Right, counter...
We can all agree that this move can be a lifesaver, and really puts mindgames to the max, when mixed in with Marth's other kick *** specials.
Now I am not going to talk about the uses of the counter rather, I will be talking about the properties.
To shortly put it, counter is a slap to the face to death.
Counter can deflect that cat on New pork city, counter any lava on norfair, and though you will still die, Marth can counter the ship in Great Sea.
But anywho, Counter, It is a step down from Godly.
The drawbacks are that if you activate it and you don't get hit, your a sitting duck.
Now, timing the counter so that someone will hit it is great, but one thing is missing from that solution.... Counter has no definate time.
That's right, the counters active stage is dependent on the attack it is... Well, countering
Have you ever had a time where the counter lasted longer then it actually should?
This is do to the hitlag and hitstun of the attack hitting you.
The counter has to
1. Accept the attack as hitting the active stage of the counter.
2. Dishing back the attack with the approprate damage and knockback.
The thing is that Smash attacks and other high-damage attacks have more frames in hitlag and hitstun then others like a neutral A.
Since the hitlag and hitstun is longer the counter has longer time to accept the attack and then counter it.
We can all agree that this move can be a lifesaver, and really puts mindgames to the max, when mixed in with Marth's other kick *** specials.
Now I am not going to talk about the uses of the counter rather, I will be talking about the properties.
To shortly put it, counter is a slap to the face to death.
Counter can deflect that cat on New pork city, counter any lava on norfair, and though you will still die, Marth can counter the ship in Great Sea.
But anywho, Counter, It is a step down from Godly.
The drawbacks are that if you activate it and you don't get hit, your a sitting duck.
Now, timing the counter so that someone will hit it is great, but one thing is missing from that solution.... Counter has no definate time.
That's right, the counters active stage is dependent on the attack it is... Well, countering
Have you ever had a time where the counter lasted longer then it actually should?
This is do to the hitlag and hitstun of the attack hitting you.
The counter has to
1. Accept the attack as hitting the active stage of the counter.
2. Dishing back the attack with the approprate damage and knockback.
The thing is that Smash attacks and other high-damage attacks have more frames in hitlag and hitstun then others like a neutral A.
Since the hitlag and hitstun is longer the counter has longer time to accept the attack and then counter it.