The post is addressing the "the game is already good without customs/there's already a lot to learn/they make the game more defensive" mindset a lot of top players seem to have, rather than taking a jab at Ceo.
This passage in particular
Like, new characters could be allowed for regionals. Community nationals. Maybe even Apex. But NOT our first EVO. It's a big opportunity.
is exactly what zero tweeted out a few days ago, with "customs" replaced with "new characters".
Logistics IS an issue, but not one that can't be resolved. It isn't necessary for every single person in the community to grind every single custom. It's possible to know how specific moves affect matchups by doing some research, and unlocking customs for your main doesn't actually take too long (I unlocked all the marth customs I wanted the other day in about 10 minutes). And with community voted presets seemingly being the future, you don't have to examine every single combination of moves.