couple things
No one really wants to partner with nintendo, its not really a choice
You can't run a national/large Melee event without smash 4. Anything with a notable amount of publicity (anything not just a regional) or anything with actual sponsors (which are needed, you guys don't know the kind of financial disaster planning for potential large events without a baseline of cash or assistance from real companies) is a big target for Nintendo to get their hands on.
You can't run Melee without Smash 4 anymore. It just doesn't work once real names get involved. Not for a while at least. Negotiations with nintendo go roughly like N: "hey we heard you were running a large smash event and streaming? We want our name on it. Details." TOs: "We want to run melee, let us run melee and stream at this large event."N: "Okay, but you have to run smash 4." Then its either TOs: "Okay, we will run both" or TOs: "we don't have the recourses or potential pull do to smash 4 and sustain it" N: "oh, too bad bye."
Nintendo is still just looking at smash as a thing they are okay with letting exist but will stop if it hurts their image or get really involved with if they think it is worth it. Potential talk about a real nintendo sponsered smash 4 leauge, rumors/dreams like that, just for the wrong game.
I heard about paragon dropping PM a while ago and it didn't surprise me at all. PM barely snuck in last year.
It shouldn't surprise anyone at all anymore, we know the situation we are in and theres no point in getting mad over it, we can't change it. Our best bet is to just be self sufficient, etc, the call to arms we've had for a full year, and hope Nintendo drops the idea of creating leauges or decides that smash isn't worth commertially promoting anymore. At that point we should still be going strong and if nintendo has taken their hands off the smash community leader's shoulders we'd be fine to hop into multi-game nationals again.
Also PM without meteor canceling would be ********