[collapse=A conversation with someone civil and understanding, count_kaiser]rlinear@stevenson.edu: Hello?
glifer57: hi...who is this?
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Count_Kaiser
glifer57: oh...i met you at xanadu right?
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Yes
glifer57: sup =]
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Hello. I see you're unhappy with the new bowser. Why?
glifer57: i believe i've already shared my opinions in the thread lol
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Just so I'm clear, your main points are that
A. It's silly looking
B. This turns Bowser into a hard couterpick character
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Correct?
glifer57: uh
glifer57: i never said anything about it being silly looking
glifer57: so no idea where you got that from
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Sorry
glifer57: Part B is part of it, there is a large amount of matchups that are affected by this that I believe weren't really properly thought over...you're essentially giving bowser answers to combat his weaknesses, which is my main problem, him being a hard counterpick is just an extension of that
glifer57: mainly every problem I have with changes you guys are making comes down to design philosphy which is quite obviously different between the common opinion in the PMBR and my own...
glifer57: I don't see any reason to remove weaknesses, but you guys do
glifer57: that's the main difference
glifer57: my ideal project melee would be one where characters have areas that they excel in, ideally carried over from melee and buffs given to help out the lower tiers where they would be able to use it in new ways but not necessarily so that they are immune from something that used to give them trouble
glifer57: and things like bowser super armor on attacks completely negate his weakness to fast attackers...he no longer has to outmaneuver them (which is hard, of course, but it was the option of choice in melee) and punish afterwards (though sometimes he could up b things but w/e lol thats just another option not really important), just be anywhere and use an attack that can burst right through
glifer57: I don't see the sense in that, no...
glifer57: but that's my own opinion, and clearly the PMBR doesnt share it with me haha
glifer57: so I'm content with sharing my opinions with the public in the thread and hoping that I may possibly influence the opinions of the developers to see it my way...of course because that's what everyone wants, a perfect version lol, its just ideas differ.
glifer57: so...there you go.
rlinear@stevenson.edu: How would you go about buffing bowser, then?
glifer57: see this is what people asked me last time when I was talking about charizard and I had to think about it in like...10 minutes, I think it was and share my opinions that I gleamed in 10 minutes and then people laughed at them (like jiang, if you read our convo I posted) even though I did think my charizard ideas were legit...before I answer that (because I still need time to think about it in any case, this isn't exactly a simple problem), I'd like to know what you thought of my charizard ideas (if you even saw them or remember them, because I don't even at this point)
rlinear@stevenson.edu: What were they?
glifer57: >.> well let me go find them...i posted it a long time ago because I basically had this discussion with someone before...i dont remember most of it it was a long time ago and in public on the boards lol
glifer57: right it was tson...geez that guy is a **** to me
glifer57: anyway here
glifer57: oh right then i had a little followup
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Hmm
rlinear@stevenson.edu: I'll be honest, these suggestions may very well work, but I'm not certain if they will
rlinear@stevenson.edu: The main problem jiang had with these is that they held no creativity to them.
glifer57: obviously
glifer57: I think they were fairly creative
glifer57: but
glifer57: they're not brawl- creative
glifer57: which is a background most of you stem from...brawl+ and brawl- development
glifer57: where you guys had free reign basically
glifer57: and project m should probably be different then that
glifer57: if you really want to attract melee players
glifer57: you must offer them melee
glifer57: that's just what I think
rlinear@stevenson.edu: As for bowser's HA, he can't camp with it as well as you think. The idea is to catch people who are overaggressive with the armor. If they fake bowser out, he's open
rlinear@stevenson.edu: The armor will obviously need tuning so that it doesn't come out quickly
glifer57: Another problem I have with this which I've posted in the thread if you've been reading
glifer57: badguy basically said the same thing
glifer57: that response might also work to what you said
glifer57: if not just tell me and I'll elaborate more
rlinear@stevenson.edu: I see what you're saying
rlinear@stevenson.edu: What I said is invalid because it relies on the player screwing up
glifer57: yeah.
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Do you want me to cite an inherent weakness that bowser still retains?
glifer57: Well the part about bowsers only weakness is him being big and you guys were going to give him a poison mushroom when he utaunts to counter that was just hyperbole about how the trends of you guys' changes have been going lol
glifer57: I know he has weaknesses
glifer57: slow, bad recovery, BIG, etc
glifer57: cant combo
glifer57: w/e
glifer57: he has a lot
glifer57: that's not really the point
glifer57: I'm against utter removal of weaknesses like you guys are doing lol
rlinear@stevenson.edu: The weakness removed being bowser doing poorly against fast characters
glifer57: Eh that's not really a "weakness", that's an extension of his weakness, the main weakness being that bowser couldn't handle 1. extensive pressure against his shield or DD pressure or really any sort of safe approach options, he had up b oos which would always be spaced around because that was literally his only option other then plain outmaneuvering...i think I was talking about this earlier, anyway you've gone against that by giving him a fullproof, 100% uncounterable option against all forms of pressure and safe approaches
glifer57: except by characters that can approach with a move that does more then 20% I guess?
glifer57: not very common if it even exists
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Ganon dair
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Though you can't really approach with it
glifer57: lol thats not an approach move =p but you can't even space that around up-b oos anyway so
glifer57: anyway do you see where I'm coming from
rlinear@stevenson.edu: You dislike removing weaknesses and instead feel that we should buff what bowser does well
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Correct?
glifer57: Hmm
glifer57: Kind of, except I don't actually have a problem with giving characters ways to work around their weaknesses even if it's not necessarily a buff to an area they excel
glifer57: Which is mainly what I was talking about with replacing charizard's nair with a sex kick
glifer57: it's a way to work around lack of aerial pressure by giving him a move with aerial range that is still jointed so he can't use it with impunity
rlinear@stevenson.edu: I see
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Well, jiang and strong_bad, along with myself, see this as giving bowser a way to work around the weakness of pressure rather than removing that weakness altogether
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Note that the armor can be toned down
glifer57: There's no way to counter it...how is it not removing the weakness
glifer57: Well
glifer57: If you tone down the armor to the point of uselessness theres no sense in it
glifer57: This is like literally all or nothing
rlinear@stevenson.edu: I'll admit that 20% HA is a bit ridiculous
rlinear@stevenson.edu: I was think lowering it to 16%
glifer57: I mean are there any moves in particular that do over 16% that will now be useful
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Ganon fair
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Does 17%, I think
glifer57: well I had already assumed heavyweights would counter bowers HA anyway >.> it was like the first thing I said that he would (hopefully, i guess) still lose to ganon and ike, lol
rlinear@stevenson.edu: He does
glifer57: I mean...think about it this way, I suppose. Even if you went to the extreme and toned it down to the point where only 1% moves are absorbed
glifer57: That's still saying "Hey, people with multi hit moves that do less than 1%. Basically...don't bother using that move against me, because the risk is outstandingly high".
glifer57: And that's an extreme example obviously but do you see how polarizing that can be?
rlinear@stevenson.edu: The whole notion behind the armor was to make it so that people had to be cautious when being aggressive against bowser
glifer57: But you're removing entire options from other characters
glifer57: They know they can't safely do blank so they will probably never do blank at all
glifer57: like you never see people trying to approach ICs shield in brawl
glifer57: because they will die lol
glifer57: it's the same design standpoint
glifer57: functionally different of course
glifer57: designed the same
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Well, how is Bowser HA different from invincibility on moves?
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Such as shine and his UpB?
glifer57: from a design standpoint, there is none. which is why you see invincibility so rarely.
glifer57: bowser has armor on like
glifer57: 8 moves?
glifer57: and his crawl
glifer57: not sure on the number, it'd be nice if you could tell me
glifer57: lol
rlinear@stevenson.edu: If HA is such a bad idea, and it's equivalent to invuln froma design standpoint, wouldn't that make shine OP too?
glifer57: shine is pretty OP...
glifer57: haha
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Well, on the surface, the HA and shine seem the same
rlinear@stevenson.edu: The HA, though, has some fundamental differences
glifer57: i mean think about it...every move with invincibility sees copius amounts of use in brawl because invincibility is so useful which is why people are so happy to have it lol
glifer57: and HA is obviously a gimped version of invincibility
glifer57: but dear god
glifer57: if you were putting invincibility on all his attacks instead of ha
rlinear@stevenson.edu: No, SA is a gimped versionof invuln
glifer57: HA is too >.>
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Not quite
glifer57: you take damage
glifer57: lol
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Because not only do you take damage, but it doesn't block everything
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Like SA does
glifer57: oh really o.o what doesnt heavy armor block? like...footstools?
glifer57: thats all I know XD
glifer57: oh
rlinear@stevenson.edu: HA can't block anything that does more damage than it can take
glifer57: you mean the % limit
glifer57: oh yeah
glifer57: ofc
rlinear@stevenson.edu: Yes
glifer57: sorry lol
glifer57: HA -> SA -> Invincibility is basically how the evolution chain goes, however they're all, from a design standpoint, doing the same thing for the characters that have them
glifer57: and HA aprobably has the biggest mental effect on the opponent just because they know they CAN beat it, but they purposefully have to avoid using certain moves in order to do so
glifer57: but thats not really important
glifer57: just an interesting addition[/collapse]
anyway if anyone actually reads that, maybe they will understand me better? idk.
i've always been saying I'm not a troll, but you guys are just a little too jumpy.