the credentials that Mewtwo has for being in Smash Bros. Want a list?

1. One of the most popular Pokemon of all time, in all the polls I've seen ranking the greatest Pokemon, he either tops the charts or is in the top 5.
2. Most popular request to get into this game. By far. Globally. There is no other character that would make the Smash community more hyped to have in the game then Mewtwo coming back, I feel completely confident in saying this.
3. Veteran character is a veteran. If he's not in the initial build he will definitely come back as DLC, people want him in this game! (Which is the only reason there is 5% missing from the initial score: They might advertise DLC with him)
4. Unique moveset. If you think Lucario's a clone of him, you either don't know what a clone is or haven't played Melee. -_-
5. Legendary Pokemon: One of the most iconic parts of Pokemon is catching the ultimate Pokemon in that game. And Mewtwo is the best of the best when it comes to legendaries. I have the same thought cycle when it comes to Sceptile and the starter triangle, only Mewtwo has a ton more going for him.
6. TWO Mega Evolutions. One of two Pokemon who was so iconic and important that they gave him two Mega Evolutions! They used those to advertise the games, the deciding factor for which game I was going to get was the X and Y forms of Mewtwo and Charizard, and I know I was far from the only one. And speaking of his Mega's advertsing the games:
7. Mega Evolution posterboy! While Lucario was the main focus in the games, Mewtwo was the focus everywhere else. He was the Pokemon they advertised the Mega Evolution concept, they gave him a whole movie because of this role, and both Megas are appearing in the next one. He is one of the most imporant Pokemon in the anime right now, something Sakurai went out of his way to say that was one of the things they looked at for Pokemon characters.
8. Villain... Anti Hero? Person of questionable actions? Whatever. He brings a breath of refreshing malicious air to a roster compromised entirely of good and righteous people. I mean, all we've got at this point are Bowser and Dedede and the eternal glutton known as Kirby. Smash needs more villains!
9. 6 Pokemon reps a problem? Because having 6 in Brawl when we had less characters was a travesty? (YES THERE WERE SIX! Sakurai said there were 39 characters in Brawl, MEANING that he counts them as separate characters. They are separate characters. 6 Pokemon in Brawl. Deal with it!)
10. The Ridley Theorem Teasing. Wait, what? Teasing you say? Yes. I don't know how people keep forgetting this, but Sakurai went out of his way to tell people that he was considering including Mewtwo in the next Smash Bros games. He didn't have to do that. He could have kept his mouth shut, let the Pokemon representatives sweep aside the question, and move on. But no, he told everyone that the most requested character was being considered for Smash Bros. And there is more!

Remember the Greninja trailer? How everybody thought it was Mewtwo? Well:

Smeargle confirmed!

But seriously, that trailer was designed to make you think it was Mewtwo initially. There was no reason for that, lots of people reacted poorly because they thought it was Mewtwo and got dissapointed. This was an incredibly stupid move... unless it was setting people up for an even better reveal in the future.

Want: 100%
I cannot stress how much I want Mewtwo to return. Not only is he one of my favorite Pokemon, he's one of the most nostalgic to my childhood, and my favorite character to use in Melee. And there are so many people who want him in that I hope get pleased (And a bunch of detractors with arguments almost as illogical as the ones against Ridley that I want to shut up)

K. Rool: Chance: 80%

I rated him as one of the most overrated characters 2 weeks ago. How times have changed...

I'm becoming more and more confident that, like Fire Emblem, DK will receive 2 newcomers. A clonish character (Dixie) and a unique one (K. Rool). He's extremely highly requested, easily the next important DK character that could get into the roster (Sorry Dixie), and has plenty of potential for a unique moveset. And he's a villain! I WANT MORE VILLAINS!

Conspiracy theory: We haven't been shown any new DK stuff (Apart from Kremlings and Tiki Tongs) in this iteration of Smash Bros. No new stage, confirmed AT, item, nothing. Why? Because it's being saved for a glorious reveal of 2 DK characters!

