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Ranbat monthlies SC 8/14/2010

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Dude im learning how to fight fox now. "im coming for dat A" in the words of LozR

no but its your pound four name tag. held onto it all this time lmao.

Charlie G

Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2009
Alright i'll do my best to get along to this for a few friendlies, no chance i'll make it for a 10.15 start as i've only just arrived today and i haven't slept for 48 hours and i've got to go to wallmart tomorrow and buy a bunch of junk to allow me to live a civilized life.
And if I do come, I won't be able to stay for too long cos it's not about being that guy who sells out his new flatmates on the day they arrive for a videogame
Also I don't have a 'cellphone' yet sooooo.....
I'll do me best lol
Anyone know how to get there from the uni?

Charlie G

Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2009
cheers man

When is this likely to wind up? turns out the only times i can get a lift to wal-mart is at 1, which i guess would be slap bang in the middle of proceedings


Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
As of this post, I hereby confirm my attendance to this. It's about time I get started with this tournament business in Smash, and what better way to kick it off than to come over to a tournament right here in my home state with all of my friends I've met in the past? I look forward to seeing each and every one of you again, and I look forward to meeting new smashers at this. This will be great training for Tipped Off and I'm absolutely thrilled to be coming =D. This will give me a very much needed *** kicking so I can refine my game. Four Stocks on Dreamland, here I come lololol.
P.S. I've been training my tech skill and I'm proud to announce that my holymarth dash dance is back. I'll be showing that off at the tournament. <3

@TRC- FUUUUUU you're not coming? Well I still have your DVDs you let me borrow 9001 years ago. How about I drop them off with Yoshido or something?


Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
Good **** kidd. I don't even think we've met before have we?
Hmmm I don't think so actually! It will be cool to finally meet you =). And you said that you're bringing somebody else as well? Dang! Sounds like there are definitely some new faces here on the scene. It's going to be great to finally play you and everyone else =).


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
Shout outs to everyone for coming out. I had a great time. Blaz went well too lol. An dang yall have improved so much. I had a great time facing yall. An theres definetely promise for tipped off 5 road trip.

4. Yoshido

I should have the rest later


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
Looks like this dog has some new tricks, or the same tricks and I got lucky.


Yoshido-always great seeing you man, I wish I could come to more of these. Hopefully we can get together during winter break for some Smash and you can teach me Blaz.

Snap- Holy god you have gotten so much better. Sorry about the counterpick, I know how you feel and it sucks about that. The improvement is noted though and I hope to see you again.

Holymarf- HAHAHA BODIED!!! JK, good stuff with the Falcon, just a little more time and it will be beast mode

Kevin- Ohhh doc dittos how boring are they. Always a pleasure to meet another doc main who is actually cool. Great times at BK.

Alex- Ha I remember your name, sorry I didn't get any games in with you.

SC SSF4-Thanks for the money ;)

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Yeah i hope to see you again too Scha. and dont worry about it man i fully understand its money man.

i just hate marth soooo much, nothing to do with you.

Kidd, come to more stuff.


Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
Yeah i hope to see you again too Scha. and dont worry about it man i fully understand its money man.

i just hate marth soooo much, nothing to do with you.

Kidd, come to more stuff.
Heck yeah you know it =D.


Scha- **** IT WHY DO I ALWAYS LOSE TO YOU IN SMASH =*(. Nah I know why lol, you were great as usual with Doc. Even with 6 months of not playing you were still able to beat me...jeeze you taught me I really need to step my game up. Don't get me wrong I'm definitely happy for you that you won but you know I'm going to be training hard for our rematch. You read me so well and it's obvious to me that there are some bad habits you're exploiting so I gotta shake that off and learn how to man up and perform more efficiently. You're definitely the better player. Good games and thanks for the ride here, you were mad chill the whole time.

Snap- So I finally got to see you after like 10,000 years! I wasn't expecting the improvement you've made with Peach, considering the amount of time you've played this game competitvely that's quite impressive. Thanks for the matchup experience and gg's in the tournament. I hope to see you again sometime in the future at another tournament.

Yoshido- YOU ROCK LOL I was happy to see you again, **** your Yoshi's mad beast man. That tail is SO good that it's ridiculous, I really enjoyed our matches. Next time we play in tournament though GO YOSHI lol, I give you props for using a top tier but come on, you're yoshido! =3 Thank you again for organizing this thing.

