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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
I hope you have better luck than me. It's stupid, but I'm still kind of in disbelief that she'd do that to me.

While we weren't together, the fact that she'd been recently telling me that she loved me and then dropped that on me, out of nowhere for me still has me kind of reeling. I have no right at all to tell her what to do or to expect things from her. I hope that you can end up with a more satisfying conclusion than I seem to.
Well, I dearly appreciate the fact you simply even care about the situation I was in. Half the time I feel like people wish I wasn't there, even at work, I mean I can be annoying -- don't mean to be (and clueless). My relationship with this girl is long distance; but as far as it's been going, the relationship itself is going a lot better than earlier mentioned, I just had to apologize to her and we made up. Personally, I feel incredibly lucky that truthfully that's all I really needed to do, because like I said, I apologized and we talked, and made up, I mean, I just don't think I could be any luckier to date a girl like the one I'm currently with.

In, no regards with what I spoke of earlier:
Just like Sapphire said, all of it.
Honestly, there wasn't a thing I disagreed with there.

PS Sorry if this response is dearly late, I've been at work all day. Being a bagger is so much fun.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
My friend has a ferret. They're adorable, but you literally have to ferret-proof the house beforehand XD They look super fun though. I might get one one day.
They are, I've personally never owned one, but I had a friend that did, and I'd occasionally hang out over there just to see their ferret. Speaking of which, I need to feed my Bearded Dragon -- pardon me for a bit.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
The forums are responsive, no need for tapatalk now.
I still highly disagree. The Tapatalk app is nice and succinct. It also doesn't eat up my phone's RAM as much as my browser does, which is lovely because my phone sucks. Is it that bad to have both?

Deleted member

A pet I've always wanted is a sugar glider, and I'd totally get one if I wasn't positive it would have escaped/be dead within 6 months.

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
Well, I dearly appreciate the fact you simply even care about the situation I was in. Half the time I feel like people wish I wasn't there, even at work, I mean I can be annoying -- don't mean to be (and clueless). My relationship with this girl is long distance; but as far as it's been going, the relationship itself is going a lot better than earlier mentioned, I just had to apologize to her and we made up. Personally, I feel incredibly lucky that truthfully that's all I really needed to do, because like I said, I apologized and we talked, and made up, I mean, I just don't think I could be any luckier to date a girl like the one I'm currently with.

PS Sorry if this response is dearly late, I've been at work all day. Being a bagger is so much fun.
Glad to hear your problems have basically patched up without unnecessary troubles. Mine have caused me trouble through the day, but I've been talking to friends and it's gotten easier to deal with it. With time, I'll be completely over it, with any luck.


Emotional Reality
Mar 1, 2013
Boston, MA
On a much smaller and less important scale, I had to give up all the $1,200 I'd been saving since October to buy my first car, to pay back my school for costs due to last semester. If I didn't make the payment I wouldn't be able to take classes in the spring.
It's not a huge deal since I can always save up the money again, but my spirit is so crushed.. I was so close to buying my very first car without my parents help and not have to worry about being late to school this upcoming semester. :(


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010
It's called premium
I don't have adblock but the homepage says I do. I definitely always see ads.


Has there been any serious MK action? I haven't seen any... so I sort of want someone tear up Apex with him just to stir some brawlVSmelee hype.

Also, how much lag tends to remain on an hdtv after "game mode" has been set...?


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
Playing P:M Wifi with some other smashboarders.

Never have I experienced lag on such a scale.

It's so painful but hilarious it's ridiculous.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
Babby's first troll

I can't believe that you guys managed to drag that on for more than 5 pages. Shame on everyone who posted at him.


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I don't have adblock but the homepage says I do. I definitely always see ads.


Has there been any serious MK action? I haven't seen any... so I sort of want someone tear up Apex with him just to stir some brawlVSmelee hype.

Also, how much lag tends to remain on an hdtv after "game mode" has been set...?
It shouldn't have been showing that for a couple hours now. It's not there for you now is it?


Emotional Reality
Mar 1, 2013
Boston, MA
Playing P:M Wifi with some other smashboarders.

Never have I experienced lag on such a scale.

