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QLD Smash Thread !! !! !!! !!! !! ! !


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Well we've got around that many already...
We'd just need to be sure that we ALWAYS come by. d:

I can bring TV and Melee and GCN. O:
But Ben has my memory card, I STILL haven't asked for it back yet...
Hmm... should start playing Melee again.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Monthlies is cool but unfortunitly for me it depends on what weekend it falls because of working every second weekend


Oct 29, 2004
there's a guy on the GotGames board that wants to run a major Queensland tourney, someone chase him up :)


Oct 29, 2004
No joke, he PM'ed me about it. I thought he would have posted something too, but whoops lol


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Congrats, Antho. =]
I should give it a go sometime...
Not much of a fan of making stories that get so critically analyzed and ****e. Reminds me of school.
Still, no harm I suppose. I never read the critique anyway. d:

I can still play Melee but I'm pretty sure I'm a lot worse than before.
Hands aren't as quick. :C
Can't think as fast.
I'll get it back eventually IF I play it.

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Sounds like my english assignment... Which is due tomorrow... And I haven't started.
Lol, start later..


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
congrats, Antho. =]
I Should Give It A Go Sometime...
Not Much Of A Fan Of Making Stories That Get So Critically Analyzed And ****e. Reminds Me Of School.
Still, No Harm I Suppose. I Never Read The Critique Anyway. D:

I Can Still Play Melee But I'm Pretty Sure I'm A Lot Worse Than Before.
Hands Aren't As Quick. :c
Can't Think As Fast.
I'll Get It Back Eventually If I Play It.
Beached As Bro!


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Rune, K-0S, Moose and I are all coming to the Redcliffe meet tomorrow.
Awesome Vyse, thanks for confirmation.

I've just found out my room mates are away until next Thursday so we have the place to ourselves. Instead of setting up in our garage, i'll set up in our lounge and dining rooms.

So we'll have 1 TV in the lounge room, 2 in the dining room and if anyone brings anymore we'll set those up aswell.

It's shaping up to be a good wkend.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Awesome Vyse, thanks for confirmation.

I've just found out my room mates are away until next Thursday so we have the place to ourselves. Instead of setting up in our garage, i'll set up in our lounge and dining rooms.

So we'll have 1 TV in the lounge room, 2 in the dining room and if anyone brings anymore we'll set those up aswell.

It's shaping up to be a good wkend.
We'll bring a TV as well if we can. (Should be able to fit something in the boot).


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
How come my post that you quoted, Ben, had capitals for every word EXCEPT the first one?
How weird.
But yeah, Ben, you homo, should I come to yours / alright for driving me or should I catch the train with Josh so he's not lonely. :c

I'm heaps beached!

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Time to start this trend again.

Josh: I'd pick you up somewhere if I'm in the right area at the right time! Otherwise if you can make it, someone can pick you up from the station. :)

l3oOkeR: (can i call you chooker?) Umm, how many people can you have?
I might bring myself and Ghost n stuff if time, space and other relative fields allow it.
Also i will bring a TV. Whether you like it or not! :mad:
I guess i'll bring my MP3 player as well (MP3= Metroid Prime 3. A Wii plays this game, such, it is an MP3 Player......)

Kas: I might actually have a reason to be in you 'hood bro. So i could pick you up, IF there are no other ways, if you want and if...stuff. Let me know.

Vyse (city): Tv's in boots, one of my specialty's. Hope you have a big one, I could never fit anything bigger than Juggy's (Stupid spell check "Juggy"'s is a word) TV in my godly cars boot, cause of the shape. Someome should man up and tank it in the back seat. Or you might have a beaut shaped boot.:)

@ the weekend: Dunno when i'll turn up, going to North Coast first...Mmm.

Well, just like before maybe smart people will realise just because something is from the previous generation (/s!) doesn't make it not playable, aight aight? :chuckle:
Love yas...:)


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I'm going to go out on a limb on their behalf and say, yes, come along, and Ghost too. As far as I know, they can host X amount of people since nobody but them will be home aparently.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Drum and Bass music is so grotesquely pumping, I wonder why I ever stopped listening to it.

If you have any room in your car, Bobsy, then sure I'd like a lift, not that I mind taking the train and being picked up from there OR alternative routes and such. c:
Anyway I forget your number but is it... 0448 993 598? Sounds familiar. Haven't txted in ages so I wouldn't know if you've changed or not for some... ... ... really unknown reason, although I think you had a plan or something with it so I find it even more doubtful you changed it.