Want: 100%

There are 3 new characters that I feel truly need to be in this iteration of smash bros. Those are Mewtwo, Ridley, and K. Rool. The importance these characters have towards their franchises, as well as the fan demand for all 3 of these characters, is astronomical, it feels like it would be a huge oversight by the smash team NOT to put them in, which, admittedly, they have done before. Finally got to play DK64, and I really want that oversized Crocodile to appear in Smash Bros. He's a hilarious villain who needs to keep appearing, and appearing in Smash might remind the next creators of a DK game that he exists -_-


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Mewtwo was to be incorporated alongside Lucario in Brawl, thus, Lucario does not replace him.
I mean by the way Lucario plays/feels.
Like a Mewtwo 2.0.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Mewtwo Strikes Back!:

Chance: 100%. Another 100% chance rating? Goodness me!
Mewtwo is the only character not in Brawl that I was absolutely certain is going to be included. He's got pretty much everything going for him, be it two Mega Evolutions and an appearance in the game introducing them (for the uninformed, that's Pokemon X/Y), a role in the new Pokemon Origins anime, a starring role in a recent movie, and, and I can't stress this point enough, massively incredible and occasionally nauseating fan demand. Seriously, everyone and their brother wants Mewtwo in Smash Bros again. I know Sakurai has history ignored fan demand for the sake of creating a good game, but there's no reason to omit Mewtwo this time around.

In Brawl he was less of a big deal, albeit popular. But now, it would be detrimental to the game's performance, I think, if he was excluded. If he's not on the initial roster, he's definitely a DLC character. In fact, if he's not on the disc, it would basically confirm DLC characters for me.

If Mewtwo is not a playable character this time around, in my honest opinion, Sakurai is an atrocious fool.

Want: 65%. Personally, he is longer a favorite of mine. He used to be my favorite, but now I prefer Lucario. Still, I really want him to be confirmed as I have little hope for this game's quality if he isn't.

King K. Rool:

Chance: 75%. I'm just going to say this right now: King K. Rool is somewhat overrated. That being said, he is far from a bad choice for this game's roster. He's got a huge arsenal and a lot of fans, and unlikie most characters, evidence towards his inclusion in the form of Kremlings. Donkey Kong has had a huge revival with the DKC series coming back, so a Donkey Kong newcomer is very certain in my eyes. In my personal opinion, the fact he hasn't been seen in a main-series DK game since the 90's speaks in his favour; after all, King K. Rool and the games he has appeared in are symbolic for Nintendo and resonate with a lot of people, and bringing back a character representing such a legendary character is sure to be greeted with a lot of fanfare. Of course, Dixie Kong may be added with that in mind instead, but I am resigned to believe they are both being included.

Want: 70%. I am not really a fan of his, but I think his expressive nature and the fact he is a much needed Donkey Kong Country character would make him an ideal addition to the roster. Unfortunately, I have no personal connection, so I couldn't share my personal enthusiasm at his inclusion.


Snake prediction: 15%.
Isaac prediction: 55%.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
K Rool
90% Chance
100% Want
Mewtwo 99.99% Chance
100% Want

K Rool is super likely atm, and is imo the most likely non clone newcomer besides Shulk, Chorus Men, and Ridley. Mewtwo I have always seen as a near lock, seeing as he is the most wanted character everywhere, and X and Y make him so relevant...

Villain love.

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Mewtwo's chances: 80% - Still has a very good shot.
Want: 60% - He shouldn't have been cut but I don't care about him much myself.

K. Rool's chances: 60% - Per what I said yesterday.
Want: 100% - My second most wanted character not yet confirmed, behind only Ridley.

Edit: Forgot predictions.

Isaac prediction: 37.98%
Snake prediction: 32.13%
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Chance: 96% - I think Greninja purposely looked like Mewtwo. Plus, Mewtwo was supposed to be in every game. Unless something stupid happens, he's in. The delay helps his case.

Want: 100% - He's a Nintendo All-Star, one of the greatest and most well known Pokemon Ever. He was meant to be in all 3 Smash games so far too. Sakurai knows Mewtwo deserves a shot. He gets 100% because out of who else I think has a chance, he's in the top 5.

King K Rool
Chance: 84% - He's Donkey Kong's signature bad guy, and when you think of bad guys in Donkey Kong, you thing of King K. They need another character for the series, and I don't think since Sakurai found Chrom generic, he would find Dixie to be original. King K gets in before she does.

Want: 100% - He deserves it, and he's in the top 5 that have a good chance.


Isaac: 55%
Snake: 47%
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
King K. Rool
-Main Roster: 50%
-As DLC: 25%

Like I said yesterday, the odds are very good for a new Donkey Kong rep, whether Dixie or K. Rool. Right now, I think the king has a greater chance. Yes, the Kremlings in Smash Run might allude to him the way Id (Purpose) alluded to Robin, but there's something else that could give him the edge over Dixie.