It's so painful but hilarious it's ridiculous.
It all depends on their connection and your own. Since I have a good connection I tend to have minimal lag with everyone, although there are those with horrible connections every once in a while.


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
It all depends on their connection and your own. Since I have a good connection I tend to have minimal lag with everyone, although there are those with horrible connections every once in a while.
My glorious partners have clearwire.

They will tell you their stories of clearwire....

My connection is decent I would assume.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
April Fools 2014- forced Dankey Kang theme

Everyone's avatar is Dankey Kang, all background colors are solid blue, and all buttons are rings without words. Hope you've memorized swfs buttons by then :)

Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
April Fools 2014- forced Dankey Kang theme

Everyone's avatar is Dankey Kang, all background colors are solid blue, and all buttons are rings without words. Hope you've memorized swfs buttons by then :)
I'm half tempted to try searching out an unofficial Dankey Kang texture, preferably with rings in each hand. With a custom PSA, they could make him as fast as Sonic but with DK's moveset.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
I recently "upgraded" StrongBad's post on Fox and Falco's changes

Yo Disclaimer: da following post contains thoughts, opinions an' viewpoints dat is solely muh motha ****in own an' is expressed as uh Project M player, not as uh Project M Back Roomer. da OP o' dis here thread be uh generalized representation o' da PMBR's thoughts, concerns, an' PR campaign regarding dis here issue. If you Wants ta read dat, scroll up. ah gots been uh high-level competitive player fo' Project M fo' well ova uh year now, since Demo 2's inception. da lowest placing ah've earned in da entirety o' PM's tournament lifetime has been 9th place at APEX 2013 an' MELEE-FC10R Legacy. ah gots seen countless great sets between great players, an' took part in many o' dem. Through different updates ta da game, ah've seen da community respond ta various characters. ah've seen several characters buffed an' nerfed. Through all o' dis here, ah gots almost never seen uh player who exclusively played PM quit da game as uh result o' his or her character being nerfed or altered. Vro, whose Ike stunned da world in MELEE-FC's final Round Robin. Metroid, whose Ike did da same by defeating Mango twice at da Big crib 2. Rat an' Leelue, who had great success wif 2.1 Sonic. Sethlon an' Wizzrobe, who dominated bof 2.1 an' 2.5 tournaments wif Sonic. Eli an' myself, who gots had levels o' success usin` Donkey Kong much higher than any others. Each o' deez players gots had they character overhauled, redesigned, or otherwise nerfed, an' in response deez players gots adapted by any means necessary. Some continued ta use they character despite da changes, while others picked up uh new one an' enjoyed da game even mo' than 'bfoe as uh result. Several o' dem agreed wif da nerfs, an' even though none o' deez characters wuz considered ta be da bomb in da game, realized dat da game iz overall bettah now afta da rebalancing. None o' deez players threw up they arms, exclaimed "dat's it. dey've made uh slight modification ta muh motha ****in character. ah'm done." an' quit playing da game. Here's another nugget o' thought: If members o' da FGC did dis here, they community would nahh longer be in existence. Take uh peep at dis here report o' how da tier list o' Street Fighter 4 has changed wif each update. Note dat several characters fluctuate an' often become worse, including characters dat aren't thought ta be anywhere near da bomb in da game. Dieminion mains Guile, who dropped uh staggering 24 spots afta da Arcade Edition update. PR Balrog has mained Balrog fo' almost his entire tournament career, despite da fact dat Balrog has dropped in perceived viability wif every single update. Ryan Hart an' Sanford Kelly main Sagat, despite da same. Vangief an' Snake Eyez wif Zangief. da list goes on. If all o' deez players quit da game in response ta they characters being changed, Street Fighter 4 would be nahh mo'. In contrast, ah've seen players who main Fox, Falco, an' in da rare case Sheik cry foul an' threaten ta quit at da mere mention o' da slightest change ta they character. deez players often main those characters in Melee. When da prospect o' uh sequel ta Melee came about, deez players fo' whatever reason determined dat da character dey would choose in da sequel ta uh game wif only 8 viable characters dat now sports 34 viable characters (wif 5 mo' on da way) is one in da same. da top 7 o' Melee has fo' all intents an' purposes been perfectly an' completely ported ta PM. dis here allows deez players ta plug they controller into uh Project M setup, an' play Super Smash Bros. Melee fo' da Nintendo GameCube. dey enter tournaments an' earn money without putting any additional effort into learning details 'bouttheir character, cuz dey remain unchanged from uh game released in 2001 designed by Japanese developers who wuz unable ta perform uh Wavedash. In many cases, dis here iz still not enough. When ah see deez players lose, an' even sometimes when dey win, dey react negatively. dey claim dat characters dat is without uh doubt worse than they own is designed poorly, is unfair, is "too easy ta use," or hard-counter they unchanged Melee main. In some