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Project M Social Thread Gold


Nov 3, 2013
Anywhere but Spain
I'm just gonna go off myself

Now that I cannot be saved, maybe my martyrdom will save the lives of those who don't know
Maining squirtle is a worse fate.

you have to keep going on m8
if you die then that only leaves dad as the other squirtle main in the world


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
Can't believe the ice climber play that just happened on Waffrus stream

I'm just gonna go off myself

Now that I cannot be saved, maybe my martyrdom will save the lives of those who don't know
You can't run away, you have to embrace it, only then will you find your place in this cold world


Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
I wanted to like this, but it is actually really dark and unsettling.
Yet you liked it anyways

I am a very dark person
Wveryone just ignores it
Maining squirtle is a worse fate.

you have to keep going on m8
if you die then that only leaves dad as the other squirtle main in the world
My only goal in life is to be better than dad

And when I achieve that i'll have nothing to live for and i'll die


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I'll listen, but I really think shine makes or breaks the character.
It is because pillaring is unreliable against most of the cast, especially against floaties, and is only reliable against a handful of the cast. This is because a lot of characters in P:M get sent to far to the side to be able to follow up because of Falco's not so good horizontal air mobility. It becomes even more apparent against competent players that know what ASDI is. It also becomes much less effective at higher percents when they get sent too far up and I don't under why so many Falco always attempt to follow with Dair when it is clear that it will not work.

It doesn't combo anywhere nearly as reliably as people make out to believe and too many Falco players think it is the only way to combo even though it isn't as they forget about Utilt, Dtilt (Low to mid percents), Nair (sweet spot for low percents and sour spot of mid to high percent), Bair (weak hit, which can lead to strong hit of Bair), Usmash (mid percents), Dash Attack (strong hit for low and mid percent and weak hit for high percent). And don't forget about his godly Jab which can lead into a grab for a possible Dthrow techchase, Uthrow > Bair/Uair/Nair, or positional advantage Fthrow/Bthrow. And that is mostly just some possible combo started. Sure he doesn't have long combo strings (even when pillaring works right he doesn't get a lot out of it). But he doesn't need a good combo game in the first play. Wanna know why? Because he has a godly neutral game, easily one of the best (if not the best) in the game, along with a godly punishing.

Combos aren't everything. Especially when you have a neutral and punish game like Falco's.

Lasers are much more crucial to Falco's gameplan then Shine will ever be.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
What the **** are you guys talking about. Laser is way worse than shine. Without shine Falco can't pillar. If Falco can't pillar then he essentially has no combos.
Where the hell did you get the idea that "slow fox with less laser damage overall but hitstun that might lead into a grab or jab reset people" is a good character. Don't bring up something along the lines of "well Brawl Falco was good" because he has a crazy chain grab and way more lasers in a meta where playing campy is a lot easier/lucrative. There is no way you can convince me that Falco would be good in this game without his current shine. You would have to explain to me how that character could even win, because to me it is completely unfeasible.

Help me explain to these people why they are dumb @PMS | Glaceon.ez.™
Ok well he wouldnt be totally fine without shine...

But he would just have to switch from shine pressure to spaced bairs and nairs, which he does anyways against characters who beat shines... As for his combos he would just have to rely on the lasers to pin them down when they get hit too far away.

But if Falco didn't have lasers his neutral would be bad. He would have no hope, he would just get pivot grabbed into back throw.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
I was watching the antique road show. I'd love to make a skit where someone brings in a controller owned by Mango 40 years in the future (or let's just say 20XX, that'd make it a lot funnier), and the guy does a whole critique of it and history lesson (including what happens after 2015, saying things like Mango grew up to become such and such and do such)
Make sure you turn off the PSU before doing any of these. It can be easy to forget that.
Step 1: Unplug all power cables and plug them back in. Make sure everything is firmly connected. This works more than you might think. Boot up and try again.
Step 2: Unseat the RAM and stick 'em back in. Boot up and try again.
Step 3: Unseat the CPU and stick it back in. Boot up and try again.

Those are the very simple things that could be going wrong that are the easiest to just chug through and see if any of them fix it. From what you described, the fans don't even really go on, which probably means at the very least you're not getting to BIOS. As noted above, it's possible your power is insufficient or your PSU isn't working, which is a little harder to diagnose. It happened to me, once, and I had to manually test the PSU with a multimeter. Doublecheck that your PSU meets your power requirements and all that.

