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Project M Social Thread Gold


Jun 28, 2005
I'm going to have to experiment with this. Removing the membrane is interesting, and so was the post a few weeks/months ago about someone putting in spacers so the full press happened sooner. I have like 12 controllers worth of parts and shells just sitting in my dorm so I think I'll experiment with it tomorrow.

Also @ 9bit 9bit I didn't recognize the mebrane at first because all of mine are white/grey and the piece it sits in are black. Do you know if that was a difference in just when it was made? Or was it a silver controller thing? I've noticed from opening up older controllers than the membranes for the face buttons are different materials and a different color than newer ones.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention. In the example pictures I used a crappy 3rd party controller. My official controllers have white/grey membranes and enclosures like yours. In the first 2 images you can see my official controller's membrane to the right of the controller.

I'm also the spacer guy from a few months ago :cool:

I have put a lot of work into my controller over this past year or so trying to make it feel as good as possible. I am really loving the results. If there's anything I'm not 100% satisfied with right now it's the Z button -- I'd like to make it easier to press down, and the control stick feels a little soft when I smash to the right, which I think it caused by the faceplate, not the stick itself.
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
I use R for everything except wavedash OOS.
I literally use it for everything - I don't even have L set to shield, I actually have it set up for head-stooling (Dude I seriously had the actual term in my head and literally at the last minute forgot what it was!)


Jun 28, 2005
@ Brim Brim footstooling


In other news, pushing the L button all the way down and there being no "click" feels really weird.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I use L for everything, and usually have R set to Attack to do C-dashing/C-Moonwalking/DACUS(though I'm often use to using Z I heard setting it to a Shoulder also makes it 1 frame more lenient). I also sometimes set C-stick to Attack to do Nairs by pressing Diagonally on it but it has a lot of problems I'ma make a video about, so it's only worth it for CF and sometimes DK.

@ 9bit 9bit Maybe it's just me, but you got some cool but uncanny/spooky lighting in those pics lol. Are you in your garage? So is that plastic plug different than this thing http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2509/20111014223338.jpg and instead is a separate covering going OVER that thing? Is that what controls how hard it is to get the full press to trigger since some controllers feel like the hard press is butter (which I like)? Like you have to press hard enough that that cover thing implodes inward to be able to touch the other thing to set off the hard press, some make a weird metallic noise when you full press though so that makes me think there's something else going on.

Oh wait so that was a third party controller, so maybe the click noise on full press is from a metal rod or something.

Also I got a short write-up on how Brawl went wrong with its controls, which might eventually be part of some video when I figure out how to make it short and concise

In Brawl everything is hard press. That's because while the Wii had

backwards compatibility with the GC controller and games, they were

designing it for the Wii controller types.

The Wii controllers were made without any analog sliders: so they

weren't going to design Brawl with anything like light shields only

for the GCCs to be able to perform them. Beyond that they also

weren't going to even differentiate any kind of action to be

triggered on either analog or digital for the GCC's shoulders, so

that shielding wouldn't be possible on analog while air dodge would

be full press: instead it would be all on full press.

Their lack of care for the GCC led them to forget that they should

have had everything set to the light press or better yet at least

the option for it, even with a whole controller customization menu

they didn't think of this or maybe would have if the game wasn't

slightly rushed: though again they weren't trying to cater to the

older generation of controller people already owned. What every

other Gamcube game would have done especially any game that was

released on multiple consoles was always set the action to trigger

on analog [Godzilla Destroy All Monsters] [Spider Man 2]) rather

than digital. The digital press was rarely used to have actions set

to it, and probably why the Wii didn't care to have analog slider

controllers anymore and went with just an easy to press trigger

that worked as a single digital input like the PS2/Xbox.

This also leads to most likely why Brawl doesn't have recognition

to separate the two shoulder buttons in certain instances (making

WD OOS while holding shield not work unless you release shield):

because while something like the Classic Pro (and GCC) has two

shoulder buttons, the Wiimote and or Wiimote+Nunchuk only has one

shield button.

Everyone views Smashboards at 125% Zoom in right? Otherwise text is super small.