cases, deez players take it upon themselves ta... reward da PMBR's efforts an' consideration fo' porting they character completely. Hax recently won uh Project M tournament usin` da in-game tag "F_PM." In Mango's infamous Reddit AMA post-EVO, he responded ta uh queshun 'boutPM wif "It's not too shabby..." but then urged players ta "JUST PLAY MELEE." dis here iz da fruits o' da labor o' da PMBR. they reward fo' forgoing game balance ta keep in-tact characters dat ****** gots used in tournament in uh different game fo' nearly 12 years now iz ta be spit on. Somethin`'s wrong wif dis here picture, an' every single one o' you reading dis here knows what. Let me take uh break from dat topic fo' uh moment ta explain somethin` 'boutcompetitive Smash an' fighters in general. Competitive fighting games is extremely detail-oriented. Often times when you lose uh particular interaction at high level play, it iz not cuz you chose da wrong move ta use, but cuz you did it in uh slightly less correct way than yo' opponent. dere's uh huge difference between say, doin' uh shorthop in place wif Marf, drifting backwards, an' doin' uh forward-air, an' doin' da same except only drifting backwards fo' 12 frames instead o' da full shorthop tyme. While at da surface dis here seems like uh small difference, dis here difference an' literally millions o' differences like it often determine whether Marf hits wif his fair, whiffs an' gets punished, or even hits but iz unable ta followup. Now, how exactly can uh Fox or Falco player expect ta be able ta learn da intricacies o' an extremely new character in uh single day, let alone implement an' perform deez well enough ta win? Why do dey instantly jump ta da conclusion dat da reason dey lost or in some cases didn't win by uh large enough margin iz cuz somethin` iz wrong wif da opposing character? ah'll tell you why: it's easier. It's extremely hard ta admit dat da reason you lost wif uh character dat iz da bomb or 2nd bomb in da game an' has 10 years o' metagame development ta uh player who invented da metagame o' his own inferior character in under uh year iz cuz you wuz outplayed. In da Smash community, deez reactions is called johns. dey is considered shameful, indicative o' uh lack o' skill, uh poor competitive mindset, an' dey perpetuate scrubbiness. Yet somehow, deez is permitted even when deez players openly insult high level Project M players an' attempt ta downplay they skill level. Many Fox an' Falco players will never convert ta Project M. If porting yo' 2001 character completely an' perfectly ain't enough, ah seriously do not know what iz. dey demand dat they characters remain unchanged, dey demand dat others dat is worse than dem be nerfed. Do you honestly believe dat if/when da remaining mechanics changes (Light shielding, shield pushback, 1-frame physics delay, etc.) is completed, an' da apparently "unfair" PM characters is nerfed, all Melee players will magically migrate ta Project M? Keep dreaming, buddy. dey spit on da years o' werk o' da PMBR. dey insult players who gots spent countless hours inventing new strategies (dat is sometimes made impossible in future updates ta they character!), perfecting precise spacings an' timings, an' spent several hundreds o' bones traveling an' competing in PM tournaments. dey degrade da integrity o' da game by splitting in GFs wif others like dem. dey spread misinformation, even when corrected multiple times. fo' example, Mew2King insists dat Captain Falcon's Nair has less landlag in Project M than Melee. Anyone who uses Frame Advance can see dat dis here iz demonstrably false. All o' dis here disgusts me an' ah continually find it harder an' harder ta sympathize wif da concerns o' Fox & Falco players who gots dis here mindset. dis here horrendous double standard where da bomb characters in da game is allowed ta remain as dey is cuz dey wuz such in uh game created by Japanese developers who didn't know how ta wavedash nearly 12 years ago, while others dat is quite obviously worse is nerfed fo' reasons justified as "improving they designs" or "don' you think dat wuz uh little bit silly?" needs ta stop. It's unfair, nonsensical, an' disgusting. If Project M iz ta gots any integrity going into da future, deez changes cannot be reverted. In fact, further measures mus' be taken ta tone down Fox an' Falco. dis here game needs ta be designed fo' an' targeted toward ****** who play da game instead o' those who don'. If you wants ta play 2001 Fox an' Falco, play 2001 Fox an' Falco in da game created in 2001. don' expect ta be able ta play 2001 smash within 2013 smash. You don' deserve ta win any mo' than anyone else do, an' you be not entitled ta yo' character remaining unchanged any mo' than any other character. Eventually, you'll be outplayed an' actually lose cuz o' it. It won't be da PMBR's fault, an' it won't be da fault o' da opposing character's design. It'll be yo' fault. yo' incompetence, match-up inexperience, technical errors, an' lack o' skill will all accumulate into one single fantastic moment, where da character dat appears on da results screen an' dat da announcer states ain't yo' own. You won't complain, you won't insist dat somethin` iz wrong wif yo' character or yo' opponent's character. You will take yo' loss, shake yo' opponent's hand, an' say "pimp-tight games." ta do anythin` less would be absolutely despicable, an' you wouldn't deserve ta play dis here amazing game. an' it wouldn't deserve ta gots such uh terrible excuse fo' uh competitor playing it sho 'nuff!

