Sorry for my extended absence. I had a lot of work I had to do and hadn't been able to check the thread as often as I had wanted. I should (keyword: should) be able to begin posting more after today because I have a few days of break and then a slightly easier week ahead.
I guess I'll just start with where my head's at in terms of the game and then respond to other people's questions. I had to skim a bit, so my advanced apologies for that, but I'm mostly caught up. Also, I had already begun formulating this when Spak made the execution notice, but I will keep everything in (mostly because I already wrote it and don't want to erase time I spent lol).
Since my last post, I think I've changed my mind on Zalak. I had him previously as a more or less null read, but his further actions have made me question him more to the extent that I feel he is more likely to be scum than townie. I'm unable to separate, in my own head, if this is because I actually do think that he is actually scummy or if the comments that others have made regarding his posts make me see them in a scummier light. I am inclined to lean more toward the former.
I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but I would like to clarify regarding the J/Zalak discussion of my views. While I did not explicitly say that I am fine with Maven's lynch, J is correct in his assumption. I would not be upset if Maven were lynched toDay because I believe he has said and done things that come across as scummy to me (moreso than Zalak's posts have, IMO), and that his flip would be able to give us a good sense of where to go toMorrow. But, I didn't have everybody on that list in my can-be-lnyched pool. Specifically, I was not, at the time, comfortable with a Zalak lynch (that has since changed).
I agree with whomever said this (I believe J?) in that I'm worried about Spak and his insistence on either being on the sidelines or generally not inputting too much and/or pushing for reads. Coupled with executing Zalak early (which may have just been an honest mistake, but idk right now), his comfort in following the town's desire seems off, to me. I want to see more from him D2.
Does this answer your question? I think he should still be looked at, but not only because of executing Zalak early.
Depending on Zalak's flip, I may want to look into Maven more. The uneasy feeling I have with his slot is just getting worse and worse. Specifically, I remember being very confused about why he decided to answer a question with another question and being vague. There's just this hodgepodge mass of Zalak/Maven/Generic that can't be separated in my head toDay.
In terms of my town reads, I am more or less comfortable with J (this makes me uneasy for the same reasons he has stated of me; he's scary, and has played me like a fiddle way too many times for me to be entirely comfortable). With Slick's current play I have a slight-town read (although I'm keeping him at a distance because of my previous read of his slot), and a leaning town read of Spak (which might change upon a reread and his actions toMorrow). Gheb I have a leaning town read as well, but he really makes me nervous because I never know how to read him.