Smash Master
@Player -0 and I played Brawl some and if you peel back the layers there are some fun things going on. I think Sm4sh lacks that depth in interactions and character individuality, but has an overall better design going for it.I would take Melee more seriously if I could just change control options, until then (so basically never) I will just continue trolling and doing stupid stuff when I play it. /I am QoL spoiled
I wish Brawl wasn't dead because I think it is a legitimately good game with really deep mindgame interactions and I enjoy it just as much as Project M. /I like a game that is generally hated almost everywhere
Project M is just a better version of Melee with more characters, the fluidness feeling Brawl has for me, and most importnatly I can actually edit the goddamn controls. /A mod is basically my fave Smash game
I'm currently in a state of limbo with Smash 4. /I can't decide one way or the other on how I feel about this game other then that it feels the most alien of all the Smash games in terms of what safe play and crap is in Smash
Smash 64 is Smash 64. /Nuff said
That about sums up how I feel about each Smash game currently.
Custom controls in Melee HD.