Melee is hot. <3 (for a really short time)
Arrival time is 11 AM (I guess earliest?) and then we stay there till... you kick us out. That's not fun. Can't we stay forever and ever...? <3 And shower together and sleep together and get cozy-wozy. C:

I 'might' be going to Michael's (with Zac) and coming with Zac on the train and such. I think I should 'cause I need the exercise of se-by that I mean DDR. DDR sex. No shirts / pants mod.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
crap i double booked the STD... well i going to a party >.> til um 10 or 11pm probably. then ill come to std i guess, i am gonna be really tired

argh cant make it sick still


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Thanks to everyone for coming GGs.

BTW How awesome was the lucky star =D
Zomg epic anime song openings ftw.

Was a fun time guys, I haven't smashed it out in an STD for a while.

Fun times, fun times.

Fun times.


Melee crew battle/teams ftw.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
You've only ever been to... None?

Or was it Zac's?
Sieg hosted quite a few Ward only STD's back in the day.

You rock man. Thanks for hosting us all, and for setting up such a sweet shindig. Your G&W is pro, keep at it!

Sup mangz! Can I like, buy your Ipod off you? K-0S and I agree that your Ipod is like, the best collection of music evar. Your Ice Climbers beat my Marth T_T, so GG : ]

I wanna see some more IC's chain throwing :laugh:

Holy crap, how good was our wrong turnoff?! We got there eventually. We didn't play much, but we play each other all the time, so meh. Your Wolf is getting a reputation now though :)

Pro Mario (AKA Doc) skillz.

Need a tissue?

All characters received a universal physics nerf :bee:

Why didn't we practice doubles?
Don't give me any of your 'I was still on America time' crap. Drink some V and man up :laugh:

I nearly beat you in an Ike Ditto lolz. I still hate your Pit. Prepare for Marth in your face come tournament time.


DJ Cat/Bob:
Bring back the Yoshi tech yeahuzz. Needz moar Benny Hill theme, and needz it right now.

Speaking of Yoshi lol. Aw man, your Sonic's pretty cool too :)

ZOMG YOUR IKE!! I think I'm close to beating it now, I just have some strange stigma around your Ike, or I just suck. I beat you once in Melee, so I was happy.

Good to see you again man. Fuark, your Melee Marth is still unbeatable. If only you could play Brawl just as good :laugh:

We had some pretty even matches going. Your Kirby is beast.
We've gotta get better to beat down the interstate invaders next month.


Who've I missed?

Pro Ike lolz. Come to the tourney man!
Somebody tell him GG for me anyway.

Kinda wishing I'd bought some extra dry beer with me as well :bee:

If I missed anyone, then I'm a fail.

Aron's working on the crew battle footage, and we'll get that done soon.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
All my characters suck.
I don't main anyone. No longer saying I am best with Marth. I am bad with all characters, god, I need to get better. Should've played Wolf because Wolf is cute.

Antho I think you only lose to my Ike because you stop spamming. Spam more. Like Doug. I can't be bothered finding ways around it so I just hope I hit by f-airing 24/7. And Ike has more range. And I was on a better stage too I think. You need to block more, for sure.

Same with you, Daniel. I noticed you barely blocked at all and you just... tanked everything. Block more (at least with Sonic anyway) and I'm sure you'll live longer. c:

Ben, don't remember our games. Falco's still gay, didn't really play it though I don't think. Dunno how well I went against you either, doesn't really matter, can always play you another day.
Nick, don't remember out games either. Gayest Pit ever but it gets the job done. Don't know how I went against you but I think your Link is good too. Remind me to use Ike against it next time and win because it's irritating to lose to Link for some reason.
Aron, neither. Pretty sure your Mario's good though.
Michael, don't remember playing you either, or remembering anyway. Man, such fail memory right now.

Uhmm... Booker... played your Dedede... dunno if I played your ICs? Dedede is good, better than mine (need to get better for sure I'm horrible with Dedede), you'll get the chain-grab done soon, it's so gay though, maybe you shouldn't, stick to IC chain grab stuff it looks hott. Nice IC thing you did against Antho, I think? Or against someone, that was kool.

Doug, well, nothing to say to you, don't think I played you (no wait I did, Ike on Wolf?) but you aren't playing any differently, still got the same GOD forsaken games going on. It's predictable now sure but even so it's still so irritating that all I want to do is hope that an Ike smash will hit and kill, which it did, I think. Lol, yay luck. Good stuff, though, if it gets you a win that's all that counts in the end.

Kustom weow, I like your G & W, same colour as mine and Bryce's though! Gah, I gotta change to another colour then. I think your Marth was alright too but I never really saw it. Thanks for the hosting (same goes to you Booker), and sorry for leaving the house in such a terrible state, heh. This is why people don't host for several months at a time. d:

Zac. Lol. <3 I thought you stopped playing Melee but I guess you've retained your skill so that's no kool, I guess I gotta remember some more crap and be able to shine-spike more, I can't do it anymore, and I'm so fail with Fox right now that it's not funny. Going to Falco for a while, so much easier and gayer. And wow for Brawl. You're really good. <3 If you wanna play MK just do that forward throw to up-b and it's insta-kill pretty much. And lots of down-smashes. And you've almost got that neutral-b thing down and you don't even play the game. Tf is wrong with you lulul. So gay, tutorial on how to play and then you beat me with the move I told you to do. I hate you.