You know how Marth played so...different in the demo? You know now people are speculating it might be to give Lucina her own niche? Well, Bowser's gained a lot of mobility, hasn't he? Could that be to free up the niche of super heavy slow tank for a certain someone?

Want: 80%

I'm a big fan of variety among newcomers. A new super-heavyweight would be cool, and more villains are always nice as long as they aren't shoehorned in...and K. Rool would not be shoehorned. He's used so many weapons and gadgets from his appearances that most of his moveset would practically write itself. Perhaps in a couple months the king will be krushing the kompetition.

(I may or may not have been listening to Crocodile Cacophony when I typed this half. >_>)

-Main Roster: 45%
-As DLC: 35%

Mewtwo might have the inside track due to being cut from Brawl due because of time constraints, but he'll still likely have competition...from a fairy.

I have a feeling that with 6 generations of Pokemon now, Sakurai and the gang won't want 2/3 of the franchise's reps to be from Gen 1, meaning it could come down to Mewtwo vs. Jigglypuff. His biggest knock against him is missing the cut for Brawl while Jiggs is part of the Original 12...but thanks to his appearance as a bonus boss in the newest games and getting two Mega forms, he's still relevant. Meanwhile, all Jiggs has is the new Fairy type that several other mons also have...and only one wild appearance before postgame in any game since Gen 4. Her niche as a fast aerial fighter hasn't even been unique after Brawl added Wario and buffed Yoshi's air speed. This could come down to seniority vs. moveset potential...or maybe they'll both get in anyway. Who knows. >_>

If Mewtwo doesn't make it initially, he'll face even stiffer competition for DLC from the suddenly-relevant-again Sceptile, who will himself have a niche to take if Ivysaur does get cut.

Want: 50%

I'd be okay with him coming back...as long as he got revamped. They clearly didn't have much to work with in Melee (Shadow Ball isn't even STAB!), and we have four generations' worth of new moves now, including Psystrike, Mewtwo's signature move as of Gen 5. Let's give the old mutant some new life.

Snake: 39.1%
Isaac: 38.5%

("Abridged", I said. "Cutting down on the fluff", I said. >_>)
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Deleted member

King K Rool

Chance: 50% - Could go either way but I'm sure a DK newcomer will arrive.
Want: 50% - Never really had an attachment over him but hes kool for Smash.


Chance: 75% - Pretty good shot of coming back.
Want: 30% - Don't care for him & not a huge fan of Pokemon but I wouldn't mind his return...as long as he plays better than in Melee.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
King K. Rool
Want: 60%
Chance: 70%

Originally I was against his inclusion, but i've lightened up & accepted him. DK is severely lacking in representation & he would be the ideal choice.

Want: 100%
Chance: 90%

He deserves to be in. Sakurai received backlash for excluding Mewtwo in Brawl, I doubt he would want that to happen. He has been planned for all Smash Bros. games & a ton of requests, i'm sure Mewtwo would not skip out on another game once again.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Mewtwo:50% Chance I'm really not sure it could go weither way.

Want:50% I was pupset about Mewtwo not returning but now I'm kinda not a big fan of Mewtwo anymore.

King K Rool:Chance 85% Highly requested, a villain, Kremlings coming back in Smash Run and has moveset potential.

Want:100% One of my four most wanted newcomers for the game.


Snake 41.14%



Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
King K. Rool:
Retro Studios made two DKC games. And neither featured King K. Rool at all, let alone a prominent role. So I'd have to believe if Retro Studios input was asked for, they would say Dixie over King K. Rool. Other than popularity, he doesnt have much going for him. I don't really think Sakurai cares much for popularity.
Want: 0%
All my DK want goes to Dixie Kong.

I still think that discussion at last year's E3 means something. I think the 150th pokemon will end up as a secret veteran. Sakurai doesnt think of things of characters per franchise, but Pokemon needs one more character to remain neutral to their position in Brawl (assuming jigglypuff returns).
Want: 55%
On the one hand, it's Mewtwo. On the other hand, I would prefer a Pokemon from another generation. If it was between Mewtwo and Jigglypuff, I would pick Mewtwo.

Isaac: 42.39%
Snake: 20.62%


You must find your own path to the future.
Jul 13, 2014
Mewtwo chance: 11%
Want: 40%

K. Rool chance: 30%
Want: 40%


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
King K. Rool:
Retro Studios made two DKC games. And neither featured King K. Rool at all, let alone a prominent role. So I'd have to believe if Retro Studios input was asked for, they would say Dixie over King K. Rool. Other than popularity, he doesnt have much going for him. I don't really think Sakurai cares much for popularity.
Want: 0%
All my DK want goes to Dixie Kong.

