Not this crap again.
If you can honestly tell me with a straight face that you're gender neutral - that men and women are essentially the same with minimal biological differences, with most of our behavioral differences being a result of societal or environmental factors only - then you have the pleasure of traveling to any developed country outside of North America, especially those in Europe, and asking the people there if they feel cheated or suppressed from being able to behave the same way as their opposite sex.
Reading about this whole "gender is a tool of repression" strikes me quite distinctly as horse****, especially laughable considering as the West has increasingly moved towards a more gender-equal society, happiness levels have dropped to the lowest they've been in American history,
with women being significantly unhappier then they were 40 years ago. Divorce rates have been through the roof to the point where kids practically play parent to their parents now, and social media has given the sexes a perfect outlet to express the animosity they feel towards each other.
It's cute concept, but has it ever actually occurred to these gender revolutionaries that many women out there genuinely
like acting feminine, and many men genuinely
like to act masculine? Not because society forces this upon them but because over the course of several thousand years, humans have found the opposite sex respond well to them when they act a certain way, so they chose to act like that?