why is this overworld so awful somebody tell me
Its always been ****, and honestly they made it even worse somehow
Like I didn't even recognize the day care route the first time I saw it, it looked so bad.
Its also significantly harder to recognize where you are on the map with all the fast travels they do for you, I dislike it. You get teleported around instead of having to backtrack. When you go on the ship to the 2nd gym, you dont even get to see yourself traveling the map so you have no idea where you are geographically, unless you constantly check the world map. Like you dont learn the map, they just throw you around.
For a remake, it has a lot more of "go do this, now we take you here to go do this" moments, instead of actual exploration of the overworld (which is sub-par to begin with).
Constant Rival interactions dont help either for learning the world, to me running into the rival
litterally every single route and having him just tell me to do what I was already doing felt horrible and really broke any sort of immersion for me.
Then the whole Latias/Latios thing was super out of place, thrown in to probably just appeal to kids. The auto-traveling that happens there is anoying as well, because it happens like 5 feet into a new area.
The originals had ONE aspect of fast traveling (i'm pretty sure) that happened later in the story, and it fit for story reasons because its the respective team transporting you to the place in a time of serious need.
I feel like they just pumped this one out for money. 3rd gen was charming but had serious flaws map wise and clarity for story advancement wise, and instead of really trying to fix those flaws, like changing the map or making the actions more apparent to begin with, they just auto travel you around sometimes and they just bang you over the head with what to do.
Also, whoever thought it would be cool to turn a casino town into a literal shopping mall should be fired.