I still think that discussion at last year's E3 means something. I think the 150th pokemon will end up as a secret veteran. Sakurai doesnt think of things of characters per franchise, but Pokemon needs one more character to remain neutral to their position in Brawl (assuming jigglypuff returns).
Want: 55%
On the one hand, it's Mewtwo. On the other hand, I would prefer a Pokemon from another generation. If it was between Mewtwo and Jigglypuff, I would pick Mewtwo.

Isaac: 42.39%
Snake: 20.62%
Actually, Retro WANTED to use the Kremlings, they were told not to... if it was up to Retro, they'd probably have suggested K. Rool in a heartbeat.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Just going to discuss Sakurai's criteria as I see it, based on what we've seen so far...

  • Uniqueness: this is not just about move sets, but also about the personality or concept. Besides what he said explicitly, we saw:
    • Robin picked over Chrom.
    • Rosalina adds another unique character.
    • Wii Fit Trainer is strange in personality
    • Other characters like Mega Man, Villager and Little Mac were designed to have move sets that do different things from previous characters, although this feels less connected to them inherently (Marvel Vs. Capcom shows a different direction to go with Mega Man, for example)
  • Popularity:
    • fan favorites like Mega Man, Pac-Man, Villager and Little Mac show that Sakurai is picking characters he might have otherwise passed over.
    • Palutena was also popular, but there were other factors there, like the fact she's from Sakurai's game.
    • Chrom was popular, but he also had a hate base who disliked that he was not unique, it's possible that this influenced Sakurai's decision.
    • Miis are actually pretty popular among casuals, even tho there's a significant hate base there as well...
  • Promotion: Character choices can be used to promote particular games or push a character that Nintendo would like to make more popular. Popular characters of course promote Smash Bros - but Smash Bros is also a powerful promotion tool! It works both ways. The combination of this with popularity accounts for "relevancy"/"recency" - a character which the company wants to promote and which is more popular currently is basically what we'd call "relevant." If a character is not recent, it's hard to see how it's being promoted, right?
    • Greninja is the most obvious example of this. A Pokemon from X & Y was included in order to promote the latest installment of Pokemon. Sakurai even said this is basically how the decision process went, with Greninja being chosen from among the X/Y Pokemon.
    • Mii Fighters, of course, promote the core brand. Miis are an integral part of the Wii U and 3DS experience, with Nintendo Miiverse only increasing their importance since the Wii era. I see this as a more important factor than their popularity.
    • Rosalina has been pushed by Nintendo recently, becoming a Mario Kart regular, and getting a playable role in SM3DW. While fairly popular in her own right, it's possible without this she might not have beaten out other popular choices from the Mario series. I definitely expect to see more of her across the Mario universe after this (e.g. in sports and party titles).
    • Robin & Lucina of course are from the latest Fire Emblem.
  • Gender: so far, we've seen Sakurai making a lot more female characters. He's called this out as well.
    • With WFT, Rosalina, Palutena, Lucina, female Robin, female Villager and Mii Fighters, the newcomers are 50-50:
      • 3 Female: Rosalina, Palutena, Lucina
      • 4 Both: Villager, WFT, Mii Fighters, Robin
      • 3 Male: Mega Man, Little Mac, Pac-Man
      • 1 Neither: Greninja (but most people seem to gender it as male, making the newcomers slightly more male in a sense)
    • This also makes the roster so far the most gender equal yet. Previous installments were about 80% male to 20% female, the roster so far is 61-72% male to 28% female (depending on whether you gender the Pokemon, which people seem to mostly gender as male). Of course, there aren't any more female veterans unless you count Jiggs, so the ratio will probably move towards male unless we get a couple more female newcomers...
  • Roster/Series representation: This is only to say that series tend to only get one or two newcomers. Only Mario, Pokemon and Zelda in Melee have gotten more than two, and they're the biggest/most important series. You could count Mii Fighters as well, but their "series" is also one of the largest. There is a correlation between series sales and Smash representation, so thinking that a series getting a newcomer makes other newcomers from that series less likely makes sense.
  • Eligibility: Obviously we have some things we know explicitly, we know transformation characters aren't happening. And 3rd party characters have to have appeared on a Nintendo console and be from a Nintendo-friendly company, yada yada.

