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Project M Social Thread Gold


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
No, the problem is when a gender-neutral society simply assumes that a male lifestyle is perfectly and equally ideal for every woman and vice versa, individual tastes and skill sets be damned.
the word "neutral" does not imply "prefers one thing"

I didn't read the rest of your post, try again when you use words that you actually know the meaning of


Banned via Warnings
Jul 4, 2014
I just received a windfall today

Already spent 1 hour talking to parents about how just because they put me in this world doesn't mean I owe them anything

For some reason I saw this coming but didn't prepare a better argument then just "no i wont, not now at least"
Protip: don't let anyone near you know any upcoming windfalls. I thought it was okay to tell my family and 2 best friends, but I'm starting to regret it. Just a bit sad that I'm regretting it because of my family.
At least your family is open on what you feel.

If mine were alive they would think I was disowning them or something and try to kick me out regardless of my age. Just to feel like they have some of control over something.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
the word "neutral" does not imply "prefers one thing"

I didn't read the rest of your post, try again when you use words that you actually know the meaning of
i think you have a misunderstading of gender neutral... gender neutral wouldn't imply "everything is male", it implies "nothing needs to be inherently male or female." if it were the former, it wouldn't be neutral, it would be male.

You two should probably fetch dictionaries yourselves, because I'm speaking both ways. Also gender neutrality has largely been an idea perpetuated by feminists for years now, but sure, let's ignore that.

I'm sure biology does have an impact on our personalities and stuff, but its very unclear how much it does. In my humble opinion, its the interaction between our genes and social atmosphere (with the social part having a much heavier influence) that decides our personality.

At the end of the day telling women (XX chromosomes) that they should act, or dress a certain way is so incredibly stupid. Sure 99% of women can be what society deems a "normal" woman, but that doesn't mean we should impose some stupid ****ing rules on them to tell them how to act and dress. An XX wants to dress in flannel and work on trucks, who gives a flying ****? Let people be who they want to be.
You cannot wrong people for responding more favorably to what constitutes as idealistic masculine and feminine appearances and behaviors. People struggling with gender identity are certainly out there and they should get the help and compassion the deserve. But it's not a common experience, and it shouldn't be a paradigm upon which to drive social policy and behavior. It's an incredibly naive way to view how the world should work all in the light of trying to "fix" a problem that isn't there in the first place.

If a woman chooses not to shave her legs and decides wear hoodies and sweatpants all her life, it's her prerogative. This isn't Saudi Arabia. But no way in hell are going to make someone feel terrible because they prefer women who keep a feminine appearance. I have no dominion over how anyone chooses to act, and I really don't care either, but it's this very entitlement mentality that I can't stand.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Remember kids, there are no such things as genders, just happy little pronouns.

Now stop arguing and start being better people by adding some Bob Ross into everything.


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2015
Not this crap again.

If you can honestly tell me with a straight face that you're gender neutral - that men and women are essentially the same with minimal biological differences, with most of our behavioral differences being a result of societal or environmental factors only - then you have the pleasure of traveling to any developed country outside of North America, especially those in Europe, and asking the people there if they feel cheated or suppressed from being able to behave the same way as their opposite sex.

Reading about this whole "gender is a tool of repression" strikes me quite distinctly as horse****, especially laughable considering as the West has increasingly moved towards a more gender-equal society, happiness levels have dropped to the lowest they've been in American history, with women being significantly unhappier then they were 40 years ago. Divorce rates have been through the roof to the point where kids practically play parent to their parents now, and social media has given the sexes a perfect outlet to express the animosity they feel towards each other.

It's cute concept, but has it ever actually occurred to these gender revolutionaries that many women out there genuinely like acting feminine, and many men genuinely like to act masculine? Not because society forces this upon them but because over the course of several thousand years, humans have found the opposite sex respond well to them when they act a certain way, so they chose to act like that?
"Happiness levels." Cute. Enjoy making random **** up. You decide your beliefs, and find the evidence after. Everyone who isn't an idiot knows that many women enjoy their femininity and many men enjoy their masculinity--the whole point is that they don't NEED, which you have no reason to be against (although you seemingly are, I guess?). Your "thousands of years" argument also justifies racism, polygamy, and r aping anyone you feel like.

Also, divorce rates are up because of women's rights and social acceptance for divorce, not because marriages are of lower quality. This is common knowledge you have managed to not acquire.

just calling out some downright stupid things you've said
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Dec 2, 2001
dallas area

You two should probably fetch dictionaries yourselves, because I'm speaking both ways. Also gender neutrality has largely been an idea perpetuated by feminists for years now, but sure, let's ignore that.

You cannot wrong people for responding more favorably to what constitutes as idealistic masculine and feminine appearances and behaviors. People struggling with gender identity are certainly out there and they should get the help and compassion the deserve. But it's not a common experience, and it shouldn't be a paradigm upon which to drive social policy and behavior. It's an incredibly naive way to view how the world should work all in the light of trying to "fix" a problem that isn't there in the first place.

