Nah, I think I've flexed my **** long enough. I'm just going to let my "hostility" sink in. Mauser summed it up nicely:
I'm done here. You can spend your internal thoughts however you want but you clearly came in here looking to make people angry with your posts as you've already said and it isn't worth humoring you. Telling everyone they shouldn't pay attention to something and then acting holier-than-though about **** is the worst.
You just need to step back and not bite off someone's head over this. Ffs, you may not agree with the fact that he doesn't care, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect it. He hasn't said anything bad towards your view at all, he just merely questioned why you thought that way.
And you attack him.
When you say **** like "FEAR IS GOOD FOR CONTROL," "DEATH NOTE IS A GOOD INSPIRATION FOR REAL LIFE EVENTS," and all that other malarkey he spouted, yeah, I'm gonna get pissed. I don't need to respect anybody insofar as that. If you wanna live that life, fine, I can't stop you, and it ain't like I'm gonna jackslap the kid for thinking the way he does. But if you're gonna start spitting stupid ****, and I mean
really stupid ****, I'm going to ****ing say something. And I don't really
care if I offend you or not, or if it's "hostile" sounding.
Anyways, Strok, you're a cool guy. I'm letting it go now. Just consider what's been said, yeah?
Smooth Criminal