K Rool

Basically, a lot of what I said about Dixie applies here - DK deserves a 3rd rep for sure, and could even get 4 (especially if Dixie is a semi-clone). But probably it will only be one, and in that case, K Rool is undeniably more requested. He's more unique and popular, but Dixie is more promoted lately and is female. I give the edge to K Rool, but I now think it's more even than I did before.

K Rool chances: 57%
K Rool want: 95%
My second most wanted who's not currently confirmed and not a pipe dream.


Gematsu's demise opens up some space for Mewtwo. But he still has to contend with Jigglypuff. In Brawl, Jigglypuff won out. But there is probably room for both of them - Pokemon had 6 move sets in Brawl, and bringing Mewtwo and Jigglypuff would keep them at parity. He's more relevant than ever, and he already has a move set (altho they'd likely want to give him a few new moves) and an obvious FS (seems they're all getting Mega Evolutions).

Mewtwo chances: 82%
Seeing the 47-51 character rosters put together influenced by Gematsu has nevertheless shaken my confidence. There's probably room for Mewtwo, but there are still some characters that aren't going to make it. I expect him but I don't think he's guaranteed.
Mewtwo want: 55%
I'm indifferent. He deserves to come back, but he'd need an overhaul for me to like his moveset since I didn't like it much in Melee.

Snake - 35%
I don't think Gematsu is the main reason his scores have been falling. His less Nintendo "feel", Konami's relationship with Nintendo and his absence so far are just making people think he's less and less likely. Gematsu's demise might boost him a little, but his biggest problems are still there.

Isaac - 35%
I think Isaac will get some boost, but I think Robin hurts his uniqueness factor, so the demise of Gematsu is not unambiguously positive for him.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Isaac - 35%
I think Isaac will get some boost, but I think Robin hurts his uniqueness factor, so the demise of Gematsu is not unambiguously positive for him.
If you think that, you clearly don't understand that Isaac and Robin would play nothing alike whatsoever. Psynergy isn't anything close to FE magic, and Isaac is a Venus adept anyway; if they focus on that, he'd have an entire moveset based on Earth Psynergy, Move, and a few sword strikes, but I don't even think he'd use his sword nearly as much as Robin does.


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
The smasher comes from the bottom of the arena
King K. Rool
Chance 15%
It seems to me that Nintendo have been trying to kill off K.Rool for a while now. I don't think he has been in anything since Super Sluggers and there have been 2 Donkey Kong country games since then. All newcomers so far have had a significant role in a game over the last generation, but not K. Rool. I think Nintendo is still bitter about Rare and he doesn't really fit with the more Mario universe look of the new DK games. The fact that the Kremlings are in Smash run does bode well for K.Rool, as it shows that Nintendo still will acknowledge their existence, but I don't think that it should be taken as Sakurai teasing K.rool any more than the fact that there are the Tiki enemies from DKCR in smash run that hints at a Tiki playable character.

As I said with Dixie, it would be neet to see him playable, but I'm not that familiar with the DKC games.


Chance 70%
Of all the cut Melee reps, Mewtwo is the only one who I see with any chance of getting into Smash 4. I still think Jigglypuff will likely get the 5th Pokemon slot, but Pokemon is a big enough franchise to potentially get 6 places.
Want 50%
I want Jigglypuff more, but I would be ok with both.



Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Actually, Retro WANTED to use the Kremlings, they were told not to... if it was up to Retro, they'd probably have suggested K. Rool in a heartbeat.
well that's a bit of a leap.

I don't know too much about the first thing, but what I've read is much different. More like a developer taking advice that they sought out.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
If you think that, you clearly don't understand that Isaac and Robin would play nothing alike whatsoever. Psynergy isn't anything close to FE magic, and Isaac is a Venus adept anyway; if they focus on that, he'd have an entire moveset based on Earth Psynergy, Move, and a few sword strikes, but I don't even think he'd use his sword nearly as much as Robin does.
I've played all the Golden Sun games. I have a different opinion than you, not a lack of understanding.

I understand that Robin's "ammo" mechanics would not be shared by Isaac. Nonetheless, they would both be sword-and-magic users. You're reacting as if I said Isaac is deconfirmed. Calm yourself - all I said is that Robin is stepping on his toes when it comes to uniqueness - which he is.

Isaac obviously could be very different. But saying that his move set can be different doesn't disprove what I said. There are many possible move sets for Isaac - Robin makes it so that some of those move sets are no longer nearly as unique. That certainly doesn't help Isaac.