I got a paper and presentation both due sort of soon. Paper is on Canada and it's economy/exports. Presentation is 12 min on any business topic, I'm going to do it about Smash/Competitive games and tournaments and those gaming centers and arcade places (specifically these two in IL) but I haven't been able to come up with much let alone make it 12 minutes long. I think I'll also talk about that Kickstarter for that one arcade thing.
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Jun 28, 2005
@ 9bit 9bit Maybe it's just me, but you got some cool but uncanny/spooky lighting in those pics lol. Are you in your garage? So is that plastic plug different than this thing http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2509/20111014223338.jpg and instead is a separate covering going OVER that thing? Is that what controls how hard it is to get the full press to trigger since some controllers feel like the hard press is butter (which I like)? Like you have to press hard enough that that cover thing implodes inward to be able to touch the other thing to set off the hard press, some make a weird metallic noise when you full press though so that makes me think there's something else going on.

Oh wait so that was a third party controller, so maybe the click noise on full press is from a metal rod or something.

Everyone views Smashboards at 125% Zoom in right? Otherwise text is super small.
Oh yeah 125% 4life

@ that image you posted: I've taken apart quite a few Gamecube controllers, both official and 3rd party and I've never seen anything that looks like that part before. Where did you get that picture?

Here's some more pictures of my stuff:

Fully assembled back half of controller:

Fully assembled back half with L button pushed down:

Zoomed in versions of previous 2 images:

As you can see, the membrane is pushed downward. In all the controllers I've ever taken apart, this membrane presses down upon this circuit on the back of the top half of the controller:

The pressure you feel between going all the way down the analog part and the full click press is determined by the strength / integrity of the membrane.

And the lighting is just a blue-ish energy saver light bulb I have in my room at my desk lol


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
The one in the most recent post? Found it here http://forums.modretro.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=8383
He's also got a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxJTbxsSmY
So the hard press doesn't normally look like that or what's surprising you? It seems from looking at your pictures that the ?Official controllers? just have a plastic membrane that gets pressed inward to touch a metal area, while this guy has some third party one or added something that has a little button?

I think he's doing the opposite (for the purpose of making one of those portable gamecubes I think) of what I'd want to try: making the hard press trigger on light press. My friend mentioned it pry be possible with a transistor.
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Jun 28, 2005
The one in the most recent post? Found it here http://forums.modretro.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=8383
He's also got a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxJTbxsSmY

I think he's doing the opposite (for the purpose of making one of those portable gamecubes I think) of what I'd want to try: making the hard press trigger on light press. My friend mentioned it pry be possible with a transistor.
OK from what I can tell he actually added those buttons / switches to the controller himself. This requires getting your hands on those things, whatever the are, and soldering them to the controller's motherboard yourself.

Very interesting stuff.

@ SpiderMad SpiderMad here is my launch day stock Gamecube controller motherboard. The only thing changed on it is the Nunchuck control stick in place of the default.

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Deleted member

I think it's fair to say almost no one else here understands half of what is said here. Also, may I ask why you believe Pyromancer is bad? Sure he's easy to kill, but he's an awesome token generator for burn decks that makes a double threat and it only gets worse when you have more than one copy of him on the battlefield.
legacy isn't like that. legacy tempo is you play a threat and force your opponent to play into your disruption and you win in efficiency trading cards until you win. young pyro = pay 2 mana for something that isn't goyf. SFM has the same problem, like yeah it'll win you the game but it takes too much time and mana to set up and you'll lose out on trades and get behind. just play a 4/5 and kill them real fast. alternatively, play dark confidant, and use the cards confidant gets you to trade with your opponent until they lose. it depends which way you want to go, confidant gets you ahead, goyf kills your opponent. you can make a reasonable argument for both or even play them together but personally i'd rather just play goyf, letting bolt be better than swords as removal isn't where you want to be imo. if you're already on UR burn, just add the green and go full on rug, you won't be disadvantaged in the tempo mirror and you get access to godly board cards.

@ plum - that makes total sense. then ya keep her in the board. no need to jerk off to the One True 75 that obv doesn't exist.
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Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
And unlike that fraud of an imitation, I actually have things to say.
Late but: I at least reply to the Pokemon conversations. I don't love this thread enough to contribute to any other conversations, though :V

Swagger ban was dumb, but complex bans are even dumber; Koko is a dummy and UU is suffering because of that fact; MegaCham is fantastic atm; and ur all trash :^)

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Jun 28, 2005
Guys I'm torn; I don't know what to do.

