Repost of Mylimar, with important points noted for others making suggestions.
All pikmin have the same amount of health. White and purple are plucked with same probability, which is lower than that of the other three, who also share probabilities amongst themselves. Elemental immunities are replaced with 25-50% damage reduction, and the elemental effects from hitting with a pikmin are removed (reds are
immune to fire, not
made of fire).
In general, reds deal high damage.
In general, yellows have high range. They are also Pikmin Thrown at a higher arc, and sweetspotting with the tip of their FSmash causes an explosion and is one of Olimar's most powerful moves.
In general, whites have less range on "holding" moves (tilts and aerials) and more on "throwing" moves (smashes, Side-B, grab), and attacks with them are faster. When killed, their ghost is a flinchless hitbox for ~5%. Also, for fun and if possible, when the amount of time Olimar is buried decreases by some percentage for each white near him.
In general, purples have low range and slow attacks, but high damage and knockback. Like Brawl, they're the only ones to cause knockback, rather than latch on, for Side-B. They also have the best throws, and tipping with FSmash causes paralysis akin to Zamus's.
Blues don't have any specific general advantage, though they're far from useless. Rather, their use is entirely on a move-by-move basis, and dependent of circumstance. I also like the idea that their Dair is a true spike. Also, as if it matters, they don't drown in water. For a bit more flavor, and if possible, they could also extend the time Olimar can swim, and/or keep one other pikmin from drowning (so 3 blues = no drowning).
I say "in general" because each move should be a different case. It shouldn't be a game of "this pikmin's for combos, this for kills, and that for gimps." Each color should have its individual properties, but not so much that it just becomes a big stereotype (much like the pikmin themselves aren't just stereotyped "fire," "water," "electric," etc., but are unique creatures with varied abilities). Any pikmin can be used to do any thing, and it's viable to use it with any particular attack;
maybe it's
theoretically less effective than another, but good enough for when that other's not on hand and until it can be plucked, and it's always situational.
I disagree with pikmin not switching after every attack. I think that could lead to a similar problem as Red had, where one pikmin color is just better than the others, or people just end up maining a single color. If maining a single color is an inviable tactic, then switching pikmin will be even more forced on players than if it was literally forced, since the later is counteractable, and the whole mechanic would become even more gimmicky (using Umbreon's definition). And if those pitfalls are avoided, then the purpose of having multiples of the same color is defeated.
It's not like what pikmin is used is random, you know well ahead of time. You're given six times the amount of foreknowledge as in the game Tetris, and you can't say that's not competitive. If given a better way to manage the line (something that can be done between hits) and kill unwanted pikmin (:evillaugh

, no one could ever say he's not in complete control.
Olimar should be like an extension of Smash's own mechanics. Things like damage staling, knockback changing from opponent's weight and damage and DI, the variety of nonuniform stages that make positioning a big factor, and the large amount mobility, all interrupt the memorized, cookie-cutter combos of traditional fighters; yet all these variables will fall within a known range that can be predicted and accounted for, leading to spontaneous combos dependent on player knowledge of those variables, their moves' properties, and the game's mechanics (IMO, this is all for the better). Olimar should be just like that, with combos dependent on what pikmin he happens to have on hand and how inventive he is, leading to 5^6=15,625 times the possibilities of a normal character. Smash requires more brainpower than a traditional fighting game, and Olimar more than a traditional Smash character.
Not switching would really make him no different than any other character. Players wouldn't have learn the properties and possibilities and limitations of each color-move combination, they wouldn't have to pay attention to or manage the line so they have the right one when they want it, they wouldn't have to use his idiosyncrasies at all. They'd just use the pikmin in their predefined roles, and play like a normal character.
This goes back to the "in general" deal: Olimar needs to have options regardless of which color is up next, yet these options should also depend on the color. Thus, the exact values of damage, shield damage, BKB, KBG, angle, range, startup, end-lag, duration, sweetspot location/existence, multi- or single-hit, and everything for each color-move combination should be created independently, without following a
specific pattern, but tending toward a
general chromatic trend. That is the key point that makes the blues not useless, as well as the other colors not
completely useless in aspects that are not their defined strength. Thus the Olimar player would actually have to know what he is doing, rather than just look at the color and be told what to do.
At the least, they should switch after all "throwing" attacks.
I also agree with an idea from Smashboards:
Also, sex kick. His vBrawl Nair looks ridiculous, and a sex kick would help ground him as Melee-esque, even with whatever unique mechanic he may end up with.
[collapse=A bit of negativity. Avert your eyen, ye of gentel disposition.]
AeonClock in particular, you mention "working with what you have," then give every ability to only use one or two colors and every incentive to do so.
Depending on the particulars, no one would ever need more than yellow and/or purple. There just aren't enough tasks in Smash to give each color a unique one and make each worth having around. Even if there were then there would never be a point to having any color other than the one for job you're currently performing, leading just as little strategy or variety as the alternative.
Immortal pikmin means, once you've got a matching 6, you'll never worry about losing them, or using anything else.
You give a quick way to eliminate pikmin, that even has the secondary effect of hurting the opponent, so you're not even put at a disadvantageous position in your quest for the good stuff. Seriously, where did you even get the idea of pikmin both not latching, and
dieing on contact?
And the last thing is the worst part, sextupling Olimar's range as a bonus for using him what is apparently correctly? I mean, it'd be a pretty cool idea in Minus, if the monochromacy weren't a factor, but not here.
Overall, players would never "work with what they have," they'd just grind for what they need.
And it's not just you, but people seem to have gone crazy with Magic Series since Lucaryu was revealed, despite them not existing at all in Melee, or Smash (other than some vaguely similar abilities). The point was to make him a new, unique, interesting character, and making everything cancellable on-hit ruins that, as well as the project goal.
And why do people assign pikmin properties so randomly?[/collapse]