After all, Chrom could've been given different mechanics (for example, he could've had weapons with durability, just like Robin!). The fact that Chrom could have had a totally unique and different move set didn't erase the fact that he's similar to Marth and Ike. Isaac's situation is different, of course, my point is just that our concept of how the character would or could work is not always going to match Sakurai's. This is why I try to weigh possibilities. If it were up to me, Isaac would get in and he could easily have a move set that's different enough - but Sakurai might not see it that way. He might say, "Isaac uses magic and a sword, and I already made one of those, and the other reasons to include him aren't strong enough." Who knows. All I'm saying is that it's a point against him, even if it is minor and surmountable.

Anyway, I don't know why people get so worked up every time I say something hurts without taking into account how much. I say something hurts a little bit, maybe knock off a couple percent, and people react like I said "So-and-so is impossible now."

It was the same thing when I said it hurt Dixie that Tropical Freeze went by without her being revealed - because there was no scenario in which it helped her, and a clear scenario where it would hurt (the scenario in which they would reveal a newcomer to promote a game's release). Maybe you think the latter scenario was unlikely, but unless you think it was impossible the probabilities for Dixie were lower, not higher.

There are scenarios in which Robin being a newcomer hurts Isaac. I can't think of any scenario in which it helps him. That is all.
Mewtwo is not a clone of Lucario.
He is a clone of Mew though :troll:


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Actually, Retro WANTED to use the Kremlings, they were told not to
Do you have a source for this? That'd be pretty interesting.

K. Rool: 30% Chance / 70% Want
A lot of the newcomers (read as: all of them) are drawing from the Wii and 3DS lineup of video games, where K. Rool is notably absent from (I think DK had a 3DS Jungle Climber/King of Swing game and that Barrel Blast racing game where K. Rool was in it). While it is possible for K. Rool to be the exception to the rool (teehee), I'd need to see some evidence where this rool is already broken before I give him anything higher.

Mewtwo: 90% Chance / 100% Want

I think everyone has or will already say everything relevant to Mewtwo's case in this game so I'ma just leave it like that. Super cool psychic bro that deserves to be in this game (imagine the explosion if we would've had him at E3 /last year/).

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Hail to the King Baby!: 80%
The most popular newcomer character left in the world? Check!
A villain when there's been a conspicuous lack of them appearing? Check!
Part of a franchise that needs significantly more representation? Check!

K.Rool certainly has the disadvantage of being absent from recent games in the series, and that Nintendo seem to want DK to fight new enemies every time now... but I think it doesn't mean all that much compared to his overwhelming support.

Want: 100%

The Clone Character Everyone Loves: 95%
A clone of Mew obviously, not Lucario! Don't be silly!
We still have a minimum two pokémon left to reveal, and I'm tending to think three... and mewtwo is the most request character in the world, and a veteran... he's gotta be in, right?

Want: 100%
Who doesn't?

Isaac: 66.5%
Snake: 23.4%


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
K. Rool chance - 50%
And about 20% from demand, which I still don't understand as I don't find him to be interesting or cool any kind of positive adjective I can apply to him. I don't see him getting in over Dixie, but I could see both.

Want - 10%
No. He's dumb and outdated. I'd prefer many other characters over him.

Mewtwo chance - 30%
I just don't see a previously cut character returning as likely, but with the fan demand and the fact that Mewtwo is still relevant, I do find it possible.

Want - 65%
I wouldn't really mind Mewtwo staying gone, but I would like to see him back.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

Chance: 35% - I still see him being the leading DLC character rather than being in the launch version.

Want: 15% - Meh, when Jigglypuff is confirmed I might warm up to him a bit more, but even then he still had an awful moveset in Melee.

K. Rool:

Chance: 50% - A bit conflicted on his chances.

Want: 90%
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Traveling the universe
Jun 20, 2014
K.rool chance 50% I want to believe that the Kremlings being in smash run means something for the big guy.
Want 100%
Mewtwo chance 20% nothing that really hints that he will be back but if he does return I wouldn't mind
Want 60%

a Link to the Forums

Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Australia, Victoria
Mewtwo is not a clone of Lucario.
Exactly, Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo. :troll:

K Rool:
Chance: 60%
As I said yesterday, I do not hink Dixie is competing with K Rool anymore. I think both will get in. K Rool definitely has a ton to offer moveset-wise. His popularity is very high too. The kritters are definetly a boost, previously I didn't think they meant too much for him but since I think 2 DK reps is very possible K Rool's chances went up a lot.

