Oh yeah I forgot to mention. In the example pictures I used a crappy 3rd party controller. My official controllers have white/grey membranes and enclosures like yours. In the first 2 images you can see my official controller's membrane to the right of the controller.I'm going to have to experiment with this. Removing the membrane is interesting, and so was the post a few weeks/months ago about someone putting in spacers so the full press happened sooner. I have like 12 controllers worth of parts and shells just sitting in my dorm so I think I'll experiment with it tomorrow.
Also @9bit I didn't recognize the mebrane at first because all of mine are white/grey and the piece it sits in are black. Do you know if that was a difference in just when it was made? Or was it a silver controller thing? I've noticed from opening up older controllers than the membranes for the face buttons are different materials and a different color than newer ones.
I'm also the spacer guy from a few months ago

I have put a lot of work into my controller over this past year or so trying to make it feel as good as possible. I am really loving the results. If there's anything I'm not 100% satisfied with right now it's the Z button -- I'd like to make it easier to press down, and the control stick feels a little soft when I smash to the right, which I think it caused by the faceplate, not the stick itself.
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