So Twitch recordings are awful. They take longer to load than the actual video will play for (this is just me only having my ****ty phone tethered to my laptop for internet), can only load half hour chunks at a time, can't change the quality for a faster load, blah blah blah
But sometimes I'll check out a recording and it will be as if I'm watching a stream. By that, I mean that the recording has no video controls (can only pause or unpause, no selecting specific times of the video or skipping ahead, etc.), plays at whatever quality I have streams set to play at (low quality in my instance), and will load quickly because of the low quality. I've got a couple podcasts I want to listen to so that aren't up on YouTube yet (aka an actually decent video playback system) and I was wondering if anybody else had experience with this happening. If it was something I could make happen when I wanted to it would be infinitely more convenient than waiting an hour for a half hour of the podcast to load in HD... and when it's just audio from a skype call you can imagine how pointless HD is.