It was a very painful wait. The leader of the event was gone doing other stuffs, completely forgetting that he had a game to run. When Mewtwo and the fans became impatience, hell broke loose.
Scathing attacks were launched between fans and detractors and they act as their lives were put on the line. Mewtwo meanwhile used telekinetic on the detractors that opposed it and sent them flying off the stage one by one. One of them, who had a bitterness for Mewtwo due to beaten by friends all the time with Mewtwo on the 1st gen Pokemon games, carried a knife to stab Mewtwo to stop the terrorism that was occuring. As the psychic Pokemon quickly looked at the man with a fearsome look, it took the knife, destroyed it, and then threw the man to a corner head first, seriously injuring him.
When people say that, everyone then panicked to the exist. Mewtwo shut the door as it wished to express it's frustration with the leader of this game about what was going on and why it was here. Now the leader returned, tired and appeared battered by work he had to do, found that the stadium was a mess. Detractors were being cast into their deaths one by one and the fans were living in fear if they would share the same faith. As the leader, known by many as Astro Star, ran to the stadium to see what was going on, he looked at awe at Mewtwo's terrifying power. Mewtwo then slowly turned to him, first asking why it was here to be subjected to pointless argument about it's chances of being in Smash 4 and then asked why he was running this game int he first place.
Astro answered both with one answer; for fun. As soon as he answered, Mewtwo left the stadium, swearing that if it did not appear in Smash 4, he would kill him and start a new revolution to take over the universe. Unfortunately for the psychic master, Mewtwo would never know that it was received favorably, receiving a 4.01 in likelihood and a 4.17 in want. Venus of the Desert Bloom was gloomily awarded five nominations, but he was looking down in devastation that was left in Mewtwo's wake.
Then Chibi-Robo walked in, unaware of the disaster that had just occurred, waving his hands to the crowd, but no one would greet him.
Day Nine has began! Chibi Robo is up for voting today. You may predict Isaac's score today as well. Today will end at 9 PM CST
@jigglover: I put in your extra nominations today since I hadn't ended the day yet by then.
@Ridley_Prime: I didn't go after Habanero initially because I did not think what would happen later on occurred. Turns out that I should have done something about it before it got worse and I'll keep an eye out for something like that for now on.