Abortion- My opinions contradict each other with this. With Abortion people can abuse and become prostitutes or become sex slaves. Without, we can have terrible population problems and people can die from child birth. In this case, BOTH.
Affirmative Action- It sound important by the name, but the description confuses me. AGAINST, you have to let them qualify if you want something done right.
Biometric National Identification- FOR. With this, we can track down criminals, the main problem however, is, what if it gets into the wrong hands? Anyhow, mainly FOR.
Cloning- FOR. We can save millions of lives. It can get into the wrong hands, but what can't anyway.
Death Penalty - My case, it depends. If we have a mass murder who killed thousands of people, then yes. However, if the person killed two people for an actual reason, NO. Sometimes, in my case, Death is too good of an option. Terrorists, for example, should spend life in a mental institution where they can be interrogated. Think of all the information we could gain, sadly so many terrorists are put to death before we can gain useful information. I can't decide, but FOR, if used properly.
Euthanasia/Mercy Killings- Face it. We will all die sometime. I hate to sound evil, but if another person dies, we have more supplies (food) for the rest of the world. The person must affirm they want it, and a darn good reason for doing so too. Sick, but sadly FOR. Expect to see Suicide Booths from Futurama when I'm Commander in Chief (then again, maybe not, those things really are easy to mistake for phone booths).
France- Its just a country. I guess I'm FOR it, they did give the U.S. the Statue of Liberty and helped the U.S. when fighting for Independence.
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression- **** YEAH. Yes, I'm FOR it.
Genetic Engineering- It might get into the wrong hands, but what can't, FOR.
Gun Control- What are you going to do if you find out your own government is actually killing its citizens? You are going to fight back, thats what, hopefully, or run away and hopefully never join that corrupt form of government. If someone uses a gun for the wrong reasons, bust them, but they should have the right to defend themselves! After all, if you can't have guns because you might kill someone, whats going to stop that corrupt cop from capping you in the head? AGAINST.
Homosexual Equality- FOR I guess. Don't expect me to agree on the right to marriage however.
Legalization of Marijuana- Very contradicting in my case. We could make products out of Marijuana, like chairs, eye treatment products, but the drug itself should be illegal. Let me explain, the material itself is banned, not the drug. AGAINST the "getting HIGH" drug, FOR if when it comes to other cases (eye treatment).
Mandatory Military Draft- AGAINST. I don't feel like serving in Iraq, call me when we are actually threatened by North Korea instead.
Mandatory Minimum Sentences- Sometimes, this can be important. What if a man gets out a chainsaw and murders a family of 4 for fun? Then a women gets out a chainsaw and kills a family of 4 because they threatened to kill her and they showed signs of aggression. I'm like the fact that the Woman could do 50 years in prison while the man gets the death penalty. However, sadly, in the society we live in today, the opposite could happen. I'm going to have to go with FOR.
Minimum Drinking Age- I don't feel like getting run over by a drunken 16 year old, thank you. The higher the drinking age, the more safe I feel. Its very unfair for those that don't drive though, however, they can break the law and get away with it. FOR
Pass/Fail Grading System- FOR. People shouldn't be kicked out of school because they fail though, but simply a pass and fail grade system and I'm a-okay.
Porn/Adult Entertainment- I could made many jokes about this. Like: "Many of our great American industries are threatened! Cars and Pornography, and they need you help!" The point is, its an actual industry. I can't say I'm for or against it. I try to back away from this issue as far as possible. Neither.
Premarital Sex- .... Okay... I guess, AGAINST...
Racial Profiling- AGAINST. Usually this lets real criminals get away.
Separation of Church and State- FOR. I don't want to go through the Cruicibal again.
Sex Education in School- I don't care. This something families should tell there children. However, today, parents are too busy. Then again, this crap could inspire children to do better in school, plus parents can get there children out of sex programs. FOR.
Video Games- FOR. What do you expect me to say.
Violence in Entertainment- Sure. FOR.
Women in the Draft- Its painfully obvious that woman create our population. What if we have a big war and all the woman join, then only one survives? Very slow birth rate. Then again, population problems would decrease. BOTH.
Women in the military- FOR. They should have the same right as men.