3/10 - I remember this song from quite ago, and all I recognized was the "la la la, la la lala la" part. Pretty much meaningless lyrics, the rest of the song is garbage, and the video is exclusively sex appeal. Not much in the way of creativity, and bubblegum pop was never my thing.
Also, I was gonna give it a 3.5/10 but then subtracted half a point because she's pretending to drive a stick but is completely clueless about how to drive stick. For instance, at 0:05 it looks like she's just pushing the stick forward. If she were actually driving, that would make the car lurch and the RPM go crazy high if it would even
let you go into that gear. Then I thought "OK, if she were in first and went into second, she wouldn't have to push to the side because it automatically defaults back to the middle position" (I know first is usually forward, but the old De Tomaso's had it as first gear down so that you don't accidentally go into reverse (they didn't have any kinds of standardization to properly cope with 5-speeds in the 60's)). It woulda been nice to see it from a different camera angle because of the open gate design so we could have been sure what gear she was changing into, but she probably woulda been blocking the stick even if we had a different angle.
Then I observed her legs while shifting. Holy cow, she would die if she was actually driving. She is super slow to change gears (to be expected, for a music video), but I was most concerned at what the monster was doing to accelerator and clutch on that work of art. If we assume that her leg is naturally on the accelerator at the 6 second mark, we can use that as a point of reference to where the other knee should come up to when the clutch is fully engaged (or ever so slightly lower, depending on the car). It doesn't even come
close. For those of you who don't know, you're supposed to treat the gas and the clutch as opposite sides of a pully. The more you push the accelerator, the more you release the clutch. The clutch isn't an instant engage and shouldn't be treated as such, so if you release the clutch too hastily, your car will shudder as the engine tries to slow down the car. If you push on the gas too hard before re-engaging the clutch, your car will lurch madly until the speed of the tires matches the speed of the engine and then even out to where it would normally be. With all of that said, observe her legs whenever she shifts. She goes full on the accelerator and then starts to release the clutch.
I wouldn't let her near my car anytime soon.
Kylie is a poser
Anyways, that took longer than anticipated. Here's some Muse: