So, for the purposes of testing I dug up the knockback formula...
((((( Percent/10 + Percent*Damage/20 ) * 200/Weight+100 * 1.4 ) +18 ) * KBG/100 ) + BKB )
Which should be correct, but does not account for fall speed... how could I factor that into the results if possible?
I have a sheet open with all character's weight value and fall value, and then simply multiplied Weight*Fall for giggles to get a guestimate of "Vertical Launch Resistance", seeing as I have a feeling that the two values contribute lol. Jiggs obviously has the lowest VLR, and Captain Falcon has the highest. Seem about right?
First: Your knockback formula is missing two brackets, should be:
((((( Percent/10 + Percent*Damage/20 ) * 200/(Weight+100) * 1.4 ) +18 ) * KBG/100 ) + BKB )
Now, for how fall speed/terminal velocity affects knockback: Your character is falling during it with an acceleration equal to its gravity and a maximum falling speed of its terminal velocity. In addition to that knockback detiorates at a constant rate.
More exact: Divide the result of the knockback formula by 35 (iirc, something in that range) to get the speed in game units. There's some error at this point that I didn't yet manage to pinpoint that is neither constant nor directly proportional to the knockback. Now, each frames this happens (the variable names are just what I'm using in my script):
(new knockback stored into kbcomp here)
kbcomp = Math.max(kbcomp-0.051, 0);
fallcomp = Math.max(fallcomp-gravity, -terminal_velocity);
speed = kbcomp + fallcomp;
height += speed;
With this information you can see that the "vertical launch resistance" is different for weak and strong knockback. The stronger the knockback, the more important temirnal velocity becomes, while for very weak hits gravity is the main contributing factor. As far as surviving vertical kill throws goes (because weight doesn't contribute here, it's set at 100 for the purpose of the formula), Wolf is the best. If weight comes into the equation, CF probably wins because all the spacies are very light.
Perfect survival DI against strictly vertical knockback is indeed straight left/right. @
Soft Serve
there's different things I imagine you could mean by deadzones, but neither affects strictly vertical/horizontal DI. In fact, cardinal directions are easier to hit.
How much of an influence terminal velocity(+gravity) has on vertical survival versus weight depends on a lot of factors, including launch angle, stage height, etc. Maybe there's a good simple estimate, but that would at least require a good deal of work to get. Generally, falling physics are more important but I can't say by how much.