Want: 85%
No personal attachment but he's a DK rep and an awesome villain! :b:

Chance: 85%
  • Sakurai "thing about" him
  • 2 megas and was one of the main marketing components for them
  • recent thanks to X and Y
  • Ivysaur and Squirtle most likely gone
  • most wanted character (or at least veteran) in the community
  • planned for 64 and Brawl
So yeah, it's looking pretty good for Mewtwo right now.

Want: 80%
I like Mewtwo.

Snake - 10.67%
Isaac - 6.78%
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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Saying Mewtwo is a clone of Lucario is like saying Marth is a clone of Ike or Peach is a clone of Rosalina. It's backwards and wrong.
Chance: 94%
I've regained full confidence in 6 Pokemon
Want: 95%
I want to play as Mewtwo without having to use a GameCube.

K Rool:
I don't see it as likely that well only get DK, Diddy, and Dixie. But I feel like she has more going for her, so that puts k Rool in a weird spot for me. She i rate him higher than her? Lower than her? Equal?
I'm pretty confident hell be dk's robin but I haven't been ranking him very highly. Hmmm....
Chance: 69%
Sure. This will do for now. I expect him but nowhere near Shulk levels.
Want: 77%
An exciting choice that I've been warming up to more and more. He deserves it.
Isaac: 30%
I will be rating him lower, others won't.
Snake 15%
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Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
K. Rool
Chance - 50%
I'm pretty certain now with Gematsu imploding on itself that a DK rep is once again a huge possibility, and the coyness on DK stages and content make me certain this is the reason.
I'm also starting to really anticipate most playable villains/anti-heroes to be unlockables given the signficant absence of most of them. Except for Bowser. And Dedede hasn't been a real villain in Kirby games for a long time now...

In any case, I expect Dixie or K. Rool.

Want - 100%
I expressed yesterday my love for DKC2 and why that makes me really appreciate Dixie. Well, that same love makes me really appreciate K. Rool. Except when it comes to K. Rool it gets to the 100% level mostly due to his motions and whole crazy personality. Also, while we know what Dixie looks like in current models and full HD ... K. Rool has never gotten that treatment, and in a game as silly as smash I bet he'll look amazing. Just imagining the screen K.O. alone makes me eager to see him.

Chance - 80%
Yea, I think he's very likely. I'm pretty certain Sakurai is aware this time his absence would be unforgivable for most people.

Want - 40%
Not for me though.
Now, here's the thing: I main Mewtwo in Melee, and greatly enjoyed him in Project M before enjoying the heck out of Ivy a lot more (also, before I added a Nephenee skin to Link, but that's irrelevant.) For a long long time, Mewtwo was a necessity for me and I seriously seriously wanted him in no matter what.
And then there was Greninja. That surprise opened up a lot of thoughts and feelings in me that eventually cascaded into caring less and less about Mewtwo:
1. General excitement towards new pokemon characters supersedes interest in returning veterans. The thing about Pokemon is that there's soooo many of them, so much that whenever there's a newcomer pokemon I gravitate towards them almost exclusively. Like, I used Pokemon Trainer in Brawl because it felt sooo fresh, but in this game I can barely bother to look at Charizard. To be honest, it's one of the series where I'd enjoy a rotating cast.
(Opinion side-bar: It bears to note that I have never been a fan of Pikachu or Charizard and as a whole I feel they are overhyped to a stupid degree. So while Nintendo-fan me sees that they're huuuuge icons worthy of Smash, Pokemon-fan me would prefer to see other pokemon get their chance.)

2. General excitement towards OTHER potential pokemon characters supersedes interest in Mewtwo. Greninja's inclusion came with access to an idea that was so ridiculous before, but it has become more and more accepted, and more and more viable, which is the inclusion of my favorite starter pokemon of all time - Sceptile. Now, I realize his chances are abysmal and I never saw the chance to be particularly high during either of the nearly continuous days we used to rate him. But I'd be lying if I said the idea doesn't excite me to huge levels. Greninja has a snug position as second favorite, shared perhaps by Typhlosion. And his inclusion blew my mind. So I can't even begin to imagine what Sceptile would be like. And then Mega Sceptile also has the dragon typing .... so much hype ><

3. General excitement towards other characters supersedes interest in Mewtwo. While Mewtwo is a veteran, it feels to me like they'd need to put almost newcomer levels of work on him to make him viable this time around. And to a certain degree, I find several newcomer options still more enticing than Mewtwo's return. Yes, I think Mewtwo deserves to be in this game, whatever that means, by virtue of his popularity, status, and history. But I'd be more excited about several newcomers than about his return.