After having my hair cut at Great Clips/Sports Clips/chain places for pretty much my whole life and then going to one of the nicest salons in Chicago, I can safely say that there's a big difference - but depending on your haircut, a "big difference" doesn't actually amount to much visible change. The haircut will probably look a little better when you get it, and a decent amount better 2 months down the line after it's grown a bit, but that's all. It's a much better experience, with a lot of little things that make it better. You know how after going to Great Clips you always have to basically shake out your hair and immediately take a shower so that little bits of cut hair don't get everywhere around your house and on your pillow? Didn't happen. I found three stray bits of cut hair. It's just higher quality service by a pretty wide margin - and I'd hope so, for the price.

But that's small in the long run. If you're going for something new or a cut that's specialized or you're nervous about, it might be worthwhile. But for a standard haircut, it won't make a huge difference to go super cheap.
And what about your circle tattoo?
nooo deeee eeeyyyyeeee


it's honestly hilarious how quickly the status quo is being set up in smash four. diddy is deemed legit but now something that is totally in the game and canon is being regarded as cheap because it causes diddy to lose quickly, and not just in this situation

the same thing happens in PM, characters are deemed "cheap" and "OP" if they can even manage to hold a candle to spacies
Yeah you can kind of see it that way. But I'm pretty sure custom moves are closest to the essence of cheap lol. You just gotta accept the direction Smash 4 was trying to go all along: that it's only gonna be fun if you go balls to the wall with jank.
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Stop answering spidermad's questions, he genuinely compiles information about everyone he talks to so that he can reference it later
No telling how much info he has about me


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
Stop answering spidermad's questions, he genuinely compiles information about everyone he talks to so that he can reference it later
No telling how much info he has about me
Enough to make your tinder profile which I stationed in Louisiana for ya, which has about 9 matches by the way. Debbie wants to know what kind of fetishes you have though, and if you enjoy mud wrestling?

Blazing Ambition

Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2014
Enough to make your tinder profile which I stationed in Louisiana for ya, which has about 9 matches by the way. Debbie wants to know what kind of fetishes you have though, and if you enjoy mud wrestling?
Holy **** this is golden
Also lunchables has a mud wrestling fetish

edit: I mean I guess
I suppose it's be kinda hot if there were some girls/guys
doing wwe moves
in a pool of mud and topsoil
like sexy earthworms
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Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
I just went out shopping and when I came home ppl on twitter were talking about "the worst go-home segment to any wrestlemania ever"

oi, @Old Man Grey, what did reigns do this time


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2013
Greenville, SC
Ok well he wouldnt be totally fine without shine...

But he would just have to switch from shine pressure to spaced bairs and nairs, which he does anyways against characters who beat shines... As for his combos he would just have to rely on the lasers to pin them down when they get hit too far away.

But if Falco didn't have lasers his neutral would be bad. He would have no hope, he would just get pivot grabbed into back throw.
Spaced bair and nair aren't good in any matchup where the other guy has disjoint or a short hop that isn't booty.
Lasers aren't as safe as you think they are, because once your opponent closes space you don't have anything. This is why Falco has to go in and exert pressure, he can't afford to space lasers forever, you run out of stage. Lasers are awesome, don't get me wrong, but they are only half of what makes his neutral good. PP does a whole lot more spacing than he does pistoling, because like it or not SHL is a commitment that your oponent can take advantage of.
It is because pillaring is unreliable against most of the cast, especially against floaties, and is only reliable against a handful of the cast. This is because a lot of characters in P:M get sent to far to the side to be able to follow up because of Falco's not so good horizontal air mobility. It becomes even more apparent against competent players that know what ASDI is. It also becomes much less effective at higher percents when they get sent too far up and I don't under why so many Falco always attempt to follow with Dair when it is clear that it will not work.
Obviously once they are at higher percents its time to send them offstage with Bair and then edge guard