Dill- **** dude you are ****ing tall I swear I come up to your shoulder LMAO (I'm 5'5). Good **** coming down here to get tournament experience. Just keep working on your tech skill and I know next time we play will be awesome. I could tell you were trying to play intelligently, you just need more speed so you can execute your thoughts =).

Kevin that I played in Smash- You were REALLY chill dude it was a pleasure to meet you and play you in smash. I had a fun time chilling with you at BK afterwards with everyone else. I can't wait to play you again. If you're from SFL I know you got some sick potential. I believe in you man, keep up the good work =D.

Other Kevin- I didn't speak with you much but you seemed really cool haha, nice to meet you =).

Alex- Nice to meet you =D.

Anyone else I didn't mention- SOrry I'm tired as hell but I had a fun time definitely, good **** to you all. <3


Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2007
yeah, i din't enter this time cause i didn't have the $$. but next time for sure! had lots of fun and saw competetive smash for the first time lol. lots to work on.


Smash Rookie
Jan 3, 2009
Gotten got, a consistent smash scene in SC? I can hit that up next time (Bro-johns, but I was maxin' at the beach all week)....

To Greenville Bros:
SK47 showing up in town requires an old school mini-smashfest with Kidd and Juicebox while you are still here. Hopefully you'll be here for another week or so because I gotta set up for college and shiz this week, but I'll be free on Sunday (the 22nd). Let me know

To fellow Smash Bros:
If anybody is within distance of Clemson or Greenville and would want to play/learn/get better at melee, let me know. It'd be great to see some new faces. If Yoshido is gonna bring it back in Columbia, I can work with bringing it back to the northside. (and just a thought) We can possibly get some more GA/NC smashers if we can bring the locale closer every once in a while.

P.S. Falcon mains counterpick Brinstar, lava combos where you at?


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
I don't know if we will have ranbat for awhile. Untill the new arcade opens up. But I will keep everyone informed even though i'll be in VA til december/ late novmeber


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
Gotten got, a consistent smash scene in SC? I can hit that up next time (Bro-johns, but I was maxin' at the beach all week)....

To Greenville Bros:
SK47 showing up in town requires an old school mini-smashfest with Kidd and Juicebox while you are still here. Hopefully you'll be here for another week or so because I gotta set up for college and shiz this week, but I'll be free on Sunday (the 22nd). Let me know

To fellow Smash Bros:
If anybody is within distance of Clemson or Greenville and would want to play/learn/get better at melee, let me know. It'd be great to see some new faces. If Yoshido is gonna bring it back in Columbia, I can work with bringing it back to the northside. (and just a thought) We can possibly get some more GA/NC smashers if we can bring the locale closer every once in a while.

P.S. Falcon mains counterpick Brinstar, lava combos where you at?
Closer as in Rock Hill...which is like 30 mins away from NC


Smash Rookie
Jan 3, 2009
I made a trip up to Rock Hill for one of your tourneys with Thunders and Kidd a while back. I'm fine with making trips down there for some Melee (I don't play Barlw), but it'd be cool to alternate trips with who goes where... Just sucks that every melee smasher in SC has like 2 hours to drive to get to any other smasher.

And I'll definitely work on making the WaBa and Ranbat monthlies in the near future. If anybody has been hesitant about going because you wouldn't know anybody, or is on the way from Clemson to Atlanta that would need a pick up, we can try and work something out....


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
I made a trip up to Rock Hill for one of your tourneys with Thunders and Kidd a while back. I'm fine with making trips down there for some Melee (I don't play Barlw), but it'd be cool to alternate trips with who goes where... Just sucks that every melee smasher in SC has like 2 hours to drive to get to any other smasher.

And I'll definitely work on making the WaBa and Ranbat monthlies in the near future. If anybody has been hesitant about going because you wouldn't know anybody, or is on the way from Clemson to Atlanta that would need a pick up, we can try and work something out....
I understand, I don't want to be the only spot, I would rather alternate with Ranbat and create a regular scene here in SC

I am COMPLETELY unable to travel at the moment...I'm working on it, but to no avail right now
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