You ideally want a desktop i5 k/unlocked processor. Dolphin IIRC only uses 2 cores (possibly 3 if you set audio dump to a separate thread, but that's usually not necessary), but the strength + speed of those cores matters quite a bit. Intel cores > AMD cores when it comes to individual core performance. I assume you have a mobile i3 processor in there? That's killing you for Dolphin: You could probably get away with it if you were able to overclock past 3ghz but that's not going to be possible. It also doesn't help that you probably have Intel graphics instead of a dedicated card. Have you tried fiddling with resolution and toning down graphic options? You're limited in both areas so it's hard to say for sure where you could get the most improvement.In less salty news: What kind of processor would I need to play netplay? Atm, my probook 4540s can handle 2 characters on Warioware at 100%. It lags in the friggin menus/css/sss for some reason, though.
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