For my controller should I go white top black bottom or purple top white bottom. They both look so sexy.

Deleted member

Vist goes black top white bottom, for what it's worth. Having played with both combos you mentioned, i can say that I prefer the white top black bottom.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2014
I literally use it for everything - I don't even have L set to shield, I actually have it set up for head-stooling (Dude I seriously had the actual term in my head and literally at the last minute forgot what it was!)
foot stooling i think


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2013
Bonn, Germany
I would pay much for a dark blue controller with the Project M logo on it. Right now I have a little logo on a black controller it also looks cool but you see I attached it myself.
I use R for attack so L for anything that involves pressing shield. Might have some disadvantages though, I don't know enough about all that lightpress/fullpress stuff. For performing the shield action, I have my index finger at the very left edge of the L button then you have to apply less force to get fullpresses. Didn't remove any pieces yet, might do it though if it really helps


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
no one besides me plays big boy magic?

well, i play with the legacy card pool, but i don't play competitive legacy.

instead, my current mtg project is making a monocolored deck for each color, and then keep those relatively balanced to one another, so i can take the decks around and play with up to 4 other people at the same time, if we really wanted to (and no one else had a deck, or their decks were just not good enough/too good).

currently, my black control deck is finished enough. working on finishing out the green ramp (tweaking numbers. i recently switched up the ramp package, along with the things i ramp into), then i'll either work on the red sligh or the white weenie (basically babby's first dnt).


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
A decent laugh if you got a half hour to kill about Devil May Cry(2013)
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
legacy isn't like that. legacy tempo is you play a threat and force your opponent to play into your disruption and you win in efficiency trading cards until you win. young pyro = pay 2 mana for something that isn't goyf. SFM has the same problem, like yeah it'll win you the game but it takes too much time and mana to set up and you'll lose out on trades and get behind. just play a 4/5 and kill them real fast. alternatively, play dark confidant, and use the cards confidant gets you to trade with your opponent until they lose. it depends which way you want to go, confidant gets you ahead, goyf kills your opponent. you can make a reasonable argument for both or even play them together but personally i'd rather just play goyf, letting bolt be better than swords as removal isn't where you want to be imo. if you're already on UR burn, just add the green and go full on rug, you won't be disadvantaged in the tempo mirror and you get access to godly board cards.

@ plum - that makes total sense. then ya keep her in the board. no need to jerk off to the One True 75 that obv doesn't exist.
Sorry. My bad I didn't see you comparing it for uses in Legacy - I was talking about Standard format use. I don't have a Legacy deck yet - but I've considered building a Black two-turn win deck. Also, since we're talking about Magic have you been checking the new set yet? Some cards look absolutely ridiculous - like the new legendary equipment artifact.
A decent laugh if you got a half hour to kill about Devil May Cry(2013)
Speaking of funny games - has anyone here played Madworld? The commentators in that game are ****ing hilarious.
Here's some videos of their funniest commentary
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2007
Greensboro, NC
I liked Mad World. One of the few games I enjoyed playing on the Wii. Wish it had alternate control setups but Wii-Mote got the job done. I also liked the sound track. I thought I wasn't going to like the art style at first, but it grew on me as I played it.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Madworld was a fun ass game and the commentators were hilarious but about little over halfway through the game they start repeating a bunch of crap and thus makes it boring to hear. I remember that Nintendo fanboys were trying to pump that game hard during the Wii's hayday but that game did not sell well at all.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010
The repetitious sound track and commentators killed it for me. I doubt I finished a tenth of the game.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
The repetitious sound track and commentators killed it for me. I doubt I finished a tenth of the game.
That's surprising - out of most of the complaints I hear is usually the fact they have to deal with the motion controls, but I guess if you don't enjoy vulgar humor it gets really old.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Sorry. My bad I didn't see you comparing it for uses in Legacy - I was talking about Standard format use. I don't have a Legacy deck yet - but I've considered building a Black two-turn win deck. Also, since we're talking about Magic have you been checking the new set yet? Some cards look absolutely ridiculous - like the new legendary equipment artifact.
As far as Legacy is concerned (since it's the only constructed format I really play it's the only one I look for during spoiler season) the few things that really strike me so far are Eidolon of the Great Revel, Aegis of the Gods, and Mana Confluence.