If a woman chooses not to shave her legs and decides wear hoodies and sweatpants all her life, it's her prerogative. This isn't Saudi Arabia. But no way in hell are going to make someone feel terrible because they prefer women who keep a feminine appearance. I have no dominion over how anyone chooses to act, and I really don't care either, but it's this very entitlement mentality that I can't stand.
Ah, my bad, I did miss the vice versa. I also only skimmed through it because it wasn't my argument in there, so that probably didn't help...

But then what's the issue at hand? Are you just wanting to verbally let off steam? If you're trying to say "who cares? Let people present and do what they want!" Then why are you making this point at all? That's literally what gender neutrality is about. If a little boy wants a toy kitchen and likes pink, so be it. If he wants gi joes and loves wearing camo, s'all good. As is any combination along the spectrum. Same with little girls in those scenarios.

If that's what you were getting at, why are you seemingly railing against gender neutrality? If it:s not, what's your root argument?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2015
You may have not appreciated the phrasing but satisfaction for both genders in sexual relationships is definitely a real statistic, so I don't understand why you think he's pulling that out of his ass. Wouldn't divorce at that point be in direct relation as well? Usually people divorce because they're having problems with their marriage.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
Because, historically, divorce wasn't am option, and even when it was, it wasn't a "real" option, since the woman would likely be left with literally nothing, or very close to it, with few ways to move on and support herself after that point.

Now, women can divorce and they can also plausibly support themselves, both societlly and financially, meaning that if the marriage isn't something she wants, for any reason, she can actually plausibly end it without entirely ruining her life afterwards.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
"Happiness levels." Cute. Enjoy making random **** up. Everyone who isn't an idiot knows that many women enjoy their femininity and many men enjoy their masculinity
You're 16 and you play Ganon, you're by far the cuter one here. Call me stupid all you want, the facts are right there if you bothered to even check it. Women were significantly happier nearly 50 years ago then they are now, tell me what's changed?Also I was just told masculinity and femininity apparently don't exist by Bleck, hence why I bothered bringing that up.

But then what's the issue at hand? Are you just wanting to verbally let off steam?
Honestly, yeah. Today was a pretty uneventful day.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2015
Because, historically, divorce wasn't am option, and even when it was, it wasn't a "real" option, since the woman would likely be left with literally nothing, or very close to it, with few ways to move on and support herself after that point.

Now, women can divorce and they can also plausibly support themselves, both societlly and financially, meaning that if the marriage isn't something she wants, for any reason, she can actually plausibly end it without entirely ruining her life afterwards.
Well yeah I feel that part, I was speaking from a modern standpoint with divorce as well but even with a woman being more capable now to support herself it doesn't completely change that divorces are in response to unhappiness by either gender.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I just received a windfall today

Already spent 1 hour talking to parents about how just because they put me in this world doesn't mean I owe them anything

For some reason I saw this coming but didn't prepare a better argument then just "no i wont, not now at least"

On the plus I can get a car now, so after I get a license I no long will be reliant on others for car rides, which is epic because if I have to wait for someone this winter to pick me up from my night classes again I'm going to contemplate being salty

Protip: don't let anyone near you know any upcoming windfalls. I thought it was okay to tell my family and 2 best friends, but I'm starting to regret it. Just a bit sad that I'm regretting it because of my family.
what is a/your windfall?


Smash Master
May 27, 2010
yes, that is what vice versa means

the structure of your sentence is communicating the idea that you think gender neutral means "men are allowed to prefer a female lifestyle, and women are allowed to prefer a male lifestyle"

a gender neutral society does not involve the preference of either gender role, because social institutions would not be structured according to people's gender, in order to avoid the implication that there are gender roles at all (because gender isn't real)

here is the wikipedia article for gender neutrality, which says that exact thing in the first ****in' paragraph, which you maybe should have tried reading instead of assuming - again - that you know what you're talking about

Sure thing, pal. If you insult me long enough like a condescending douche, I might just change my opinion entirely.
kettle, pot, black, etc.

Does anyone notable play Arthur? I'm a GNG fan.
I don't know about any pros but I've always mained Arthur from the start
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Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2013
North of the Wall
Women were significantly happier nearly 50 years ago then they are now, tell me what's changed?.
If you're implying that women should be in a subservient house-wife role then I don't even know where to begin.

I suggest looking up the idea of confounds and why direct comparisons between two things that have more than one difference area really hard to make. (example the happiness of women 50 years ago vs today, to say its directly correlated to gender equality ignores everything else that has changed in 50 years)

If a woman chooses not to shave her legs and decides wear hoodies and sweatpants all her life, it's her prerogative. This isn't Saudi Arabia. But no way in hell are going to make someone feel terrible because they prefer women who keep a feminine appearance. I have no dominion over how anyone chooses to act, and I really don't care either, but it's this very entitlement mentality that I can't stand.
I have no ****ing clue where you got this idea that I hate people preforming their gender. I don't give a literal **** what people do as long as they're not hurting someone. Want to dress in high heels, a black dress and ruby red lipstick? Fine. Want to be a grease monkey in plaid all day? Fine.

