I had the hand already kind of fold into itself to make a makeshift gunstick, and I probably would have had it up yesterday had I had the time to work on it. Actually, I have a question for you. If you're using a move on a platform, and it disappears, how does Brawl deal with it? Because besides this glitch I found where Jumping and pressing B at the same time caused TL to do the full windup animation before going into the charging loop (wait... the code for shortening that animation might be why mine caused the game to freeze!), which happens to happen with or without my animations, there is a problem when the platform falls beneath him and he's charging that the game has a silent freeze (the music keeps playing, though). I have a theory that I forgot to lengthen SpecialAirNWait to 120 frames as well, but...
As for a bullet punch, could you make do with the spike at the back of his hand for now? Because I'll simply fix that when I make my custom model. It's just gonna take a bit of time since school and being 'grounded' take away most of my computer time (and the fact that getting the software again is going to take forever). If I can manage to get my parents to let me to do the work, I should be able to start releasing animations at a rate of about 1 move per week (depending on the move). Little things like standing animations and how his hat/coat move are going to be done after I have a proper model to work with. My priority right now is to manage to get work done, then to do animations for moves you guys need me to do (which I'm behind on, thanks dad).
Anyway, my mom should be here soon, so I'm gonna do what I can while I can.
Oh, and @ Giygue (another Mother fan!), Your opening animation idea was what I was hoping to do as well, but, like standing animations and the like, is not a priority in any way.