4. The Greninja negativity train soured me considerably. This is a shallow reason, but the overall levels of rejection towards Greninja "because he's no't Mewtwo" were/are some of the most dehyping moments of pre-Smash that I've had. So while it's not so much that I want Mewtwo deconfirmed so they have something real to complain about, it's more of the fact that seeing those reactions led me to find more excitement in looking towards the future of smash than in looking back.

5. Selfishness. I know I won't ever main Mewtwo in Sm4sh because I already do in Melee, and I don't want to main the same character in different games because it leads to stupid stuff like wanting to float in melee, or do stuff out of teleport in melee ... it just overall messes up my gameplay. So even if he comes back, he's out of bounds for me for the sake of my melee mewtwo not suffering. It's the reason that while I was hyped to have Mewtwo in Project M, I eventually realized it was doing more harm than good and moved to Ivy ... which doesn't harm my PT skills since PT is so wildly different.

All those things considered, I still gave Mewtwo 40% because he's an addition that makes a heckton of sense, he has the merit to be in the game, and there was absolutely no reason for him to be dropped in the first place. Still, it's lower than neutrality/indifference because, again, I'm just so much more excited about other inclusions/possibilities, even if they have almost non-existent chances.
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
King Hy Rool.
Chance: 80%
He has everything going for him except maybe Sakurai and competition.
Want: 99%
Only if he has his Pirate Costume.

Oh, we rate Meow Too?
Chance: 90%
Sakurai says he picks the Poké from the movies and you can't watch a Pokémon movie without Mewtwo today.
Oh and he's the most requested guy and a veteran.
Want: 60%
Only if he gets a Mew Tooveset. (Farfetch'd, I know)

The game you played on your Nokia: 68%
Golden Girl: 47%

( @ Groose Groose How is Isaac even affected by the revealRise of the clones/Sal RomaNOCHROM? The fact Shulk wasn't shown? The potential of being a Robin clone?
I ask myself the same with Takamaru and Snake)


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
King K Rool:
Chance: 90%
Want: 120%
Pretty much the same as last time... with more confidence in the chance rating and more want! (The latter doesn't actually change anything cause it's still rounded down to 100%) Though because I'm a lazy butt I'm going to just quote what I said last time.
King K Rool:
Chance - 80%
I'm hopeful. Very hopeful. Being one of the most requested characters in both the west and Japan certainly helps his case, so I'm sure that Sakurai will have noticed this. He loses some points for relevancy, but that is diminished by these guys:

Yeah. Also, him not being at E3 doesn't really change his chances: He still is very likely to be a secret character. Gematsu leak is true, with minimum possible cuts from Brawl? There's still room for him. He's generally one of
Want - 110%
One of my favorite villains - no, one of my favorite characters EVER. He certainly deserves a spot. He not only increases villain representation, but also giant reptile representation in case Ridley doesn't get in. Costume potential is gigantic, as he may even have as many skins as the Villager, consisting of King, Kaptain, Baron and Boxing (or Pharoah, but the boxing version I like more.) He has fantastic moveset potential, even with room for all 12 customization options still being from his series! The possibilities are awesome. If this guy doesn't get in...
Though really, what does K. Rool have going against him? iDunno. Do you? He has popularity, moveset potential, as far as I know Sakurai himself likes him and he is a very important part of Nintendo history. And I want him even more, with my recent rediscovery of the cartoon which in my opinion at least gives him a very likable personality. I'll just leave this here, it's been going around the K. Rool thread for so long now and it's actually not a bad song.

Mewtwo: Again, just gonna quote what I said last time cause I think this still applies. For the want score, anyway.
Chance: 99%
I am super confident now that Mewtwo will make a return. Why in Kanto wouldn't he? He was considered for all Smash Bros entries so far (considered at the very least for 64, actually included in melee, was cut only very late into Brawl) so I see absolutely no reason why he won't be outright a playable character now, especially with his massively increased relevancy and popularity with X and Y.
Of course, there is a chance he'll be cut late into development like in Brawl. Hopefully not though.
Want - 100%
My main from Melee, despite being apparently bad. Gosh dang tier lists can't ruin my fun though, I play who I want and I liked playing Mewtwo. Who knows: They might even buff him for 4!
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