Daigo: Actually, I always think this whenever a fighting game gets balanced. Ultimately, the characters used by top players always get punished.
Everyone: Aahhh~
Daigo: In USF4, I can't help but think that Sagat and Akuma got nerfed because of these guys (points finger at Tokido and Bonchan). Conversely, Cammy and Fei-Long escaped the nerf bat because no one really showcased their strengths in public. Is this not equivalent to punishing the hard work of top players?
Bonchan: Preach it Daigo! Preach on brotha! Keep going.
4Gamer: Now that you mention it, I have that impression of Gen.
Tokido: If Xian hadn't used Gen, there's a chance that he would have never gotten nerfed. (laughs)
Kazunoko: Despite trying so hard, in the end you just receive the scorn of other players using the same character….
Daigo: This is very reminiscent of the game Battle Garegga*. The more you win, the more difficult it becomes, so players die on purpose just to lower the difficulty level.
*Battle Garegga is a 1996 arcade plane shooting game made by Rising Studios. The difficulty level would change according to your remaining life and power up status. In order to clear the game and achieve a high score, players would self-implode and lower the difficulty whenever they got an extra life.