Lamar Davis

Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2014
I recently "upgraded" StrongBad's post on Fox and Falco's changes

Yo Disclaimer: da following post contains thoughts, opinions an' viewpoints dat is solely muh motha ****in own an' is expressed as uh Project M player, not as uh Project M Back Roomer. da OP o' dis here thread be uh generalized representation o' da PMBR's thoughts, concerns, an' PR campaign regarding dis here issue. If you Wants ta read dat, scroll up. ah gots been uh high-level competitive player fo' Project M fo' well ova uh year now, since Demo 2's inception. da lowest placing ah've earned in da entirety o' PM's tournament lifetime has been 9th place at APEX 2013 an' MELEE-FC10R Legacy. ah gots seen countless great sets between great players, an' took part in many o' dem. Through different updates ta da game, ah've seen da community respond ta various characters. ah've seen several characters buffed an' nerfed. Through all o' dis here, ah gots almost never seen uh player who exclusively played PM quit da game as uh result o' his or her character being nerfed or altered. Vro, whose Ike stunned da world in MELEE-FC's final Round Robin. Metroid, whose Ike did da same by defeating Mango twice at da Big crib 2. Rat an' Leelue, who had great success wif 2.1 Sonic. Sethlon an' Wizzrobe, who dominated bof 2.1 an' 2.5 tournaments wif Sonic. Eli an' myself, who gots had levels o' success usin` Donkey Kong much higher than any others. Each o' deez players gots had they character overhauled, redesigned, or otherwise nerfed, an' in response deez players gots adapted by any means necessary. Some continued ta use they character despite da changes, while others picked up uh new one an' enjoyed da game even mo' than 'bfoe as uh result. Several o' dem agreed wif da nerfs, an' even though none o' deez characters wuz considered ta be da bomb in da game, realized dat da game iz overall bettah now afta da rebalancing. None o' deez players threw up they arms, exclaimed "dat's it. dey've made uh slight modification ta muh motha ****in character. ah'm done." an' quit playing da game. Here's another nugget o' thought: If members o' da FGC did dis here, they community would nahh longer be in existence. Take uh peep at dis here report o' how da tier list o' Street Fighter 4 has changed wif each update. Note dat several characters fluctuate an' often become worse, including characters dat aren't thought ta be anywhere near da bomb in da game. Dieminion mains Guile, who dropped uh staggering 24 spots afta da Arcade Edition update. PR Balrog has mained Balrog fo' almost his entire tournament career, despite da fact dat Balrog has dropped in perceived viability wif every single update. Ryan Hart an' Sanford Kelly main Sagat, despite da same. Vangief an' Snake Eyez wif Zangief. da list goes on. If all o' deez players quit da game in response ta they characters being changed, Street Fighter 4 would be nahh mo'. In contrast, ah've seen players who main Fox, Falco, an' in da rare case Sheik cry foul an' threaten ta quit at da mere mention o' da slightest change ta they character. deez players often main those characters in Melee. When da prospect o' uh sequel ta Melee came about, deez players fo' whatever reason determined dat da character dey would choose in da sequel ta uh game wif only 8 viable characters dat now sports 34 viable characters (wif 5 mo' on da way) is one in da same. da top 7 o' Melee has fo' all intents an' purposes been perfectly an' completely ported ta PM. dis here allows deez players ta plug they controller into uh Project M setup, an' play Super Smash Bros. Melee fo' da Nintendo GameCube. dey enter tournaments an' earn money without putting any additional effort into learning details 'bouttheir character, cuz dey remain unchanged from uh game released in 2001 designed by Japanese developers who wuz unable ta perform uh Wavedash. In many cases, dis here iz still not enough. When ah see deez players lose, an' even sometimes when dey win, dey react negatively. dey claim dat characters dat is without uh doubt worse than they own is designed poorly, is unfair, is "too easy ta use," or hard-counter they unchanged Melee main. In some cases, deez players take it upon themselves ta... reward da PMBR's efforts an' consideration fo' porting they character completely. Hax recently won uh Project M tournament usin` da in-game tag "F_PM." In Mango's infamous Reddit AMA post-EVO, he responded ta uh queshun 'boutPM wif "It's not too shabby..." but then urged players ta "JUST PLAY MELEE." dis here iz da fruits o' da labor o' da PMBR. they reward fo' forgoing game balance ta keep in-tact characters dat *****s gots used in tournament in uh different game fo' nearly 12 years now iz ta be spit on. Somethin`'s wrong wif dis here picture, an' every single one o' you reading dis here knows what. Let me take uh break from dat topic fo' uh moment ta explain somethin` 