Abortion- Not my concern - individual moral judgement for the people involved. The option should always be available.
Affirmative Action- Insofar as it actually redresses and compensates for imbalances. Most people who bleat and moan about the evils of what they think "affirmative action" is are silly *****.
Biometric National Identification- Against, of course.
Cloning- Depends entirely on execution, purpose, and so forth. no universal blanket opinion is possible.
Death Penalty- Depends entirely on circumstances. Usually it's so poorly and unevenly implemented as to be not worthwhile.
Euthanasia/Mercy Killings- The option should always be available
France- Zuh? How can you be for or against an entire country? Does this mean I think it shouldn't exist? That'd kinda leave a huge patch of water and make Iberia an island. On the plus side though, I'm sure the Swiss would love it, what with Geneva becoming almost a coastal city...
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression- That's a stupid question.
Genetic Engineering- We've been doing it since the dawn of civilisation and perhaps before... why stop now?
Gun Control- Within reason, but I really don't care too much as long as there's some regulation and licensing scheme. The debate itself, the two sides, and the terms of debate, are largely wrong and irrelevant.
Homosexual Equality- Obviously.
Legalization of Marijuana- Generally I view the illegality of certain drugs as a huge part of the problems they cause in society.
Mandatory Military Draft- Very against, even given the noncombat options. It might be a necessity at points but that doesn't mean I have to like it or that I wouldn't hit the streets and protest.
Mandatory Minimum Sentences- Silly, simplistic blanket blanket solutions are always wrong.
Minimum Drinking Age- 18 seems to work fine
Pass/Fail Grading System- I pefer a mix of percentages (but with only major assignments counted) and subjective grades. Simply having "pass and fail" seems silly.
Porn/Adult Entertainment- It's going to exist regardless, and I of course enjoy it. Same with prostitution, except I haven't partaken, there.
Prayer in School- Not in a public school system. Exclusionary, timewasting, indoctrinating, alienating.
Premarital Sex- Gonna happen regardless, I really don't care. Besides which, most "Wait til marriage" people are painfully dull and patronising and moralistic. Like non-drinkers, really.
Racial Profiling- Against. Society does enough racial profiling of its own without legal and law enforcement mechanisms getting in on the act.
Separation of Church and State- I'm an atheist, so obviously I agree with this... but it needs to be defined. Are we talking American style? or English style? or French/Turkish/Malaysian style? Forbidding public displays of religion? Mandating that all faiths must be given equal time as opposed to banning them?
Sex Education in School- It is effective, it is helpful, and it acknowledges the gritty realities of life. Very much in favour of this.
Video Games- Another silly question.
Violence in Entertainment- Violence is part of life, ergo it should be used wherever it is wanted. Kill Bill was the Mozart symphony of violent film, violence can be art.
Women in the Draft- There shouldn't be a draft. But since there is and realistically always will be, somewhere... see below:
Women in the Military- Naturally. Both in combat roles and non-combat roles. Women as a group are somewhat disadvantaged by physical size and strength, but these days, that is not an issue due to technology and such.
There. I'm sorry I didn't answer in simplistic binary fashion... but I think that the tendency of people to simplify everything to black-and-white views, two oppsed camps flinging stones, is a huge part of the problems in the world... simplisticness, divisiveness, etc. A survey such as this of course does that, which I find pointless and timewasting. Blanket opinions and simplistic "for or against" things are silly and counterproductive.
[Editted to kill sig]