And Greg, heheh. Hott stuff. d: At least you played, that was good times, and even in the crew battle, that's always a kool thing to do. =]

Bobsy, I barely saw you, didn't play you. :C Miss youu. </3

Gold Coast is so gay right now. Spam Central? Diddy banana crud. Wolf laser ****e. Mario fire *****. Ffs.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Sieg hosted quite a few Ward only STD's back in the day.

Sup mangz! Can I like, buy your Ipod off you? K-0S and I agree that your Ipod is like, the best collection of music evar. Your Ice Climbers beat my Marth T_T, so GG : ]

I wanna see some more IC's chain throwing :laugh:
Haha thanks man the Ipod almost didnt go on because trent is a J-POP hater.
And did i beat your Marth? My proudest moment was when i beat your Diddy but in the crew battle i know you where down a life but after seeing you **** Kaz with it i was OMFG WTF!

Oh and Nick..... I.HATE.PIT!!!!!!!

PS Aron... Your inspiration for birth control!!! BALL OF STEEL!


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I thought I was down a life going against Antho's Diddy. XD
Not that it matters he took 2 stock off before I could take off his second life, poop.
Too many bananas.

Time to sleep now, I think.
So fkin tired.
My eyes are made of red.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Man, what a mad wkend that was. Thanks to everyone who showed up.

unfortunately i couldnt go the distance and went to bed at 5am but was able to pull myself out of bed to see you guys off.

btw, you guys did an ace job of packing up which made it easier for me to put everything back to normal, so cheers for that.

and as me and book suspected, all you guys are pro and we both learnt alot from playin all of you.

can't wait to see the video that gets put together.

@booker: even tho i hate your music taste, your ipod tunes went off and made for a good night.

i'll definately hold another in the future.


balls balls balls balls.... balls of STEEEEEEEEEEL


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2005
Hoen Region
Sorry I couldnt make it guys, Hope to see you all at said tournament of heros.

Anyway, i watched the vid of the GC guys getting owned in brisbane by lack of direction sense. DI MORE.

I now have sundays off work vyse, so i will be able to come down for some awesome smash sessions.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2005
I swim in the space between panels, what I call 't
Okay, I'll edit shoutouts in, in like a couple of minutes. Here is video link.:


Keep in mind this is only part 1. Part 2 will be be actual smash.

'You're an inspiration for birth control... AND I CANNOT LIE!'


Billy / Trent: Kudos on an epic meet, now that we know where the place is, getting there should be easier. Rocking IC's and Marth guys. Very nice. Little d-fence and you'll be sweet. I'd of liked to verse those IC's. Wanna see how the fireballs go. b..b..b..balls of steel!

Doug: FARK! That wolf of yours is the only thing that's made me rage in a while dude. ****ing pro camp skillz. Be more patient and it'll pay off a ton dude. Kudo's for the Drive btw.

Anthony: *****in diddy as always, Wanted to see more dedede. Marth needs a little work but its coming along nicely dude. Lay of the fair and chuck some bair in there. you have the DI right?

Michael: Play zero and meta dude. Your meta's nice, needs to work on dair intercepts but is still nice. Zero for lulz man. Someone's gotta play the fanservice.

Nick: I must play this pit of yours. Your link is awesome. and lolz there. Want to see more ike though. Ike-truck hits like truck.

Bob: Epic yoshi dude, Good to see someone stay true to their melee roots. (I wish nintendo) All that yoshi of yours needs is some epic 'd-fence' that and a little more egg spam. Camping is a valid strategy. ask 4chan.

Ghost: LULZ@crewbattle dude. My bad. Very nice yoshi dude. sweet up game on that yoshi, timing for it is awesome. Keep that up and I'll have something more to worry about next crews.

Kas: Only vs'd you once dude. Think you had a go at my pkm trainer. Either way I think I ate marth or you tasted shell...

Syke: Words can not express how much fail your directions posses syke. Your lucky you bought pie man. PLAY MOAR BRAWL.

Ben: Credts shou;d roll in RL for you dude. epic Wario is truly epic man. You must teach me the ways of the d-tilt. Also, many wins to all your other characters man. Good job.

Thanks again to everyone for any and everything hope to do it again soon.

P.S. DicE character is now. Mario / Pk trn / Wario

Word out...


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2008
Melbourne/Gold Coast
Awww, missed the STD - but was busy getting owned by the ski slopes =)
Will see you guys soon ^^
Edit : Just watched the first vid, first the toll booths and now this haha, I should have come and helped you guys get lost =D
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