'boutcompetitive Smash an' fighters in general. Competitive fighting games is extremely detail-oriented. Often times when you lose uh particular interaction at high level play, it iz not cuz you chose da wrong move ta use, but cuz you did it in uh slightly less correct way than yo' opponent. dere's uh huge difference between say, doin' uh shorthop in place wif Marf, drifting backwards, an' doin' uh forward-air, an' doin' da same except only drifting backwards fo' 12 frames instead o' da full shorthop tyme. While at da surface dis here seems like uh small difference, dis here difference an' literally millions o' differences like it often determine whether Marf hits wif his fair, whiffs an' gets punished, or even hits but iz unable ta followup. Now, how exactly can uh Fox or Falco player expect ta be able ta learn da intricacies o' an extremely new character in uh single day, let alone implement an' perform deez well enough ta win? Why do dey instantly jump ta da conclusion dat da reason dey lost or in some cases didn't win by uh large enough margin iz cuz somethin` iz wrong wif da opposing character? ah'll tell you why: it's easier. It's extremely hard ta admit dat da reason you lost wif uh character dat iz da bomb or 2nd bomb in da game an' has 10 years o' metagame development ta uh player who invented da metagame o' his own inferior character in under uh year iz cuz you wuz outplayed. In da Smash community, deez reactions is called johns. dey is considered shameful, indicative o' uh lack o' skill, uh poor competitive mindset, an' dey perpetuate scrubbiness. Yet somehow, deez is permitted even when deez players openly insult high level Project M players an' attempt ta downplay they skill level. Many Fox an' Falco players will never convert ta Project M. If porting yo' 2001 character completely an' perfectly ain't enough, ah seriously do not know what iz. dey demand dat they characters remain unchanged, dey demand dat others dat is worse than dem be nerfed. Do you honestly believe dat if/when da remaining mechanics changes (Light shielding, shield pushback, 1-frame physics delay, etc.) is completed, an' da apparently "unfair" PM characters is nerfed, all Melee players will magically migrate ta Project M? Keep dreaming, buddy. dey spit on da years o' werk o' da PMBR. dey insult players who gots spent countless hours inventing new strategies (dat is sometimes made impossible in future updates ta they character!), perfecting precise spacings an' timings, an' spent several hundreds o' bones traveling an' competing in PM tournaments. dey degrade da integrity o' da game by splitting in GFs wif others like dem. dey spread misinformation, even when corrected multiple times. fo' example, Mew2King insists dat Captain Falcon's Nair has less landlag in Project M than Melee. Anyone who uses Frame Advance can see dat dis here iz demonstrably false. All o' dis here disgusts me an' ah continually find it harder an' harder ta sympathize wif da concerns o' Fox & Falco players who gots dis here mindset. dis here horrendous double standard where da bomb characters in da game is allowed ta remain as dey is cuz dey wuz such in uh game created by Japanese developers who didn't know how ta wavedash nearly 12 years ago, while others dat is quite obviously worse is nerfed fo' reasons justified as "improving they designs" or "don' you think dat wuz uh little bit silly?" needs ta stop. It's unfair, nonsensical, an' disgusting. If Project M iz ta gots any integrity going into da future, deez changes cannot be reverted. In fact, further measures mus' be taken ta tone down Fox an' Falco. dis here game needs ta be designed fo' an' targeted toward *****s who play da game instead o' those who don'. If you wants ta play 2001 Fox an' Falco, play 2001 Fox an' Falco in da game created in 2001. don' expect ta be able ta play 2001 smash within 2013 smash. You don' deserve ta win any mo' than anyone else do, an' you be not entitled ta yo' character remaining unchanged any mo' than any other character. Eventually, you'll be outplayed an' actually lose cuz o' it. It won't be da PMBR's fault, an' it won't be da fault o' da opposing character's design. It'll be yo' fault. yo' incompetence, match-up inexperience, technical errors, an' lack o' skill will all accumulate into one single fantastic moment, where da character dat appears on da results screen an' dat da announcer states ain't yo' own. You won't complain, you won't insist dat somethin` iz wrong wif yo' character or yo' opponent's character. You will take yo' loss, shake yo' opponent's hand, an' say "pimp-tight games." ta do anythin` less would be absolutely despicable, an' you wouldn't deserve ta play dis here amazing game. an' it wouldn't deserve ta gots such uh terrible excuse fo' uh competitor playing it sho 'nuff!
Das some goo' shet, homie.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
Why is the social thread transforming into the hood?

