There are ****ty people in all groups.
The biggest issues with gamergate is ****ty game journalism and a complete lack of journalism ethics AND how 3rd wave feminists are hellbent on shaping the future landscape of gaming with political and extreme feminists overtones.
which is complete bull****.
there are misogynists who are on the progg side, but there are also misandrists who are anti-gg.
there have been death threats from the progg side, but for like the past month, a majority of the bigot and racist sayings and death threats and doxxing have been anti-gg.
anti-gg have been highly hypocritical and rarely do they have actual legit discussion.
the origins of gamergate, aka quinnspiracy dont even matter anymore and no one who is progg is even focusing on that anymore.
no one who is progg condones any ****ty action on either side. but time and time again, anti-gg have done some ****ty things, and they dont even bring it up and slam it.
its nonsense.
people like leigh alexander and ben kuchera shouldnt be leading figures in game journalism because they've been caught injecting their personal ideologies into gaming where it shouldnt exist beyond a niche group.
I am an sjw
my tag is sjw
social justice wario
but really tho the demonization of sjws (in fact just using it as an insult in the first place) is a ****ty strawman in and of itself and idk what the negative connotation of being for equality is
SJW is derogatory because of the insanity that people who label themselves as SJW have brought to the forefront.
there is nothing wrong with equality and egalitarianism, but a lot of extremists, people in need of serious mental assistance, and just misguided people have taken up the SJW label and they've caused irreversible harm to the label.
i agree that someone who labels themself as a SJW shouldnt be ignored or not taken seriously, but it hard to be given credibly when you don a tag that's held extremely poorly.