You can **** the idle rich and have capitalism, it's called employee owned cooperative companies.
Still very much private ownership of the means of production, just a less stifling version of it since you are personally invested in the business' success. And there are plenty of examples where it has worked as a model.
I'm sure you're against this somehow though because of some ideology-driven excuse that lacks any form of creative thinking.
What I AM against is emotions and sentiments ruling while economic truth goes by the wayside.
Creative thinking is welcome, but no amount of creative thinking can break these facts.
See the difference in perspective? I'd maneuver all my claims to be on the side of truth, you would maneuver to frame my responses as ideology-driven excuses as opposed to having practical or realistic reasons. The best course of action is to drop all the posturing.
Enough of the above: to the real meat.
As to the particular effectiveness of a given organizational ownership system, economics is clear. If, indeed, the system is superior in that it secures the highest profits (and by profits, it is not meant strictly money), companies will be faced with the choice to either adopt it or inevitably die. Therefore, no use of force is require to reach a better organizational system. Not that the use of force to do this would be moral in the first place, but that's not the realm of economics.
Now, this is true. It necessarily precludes the market from being at fault, the market is not an entity which can somehow do wrong. That would be like saying gravity is wrong, and that we should abolish gravity. There are only three possibilities left to us: either the market is not sufficiently free for more companies to be forced to transition to this superior form, or this form of organization is not the optimal form, or this form of organization is only optimal for certain parts of the market / certain people or companies.
I don't know which of these possibilities it is, so, I'm far from being "against it" in any way, as you seem to be so sure of.