It doesn't combo anywhere nearly as reliably as people make out to believe and too many Falco players think it is the only way to combo even though it isn't as they forget about Utilt, Dtilt (Low to mid percents), Nair (sweet spot for low percents and sour spot of mid to high percent), Bair (weak hit, which can lead to strong hit of Bair), Usmash (mid percents), Dash Attack (strong hit for low and mid percent and weak hit for high percent). And don't forget about his godly Jab which can lead into a grab for a possible Dthrow techchase, Uthrow > Bair/Uair/Nair, or positional advantage Fthrow/Bthrow. And that is mostly just some possible combo started. Sure he doesn't have long combo strings (even when pillaring works right he doesn't get a lot out of it). But he doesn't need a good combo game in the first play. Wanna know why? Because he has a godly neutral game, easily one of the best (if not the best) in the game, along with a godly punishing.
Falco can't techchase any character that has a good tech roll. This certainly at least includes Fox, and probably a few other characters too. Lets not pretend that the Fox matchup is unimportant, tech chasing Falcon with D-throw D-air is hardly impressive.

Combos aren't everything. Especially when you have a neutral and punish game like Falco's.
Shine=better neutral (can actually convert into a combo without taking a massive commitment to D-tilt or U-tilt or using cross up nair/dair which would be his only safe shffl option and would be an easy read) combos=punishes (unless your punish is like warlock punch, lol)
Lasers are much more crucial to Falco's gameplan then Shine will ever be.
Anecdote: If lasers were as amazing as you thought they were, he would beat Marth on FD, no contest, but what we see is that Marth can still close space and win there. Shine actually is what opens up all the combos on Marth. You need shine for starting combos and low percent pillaring. U-tilt allows you to start combos on people who space around your shine and continue high percent pillars. Falco isn't going to U-tilt Marth on FD without reading Marth's grab, and even then Marth has all the initiative to change his play style to not take the risky grab.

Shine is really vital. Without it you have a relatively low speed character with very little grab game, and few reliable combos. Even the loss of shine b-air is really unbearable. Falco's other tools are only really good in the context of his shine, they are really freaking mediocre otherwise. Space animals lack a fast disjoint that a lot of other characters rely on to make their neutrals work. The closest thing is b-air, it isn't safe unless it hits people guys.

In the context of matchups, how is Falco supposed to handle Marth, Falcon, Lucas, ect. If he doesn't have shine, he at a minimum is at disadvantage to anyone with more speed and at least one better disjoint. He probably outright loses.

TL;DR An opponent under shield pressure > somebody getting pinged by lasers. You don't need stun lasers to shffl nair people. Fox proves this. Obviously lasers cover his speed weakness though.
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part time gay dad
May 20, 2013
Edmond, OK
oops double post

here's a cool art my friend made today

oh wait no double post cool whatever **** it have some art
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Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
I got my comp to display something. Apparently I didn't plug in the power near the CPU all the way.
Anyway, it says : "Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or insert Boot Media in selected boot device and press a key_"

Is that what it should say? Do I need to go download a Windows install now?


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
Are your hard drives/storage systems properly set up? Because that particular error message is a classic sign that they aren't getting power and thus, aren't being detected.
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Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
I'm not really interested in hearing a bunch of children scream at me
Silly Bleck, everyone knows that children don't play Nintendo games anymore.

-pushes away his niece's New Leaf status update-


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Are your hard drives/storage systems properly set up? Because that particular error message is a classic sign that they aren't getting power and thus, aren't being detected.
Wait that's an error? I thought that might just mean I didn't have an OS installed

Also do any parts of computers typically come with WiFi compatibility installed? Or do I need a specific part for that? I ask because I'm at walmart and don't want to leave without getting a 50 ft Ethernet cable if I end up needing one


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Spaced bair and nair aren't good in any matchup where the other guy has disjoint or a short hop that isn't booty.
Lasers aren't as safe as you think they are, because once your opponent closes space you don't have anything. This is why Falco has to go in and exert pressure, he can't afford to space lasers forever, you run out of stage. Lasers are awesome, don't get me wrong, but they are only half of what makes his neutral good. PP does a whole lot more spacing than he does pistoling, because like it or not SHL is a commitment that your oponent can take advantage of.
Don't let them get in your space and getting into his space should be a nightmare for the opponent. Lasers force approaches. You shouldn't need to go in when you can get them to come to you but you still can do that and Lasers help greatly in that department as well. That is what makes his neutral godly. We're not saying, well at least I'm not, to just be constantly shooting lasers and running away. But Lasers are what makes Falco's neutral godly, because they allow him to not need to approach and thus play passive aggressive OR you can approach with them as well.

