Stop acting like you know anything. Making it out of pools is overrated. Tope didn't even make it out of pools at Apex.
It's what you do in a tournament that people remember.
At ROM, during pool play, I was watching (although almost nobody else saw the set) when Jesse defeated Bam, one of the best Quebec players.
You don't have to be involved in the most hype matches to be good.
Dude haha, I appreciate you trying to look out for me but not only is it completely unnecessary, but you were a major contributor in my last thread. I really respect your posts and read them very carefully. Don't waste your posts on this kind of stuff. Rather, read what I wrote about "free flowing" and looseness, and give me your opinion on that. That would be something I'm interested in reading, and something I think everyone else will be too.
tope lost his controller at apex and went all pika in pools. i know this because i was in his pool.
Wow, that sucks. Much respect to him for not freaking out about it like some people, probably myself would have too haha.
Why wouldn't it apply to everyone? It's very hard to notice it at first, like I said it's all in the mind. When you want to train and then you tell yourself: "Oh I'm too tired today, I don't feel like it" That's your weakness. But then what about what you always dream about? Why don't you follow your dreams instead? Through logic it makes sense, why wouldn't you want to feel awesome and at the top? Would you rather feel miserable and weak? What the ****.. lol.
Kage- Although I'm at the point now where I want to do nothing BUT practice, I used to feel tired/worn out, and not want to practice. I always fought through it though, and practiced anyways. As I progressed over the months/years, I found things to motivate me to practice. A big one is watching inspiring videos of top level players, another big one is picturing myself at a tournament and realizing that I don't want to settle for anything less than first.
You know what the biggest motivators are though? When I see them, I immediately get a smile on my face, and I turn the Gamecube on and practice for hours on end. I hope even when I'm at the peak of Melee's metagame, that I will still be able to find these instant and powerful motivators. What are they? Posts like these:
or probably because he DOES NOT EVEN MAKE IT OUF OF POOLS. Am I right?
nah, making it out of pools shows a certain consistency and even more, your skill. good players DEFINATELY make it out of pools. i agree that you can be good and still dont place in top 10 at toruneys but getting into the bracket is a must otherwise your just mediocre.
according to your logic im as good as jesiah because i dont make it out of pools
if you think hes so good and tourney results dont count why does this thread even exist? its just him johnning for tourneys that did not even happen yet.
all hear is johns. u cannot have controller problems with sheik. tope isnt just that good. its as simple as that.
I believe you can use anything and everything in the world of Smash to your advantage. Even someone with very little posts, who lives somewhere probably very far away from me that I may or may not ever meet, can still contribute to my progression and development.
So to anyone arguing with Poundslap, let him be. I look forward to reading his posts, truly.
On a different note, last night I had the privilege of being able to try and solve a high level problem with a player who is much farther above me in terms of skill, mindset and contribution to the community: Dr. PeePee. It was really fun watching his vids and analyzing them with him, and also extremely beneficial and interesting to see what sort of things players struggle with at the highest levels of Melee. For the first time ever, I was having extreme troubles coming up with solutions. Normally a creative player can think of multiple solutions to different problems, but the specific situation we were discussing, Jiggs' aerial mobility vs falco, every time I threw out a solution PP explained to me why that most likely wouldn't work.
We didn't really end up thinking of anything LOL, not yet anyways. Hbox is very smart, and is still improving even now. Props to both of these incredible players, for still having just as much passion at the top as they did when they were at the bottom. Same to you Kage.
Jeremy- I will be at Smash club tonight, I believe so. If i can't get a ride, I'm going to be in my room practicing the whole night, haha.