Or I mean

Aye mang, why da **** is dis ***** tryna be like da east side
Iil homies be mobbin wats good


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
Dis negga tryna be black an' ain't got nutin' right naw.
Yea, I'm darker than black
What's good
Be Rollin up to my crib
Da hood

My posts will always be livin doe
Y'all mad cus Ill always be killin hoes

Stackin up dollas
Got enough to make y'all
Little ****** holla
Tryna look tall
***** your in my leather collar

Tryna fight me
You wack
I'm a falcon
On crack
No respect for
the ones who can't
Get on ma racks

Call me puff
Cus I'm so fly
Ain't no time
Cud I'm so high
And when your girl get on my crotch
I use dat rest
And den she die

Eh mang, Pdox be livin doe
He always be livin
Melee gang
Wats good
Last edited:

Lamar Davis

Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2014
Yea, I'm darker than black
What's good
Be Rollin up to my crib
Da hood

My posts will always be livin doe
Y'all mad cus Ill always be killin hoes

Stackin up dollas
Got enough to make y'all
Little *****s holla
Tryna look tall
***** your in my leather collar

Tryna fight me
You wack
I'm a falcon
On crack
No respect for
the ones who can't
Get on ma racks

Call me puff
Cus I'm so fly
Ain't no time
Cud I'm so high
And when your girl get on my crouch
I use dat rest
And den she die

Eh mang, Pdox be livin doe
He always be livin
Melee gang
Wats good

Das funny negga.
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