I don't care. The fact that you think I'm entitled for saying gender is stupid is insane. I think its entitled to expect people to act a certain way because of their chromosomes.
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Hologram Summer Again
Jan 16, 2013
Tri Hermes Black Land
Sure thing, pal. If you insult me long enough like a condescending douche, I might just change my opinion entirely.
if you haven't changed your opinion by this point idk what to tell you

invalidating other people's existences kinda sets a bad tone
Does anyone notable play Arthur? I'm a GNG fan.
there was a dude at youmacon who got top 8 or close to with an anchor arthur
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011

Skullgirls is a thing, yeah I've been playing a lot of it

parasol is kinda bae, double is allright I guess but I only play her because shes the perfect duo with parasol, dat syngergy

Robo/double/parasol is the ideal team for me but my robo and double need work before I do that

so yeah, pls no fighterino genderino

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
I want to play marvel only to learn how to play some janky midtier team lmao
I want to try to get into it now that I have actual execution in that kinda game

I feel like I could have a lot of fun playing one of my old jank teams. Atm I want to play trish/hulk/chris for some reason


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
a gender neutral society does not involve the preference of either gender role, because social institutions would not be structured according to people's gender, in order to avoid the implication that there are gender roles at all (because gender isn't real)

here is the wikipedia article for gender neutrality, which says that exact thing in the first ****in' paragraph, which you maybe should have tried reading instead of assuming - again - that you know what you're talking about
I know what you mean, it's the premise itself of a gender-neutral society itself that I can't understand. To me, it's like trying to create a society that's completely color blind. Yeah right. I'm sure it'd be nice, but it's never going to happen. I'd rather face the reality and all the pros and cons that come with it then be sold BS for the supposed betterment of everyone.

I don't care. The fact that you think I'm entitled for saying gender is stupid is insane. I think its entitled to expect people to act a certain way because of their chromosomes.
It's entitlement because it's wanting to have your cake and eat it too. You want free reign to act however you want, but you don't be associated with any of the attached gender roles that may come with them and how some people might react towards you. Do what you what regardless of what people think you should act like rather than pointing the finger at the world saying "No, YOU need to change."
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
I really want to see a new Ghosts 'n Goblins. It would be niche but great for the $15-$20 price range.
if only capcom knew what the **** they were doing and actually made good games other than street fighter

I know what you mean, it's the premise itself of a gender-neutral society itself that I can't understand. To me, it's like trying to create a society that's completely color blind. Yeah right. I'm sure it'd be nice, but it's never going to happen. I'd rather face the reality and all the pros and cons that come with it then be sold BS for the supposed betterment of everyone.
the ideas that gender neutral or racially accepting societies are not possible are not based on any reasonable information - it's just the least offensive way of saying "I can't be bothered to actually learn information about how human beings function, so I'm just gonna continue believing incorrect things because the negative effects of these beliefs have never personally affected me [in manners that I can perceive]"

good for you, you're another person who thinks that the phrase "people are stupid" justifies your own stupidity - maybe stop posting about it expecting anyone intelligent to actually agree


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
the ideas that gender neutral or racially accepting societies are not possible are not based on any reasonable information - it's just the least offensive way of saying "I can't be bothered to actually learn information about how human beings function, so I'm just gonna continue believing incorrect things because the negative effects of these beliefs have never personally affected me [in manners that I can perceive]"
No, it's more like "accepting this is how the world is and taking all the pros and cons that come with it." You said it yourself, psychology was bull****.

good for you, you're another person who thinks that the phrase "people are stupid" justifies your own stupidity - maybe stop posting about it expecting anyone intelligent to actually agree
Aww, but you haven't called me a sexist pig yet.

Always a pleasure Bleck. I still wuv you.
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Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2013
North of the Wall
It's entitlement because it's wanting to have your cake and eat it too. You want free reign to act however you want, but you don't be associated with any of the attached gender roles that may come with them and how some people might react towards you. Do what you what regardless of what people think you should act like rather than pointing the finger at the world saying "No, YOU need to change."
What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying people should be free to act how they want (within the realm of not hurting/mistreating other people) without having a stigma or prejudice leveled against them.

So let me ELY5

People can act how they want.

It should not be expected of people to act a certain way based on chromosomes.

To be biased against someone because they don't fit your "normal" is prejudice and wrong.

You seriously seem like the kind of person who hears any feminist way of thinking and foams at the mouth without seriously considering it.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
Honestly, yeah. Today was a pretty uneventful day.
Ah, cool then. I can dig that. Guess I'll just ignore everything else.

Well yeah I feel that part, I was speaking from a modern standpoint with divorce as well but even with a woman being more capable now to support herself it doesn't completely change that divorces are in response to unhappiness by either gender.
Are you asking "why is the divorce rate so high now?" If so, the most important culprit is probably social acceptance, for both parties involved. It means you don't have to feel pressured to keep up face with a relationship that one or both members are no longer happy with, so just go ahead and anull it and move on.

There're other things, but a lot of them probably just tie back into social acceptance at their riot and I on my phone at work, making expounding statements difficult.
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