As someone who was hyped for and played it competitively, I can easily say All Stars was the biggest let down of a game I can think of me in recent years (with the exception of Bioshock Infinite, man that was horrible).
Its just.. as someone said before, they copied Smash but not the parts that people liked about it.
You are basically stuck in a giant box when it comes to stages, you only have 3 moves that can kill an opponent, and the combos are essentially preset and most of your moves launch the enemy far away. Honestly they might have been better off just making it a 1 on 1 traditional fighter, because as it is now its just a plain, slow, incredibly dull brawler.
The only real advance techniques that we would study in the meta game was KC's (Kill confirms), which simply means when one attack leads to a guaranteed super (or kill move). Select Raiden, forward square, R2, rinse and repeat.
tl;dr- Its bad at even being a fan service game. Easy platinum, though.
This is a weird question, but is there any way to force P:M not to save? I want to try out some of the Stadium modes in Project M, but I don't want to overwrite my Brawl records, because Stadium is the only thing that I still sort of like in that game, and I do occasionally play for new records. I know that separate save files are totally out of the question for a mod like this, so this is the only solution that I can think of.
Hmm... not sure about that, bud :\ unless you like..put your brawl save file onto an SD card and essentially remove it, then put it back when your done.