well.. first, thanks with the feedback, due to the fact that i've already mapped the textures, i'm a little restricted of what i can change on the mesh, yet maybe i can try some things, but well, at least doing mewtwo i have learned lots of interesting things
anyway regarding mewtwo, sugimori's mewtwo is pretty different to melee mewtwo and both are worlds apart from anime mewtwo...
Eyes are way off, arms are too skiny, hands need to be way bigger, front part of tail seems to be part of skin, while the real mewtwo's was sticking out.
eyes are way off in wich sense? if it is in shape, i'm interested to know why, if it's because the textrures (the color, the size of the iris and pupils, etc) worry not since I said earlier than textures are way from definitive.. the other points I will bring it further, but yeah.. i made hands a little bigger.
Something about the head seems..... not Mewtwo-ish. It should be a bit more sleek.
not pretty sure what does sleek means.. but I polished it very subtly
The arms are too skinny, the fingers are a little too long and the eyes seem a little off. Other than that it's shaping up nicely. Good job.
I reduced very slightly his fingers lenght. but i know that now it's more porportionated, (plus since hands are a little bigger). regarding the eyes, again, if it's regarding teh shape... then it's a problem.
his iris should be bigger and purplish pink (correct eye shape though), arms to skinny, hands have some problems too but i am not even gonna go into that. tail looks like part of skin, why'd you make his chest end in spikes it's supposed to be like a breastplate, tail's too short, and though this could just be an optical illusion from the lack of a back on his "breastplate" his 2nd spine is supposed to start at the center back of the forehead and end in the center back of his "breastplate", if i could see his legs there'd probably be alot more. but overall it's excellent
regarding the arms.. I made the forearms thickier, but the other part was good IMO (edit: i ended adding an extra little thickness to the whole arm), and keep in mind that is almost twice as wide as Melee mewtwo's arms (now THAT was skinny). in fact I find that terra's arms are a little too bulky. (speaking of terra.. when did he posted his second update? i didn't saw it).
Regarding the tail, in my mesh it's lenght is about 90% of mewtwo's total height, maybe it looks shorter because it's on perspective? now, with the tail and the skin, in the back zone I was way off, I tried to fix it a little, i will post a back pic soon. but regarding the exact place where skin and skin meet, that is something that should be done with textures, it can be done on the mesh, but it will spend a lot of polygons to do it right, while with textures (coloring the zone to look deep and adding detail in a normal map) can make the same optical effect withouth additional polygons (at least melee's mewto did it that way).
Regarding the shoulder spikes and the "breasthplate", the spikes are totally of my doing, as i said earlier, it started as a mistake, but when i find it I decided to try them, they added more dynamism to the chest area and at least I judged that it added a little to the design, and since noone complained about them (D.D said they were a litle to pointy, so i rounded them a bit and made them shorter

in fact.. you are the first one to probably aknowledged them (at least on the feedback i've recieved)...but the time where the decision to keep them or not already was (before doing the mapping) I can round them a little more, but taking them would be a lot more complicated (maybe i would need to remap the mesh, something i'm not in the mood of doing since I spent like two days on that)
regarding the breasthplate, the back area is different that 90% of mewtwo interpretations, yet still I tried to do something similar to the ken sugimori's illust:
when you look at the back, it looks that the breasthplate grows from the back to cover the front and it looks way more organic (like following the red arrow), all the other iterations of mewtwo on the other hand looks like if mewtwo was "wearing" the breathplate (or that some mad scientist sewed into his skin a "skin breasthplate" once mewtwo was fully developed). or at least that is the impression it gave me : /
now, the hands... this have to be the most grey area on mewto's design.. there are some interesting differences between melee, sugimori's and movies mewtwo. specially arround the bone structure of the palm....
now look at the left hand... this is how mewtwos bones probably are placed, as you can see, it's not that different from an human hand, except the ammount of fingers.
and as any human hand, the hand bone from which the pinky finger is born have certain degree of independence from the rest of the hand. also, there is clearly one thumb.
in this one you can see also a palm and a proper hand, the difference is that third finger is just another finger instead of being a thumb, probably another "pinky finger".
the third one have no hand, or very very small hand, and looks like the fingers come from the arm itself. (there is a fourth one, but is mainly this but whit shorter fingers and teh ball almost covering the whole finger)
I tried to do something similar to the first one. is far from perfect.. but i wanted to show what i'm trying to do and what i'm not.
I hope this observations comes handy (pun intended) also to terra since his model is also looking very nice.. but right now i'm not liking too much his mewto's hand.
I wanted to write a little more.. but the post is already gigantic, so i guess that i will leave to here, and thanks a lot for the feedback, it has helped me view some other details i had been ignoring

, soon i will post some more renders to show the little changes i've been doing.