He's the Waker of the Winds, the sailor of the Great Sea, the boy with the crawfish pajamas:
#43 Toon Link
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Okay, I love this render a whole bunch. This is a render borrowed from a pose performed by the character in his own game, while that can pull away from the quality of the render, I don't believe it does here. That image is translated beautifully into 3D even though it lacks the wind effect on his clothes and hair. He's also very expressive and has a great smile on his face.
Wii U/3DS:
(image link)
While the overall quality of the render is higher, the pose itself is so far less interesting than the prior render. His face is blank and expressionless, which misses the point of this Link's design. Like, dude, you're in the middle of combat! At least Link serious or focused! The pose is less static and more dynamic yes, but it's really boring in comparison. Wait, where the heck is the sheath?
(image link)
While I think this one has less charm than the Brawl render, I still really do like this one a lot. The fierce expression on his face sells the pose honestly. I also love the shape and indentation of his belt buckle. Also, his sheath has returned! Though, it's somewhat painfully awkward now seeing it displayed so clearly without a strap wrapped around the little fella's torso (like how is it attached to his tunic? I know it's always been like this, but this render REALLY exposes it). Also, Toon Link is just really adorable. (Always has been, but his in-game model for Sm4sh was less than ideal to me. His Ultimate model looks GREAT).
Greatest to least:


What are your opinions on Toon Link's renders? Which is your favorite?