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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I was playing Brawl at my friend's house down the street, and we had an amazing DK vs Snake match.

He gimped me with a spike on the first stock at low percentage, but I managed to comeback in the fight by utilting him after hard tossing a grenade into the air. He he tried to airdodge but accidentally caught the grenade at the top of the screen right when it detonated for an awesome kill.

We both ended up fighting to our last stocks on high percentage, and he ended up spiking me off stage at like 135%, but I teched the ledge on final d, and back aired him immediately after for the game winning kill.
Aug 6, 2008
So much stuff to quote and post on!

Sometimes when I go around places on the net where you do not display your gender, people start asking whether I am a girl or not. This happens so often I stopped answering. Some concluded I was male, others concluded I was female. Apprently it is possible to act gender neutral. I did not think that was possible.

The chaos are sooo cute, I want a plushie of one. I only got a sonic plushie.

You should agree with me then that having a hat like this is pretty awesome and everyone should want one.

>Never played a sonic game.
I played the old Sonic 2 on the GameGEAR.
チュ (chu) is the sound of a kiss in Japanese.
I recently learned that 'oculate' also means to 'kiss'. It is funny to see someone 'oculating' down the street and you tell them to stop 'oculating'.
We both ended up fighting to our last stocks on high percentage, and he ended up spiking me off stage at like 135%, but I teched the ledge on final d, and back aired him immediately after for the game winning kill.
This reminds me of the Captain Falcon Dittos on yoshi story in melee. Spike someone only to have them Knee you back and recover. Too bad I am too slow to tech jump -> knee.
Aug 6, 2008
One problem with being in college. Playing a new game takes forever to complete.

Well, I finally finished Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Overall opinion: It is a nice addition to the series, but I still liked the orignal more. Not sure exactly what I liked about the first story, but I think it is mostly since the first story was in two parts. There is something unique about playing in a game world, getting used to all these characters, then drawing a line and ending the contact with all these people you meet. However, the story never really stops, it merely picks up wither another group of people from a different perspective. This seems like a unique plot element that I surprisingly like quiet a lot. Probably the reason why I liked FE4, so much, along with Oracle of Seasons/Ages. They both did something similar by spliting the story up into different perspectives, but still had this overall plotline you knew about in the background.

Anyone know of anymore games like this? One other series I never finished, but I probably should now is Xenosaga. I think I might really like it.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
suikoden III is the perfect ****ing example of what you want xeylode

too bad its a fairly rare ps2 game thats hard to find (I think) <_<

there are 3 main characters each with a decent chunk of gameplay from their own perspective that happens at the same time in the same story as the other characters, each from different viewpoints and very different sides and such, and eventually it intertwines and such
Aug 6, 2008
suikoden III is the perfect ****ing example of what you want xeylode

too bad its a fairly rare ps2 game thats hard to find (I think) <_<

there are 3 main characters each with a decent chunk of gameplay from their own perspective that happens at the same time in the same story as the other characters, each from different viewpoints and very different sides and such, and eventually it intertwines and such
Thanks for the title.

Well, all the good titles are hard to comeby. I am sort of worried though about these old games we have. I keep my stuff in good condition, but age certainly can get the better of the hardware. And, sometimes there simply is no subsitute for playing the way it first came out. It is certainly less challenging of a game when I can save states all the time in the fire emblem series on the emulators, but I cannot do that on the regular game series. It is really hard to avoid using states because you get so frustrated at points sometimes. Habit I should try to break.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I never bothered learning how to save state actually, despite how simple it is. So I still got to deal with the rage inducing things that occasionally happen in FE

oh how many times an attack has hit that shouldn't have or a crit got at one of my guys...

I said and such twice in a row loool wtf is wrong with me
Aug 6, 2008
I never bothered learning how to save state actually, despite how simple it is. So I still got to deal with the rage inducing things that occasionally happen in FE

oh how many times an attack has hit that shouldn't have or a crit got at one of my guys...

I said and such twice in a row loool wtf is wrong with me
You are right, it is very simple.

File -> Save state -> "pick a state" -> Success, you have saved a state!
File -> Open state -> "pick a state" -> Success, you have gone back in time!

The only issue is that when you save a state, you really save a "state of the game" in a particular time period. Sometimes I get confused between my save files currently, and old save files of a saved state. So sometimes when I pick an old saved state, I end up erasing all the work I did already by going back to an old state. Redoing sections of the game over again is not all that fun.

But, the rage is what makes FE fun. Although, really hard in return because I do not rush for fear of messing up, and to get good ranks you have to rush.

Something wrong with saying "and such"?


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia

You should agree with me then that having a hat like this is pretty awesome and everyone should want one.


I actually saw some of these a couple of days ago while browsing for fleece hats on etsy. I freaking love these hats XD. I want to buy one eventually, but i need to save my money atm lawl. I brought a couple of fleece hats from there, I'd have to post them at somepoint!

XD I love the music with the first video. I've got the second one saved to my computer, its pretty funny how glitchy it is.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
it just sounds weird to me when I say the same phrase or saying in a sentence twice in a row or something, idk why but I do it sometimes and it just bothers me
Aug 6, 2008
My mindset makes me always use the same prhase or words multiple times.

Kjell, you and me need to try bowling again come winter break.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
My mindset makes me always use the same prhase or words multiple times.

Kjell, you and me need to try bowling again come winter break.
sure, this time I'll just make sure I have money/am sober <_<
aaaah make the bad game go away! anyways does anyone else here ever use snakes box for purposes other than showboating?
nah,but i've seen ally hit ike outof his up b with it in friendlies before, lolz


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
aaaah make the bad game go away! anyways does anyone else here ever use snakes box for purposes other than showboating?
I don't use it unless it's against scrubs. I try to gimp characters who can tether with it or do random **** like pick up nade, taunt, and hope the nade blows me up along with the opponent if they attack. There's always better options though. Just depends if it's friendlies or not.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
So I was browsing along my favorite image-share site, and I stumbled upon something I saw nifty. It helps creativity yet doesn't require a lot of creativity from yourself. That makes no sense.... but whatever.

It's finally given me that tiny bit of motivation I've been needing for these past weeks. Two entire weeks of going through thousands and thousands of images but only these few inspired me... better yet? It's from something I never thought would inspire me. Ever.

Pokémon inspired me. But not quite Pokémon. I'm tired and wouldn't be able to describe it correctly. So here are some images.

Right after I finish my homework I'm going to start on one.

None of these are supposed to be detailed. No color, just messy *** sketches. By the end maybe I'll have improved a bit. If not? At least it was fun.

I plan to do boy and girl ones, also varying age from child/adult (25-30ish). If I do a Pichu it's going to be a lot more childish than if I did a Pikachu or Raichu. (Too lazy to pick a better example)


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I can dig it. Although I once knocked my friend off the stage and edge guarded him with the box. He still managed to eventually get back on the stage, but he was laughing so hard from the box that he did not notice the c4 waiting on the ground next to him.
May 26, 2010
I just dont expect people to....well... expect it and the box deserves a vid. But i think the box has been neglected and we should investigate into it further to see if mabye theres a glitch or some way to make it a possible option.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
We should mind**** everyone and go ahead and make that combo vid. Release it to the public saying:

"We've finally found a way to guarentee an edgeguard with the box against the cast. 100% of the time. You will die."

*link to the vid*

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