Eidolon is a Pyrostatic Pillar on a stick, and by making Pillar a creature it actually helps fix a lot of Pillar's problems that made it less than ideal. Against Storm decks, where you would want Pillar the most, Eidolon is able to dodge Duress and clocks your opponent whether or not they are playing spells. If you're in red and don't have access to white then Eidolon is probably the best hatebear against Storm.

Aegis is a nice little upgrade to True Believer, but the upgrades are noticeable. Hexproof is obviously better than Shroud, 1W is easier than WW (especially when the premiere white deck in the format plays eight colorless lands), and being an enchantment creature allows it to be found with Enlightened Tutor. D&T might want it as a singleton to protect against discard decks, Tendrils of Agony, and the like.

Confluence is a nice little upgrade to City of Brass for Legacy because you can't be forced to lose life from something like Rishadan Port. Not much of an upgrade... but hey, we'll take it. Dredge and TES could want it, though that's probably it.

Godsend, the legendary equipment, is good but for Legacy's purposes I think the current equipment (Batterskull, Jitte, and Sword of Fire and Ice) is probably better. I can definitely see it having multiple homes in other formats though.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Guys I'm torn; I don't know what to do.

For my controller should I go white top black bottom or purple top white bottom. They both look so sexy.
I really like the purple/white combo, I have white top purple bottom on my back up controller.

White/clear looks the slickest though. I have clear front/white bottom and Tai has the reverse and they look sick.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2013
Bonn, Germany
Purple white combo? I really thought people were discussing about Olimar and was like "Oo I always thought people hate Olimar and would never discuss about his moves and combos"
Then I realized you are talking about controllers...


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I'd need a small heater inserted into mine lol, my hands barely ever get warm

Maybe I can change it with some Chi training techniques or something
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supreme jd

Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2014
Few questions:

  • Can you only WD OOS with a light pressed shield? Not sure if it's just me but I can't seem to WD OOS when I'm holding L trigger all the way down, and wavedashing with Y+R, but I can do it if it's light pressed.
  • Can you use a third party Gamecube Controller back with a first party gamecube controller?
  • Is it worth it to change the left analog stick to something like a 360, PS2, Nunchuck stick if my Gamecube one is perfectly fine?


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2013
Bonn, Germany
I need a controller suiting my strange way holding it, being painted with that 20xx material that can change color in certain circumstances you can control (wow so many c's) and adapting color to the character I play. The handwarming function of course and internet access so I can post my stuff directly on smashboards via controller (ok I don't need that one to be serious). By the way it should be able to float in the air so I can get a drink between matches or fistpump after a holy combo without that issue.
I'm OK with my controller too, its awesome, but I mean if it was possible...

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Few questions:

  • Can you only WD OOS with a light pressed shield? Not sure if it's just me but I can't seem to WD OOS when I'm holding L trigger all the way down, and wavedashing with Y+R, but I can do it if it's light pressed.
  • Can you use a third party Gamecube Controller back with a first party gamecube controller?
  • Is it worth it to change the left analog stick to something like a 360, PS2, Nunchuck stick if my Gamecube one is perfectly fine?
You have to release the pressed shield button to WD OoS. Since wii-motes and wii-chucks only have 1 shield button, brawl wasn't made to register more than one, so pressing L and R at the same time is equivilant to just holding one.

I don't know of 3rd party GC controllers are compatable shell wise. I know you can take first party insides and buttons, shave off some edges to make them fit, and put them inside 3rd party controlers if you like the shell color more.

changing sticks is completely down to personal preference. some people like having a taller stick, some people like the ridges on the GC controller while some like the smooth top that the PS2/3 sticks have. Its just personal preference but If you think you might enjoy another stick go ahead and try it.
A really common thing is replacing the C stick with another GC stick for easier control.


Green Hat
Apr 24, 2012
Lewiston, ID
I've been wondering this for a long time but never taken the time to ask: how do you carry people after you grab them with snake, like in the gif?
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