Falco can't techchase any character that has a good tech roll. This certainly at least includes Fox, and probably a few other characters too. Lets not pretend that the Fox matchup is unimportant, tech chasing Falcon with D-throw D-air is hardly impressive.
Watch their DI, watch where they tech to, and then short hop towards them with a laser at the right moment and then follow with a SHFFL'd Nair.

[/quote]shine=better neutral (can actually convert into a combo without taking a massive commitment to D-tilt or U-tilt or using cross up nair/dair which would be his only safe shffl option and would be an easy read) combos=punishes (unless your punish is like warlock punch, lol)[/quote]

I already said it but I guess I need to say it again.

Combos are not everything and become less important the better you neutral game is. That said, you combos = punishes thing can be applied to all the other combo starters I listed as well.

Anecdote: If lasers were as amazing as you thought they were, he would beat Marth on FD, no contest,
This is wrong. They simply allow Falco to play safer against him and force him to approach.

Shine is really vital. Without it you have a relatively low speed character with very little grab game, and few reliable combos. Even the loss of shine b-air is really unbearable. Falco's other tools are only really good in the context of his shine, they are really freaking mediocre otherwise. Space animals lack a fast disjoint that a lot of other characters rely on to make their neutrals work. The closest thing is b-air, it isn't safe unless it hits people guys.
Learn to space properly, because there is so much wrong with this.

Falco's tool are not only good in the context of Shine. They are good because of their own merits.

In the context of matchups, how is Falco supposed to handle Marth, Falcon, Lucas, ect. If he doesn't have shine, he at a minimum is at disadvantage to anyone with more speed and at least one better disjoint. He probably outright loses.
It's called baiting and punishing. AKA playing the neutral game. Stay out of their range and get them to over commit.


Hologram Summer Again
Jan 16, 2013
Tri Hermes Black Land
I finished Rin's route in Katwa Shoujo.

Rin's route seems to be all of the traits of katawa shoujo as a whole distilled into one route. If someone was to play just one route from the entire game, I'd have to say it should be Rin's. Rin's route captures the absurdity of beginning relationships, the fear in getting to know someone, and the pain, pleasure, and frustration that is all shown in various forms and amounts in the other routes. Rin's route is a roller coaster but it is in a plausible and not-contrived way. Rin herself is still a mystery, but that's the way it is in real life, a less-misunderstood mystery that one wants to keep learning about.
Also I finally understood the way to play Katawa Shoujo. Don't play the game just experience it. Each route is not a goal in itself or a story in itself but an opportunity to figure out what being in love with a person feels like, and I feel like Rin's route captures that feeling the best, and love in all its aspects, be it frustration, anger, sadness, tension, or happiness when things finally fall into place.
Unlike in the game, you don't really choose who to fall in love with, so exploring each route allows you to see what it's like if your subconscious decided on loving each of the characters.
Additionally, it made me really happy that Hisao and Rin didn't tell each other they loved each other at the end. They both thought long and hard and decided that they had no idea but that they were happy being with each other at that moment. They didn't know if they could be there for each other forever or be perfect for each other, but they both were content to try to comfort the other in the moment, which to me is much more of a hallmark of real love as opposed to childish infatuation. Rin's route is the best route, because it incorporates all of the themes in the game as whole, condenses them into a believable package, and results in probably the most mature and realistic ending.
I don't know how I feel about Rin as a whole, although the message I took away from it was you should attempt to understand everyone and see everything from another person's point of view. Under places such as the strange exterior of Rin, there could very well exist a person as wonderful as Rin.

That being all said, I still like Lilly more (and Yuuko more than that) but Rin's route is easily the best.

Also Rin's route made me realize how much I disliked Emi which is funny, because the reason that this game affected me so strongly at first is that the first route I got was Emi's, who reminded me a lot of my ex, which made the route a really weird mix between being really happy and sad. Now at least I have some closure on that as weird as it is.

Blazing Ambition

Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2014
man what a let down
i was so close
to a 7-8 like post
but i ruined it so hard

basically this

god i suck
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
sorry to interupt cripple waifu talk


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